5 resultados para Montchrestien, Antoine de, ca. 1575-1621.

em Universitat de Girona, Spain


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Carmina Virgili rep el títol de doctora honoris causa per la seva trajectòria personal i professional, que ha estat el paradigma dels eixos que conformen un perfil universitari exemplificador: la vocació docent, la excel·lència en la recerca i la implicació entusiasta en càrrecs de gestió, la qual cosa l’ha convertit en un referent del nostre país, que mereix el nostre reconeixement més profund, segons acord del Consell de Govern de la Universitat de Girona en la sessió 3/08, del dia 27 de març de 2008, a proposta del Rectorat


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Disseny d’un autoclau pel processat de materials compòsits, seguint les especificacions de disseny següents: Diàmetre interior útil: 1500mm, Longitud interior útil 3500mm, Pressió de treball: 12 bars, Temperatura de treball: 250º. A més a més, el sistema ha de disposar en el seu interior de connexions per fer el buit i s’ha d’assegurar l’homogeneïtat tèrmica recirculant l’aire durant el procés


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Nota biogràfica pel Diccionari de Pedagogia, on s'analitza la vida i obra d'Eloïsa (Paris ca. 1100- Paraclet 1163/1164)


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This article analyses, on the one hand, the perception of ethno-linguistic vitality in a sample of university students in the province of Girona, and, on the other, links this perceived vitality to the feeling of identity in the group to which they belong. 112 Catalan-speaking students who described themselves as Catalan (Catalan identity) responded to the questionnaire on subjective vitality, in terms of adaptation to Catalan. This instrument assesses the beliefs about one’s own group’s and its language’s vitality (in this case Catalan) and that of the exocentric group and language (in this case Spanish). The results show that the students see their language (Catalan) as having greater status and institutional support than Spanish, but a lower demographic impact (birth rate, immigration, mixed marriages, emigration). Identity is also positively correlated with the perception of ethno-linguistic perception. These results are discussed in relation to the role of vitality in the choice of the language for education (Catalan versus Spanish) and day-to-day communication, and the level at which language policy is defined in order to promote communication in Catalan in the fields of business, politics, education and the media


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The doctoral thesis was an study about Miquel Mai, a polític, jurist, bibliophile and art collector in Barcelona in the first half of the XVI century. The thesis presents the figure of Miquel Mai by his biographic history, with emphasis in the principals chapters that he was participant. After, there was a chapter whose principal theme its the connection between Miquel Mai and the Erasmism movement. Third, it was an analysis of all the art objects that Miquel Mai accumulates. Fourth, the thesis explores the library (formed by more than 2000 books). And finally, we studied the relationship between the art objects who decorate the library and the same books that was in the library.