16 resultados para street markets

em Universidad del Rosario, Colombia


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National policies in North America have not been drafted properly to address the problem of climate change, following the impasse of international negotiations. Facing this scenario, new alternatives emerge with the leadership and participation of new actors. Local governments in North America, especially of British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec, have been developing strategies to face climate change and emissions reduction in parallel to the national efforts and the global governance strategies. These local governments have developed a transregional approach that has resulted in the creation of regional institutions such as the Western Climate Initiative, the Regional Greenhouse GasInitiative and the Midwestern GreenhouseGas Reduction Accord.Their main goal is to establish regional carbon markets to mitigate and adapt to climate change impacts in a cost-effective way. In spite of these efforts, these initiatives have faced the overlapping problem among them and with national and globalstrategies. The goal of this research is to explore how these carbon markets have developed convergence policies. Convergence among these markets is expressed in their offset system and in secondary markets.


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Realizar una comparación entre el mercado bursátil colombiano y el chileno, a través de un paralelo histórico teniendo en cuenta las legislaciones que rigen dichos mercados y la inversión extranjera en portafolios de inversión, con el fin de determinar por qué el mercado colombiano no se ha desarrollado tan positivamente como lo ha hecho el chileno y definir los posibles mecanismos y políticas adecuadas que deban implementarse para generar ese desarrollo.


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La tesis devela la connotación sistemática y multicausal de lo que a través de la investigación se denomina como "Procesos de Territorialización de la Inseguridad Ciudadana". Mediante un estudio de caso, se pone en evidencia la apropiación y captura sostenida en el tiempo de fenómenos como la inseguridad y la criminalidad, sobre determinadas zonas o barrios urbanos que por sus características socioeconómicas, políticas, geográficas, culturales, laborales y de mercado de quienes los habitan o frecuentan, se consideran como sectores "críticos y/o vulnerables".


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La identificación del perfil del Chief Information Officer (CIO) en el entorno empresarial nacional responde a la necesidad de comparar o constatar el rol aplicado en Colombia en relación a la expectativa de la academia y la pertinencia que lleva en un entorno empresarial global. La migración del concepto de CIO y sus definiciones es resultado de la implementación local de prácticas, teorías y estrategias de alto impacto en mercados internacionales. En el presente documento, se profundiza en las competencias estratégicas y roles prácticos que abarca el perfil del CIO como es visto desde aportes académicos y casuísticos en fuentes internacionales líderes en la construcción de conocimiento.


