8 resultados para Literature-Based Reviews
em Universitat de Girona, Spain
Ressenya del llibre The Desert is no lady: southwestern landscapes in women's writing and art, obra on s’interrelacionen tres temes que són paisatge, gènere (en aquest cas, la dona) i literatura (i, per extensió, un quart que és l’art)
Comentari del llibre Francesc Fontanella: una obra, una vida, un temps. Es tracta d’una obra miscel•lània en la que es recullen, partits en dos àmbits temàtics, un històric i un literari, 14 assaigs sobre temes que van des dels fets centrals de la Guerra dels Segadors fins a una proposta per a la realització d’una obra teatral fontanelliana
Ressenya del llibre Convenció y recepción. Estudios sobre el teatro del Siglo de Oro, d’Ignacio Arellano . L’obra és, segons Ramos Nogales, el millor estudi de conjunt sobre la comèdia del Segle d’Or que ha aparegut en els últims anys així com una crida a la investigació tradicional
Ressenya de la versió en llengua sarda de la novel·la 'La Plaça del Diamant' de Mercè Rodoreda, traduïda per Giagu Ledda i publicada per l'editorial Papiros l' any 2008
Ressenya de l' edició de Ramon Díaz i Villalonga sobre l' obra literària de l'escriptor mallorquí Albert Burguny i Castellò (1707-1770)
Consumer reviews, opinions and shared experiences in the use of a product is a powerful source of information about consumer preferences that can be used in recommender systems. Despite the importance and value of such information, there is no comprehensive mechanism that formalizes the opinions selection and retrieval process and the utilization of retrieved opinions due to the difficulty of extracting information from text data. In this paper, a new recommender system that is built on consumer product reviews is proposed. A prioritizing mechanism is developed for the system. The proposed approach is illustrated using the case study of a recommender system for digital cameras
Recommender systems attempt to predict items in which a user might be interested, given some information about the user's and items' profiles. Most existing recommender systems use content-based or collaborative filtering methods or hybrid methods that combine both techniques (see the sidebar for more details). We created Informed Recommender to address the problem of using consumer opinion about products, expressed online in free-form text, to generate product recommendations. Informed recommender uses prioritized consumer product reviews to make recommendations. Using text-mining techniques, it maps each piece of each review comment automatically into an ontology
The activated sludge and anaerobic digestion processes have been modelled in widely accepted models. Nevertheless, these models still have limitations when describing operational problems of microbiological origin. The aim of this thesis is to develop a knowledge-based model to simulate risk of plant-wide operational problems of microbiological origin.For the risk model heuristic knowledge from experts and literature was implemented in a rule-based system. Using fuzzy logic, the system can infer a risk index for the main operational problems of microbiological origin (i.e. filamentous bulking, biological foaming, rising sludge and deflocculation). To show the results of the risk model, it was implemented in the Benchmark Simulation Models. This allowed to study the risk model's response in different scenarios and control strategies. The risk model has shown to be really useful providing a third criterion to evaluate control strategies apart from the economical and environmental criteria.