42 resultados para ALBAMONTE, LUIS MARIA
Our new simple method for calculating accurate Franck-Condon factors including nondiagonal (i.e., mode-mode) anharmonic coupling is used to simulate the C2H4+X2B 3u←C2H4X̃1 Ag band in the photoelectron spectrum. An improved vibrational basis set truncation algorithm, which permits very efficient computations, is employed. Because the torsional mode is highly anharmonic it is separated from the other modes and treated exactly. All other modes are treated through the second-order perturbation theory. The perturbation-theory corrections are significant and lead to a good agreement with experiment, although the separability assumption for torsion causes the C2 D4 results to be not as good as those for C2 H4. A variational formulation to overcome this circumstance, and deal with large anharmonicities in general, is suggested
The energy and hardness profile for a series of inter and intramolecular conformational changes at several levels of calculation were computed. The hardness profiles were found to be calculated as the difference between the vertical ionization potential and electron affinity. The hardness profile shows the correct number of stationary points independently of the basis set and methodology used. It was found that the hardness profiles can be used to check the reliability of the energy profiles for those chemical system
An overview is given on a study which showed that not only in chemical reactions but also in the favorable case of nontotally symmetric vibrations where the chemical and external potentials keep approximately constant, the generalized maximum hardness principle (GMHP) and generalized minimum polarizability principle (GMPP) may not be obeyed. A method that allows an accurate determination of the nontotally symmetric molecular distortions with more marked GMPP or anti-GMPP character through diagonalization of the polarizability Hessian matrix is introduced
A set of connections among several nuclear and electronic indexes of reactivity in the framework of the conceptual Density Functional Theory by using an expansion ofthe energy functional in terms of the total number of electrons and the normal coordinates within a canonical ensemble was derived. The relations obtained provided explicit links between important quantities related to the chemical reactivity of a system. This paper particularly demonstrates that the derivative of the electronic energy with respect to the external potential of a system in its equilibrium geometry was equal to the negative of the nuclear repulsion derivative with respect to the external potential
A variational approach for reliably calculating vibrational linear and nonlinear optical properties of molecules with large electrical and/or mechanical anharmonicity is introduced. This approach utilizes a self-consistent solution of the vibrational Schrödinger equation for the complete field-dependent potential-energy surface and, then, adds higher-level vibrational correlation corrections as desired. An initial application is made to static properties for three molecules of widely varying anharmonicity using the lowest-level vibrational correlation treatment (i.e., vibrational Møller-Plesset perturbation theory). Our results indicate when the conventional Bishop-Kirtman perturbation method can be expected to break down and when high-level vibrational correlation methods are likely to be required. Future improvements and extensions are discussed
The level of ab initio theory which is necessary to compute reliable values for the static and dynamic (hyper)polarizabilities of three medium size π-conjugated organic nonlinear optical (NLO) molecules is investigated. With the employment of field-induced coordinates in combination with a finite field procedure, the calculations were made possible. It is stated that to obtain reasonable values for the various individual contributions to the (hyper)polarizability, it is necessary to include electron correlation. Based on the results, the convergence of the usual perturbation treatment for vibrational anharmonicity was examined
Initial convergence of the perturbation series expansion for vibrational nonlinear optical (NLO) properties was analyzed. The zero-point vibrational average (ZPVA) was obtained through first-order in mechanical plus electrical anharmonicity. Results indicated that higher-order terms in electrical and mechanical anharmonicity can make substantial contributions to the pure vibrational polarizibility of typical NLO molecules
In this study we report on the electronic and vibrational (hyper)polarizabilities of donor–acceptorsubstituted azobenzene. It is observed that both electronic and vibrational contributions to the electric dipole first hyperpolarizability of investigated photoactive molecule substantially depend on the conformation. The contributions to the nuclear relaxation first hyperpolarizability are found to be quite important in the case of two considered isomers (cis and trans). Although the double-harmonic term is found to be the largest in terms of magnitude, it is shown that the total value of the nuclear relaxation contribution to vibrational first hyperpolarizability is a result of subtle interplay of higher-order contributions. As a part of the study, we also assess the performance of long-range-corrected density functional theory in determining vibrational contributions to electric dipole (hyper)polarizabilities. In most cases, the applied long-range-corrected exchange correlation potentials amend the drawbacks of their conventional counterparts
Descripció de l' evolució del llinatge dels senyors de Cervià i la fundació del monestir benedictí de Sta. Maria de Cervià l'any 1053 i de la canònica de Sta. Maria de Vilabertran l'any 1069 en el context de la societat catalana del segle XI
Ressenya del llibre 'Escriptures de Santa Maria de Vilabertran (968-1300)', de Josep Maria Marquès, publicat al 1995, que dóna a conèixer un dels fons arxivístics més importants que acutalment es conserven de l'època medieval a les comarques gironines
S'estudia els precedents de l'actual edifici de la Catedral de Girona prenent com a guia bàsica les restes físiques detectades en el sector, combinant-les amb nombroses notícies procedents de la documentació escrita i la consideració de paral·lels. Un apartat historiogràfic posa de relleu les diferents opinions sobre la història de la Catedral i dels seus edificis d'ençà del segle XVII. El conjunt d'època romana consistia en la plaça religiosa del fòrum de la ciutat. Com que els segles de l'Antiguitat Tardana i Alta Edat Mitjana no deixaren rastre físic identificable, el següent conjunt arquitectònic estudiat és el de la catedral del segle XI (iniciada vers 1010), detallada en cadascuna de les seves parts així com en els seus aspectes generals (implantació, tècnica constructiva, decoració). Finalment, l'estudi del conjunt claustral (configuració i funcions) permet aclarir determinats aspectes de la història institucional del capítol de la Catedral.