17 resultados para Land Act


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This article reviews the evidence collected by diverse national and international organizations regarding the relationship between sexual violence against women, forced displacement, and dispossession in the context of the Colombian armed conflict. To this end, it uses the concept of “sexual violence regimes” to highlight that the endspursued by sexual violence are not always exhausted by simple consummation (that is, the act of sexual violence itself), but depending on the context, can be connected with broader strategic goals of armed actors. At the same time, this document admits the difficulty of proving this relationship with respect to judicial procedures, and thus sets out the possibility of creating a rebuttable presumption, in the framework of “unconstitutional state of affairs” created by judgment T-025 of 2004, that alleviates the burden of proof of the victims, and serves as a catalyst to promote new genderbased mechanisms of reparations.


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La concentración de tierras ha sido una problemática recurrente en la historia de Colombia. La desigualdad en la distribución de las tierras ha moldeado constantemente a lo largo de las décadas nuestra realidad nacional. A pesar de la implementación de políticas agrarias en el pasado como la ley 200 de 1936 y la ley 135 de 1961, el conflicto agrario ha afectado de manera constante como generador de inequidad, violencia y desplazamiento dentro de la sociedad colombiana desde la Independencia hasta nuestros días, sin que hasta el momento el problema sobre la tenencia de la tierra haya sido resuelto.


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El trabajo se enmarca en las discusiones relacionadas con segregación espacial, segregación social y construcción de barrios mezclados. Específicamente, selecciona el caso de La Felicidad: ciudad parque en Bogotá como un ejemplo que sirve para analizar las políticas públicas enfocadas en disminuir la segregación residencial en la ciudad a partir de la construcción de un vecindario que está compuesto por vivienda de interés social y vivienda regular. A partir de métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos se analiza cómo esta funcionando esta propuesta urbana.


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Estudio de caso en el análisis de la situación afrontada por la población de Papúa Occidental durante el periodo de 1962-1969, época en la que la nueva República de Indonesia y Holanda se disputaban la soberanía sobre el territorio papuano. Dicha disputa tuvo lugar durante la época de Guerra Fría, lo que llevó a que Estados Unidos junto con sus aliados en la región y la Unión Soviética intervinieran en él. Finalmente, Estados Unidos teniendo en cuenta sus intereses favoreció a la República de Indonesia y obligó a Holanda firmar el Acuerdo de Nueva York, en el que se establecía que sería la Autoridad Ejecutiva Temporal de las Naciones Unidas quien administrara y preparara el territorio para un futuro Acto de Libre Elección. En cualquiera que fuese el panorama, las Naciones Unidas no cumplieron con lo establecido en el Acuerdo lo que llevó a que fueran condescendientes con todas las peticiones indonesias sin tener en cuenta los deseos y los derechos de la población papuana, violándose su derecho de auto-determinación de los pueblos.


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The armed conflict in Colombia, which has generated over three million internally displaced persons, has dramatic humanitarian consequences and raises serious issues regarding the protection of displaced peoples’ rights. The underlying reasons for the displacement often lie in the dynamics associated with territorial control and land seizures undertaken for strategic, military or purely economic purposes. Domestic and international legal provisions have established the victims’ right to the restitution of their homes and property as the “preferred remedy” in cases of displacement. However, policies dealing with displacement, both those of the Colombian government and of several international institutions, fail to take this sufficiently into account. A comprehensive reparation policy for victims must necessarily entail the reversion of lands, territories and goods seized in Colombia under the pretext of the internal armed conflict.


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This paper seeks the determine the ways in which anomalous decisions derived from the particularization and constitutionalization of environmental law can arise given the general theory of administrative action. This is seen through the lens of a study and characterization of administrative decisions issued by the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Cundinamarca –CAR- within the superficial water concessions procedure. It also discusses the conceptual contents of these licenses.


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The State-building process must be understood through the study of the agencies in charge of each of its regulatory functions. One such function is the regulation of property rights. During the Liberal Republic, as a reaction to the massive mobilization,new tools to better regulate property rights were promoted: colonization, parceling, the award of public lands and, at the end, a new legal framework. In spite of its purposes, they faced and failed to solve the challenges every organization experiences when growing: resource scarcity, controlling its agents, and keeping technical simplicity.