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El presente proyecto, se planteó una necesidad clara por satisfacer. Las organizaciones hoy en día, necesitan nuevas herramientas que permitan predecir y minimizar riesgos de mercado, con el fin de mejorar su desempeño, su competitividad, su salud financiera y sobre todo, ser más perdurables en ambientes caóticos e inestables. Se planteó un objetivo claro a cumplir, cómo pueden las empresas mejorar su relación con los consumidores y sus comunidades, con el fin de, identificar factores que impacten positivamente la salud financiera de las organizaciones. Es pertinente, el estudio de la salud financiera en empresas de mercados emergentes y los impactos en la implementación de diferentes estrategias comunitarias para establecer métodos que minimicen los riesgos y mejoren el desempeño empresarial. Para cumplir la propuesta planteada, fue necesario abarcar diferentes fuentes de información relacionadas a temas financieros y de mercadeo. Se buscó, tomar ejemplos, teorías y modelos ya implementados en estudios similares y con objetivos en común, relacionados a: uso de indicadores financieros, valoración corporativa, valoración de los estados financieros, diagnóstico de la salud financiera, el uso de estrategias de mercadeo relacional, la fidelización de clientes y el uso de estrategias comunitarias. Además, fue necesaria la búsqueda de empresas en los mercados emergentes de Brasil y Colombia, que representan el tipo de muestra deseada para desarrollar el estudio y sus objetivos. A dicha empresa, se le realizará una serie de estudios para poder satisfacer las necesidades planteadas en el presente proyecto. Por medio de dichos estudios, se pretende identificar relaciones en el uso de estrategias comunitarias y sus impactos en la salud financiera de las organizaciones. Es importante, identificar factores de riesgo y de protección para prevenir impactos negativos o potencializar aquellos que beneficien a las empresas. Con lo anterior, será posible obtener pruebas o herramientas que mejoren los procesos de toma de decisiones de alta dirección, la formulación de directrices en estrategia corporativa y definición de ventajas competitivas de la organización. Se pretende, brindar una aproximación a nuevos conocimientos y enfoques de estudios, expuestos en el proyecto, para mejorar la ciencia de la gestión, el desempeño y la perdurabilidad empresarial en mercados emergentes. El proyecto, tomó como fuente de estudio, el banco Brasileño Itau Unibanco Holding S.A. que representa de la mejor forma, el tipo de muestra necesaria para poder cumplir con los objetivos planteados. El banco, tienen presencia en la región bastante importante y sigue con metas de expansión e internacionalización. Además de eso, es considerado el banco privado más grande de Brasil, el cuarto mayor de Chile y la quinta institución financiera de Colombia. Ha sido ganador, de varios galardones y reconocimiento por sus buenas practicas, su enfoque hacia la sostenibilidad, la sociedad, el buen ambiente y los derechos. El proyecto, culminó demostrando que efectivamente el uso de estrategias comunitarias tiene un impacto importante en la imagen corporativa, la reputación y como consecuencia, en la estabilidad financiera. Se evidenció, también, el desempeño del banco Itau Unibanco Holding del año 2013, donde, se aplicaron diferentes estudios, indicadores y demás, que demostraron un buen resultado, y por ende, una fuerte posición y salud financiera. Adicionalmente, se mostraron diferentes tipos de estrategias que el banco usa hoy en día dirigidas a las comunidades, evidenciando ejemplos en Brasil y en Chile y describiendo los proyectos, los programas o las estrategias que el banco usa para aportar a la comunidad, ser parte de la sociedad, mejorar su imagen, aumentar su reputación, profundizar en la caracterización de las necesidades de sus consumidores y revertir todo lo anterior en mejores soluciones, mejores productos y mejores formas de relacionamiento. Dicha integración en el ambiente y en el entorno de sus consumidores impacta de buena manera los resultados financieros y permite que la posición en el mercado se mantenga fuerte y firme.


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We consider two–sided many–to–many matching markets in which each worker may work for multiple firms and each firm may hire multiple workers. We study individual and group manipulations in centralized markets that employ (pairwise) stable mechanisms and that require participants to submit rank order lists of agents on the other side of the market. We are interested in simple preference manipulations that have been reported and studied in empirical and theoretical work: truncation strategies, which are the lists obtained by removing a tail of least preferred partners from a preference list, and the more general dropping strategies, which are the lists obtained by only removing partners from a preference list (i.e., no reshuffling). We study when truncation / dropping strategies are exhaustive for a group of agents on the same side of the market, i.e., when each match resulting from preference manipulations can be replicated or improved upon by some truncation / dropping strategies. We prove that for each stable mechanism, truncation strategies are exhaustive for each agent with quota 1 (Theorem 1). We show that this result cannot be extended neither to group manipulations (even when all quotas equal 1 – Example 1), nor to individual manipulations when the agent’s quota is larger than 1 (even when all other agents’ quotas equal 1 – Example 2). Finally, we prove that for each stable mechanism, dropping strategies are exhaustive for each group of agents on the same side of the market (Theorem 2), i.e., independently of the quotas.


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This paper applies stationarity tests to examine evidence of market integration for a relatively large sample of food products in Colombia. We Önd little support for market integration when using the univariate KPSS tests for stationarity. However, within a panel context and after allowing for cross sectional dependence, the Hadri tests provide much more evidence supporting the view that food markets are integrated or, in other words, that the law of one price holds for most products.


