2 resultados para Alsi7mg0.35 Alloy
em Universitat de Girona, Spain
Passat, present i futur de l'Escola Politècnica Superior de la Universitat de Girona. Una vegada assumida la trajectòria de l'Escola el futur passa per l'EEES, per la mobilitat dels estudiants, l'aplicació de les noves metodologies docents, etc
The Heusler alloy Ni50 Mn37 Sn13 was successfully produced as ribbon flakes of thickness around 7-10 μm melt spinning. Fracture cross section micrographs in the ribbon show the formation of a microcrystalline columnarlike microstructure, with their longer axes perpendicular to the ribbon plane. Phase transition temperatures of the martensite-austenite transformation were found to be MS =218 K, Mf =207 K, AS =224 K, and Af =232 K; the thermal hysteresis of the transformation is 15 K. Ferromagnetic L 21 bcc austenite phase shows a Curie point of 313 K, with cell parameter a=0.5971 (5) nm at 298 K, transforming into a modulated 7M orthorhombic martensite with a=0.6121 (7) nm, b=0.6058 (8) nm, and c=0.5660 (2) nm, at 150 K