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This article offers a theoretical interpretation of the dispositions on land restitution contained in the famous “Victims’ Bill”, which was debated in the Colombian Congress during the year 2008. The bill included specific mechanisms aimed at guaranteeing the restitution of land to victims of the Colombian armed conflict. At the time, the bill was endorsed by all the main political actors in the country –notably the government and the elites that support it, on the one hand, and victims’ and human rights organizations and other opposition groups, on the other–. The fact that the restitution of land to victims of the Colombian armed conflict was being considered as a serious possibility by all political actors in the country seemed to indicate the existence of a consensus among actors whose positions are ordinarily opposed, on an issue that has traditionally led to high levels of polarization. This consensus is quite puzzling, because it seems to be at odds with the interests and/or the conceptions of justice advocated by these political actors, and because the restitution of land faces enormous difficulties both from a factual and a normative point of view, which indicates that it may not necessarily be the best alternative for dealing with the issue of land distribution in Colombia. This article offers an interpretation of said consensus, arguing that it is only an apparent consensus in which the actors are actually misrepresenting their interests and conceptions of justice, while at the same time adopting divergent strategies of implementation aimed at fulfilling their true interests. Nevertheless, the article concludes that the common adherence by all actors to the principle of restorative justice might bring about its actual realization, and thus produce an outcome that, in spite (and perhaps even because) of being unintended, might substantively contribute to solving the problem of unequal land distribution in Colombia. Even though the article focuses in some detail on the specificities of the 2008 Bill, it attempts to make a general argument about the state of the discussion on how to deal with the issue of land distribution in the country. Consequently, it may still be relevant today, especially considering that a new Bill on land restitution is currently being discussed in Congress, which includes the same restitution goals as the Victims’ Bill and many of its procedural and substantive details, and which therefore seems to reflect a similar consensus to the one analyzed in the article.


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Las ocupaciones ilegales, vinculadas a los procesos especulativos del mercado de tierras, generan numerosas tensiones ambientales y sociales. Estos conflictos se ven reforzados por la debilidad de las instituciones y los choques de intereses entre los agentes económicos. La mayoría de los estudios sobre los procesos de ocupación de las zonas rurales periurbanas en el Estado de Sao Paulo,  Brasil, se basan en la suposición de que de la Ley de Protección de los Manantiales (LPM) se genera la caída de los precios de las tierras. En este contexto, el presente estudio aporta un análisis  de la urbanización de estas áreas en los manantiales de la región metropolitana de Sao Paulo, del control de la influencia de la LPM en las ocupaciones y de la depreciación/valorización de terrenos  ubicados en esa zona. Los resultados muestran que el comportamiento de los precios de las tierras agrícolas de los municipios pertenecientes a las cuencas hidrográficas de la zona no estuvo influenciado  por la LPM. La influencia predo  inante, en este caso, es la de las políticas macroeconómicas del plan real de Brasil.


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In this work we analyze the reforms carried out by the Mexican state in the nineties of the 20th century, in the items concerning the policies of housing and urban land, based on an exhaustive review of the main actions, programs and changes in the legal and institutional frame that applies for each of these fields. The nineties represent a "breaking point" in the way the State considers the satisfaction of the right to the housing and attends the offer of urbanized land for a tidy and sustainable urban development. In this period of time, the approach of direct intervention in developing and financing housing and creation of land reserves has changed into another one, ruled by the logic of the market. The balance to the first decade of the 21st century is ambiguous, as neither the housing policy has solved the housing shortage for low-income population, nor the land policy has eliminated the illegal urban growth.