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We study competition in two sided markets with common network externality rather than with the standard inter-group e¤ects. This type of externality occurs when both groups bene t, possibly with di¤erent intensities, from an increase in the size of one group and from a decrease in the size of the other. We explain why common externality is relevant for the health and education sectors. We focus on the symmetric equilibrium and show that when the externality itself satis es an homogeneity condition then platforms pro ts and price structure have some speci c properties. Our results reveal how the rents coming from network externalities are shifted by platforms from one side to other, according to the homogeneity degree. In the speci c but realistic case where the common network externality is homogeneous of degree zero, platform s pro t do not depend on the intensity of the (common) network externality. This is in sharp contrast to conventional results stating that the presence of network externalities in a two-sided market structure increases the intensity of competition when the externality is positive (and decreases it when the externality is negative). Prices are a¤ected but in such a way that platforms only transfer rents from consumers to providers.


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This paper uses a two-sided market model of hospital competition to study the implications of di§erent remunerations schemes on the physiciansí side. The two-sided market approach is characterized by the concept of common network externality (CNE) introduced by Bardey et al. (2010). This type of externality occurs when occurs when both sides value, possibly with di§erent intensities, the same network externality. We explicitly introduce e§ort exerted by doctors. By increasing the number of medical acts (which involves a costly e§ort) the doctor can increase the quality of service o§ered to patients (over and above the level implied by the CNE). We Örst consider pure salary, capitation or fee-for-service schemes. Then, we study schemes that mix fee-for-service with either salary or capitation payments. We show that salary schemes (either pure or in combination with fee-for-service) are more patient friendly than (pure or mixed) capitations schemes. This comparison is exactly reversed on the providersíside. Quite surprisingly, patients always loose when a fee-for-service scheme is introduced (pure of mixed). This is true even though the fee-for-service is the only way to induce the providers to exert e§ort and it holds whatever the patientsívaluation of this e§ort. In other words, the increase in quality brought about by the fee-for-service is more than compensated by the increase in fees faced by patients.


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In this paper we reviewed the models of volatility for a group of five Latin American countries, mainly motivated by the recent periods of financial turbulence. Our results based on high frequency data suggest that Dynamic multivariate models are more powerful to study the volatilities of asset returns than Constant Conditional Correlation models. For the group of countries included, we identified that domestic volatilities of asset markets have been increasing; but the co-volatility of the region is still moderate.


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The purpose of this expository arti le is to present a self- ontained overview of some results on the hara terization of the optimal value fun tion of a sto hasti target problem as (dis ontinuous) vis osity solution of a ertain dynami programming PDE and its appli ation to the problem of hedging ontingent laims in the presen e of portfolio onstraints and large investors


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This study proposes a new method for testing for the presence of momentum in nominal exchange rates, using a probabilistic approach. We illustrate our methodology estimating a binary response model using information on local currency / US dollar exchange rates of eight emerging economies. After controlling for important variables a§ecting the behavior of exchange rates in the short-run, we show evidence of exchange rate inertia; in other words, we Önd that exchange rate momentum is a common feature in this group of emerging economies, and thus foreign exchange traders participating in these markets are able to make excess returns by following technical analysis strategies. We Önd that the presence of momentum is asymmetric, being stronger in moments of currency depreciation than of appreciation. This behavior may be associated with central bank intervention


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This paper develops a model of the regulator-regulated firm relationship in a regional natural gas commodity market which can be linked to a competitive market by a pipeline. We characterize normative policies under which the regulator, in addition to setting the level of the capacity of the pipeline, regulates the price of gas, under asymmetric information on the firm’s technology, and may (or may not) operate (two-way) transfers between consumers and the firm. We then focus on capacity and investigate how its level responds to the regulator’s taking account of the firm’s incentive compatibility constraints. The analysis yields some insights on the role that transport capacity investments may play as an instrument to improve the efficiency of geographically isolated markets.