em Universidad del Rosario, Colombia
Background: The Intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) and abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) have a impact on the respiratory system and the recommendations for mechanical ventilation of patients with IAH/ACS remain unclear. Our study characterize the influence of elevated intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) on airway plateau pressure (PPLAT) and bladder pressure (PBLAD). Methods: Nine (n=9) deeply anesthetized swine were mechanically ventilated via tracheostomy: volume-controlled mode at tidal volume = 10 ml/kg, frequency=15, Inspiratory:Expiratory ratio=1:2 and PEEP of 1 and 10 cmH2O (PEEP1 and PEEP10, respectively). A tracheostomy tube was place in the peritoneal cavity and different levels of IAP were applied utilizing a CPAP system. Measurements were performed during both PEEP1 and PEEP10. Results: PBLAD increased as experimental IAP rose. Minimal underestimation of IAP by PBLAD was observed. Applying PEEP10 did not significantly affect the correlation between experimental IAP and PBLAD. PBLAD (in cmH2O) was reflected by changes in PPLAT regardless of the PEEP.
Frequency of Low-level Mosaicism in X-Cromosome in Couples with Antecedent of Recurrent Miscarriages
Recurrent miscarriage occurs in around 1 to 7 percent of couples. The etiology involves genetic, immunologic, anatomic, hormonal, metabolic, thrombophilic and infectious factors. With the aim of establishing the frequency of low-level mosaicism in the X-chromosome, in a population of couples with prior recurrent miscarriages, a prospective case-control cytogenetic study took place on 20 couples, at the biogenetic laboratory in CECOLFES (Colombian Center of Fertility and Sterility). Clinical pathologic evaluation, anatomic, hormonal, infectious, andrologic and genetic studies were performed. As a conventional method in cytogenetic techniques, banding GTG was used for the study of structural and numeric chromosomal abnormalities whereas the molecular method of Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) was used to confirm the mosaicism in sexual chromosomes. According to paraclinic results from the participating couples, diagnosis showed immunologic (75%), anatomic (30%), hormonal (25%), male (25%), infectious (25%), genetic (15%) and idiophatic factors (10%). Results from the cytogenetic analysis, were 10% of low-level mosaicism in the X-chromosome in two women whose final diagnosis included genetic and infectious factors for one and genetic and immunologic factors for the other. Only 10 % of the total miscarriages from the couples were evaluated. Conclusions include aspects such as multifactorial evidence of pathogenesis in recurrent miscarriage, the sub-diagnosis of genetic factors and the need to focus future investigations on cytogenetic interpretation and the clinicalpathological association between low-level mosaicism in the X-cromosome and recurrent miscarriage.
Las infecciones asociadas a ventilación mecánica (VM) son frecuentes en la unidad de cuidado intensivo (UCI). Existen dos infecciones: neumonía (NAV) y traqueobronquitis (TAV). NAV genera impacto negativo en los desenlaces de los pacientes al aumentar la morbilidad, mortalidad y los tiempos en UCI y VM, pero no se conoce el impacto de TAV. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar si hay diferencias entre NAV y TAV. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de cohortes entre 2009 y 2013 en la UCI de la Fundación Neumológica Colombiana. De los pacientes con NAV y TAV se obtuvieron datos demográficos, epidemiológicos, microbiológicos y desenlaces como tiempos de estancia en UCI, VM y de hospitalización y mortalidad. Se compararon estadísticamente mediante t de Student y Chi2 para datos normales y prueba de Mann-Whitney para datos no normales. Resultados: Los pacientes con NAV y TAV fueron similares en la condición de ingreso a UCI. Al diagnóstico de la infección hubo diferencias significativas entre grupos en la oxigenación y tiempo de estancia hospitalaria, en UCI y VM. La microbiología fue con predominio de gérmenes Gram negativos y presencia de multirresistencia en el 52.5% de casos, sin diferencias significativas entre grupos. En los desenlaces, se observó diferencias en los tiempos totales de estancia en UCI, hospitalización y VM, pero sin diferencia en ellos después del diagnóstico. No hubo diferencias significativas en mortalidad. Conclusiones: NAV y TAV son similares en el impacto sobre la evolución de los pacientes en cuanto a morbilidad, estancias y mortalidad.