3 resultados para Parthenogenesis in animals.
em Cochin University of Science
The effects of feeding of 6-propyllhiouracil (6-I'fU) and potyunsaturatcd fatty acids (I'UFA) independently and ill combination and administration (ip) of a single close of Iriiodothyronine (I',) (2.51ig/IOOg body wl) along with feeding of 6- PTU and PUFA were studied in cal brain. Dopamine (DA), 5-hydroxytryplophan (5-IIl'I'), serolouin (5-Ill), 5-hydioxy indole acetic acid (5-111AA), norepinephrine (NF) :uul ceinephrinn (I?I'l) contenls were assayed in the hypothalannls and ccrc bral cortex regions. It was found that 6-P"l'U Iccding resulted in decrease in dopamine, 5-III', 5 II I I' and 5 IIiAA in both regions. In animals fed wills PUFA followed by adnliuislralion of T,. the I)A level was found normal.
Alloxan induced animal model was used to evaluate the potential antidiabetic effect of A . marmelose leaf extract. The diabetic animals were given insulin injection and another group A . marmelose leaf extract orally. It maintained the weight of the animals near to the control rats but a significant decrease in weight was noted it diabetic animals without any treatment . The blood elucose level in 'treated animals were near to that of control ones. Also a significantly increased glucose tolerance was observed in animals orally given the leaf extract prior to the experiment . A significant decrease in liver glycogen ( 1.24 -.07 s!/ 100 g of wet tissue) was observed in diabetic rats which was brought to almost the normal level (I.84- . 14 g; 100 g) with Icaf extract treatment. Blood urea and serum cholesterol increased ( 62.66 - 3.50 and 192.67± 13.64 mg' dl) significantly in alloxxan diabetic rats . The leaf extract treatment decreased the blood urea and serum . cholesterol (37.83 - 3.97 and 99?0±8.43 mg/dl ) to that of control ones . A similar effect was seen with insulin treatment . The results indicate that the active principle in .4. marmelose leaf extract has similar hypoglycaemic activity to insulin treatment.
Alloxan induced diabetic animal model was sed to evaluate the potential antidiabetic effect of ie aqueous leaf extract of Aegle marmelose. Insuinjection and oral treatment of Aegle marmelose of extract to the alloxan induced rats maintained ;e animal weight near to the control rats whereas ,,ere was a significant decrease in weight in alloxan •duced rats. Insulin injection and oral treatment the leaf extract reversed the decrease of protein )ntent in all the organs studied except the pancas. Glucose level was maintained near to the co- :rol levels in the insulin injected and leaf extract Bated alloxan diabetic rats. A significant increased ucose tolerance was observed in animals orally ven the leaf extract prior to the experiment. The suits indicate that there is an increased utilization glucose in the Aegle marmelose leaf extract treed rats.