24 resultados para Counting on underwater photo
This paper presents the distributed environment for virtual and/or real experiments for underwater robots (DEVRE). This environment is composed of a set of processes running on a local area network composed of three sites: 1) the onboard AUV computer; 2) a surface computer used as human-machine interface (HMI); and 3) a computer used for simulating the vehicle dynamics and representing the virtual world. The HMI can be transparently linked to the real sensors and actuators dealing with a real mission. It can also be linked with virtual sensors and virtual actuators, dealing with a virtual mission. The aim of DEVRE is to assist engineers during the software development and testing in the lab prior to real experiments
This paper surveys control architectures proposed in the literature and describes a control architecture that is being developed for a semi-autonomous underwater vehicle for intervention missions (SAUVIM) at the University of Hawaii. Conceived as hybrid, this architecture has been organized in three layers: planning, control and execution. The mission is planned with a sequence of subgoals. Each subgoal has a related task supervisor responsible for arranging a set of pre-programmed task modules in order to achieve the subgoal. Task modules are the key concept of the architecture. They are the main building blocks and can be dynamically re-arranged by the task supervisor. In our architecture, deliberation takes place at the planning layer while reaction is dealt through the parallel execution of the task modules. Hence, the system presents both a hierarchical and an heterarchical decomposition, being able to show a predictable response while keeping rapid reactivity to the dynamic environment
This paper presents a novel technique to align partial 3D reconstructions of the seabed acquired by a stereo camera mounted on an autonomous underwater vehicle. Vehicle localization and seabed mapping is performed simultaneously by means of an Extended Kalman Filter. Passive landmarks are detected on the images and characterized considering 2D and 3D features. Landmarks are re-observed while the robot is navigating and data association becomes easier but robust. Once the survey is completed, vehicle trajectory is smoothed by a Rauch-Tung-Striebel filter obtaining an even better alignment of the 3D views and yet a large-scale acquisition of the seabed
A visual SLAM system has been implemented and optimised for real-time deployment on an AUV equipped with calibrated stereo cameras. The system incorporates a novel approach to landmark description in which landmarks are local sub maps that consist of a cloud of 3D points and their associated SIFT/SURF descriptors. Landmarks are also sparsely distributed which simplifies and accelerates data association and map updates. In addition to landmark-based localisation the system utilises visual odometry to estimate the pose of the vehicle in 6 degrees of freedom by identifying temporal matches between consecutive local sub maps and computing the motion. Both the extended Kalman filter and unscented Kalman filter have been considered for filtering the observations. The output of the filter is also smoothed using the Rauch-Tung-Striebel (RTS) method to obtain a better alignment of the sequence of local sub maps and to deliver a large-scale 3D acquisition of the surveyed area. Synthetic experiments have been performed using a simulation environment in which ray tracing is used to generate synthetic images for the stereo system
The presented work focuses on the theoretical and practical aspects concerning the design and development of a formal method to build a mission control system for autonomous underwater vehicles bringing systematic design principles for the formal description of missions using Petri nets. The proposed methodology compounds Petri net building blocks within it to de_ne a mission plan for which it is proved that formal properties, such as reachability and reusability, hold as long as these same properties are also guaranteed by each Petri net building block. To simplify the de_nition of these Petri net blocks as well as their composition, a high level language called Mission Control Language has been developed. Moreover, a methodology to ensure coordination constraints for teams of multiple robots as well as the de_nition of an interface between the proposed system and an on-board planner able to plan/replan sequences of prede_ned mission plans is included as well. Results of experiments with several real underwater vehicles and simulations involving an autonomous surface craft and an autonomous underwater vehicles are presented to show the system's capabilities.
Darrerament, l'interès pel desenvolupament d'aplicacions amb robots submarins autònoms (AUV) ha crescut de forma considerable. Els AUVs són atractius gràcies al seu tamany i el fet que no necessiten un operador humà per pilotar-los. Tot i això, és impossible comparar, en termes d'eficiència i flexibilitat, l'habilitat d'un pilot humà amb les escasses capacitats operatives que ofereixen els AUVs actuals. L'utilització de AUVs per cobrir grans àrees implica resoldre problemes complexos, especialment si es desitja que el nostre robot reaccioni en temps real a canvis sobtats en les condicions de treball. Per aquestes raons, el desenvolupament de sistemes de control autònom amb l'objectiu de millorar aquestes capacitats ha esdevingut una prioritat. Aquesta tesi tracta sobre el problema de la presa de decisions utilizant AUVs. El treball presentat es centra en l'estudi, disseny i aplicació de comportaments per a AUVs utilitzant tècniques d'aprenentatge per reforç (RL). La contribució principal d'aquesta tesi consisteix en l'aplicació de diverses tècniques de RL per tal de millorar l'autonomia dels robots submarins, amb l'objectiu final de demostrar la viabilitat d'aquests algoritmes per aprendre tasques submarines autònomes en temps real. En RL, el robot intenta maximitzar un reforç escalar obtingut com a conseqüència de la seva interacció amb l'entorn. L'objectiu és trobar una política òptima que relaciona tots els estats possibles amb les accions a executar per a cada estat que maximitzen la suma de reforços totals. Així, aquesta tesi investiga principalment dues tipologies d'algoritmes basats en RL: mètodes basats en funcions de valor (VF) i mètodes basats en el gradient (PG). Els resultats experimentals finals mostren el robot submarí Ictineu en una tasca autònoma real de seguiment de cables submarins. Per portar-la a terme, s'ha dissenyat un algoritme anomenat mètode d'Actor i Crític (AC), fruit de la fusió de mètodes VF amb tècniques de PG.