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The urban growth in Latino American cities, in a neoliberal context, has led to several population groups to having no possibilities to the access to urban land. Informal and irregular urban settlements increase, requiring attention from local governments, with actions and strategies in order to achieve both the regularization of such situation and further prevention. In the city of Córdoba different informal and irregular operations have taken place promoted by different actors. Furthermore, policies focused on regularization which have been promoted, have few intervention mechanisms, a fact that becomes critical, especially for the urban problems it causes. The main aim of this article is to present a classification over different modes of urban land acquirement taking place out of both urban and civil legislations. Afterwards, different informal settlement typologies are described, as well as the policies focused on them, together with their respective effects and impacts.


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This paper presents an approach to the relationship between land use planning and socioeconomic residential segregation, from the location of social housing in Medellin, Colombia, during the period 2006-2011. The first part introduces the land use regulations regarding the location of social housing, identifying ambiguities in the current spatial plan. Next, we present the intersection of  regulatory information and the location of the projects that were under construction during the  study period, highlighting the need to consider the location as an important characteristic of social housing and residential segregation as a phenomenon that must be recognized and worked on land  use planning in our cities.


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This article characterizes the conditions of the informal land and housing supply during the first decade of the xxi century in Bogota, regarding magnitude and location of the informal urban growth (new occupations in the periphery and informal densification of consolidated areas), housing  conditions in recent occupations and the characteristics of the land market. The situation of the  last decade has been reconstructed based in aerial photography analysis, census data quantification  and data analysis from planning and control public entities. Results suggest that due to the relative  land scarcity in Bogotá, among other aspects, the informal market dynamics have experimented changes compared to previous decades, because the growth in consolidated urban areas becomes  more important than the informal urbanization of the peripheries, but at the same time informality  transcends the municipal perimeter to the neighboring municipalities.


