36 resultados para divide
The strategic equilibrium of an N-person cooperative game with transferable utility is a system composed of a cover collection of subsets of N and a set of extended imputations attainable through such equilibrium cover. The system describes a state of coalitional bargaining stability where every player has a bargaining alternative against any other player to support his corresponding equilibrium claim. Any coalition in the sable system may form and divide the characteristic value function of the coalition as prescribed by the equilibrium payoffs. If syndicates are allowed to form, a formed coalition may become a syndicate using the equilibrium payoffs as disagreement values in bargaining for a part of the complementary coalition incremental value to the grand coalition when formed. The emergent well known-constant sum derived game in partition function is described in terms of parameters that result from incumbent binding agreements. The strategic-equilibrium corresponding to the derived game gives an equal value claim to all players. This surprising result is alternatively explained in terms of strategic-equilibrium based possible outcomes by a sequence of bargaining stages that when the binding agreements are in the right sequential order, von Neumann and Morgenstern (vN-M) non-discriminatory solutions emerge. In these solutions a preferred branch by a sufficient number of players is identified: the weaker players syndicate against the stronger player. This condition is referred to as the stronger player paradox. A strategic alternative available to the stronger players to overcome the anticipated not desirable results is to voluntarily lower his bargaining equilibrium claim. In doing the original strategic equilibrium is modified and vN-M discriminatory solutions may occur, but also a different stronger player may emerge that has eventually will have to lower his equilibrium claim. A sequence of such measures converges to the equal opportunity for all vN-M solution anticipated by the strategic equilibrium of partition function derived game. [298-words]
The objective of the present article is to illustrate the social interstice (Las Jarretaderas) existing between the municipalities Bahía de Banderas, Nayarit and Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco. The researched community is an outstanding case-study providing an in-depth analysis of a number of social process mostly related to the chiapaneca migration. The text is divided into two sections. The first one deals with the urbanization process of the metropolitan area of Puerto Vallarta. The second and longer section defines the concept of social interstice and explains how the researched locality falls under under that previously-defined concept according to the processes analyzed.
Este artículo analiza la construcción de significados compartidos al interior de una emergente movilización social por el agua en la Cuenca de México (CM). Este texto se deriva de una investigación doctoral sobre el desarrollo reciente de esta movilización (2005-2009) y su potencial aporte reflexivo a la sociedad. El análisis de los significados compartidos realizado permite, de una parte, identificar y jerarquizar las principales ideas y propuestas que esta movilización ofrece al sistema político y social, y, de otra parte, evaluar su aporte crítico y propositivo frente al actual orden social del agua en la región. El desarrollo de esta movilización es, en efecto, un indicador del aumento y la cualificación de la acción y la organización social por el agua, así como de la agudización de los conflictos y el malestar social frente a sus definiciones y usos dominantes. El contenido de este artículo se divide en tres secciones: primero, la contextualización del caso de estudio y sus principales elementos te ricos y metodológicos; segundo, el análisis de los significados compartidos en la movilización, y tercero, las consideraciones finales y conclusiones sobre los principales retos que la movilización enfrenta y su potencial aporte reflexivo, político y cultural.
The paper focuses on an emergent Tepic: the new role of territorios in the worldwide competente pushed by globalization. Each and everyone territory seeks the same result: attract capital, innovations, turism and, at the same time, sell its goods and services worldwide. As an old African proverb states: “in the African plain no matter what you are, lion or antelope, you better start running from the eve to avoid dying, either from starving or in the gullet of a depredator”. In Latin America the importance granted to territorial marketing is scarce bur growing. It is necessary to apply to territories the prescriptions that Aristóteles wrote on rethorics, the art of delivering a discourse. These rules are based on ethos (the essential characteristics of who speaks), on pathos (the emocional appeal contained in the speech) and on logos (the reason or rationality). Text is structured in four sections: a) Introduction, a description of the problem to be discussed including a revision of the concept of globalization making clear its systemic nature and its most likely result: a unique commercial space and multiple production spaces; b) Competence and territorial marketing, discussing the main theoretical issues involved; c) Chilean experience on territorial marketing; d) Final comments.
A lo largo de la historia republicana de Colombia el debate sobre la pena de muerte siempre ha estado presente, directa o indirectamente. A pesar de que se abolió oficialmente en 1910, ha sido frecuente escuchar voces que se muestran favorables a una reaplicación de la pena de muerte. Uno de los momentos más significativos, quizá el más importante hasta la fecha, ocurrió en 1925. El objetivo de este artículo es reflexionar sobre el proceso histórico del cadalso en Colombia, buscando examinar las posiciones presentadas por abolicionistas y defensores de la pena de muerte en los primeros años del siglo XX. El artículo se divide en dos partes. La primera aborda reflexiones filosóficas sobre la pena de muerte, alrededor de Hobbes y Spinoza, incluyendo algunas referencias sociológicas de Durkheim. La segunda se concentra en estudiar algunas polémicas a favor y en contra del restablecimiento de la pena de muerte en Colombia.-----Throughout Colombia’s republican history the debate on the death penalty has always been present, either directly or indirectly. Despite it being officially abolished in 1910, many have frequently been heard favoring a reestablishment of the death penalty. One of the most significant events, and perhaps the most important to date, took place in 1925. The purpose of this article is to reflect on the historic process of scaffolding in Colombia, seeking to examine the opinions presented by abolitionists and defenders of the death penalty during the early years of the 20th century. It is divided into two parts. The first addresses the philosophical questions regarding the death penalty, from Hobbes and Spinoza, and including some sociological references to Durkheim. The second concentrates on studying some of the polemics in favor and against the reestablishment of the death penalty in Colombia.
Este artículo contribuye al entendimiento de las políticas públicas a través de la propuesta y análisis de una nueva definición del concepto política pública. Esta definición es el resultado de un ejercicio académico liderado por su autor en el que participaron diversos estudiantes de universidades de Bogotá y el cual fue complementado por una revisión de las definiciones existentes en la bibliografía especializada. El artículo se divide en tres partes. En la primera se justifica la necesidad de buscar una nueva definición del concepto de política pública aludiendo a los vacíos encontrados en las definiciones de otros autores. En la segunda se presenta la definición propuesta, se hacen algunas consideraciones sobre la naturaleza de la misma y se alude a los diversos tipos de políticas públicas que son recogidos por la definición. Finalmente, en la tercera parte se analizan los elementos constitutivos de la definición, mencionando los principales ajustes introducidos gracias a los debates de clase.-----This article contributes to the understanding of public policies through the proposal and analysis of a new definition of public policy. This definition resulted from an academic exercise led by its author with the participation of various university students from Bogotá, complemented by a review of definitions existing in specialized literature. It is divided into three parts. It first justifies the need to provide a new definition that alludes to gaps found in definitions by other authors. Secondly, it outlines the proposed definition, presents considerations about the nature of said definition, and points out some public policy typologies for advancing in understanding the definition. Finally, it analyzes the elements that constitute the definition, pointing out major adjustments introduced from class debates.