Aquesta tesi tracta sobre el problema de la navegació per a vehicles submarins autònoms que operen en entorns artificials estructurats com ara ports, canals, plataformes marines i altres escenaris similars. A partir d'una estimació precisa de la posició en aquests entorns, les capacitats dels vehicles submarins s'incrementen notablement i s'obre una porta al seu funcionament autònom. El manteniment, inspecció i vigilància d'instal lacions marines són alguns exemples de possibles aplicacions. Les principals contribucions d'aquesta tesi consisteixen per una banda en el desenvolupament de diferents sistemes de localització per a aquelles situacions on es disposa d'un mapa previ de l'entorn i per l'altra en el desenvolupament d'una nova solució al problema de la Localització i Construcció Simultània de Mapes (SLAM en les seves sigles en anglès), la finalitat del qual és fer que un vehicle autònom creï un mapa de l'entorn desconegut que el rodeja i, al mateix temps, utilitzi aquest mapa per a determinar la seva pròpia posició. S'ha escollit un sonar d'imatges d'escaneig mecànic com a sensor principal per a aquest treball tant pel seu relatiu baix cost com per la seva capacitat per produir una representació detallada de l'entorn. Per altra banda, les particularitats de la seva operació i, especialment, la baixa freqúència a la que es produeixen les mesures, constitueixen els principals inconvenients que s'han hagut d'abordar en les estratègies de localització proposades. Les solucions adoptades per aquests problemes constitueixen una altra contribució d'aquesta tesi. El desenvolupament de vehicles autònoms i el seu ús com a plataformes experimentals és un altre aspecte important d'aquest treball. Experiments portats a terme tant en el laboratori com en escenaris reals d'aplicació han proporcionat les dades necessàries per a provar i avaluar els diferents sistemes de localització proposats.
This thesis proposes a solution to the problem of estimating the motion of an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV). Our approach is based on the integration of the incremental measurements which are provided by a vision system. When the vehicle is close to the underwater terrain, it constructs a visual map (so called "mosaic") of the area where the mission takes place while, at the same time, it localizes itself on this map, following the Concurrent Mapping and Localization strategy. The proposed methodology to achieve this goal is based on a feature-based mosaicking algorithm. A down-looking camera is attached to the underwater vehicle. As the vehicle moves, a sequence of images of the sea-floor is acquired by the camera. For every image of the sequence, a set of characteristic features is detected by means of a corner detector. Then, their correspondences are found in the next image of the sequence. Solving the correspondence problem in an accurate and reliable way is a difficult task in computer vision. We consider different alternatives to solve this problem by introducing a detailed analysis of the textural characteristics of the image. This is done in two phases: first comparing different texture operators individually, and next selecting those that best characterize the point/matching pair and using them together to obtain a more robust characterization. Various alternatives are also studied to merge the information provided by the individual texture operators. Finally, the best approach in terms of robustness and efficiency is proposed. After the correspondences have been solved, for every pair of consecutive images we obtain a list of image features in the first image and their matchings in the next frame. Our aim is now to recover the apparent motion of the camera from these features. Although an accurate texture analysis is devoted to the matching pro-cedure, some false matches (known as outliers) could still appear among the right correspon-dences. For this reason, a robust estimation technique is used to estimate the planar transformation (homography) which explains the dominant motion of the image. Next, this homography is used to warp the processed image to the common mosaic frame, constructing a composite image formed by every frame of the sequence. With the aim of estimating the position of the vehicle as the mosaic is being constructed, the 3D motion of the vehicle can be computed from the measurements obtained by a sonar altimeter and the incremental motion computed from the homography. Unfortunately, as the mosaic increases in size, image local alignment errors increase the inaccuracies associated to the position of the vehicle. Occasionally, the trajectory described by the vehicle may cross over itself. In this situation new information is available, and the system can readjust the position estimates. Our proposal consists not only in localizing the vehicle, but also in readjusting the trajectory described by the vehicle when crossover information is obtained. This is achieved by implementing an Augmented State Kalman Filter (ASKF). Kalman filtering appears as an adequate framework to deal with position estimates and their associated covariances. Finally, some experimental results are shown. A laboratory setup has been used to analyze and evaluate the accuracy of the mosaicking system. This setup enables a quantitative measurement of the accumulated errors of the mosaics created in the lab. Then, the results obtained from real sea trials using the URIS underwater vehicle are shown.
El treball desenvolupat en aquesta tesi aprofundeix i aporta solucions innovadores en el camp orientat a tractar el problema de la correspondència en imatges subaquàtiques. En aquests entorns, el que realment complica les tasques de processat és la falta de contorns ben definits per culpa d'imatges esborronades; un fet aquest que es deu fonamentalment a il·luminació deficient o a la manca d'uniformitat dels sistemes d'il·luminació artificials. Els objectius aconseguits en aquesta tesi es poden remarcar en dues grans direccions. Per millorar l'algorisme d'estimació de moviment es va proposar un nou mètode que introdueix paràmetres de textura per rebutjar falses correspondències entre parells d'imatges. Un seguit d'assaigs efectuats en imatges submarines reals han estat portats a terme per seleccionar les estratègies més adients. Amb la finalitat d'aconseguir resultats en temps real, es proposa una innovadora arquitectura VLSI per la implementació d'algunes parts de l'algorisme d'estimació de moviment amb alt cost computacional.