5 resultados para isca-viva
em Universitat de Girona, Spain
Ressenya del llibre Girona, ciutat viva i de colors. L’obra escrita en to autobiogràfic per Nadal i Farreras des del punt de vista de ciutadà, alcalde i historiador que percep el pas d’una Girona grisa i negra a una ciutat de colors, viva i dinàmica
Tots hem vist alguna vegada una subhasta. La del peix, tan viva, o les d’art, tan mediàtiques. Però les subhastes són avui presents en molts àmbits, més que no es pot arribar a pensar. Tres professors del Departament d’Enginyeria Elèctrica, Electrònica i Automàtica de la UdG han aplicat el sistema de subhastes en un programari destinat a millorar les prestacions del servei d’ambulàncies de Girona
En 1979 Y. Lacoste a publié dans la revue "Hérodote" un article surprenant intitulé "A bas Vidal ... Viva Vidal" qui exhumait la dernière œuvre de Vidal de la Blache: La france de I'Est (Loraine-Alsace) (1917). Dans cet article, Lacoste faisait l'éloge de certains aspects économiques, sociaux et surtout géopolitiques, non traités dans le traditionnel modèle vidalien. Nous tenterons d'approfondir dans cet essai l'une des questions qu'a induite l'article de Lacoste, a savoir la place qu'occupe la Géographie Politique dans l'école vidalienne. Les différents travaux et actions des disciples de Vidal ont fait preuve d’un grand intérêt pour la Géographie Politique en abandonnant provisoirement le schéma descriptif prope à la géographie régionale française. À la fin de la première guerre mondiale, le problème frontalier de l'Alsace-Loraine devient l'axe central de La France de I'Est; On a fait ressortir les éléments géopolitiques de cette œuvre a fin de démontrer que l'aspect géopolitique de l'école vidalienne est méconnu
In networks with small buffers, such as optical packet switching based networks, the convolution approach is presented as one of the most accurate method used for the connection admission control. Admission control and resource management have been addressed in other works oriented to bursty traffic and ATM. This paper focuses on heterogeneous traffic in OPS based networks. Using heterogeneous traffic and bufferless networks the enhanced convolution approach is a good solution. However, both methods (CA and ECA) present a high computational cost for high number of connections. Two new mechanisms (UMCA and ISCA) based on Monte Carlo method are proposed to overcome this drawback. Simulation results show that our proposals achieve lower computational cost compared to enhanced convolution approach with an small stochastic error in the probability estimation
Catalan modern and contemporary philosophy has traditionally been little studied so strictly to historical and political reasons for more or less the same conviction that is compared with literature and even in historiography, it is a minor contribution. Some of the characters in the world of philosophy has been the Catalan Jaume Serra Hunter charismatic and versatile, whom history has done justice. Like many others, was persecuted in the Franco regime, declared outlawed and persecuted and exiled, first to France and then Mexico. This research aims to discover him and his huge role as a politician. But above all, I want to convey their deep love for culture and fierce defense that he did, especially Catalan, is following in philosophical discourse of his work. I figure Serra Hunter claim their struggle for cultural cohesion through its philosophy, making it reach everyone. I want to show how he worked in a time of crisis in society, culture and education, to overcome the crisis of philosophy as a guide. Serra Hunter lived a very difficult time for philosophy. But he wanted to bring all cultures. It is a philosophy that dealing with the issues may be even a sort of advanced in the world and some of the problems it has today. According to him, philosophy should be more human and more alive and present in all the different curriculum of any educational plan.