7 resultados para Aggressive incidents inside a Montreal barroom involving patrons

em Universidad del Rosario, Colombia


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Decano de las Facultades de Relaciones Internacionales y de Ciencia Política y Gobierno participará en el International Council for Canadian Studies, en Montreal, Canadá


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Esta monografía busca estudiar y evaluar la efectividad del Mecanismo Financiero del Protocolo de Montreal Relativo a las Sustancias que Agotan la Capa de Ozono. El estudio se centra en la efectividad que dicho mecanismo ha tenido en Colombia, como país en desarrollo que ha obtenido algunos beneficios del mismo desde 1994, cuando se hizo Parte del Protocolo y hasta 2004, período en el cual, se ha implementado este instrumento en el país para contribuir a la solución mundial al problema del agotamiento de la capa de ozono, a través de la eliminación del consumo de las sustancias químicas que producen ese efecto y alentando la conciencia ambiental.


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Appreciation of humor includes several cognitive and social processes. None can say that two communities will laugh at the same jokes and find funny the same humorous content. This study worked differences in humor appreciation of university students and comparisons were made between sex and age of participants. To assess the appreciation of humor was built an instrument with 15 written jokes. This instrument was presented to a total sample of 81 students, divided into 3 groups of different age. Participants had to evaluate two aspects: the playfulness and the difficulty of each stimulus or humorous vignette. The jokes that showed significant differences in jocularity have a particular structure marked for a disqualifying content to men, indicating, as noted the literature, that men have more fun with sexual humor and prefers this kind of jokes as well as content related to aggressive or hostile, while women have more fun with humorous vignettes when the man is the victim and reject more when the victim is a woman. In terms of age and the appreciation of humor, there are differences in the type of situations and social contexts valued in the jokes, involving relationship between situational and social aspects of humor.


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Introduction. Duchenne and Becker Muscular Dystrophies (DMD/DMB) are X-linked recessive diseases characterized by progressive muscle weakness and wasting, loss of motor skills and death after the second decade of life. Deletions are the most prevalent mutations that affect the dystrophin gene, which spans 79 exons.Objective: Identify deletions on the dystrophin gene in 58 patients affected with DMD.Methods: Through multiplex PCR identify deletions on the dystrophin gene in 58 patients with DMD and observe the frequency of this mutation in our population.Results: We found deletions in 1.72% of patients (1 of 58 persons). Deletions were not the principal cause of disease in our population. It is possible that duplications and point mutations caused this illness in our patients.Conclusions: The frequency of deletions in the 15 exons analyzed from the dystrophin gene was low. The predominant types of mutation in our patients` samples were not deletions as has been observed in the literature worldwide, therefore, it is important to determine other types of mutations as are duplications and point mutations.


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This article describes the housing policies displayed historically in B.A. that affected the processes of configuration and of giving hierarchy to the urban space. Since the process of modernization of B.A., at the end of the XIXth century, housing measures, urbanistic projects and political decisions have influenced the building of the city and the space distribution of their inhabitants: in this way, they have integrated some people and excluded others. No wonder, that, historically, popular sectors have established themselves in the South of the city (and in outskirt villages). These zones have been disregarded by the state, which has invested less in these areas. We will see how the connection between state housing policies and the population redistribution in the city, confirms the persistence of a strong process of urban and residential segregation that tends to expel the inhabitants of popular sectors and to attract the ones of the middle-class and high class sectors.


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Desde el año 2000 el idilio China-África está marcado principalmente por un foro de cooperación, mecanismo de diálogo y cooperación colectiva ideado por China. Sin embargo, destaca que esta relación ha evolucionado en función de los intereses estratégicos de los chinos. China se inserta en los circuitos económico-comerciales africanos de manera metódica y decidida. A diferencia de sus competidores (Estados Unidos, Unión Europea, Canadá, Japón, etc.), que actúan en África de manera preferencial, China invierte en todos los países africanos sin ninguna excepción, sin importar su régimen político, su situación económico-financiera o su ubicación geográfica. Sin embargo, la voracidad energética china se ha vuelto objeto de preocupación en el Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas, sobre todo por su ofensiva por acaparar el mercado petrolero africano. Puede afirmarse que el actuar chino en África es una expresión de su pragmatismo económico-comercial, con efectos colaterales negativos para la integración y el desarrollo de África.-----Since 2000, the relationship between China and Africa is growing up because of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) which is a collective mechanism of dialogue and cooperation. Meanwhile, it’s important to mention that this relationship has increased regarding the Chinese strategic interests in Africa. China is getting inside the African economic and trade networks in a methodic and aggressive way. Differently from his competitors (USA, EU, Canada, Japan...) which only seem to use Africa, China invests in all the African countries without looking at their economical or financial situation, neither their geographical location. The energetical voracity of China has become a real issue at the United Nations Security Council, especially for the Chinese strike in the African petroleum market. For many reasons, we can affirm that the way China is acting in Africa is only the expression of its economical and trade pragmatism, which also has got negative results in the african development and integration process.


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En el contexto de globalización, cambio y entornos más agresivos para las organizaciones, se hace necesario conocer el impacto de la administración de la cadena de suministro en el desempeño organizacional y cómo el fortalecimiento de la cadena permite a las organizaciones mantenerse en el mercado (Jacoby, 2009). Esta tendencia aplica para las organizaciones en todo el mundo, en el caso de las organizaciones Colombianas se requiere un trabajo académico donde se haga un análisis de los impactos de las cadenas de suministro en el desempeño organizacional (Ministerio de Transporte, Ministerio de Comercio, DIAN, & DNP, 2008). Una muestra de lo anterior es el hecho de que Colombia se encuentra en el puesto 97 en el ranking de desempeño logístico hecho por el Banco Mundial en 2014 (Banco Mundial, 2014). Esto demuestra la necesidad de mejorar los procesos logísticos en el país mediante el fortalecimiento de las cadenas de suministros, permitiendo una mayor eficiencia y capacidad de respuesta ante las demandas globales de los diferentes mercados en un entorno cambiante y agresivo. Por lo anterior se debe comprender y dimensionar el potencial impacto que tenga el desempeño organizacional y la correcta gestión de la cadena de suministros en el contexto Colombiano. Por consiguiente a través de una exhaustiva revisión literaria se buscaran los puntos de convergencia entre el desempeño organizacional y la cadena de suministros, haciendo uso del modelo Balance Score Card para analizar desde las perspectivas financiera, clientes, procesos internos e innovación y aprendizaje de las organizaciones, las actividades que involucran las cadena de suministro: aprovisionamiento, producción y distribución.