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El hecho de que, desde la Constitución de 1991, normas y sentencias tiendan en considerar que los ejecutivos locales (alcaldes, gobernadores) deben ser unos agentes regidores que practican el gobierno del territorio y la “descentralización controlada” más que unos actores gobernantes, defensores de la gobernancia de sus territorios, plantea la cuestión de saber por qué y cómo aquéllos pueden combinar este doble rol. La mayor parte de la respuesta se encuentra en el examen simultáneo de la lógica de regulación de las políticas pública (Muller, 1997 y 2002) y de las condiciones de su implementación en el territorio o “despliegue territorial” (Medellín, 2003).La territorialidad de una política pública se refiere, según Muller, a una situación en la cual la lógica dominante de una política pública es una lógica territorial u horizontal (regulación de un territorio geográfico en una dialéctica centro-periferia), mientras la sectorialidad se refiere a una situación en la cual la lógica dominante de una política pública es una lógica sectorial o vertical (regulación de la reproducción de un sector determinado verticalmente en una dialéctica global-sectorial). A cada lógica de regulación de las políticas públicas le corresponde una manera de gobernar un territorio: el gobierno del territorio para la sectorialidad y la gobernancia de los territorios para la territorialidad.Al contrario del caso francés en el cual la construcción del Estado marca el fin de una lógica de territorialidad (la “territorialidad tradicional”), el Estado colombiano es un Estado endémico, un Estado fragmentado confrontado a la lucha por el control territorial y el temor a la fractura de la unidad territorial (Navas, 2003). Su capacidad parcial por cubrir todo el territorio y actuar sobre él (su “territorialidad parcial” según Medellín) afecta su gobernabilidad y el despliegue territorial de las políticas públicas, sometido a negociaciones inciertas, cercanas a la temática de la gobernancia.Por ello, la gobernabilidad en Colombia sólo es posible mediante políticas públicas híbridas, hijas del “matrimonio indisoluble de la sectorialidad y de la territorialidad”, de la “secterritorialidad”, que combina en proporción variable lógica sectorial (o sectorialidad, que implica centralización) y lógica territorial (o territorialidad, que implica descentralización), gracias a un modo de gobierno híbrido, la “gobiernancia” del territorio, ésta es una “dosificación” compleja entre gobier-no y gobernancia. Es, entonces, posible determinar el grado de territorialidad y de sectorialidad de una política pública en un momento dado y clasificar las políticas públicas según su grado de territorialidad y de sectorialidad, es decir, según la importancia relativa de sus lógicas de regulación.Si el periodo que empieza al iniciar los años setenta, y que termina al iniciar los años ochenta es un periodo en el cual domina primordialmente la sectorialidad y se asegura la gobernabilidad recurriendo casi exclusivamente al gobierno del territorio a través del despliegue territorial separado de cada sector, el periodo que va de 1984 a la época actual, caracterizado por la “descentralización controlada”, señala un cambio parcial de lógica de regulación de las políticas públicas a través del recurrir parcial a la lógica de territorialidad como respuesta a alguna crisis de sectorialidad.Como bien lo muestra el análisis y la evaluación de las políticas públicas de vivienda de interés social, ordenamiento y desarrollo del territorio municipal, educación y acueducto y alcantarillado, la gobernabilidad en este secundo periodo está asegurada, entonces, sólo gracias a la gobiernancia en los territorios o combinación entre el gobierno del territorio y la gobernancia de los territorios, es decir, gracias a un modo de gobierno híbrido que les permite a los ejecutivos locales conciliar su inclinación por la gobernancia de sus territorios y sus obligaciones en cuanto al gobierno del territorio y ser, al mismo tiempo, actores gobernantes y agentes regidores.-----Since the 1991 Constitution, most rulings and sentences tend to consider that individuals in charge of the local executive power (mayors, governors) should be some sort of tuling aldermen responsible for their particular territories and their “controlled decentralization” instead of actual governing actors, advocates and defenders of the governance of their territories. This fact raises the questions of why and how they can possibly play this double role. The bulk of the answer to this question can be found by examining both the logic behind public policies (Muller) and the conditions in whixh these are implemented in each territory, or “territorial deployment” (Medellìn).According to Muller, the territoriality of a particular public policy refers to a situation whereby the prevailing logic is territorial or horizontal (regulation of a geographical territory follows a center-periphery scheme), whereas its sectoriality refers to a situation whereby the prevailing logic is sectorial or vertical (regulation of a sector’s reproduction is vertically determined by a global-sectorial scheme). For each regulation logic behind public policies there is a corresponding way of governing a particular territory: governing the territory for the sake of sectoriality, and governing it for the sake of territoriality.As opposed to the French case, whereby the construction of the State signals the purposes of a territorial logic (“traditional territoriality”), the Colombian State is na endemic one, a fragmented State struggling for territorial control and in fear of the fragmentation of territorial unity (Navas). Its limited capacity to cover the whole territory and to act on it (its “limited or partial territoriality”, according to Medellín) affects governability as well as the deployment of public policies, which is frequently subject to uncertain negotiations related to the problem of governance.That es why governability in Colombia is only possible through hybrid public policies, which are in turn the result of the “indissoluble marriage between sectoriality and territoriality”, the result of a sort of “secterritoriality” which combines in various proportions a sectorial logic (or sectoriallity, which implies centralization) and a territorial logic (or territoriallity, which implies decentralization), all due to a hybrid form of governmen, or “governance” of the territory, a complex and variable dosage of both government and governance. Keeping this in mind, it is possible to establish the degree of territoriality and sectoriality of a public policy at a particular time, and to classify public policies according to their degree of territoriality and/or sectoriality, that is, according to the relative importance of the logics behind their regulation.From the early 70s to the early 80s, sectoriality prevailed and governability was guaranteed almost exclusively through the separate territorial deployment of each sector, then, from 1984 to the present, “controlled decentralization” has shown partial changes in the regulation logic behind public policies by resorting, at least in part, to a logic of territoriality in response to some sort of sectorriality crisis.As can be clearly seen after analyzing and evaluatin public policies in matters such as statesubsidized housing, municipal land development and legislation, education, water and sewage services, governability during this second period can only be guaranteed by governance in the territories or by a combination of both, government in the territory and governance in the territories. In other words, governability is possible thanks to a type of hybrid government that allows those in charge of exercising local executive power to reconcile their bias towards the governance of their teritories and their duties vis-àvis the government of the territory, but capable of being, at the same time, governing actors and ruling agents, active modern-day aldermen.