6 resultados para Díaz

em Universitat de Girona, Spain


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Ressenya de l' edició de Ramon Díaz i Villalonga sobre l' obra literària de l'escriptor mallorquí Albert Burguny i Castellò (1707-1770)


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Tot i que el sistema educatiu actual promou la possibilitat que es parli de diversitat sexual a l'aula, a la practica continua el silenci. Aquest article pretén constatar aquesta absència, tant el l'àmbit de les ciències de l'educació, com de la pròpia pràctica docent


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Aproximació a la part teòrica de la revisió de la tradició de l'estudi del medi, una nova proposta d'innovació pedagògica i l'experimentació del primer any


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Compositional data analysis motivated the introduction of a complete Euclidean structure in the simplex of D parts. This was based on the early work of J. Aitchison (1986) and completed recently when Aitchinson distance in the simplex was associated with an inner product and orthonormal bases were identified (Aitchison and others, 2002; Egozcue and others, 2003). A partition of the support of a random variable generates a composition by assigning the probability of each interval to a part of the composition. One can imagine that the partition can be refined and the probability density would represent a kind of continuous composition of probabilities in a simplex of infinitely many parts. This intuitive idea would lead to a Hilbert-space of probability densities by generalizing the Aitchison geometry for compositions in the simplex into the set probability densities


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A joint distribution of two discrete random variables with finite support can be displayed as a two way table of probabilities adding to one. Assume that this table has n rows and m columns and all probabilities are non-null. This kind of table can be seen as an element in the simplex of n · m parts. In this context, the marginals are identified as compositional amalgams, conditionals (rows or columns) as subcompositions. Also, simplicial perturbation appears as Bayes theorem. However, the Euclidean elements of the Aitchison geometry of the simplex can also be translated into the table of probabilities: subspaces, orthogonal projections, distances. Two important questions are addressed: a) given a table of probabilities, which is the nearest independent table to the initial one? b) which is the largest orthogonal projection of a row onto a column? or, equivalently, which is the information in a row explained by a column, thus explaining the interaction? To answer these questions three orthogonal decompositions are presented: (1) by columns and a row-wise geometric marginal, (2) by rows and a columnwise geometric marginal, (3) by independent two-way tables and fully dependent tables representing row-column interaction. An important result is that the nearest independent table is the product of the two (row and column)-wise geometric marginal tables. A corollary is that, in an independent table, the geometric marginals conform with the traditional (arithmetic) marginals. These decompositions can be compared with standard log-linear models. Key words: balance, compositional data, simplex, Aitchison geometry, composition, orthonormal basis, arithmetic and geometric marginals, amalgam, dependence measure, contingency table


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Esta experiencia se ha desarrollado en el marco de una convocatoria del Departament d’Universitats de la Generalitat de Catalunya (2004-2007), dirigida a promover trabajos conjuntos entre el profesorado de la universidad y el de educación Infantil, Primaria y Secundaria. El tema del proyecto es: “La identidad y la diversidad en un mundo globalizado”. Con él se pretende innovar los planteamientos y recursos del estudio del medio en la educación Infantil y Primaria, a partir de las experiencias y aportaciones de los centros educativos y los trabajos prácticos de nuestros estudiantes