47 resultados para Fishes Microbiology

em Cochin University of Science


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In this study prospects of marketing the indigenous ornamental fishes of kerala, point out that the export market, consumer preferences in the domestic ornamental fishes, SWOT (strength weakness opportunities and threats) analysis etc. The study notes that the product indigenous ornamental fishes are mostely marketed by exporters and suppliers rather than the retail aquarium shopkeepers. The research findings on the attributes of indigenous ornamental fishes that matches customers preference in aquarium fish.SWOT analysis was carried out to classify the results of the study into strengths,weakness,opportunities and threats faced by the ornamental fish industry in kerala. The marketers in the study show less market perception compaired to the exporters of India. Rather than market survey, interest and experience and raw materials availability inspires them. The developments for large scale marketing have to be carried out, ensuring the sustainable exploitation of the wild fish population by adopting conservation measures such as breeding programmes, quota implementation, setting up of natural sanctuaries to protect the natural resource of ornamental fishes.


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Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and other toxic compounds from industrial effluents are noted for their high potency for skin, lung, bladder and gastrointestinal cancers. Increased industrialization, and population growth led to greater production of wastes, Pesticides and PAHs have received attention due to their carcinogenic effects. The main objectives of the study were; to collect base line data on the concentration of PAHs in seawater and sediment from the west coast of India, the concentration of PAHs in certain species of fishes, the comparative levels of PAHs in fish, the influence of sediment characteristics on the concentration of PAH in sediment, changes in PAH concentration in water, sediment and fish, to provide a base line concentration of trace metals in water, sediment and fish, the seasonal changes in content of selected trace metals in water, sediment and fish from the west coast of India. The present study revealed that a predominance of silt and clay at all stations in the off Cochin area. The study has provided comprehensive information available to date for PAHs in seawater, sediment and fishes from the west cost of India especially from the Quilon to Mangalore region.


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The present study entitled "Investigations on the Distribution Characteristics of Heavy Metals in Squid (Loligo spp.) in Relation to Levels in Food Fishes from the West Coast of India with a Perspective on Seafood Safety"attempts to establish the base line data on metal levels in squids along the west coast of India. The study is of great relevance in the present context when utmost importance is being given for producing wholesome seafoods especially in the export market with a perspective on seafood safety.The thesis presents a comprehensive account of the base line data on important heavy metals, viz., Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn Cr and Ni in the edible and non-edible body components of the most abundant Loligo species, viz., L. duvauceli caught along the west coast of India.


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The oceans have proved to be an interminable source of new and effective drugs. Innumerable studies have proved that specific compounds isolated from marine organisms have great nutritional and pharmaceutical value. Polyunsaturated fattyacids (PUFA) in general are known for their dietary benefits in preventing and curing several critical ailments including Coronary heart disease (CHD) and cancers of various kinds. Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) are two PUFA which are entirely marine in origin – and small Clupeoid fishes like sardines are known to be excellent sources of these two compounds. In this study, we selected two widely available Sardine species in the west coast, Sardinella longiceps and Sardinella fimbriata, for a comparative analysis of their bioactive properties. Both these sardines are known to be rich in EPA and DHA, however considerable seasonal variation in its PUFA content was expected and these variations studied. An extraction procedure to isolate PUFA at high purity levels was identified and the extracts obtained thus were studied for anti-bacterial, anti-diabetic and anti-cancerous properties.Samples of both the sardines were collected from landing centre, measured and their gut content analysed in four different months of the year – viz. June, September, December and March. The fish samples were analyzed for fattyacid using FAME method using gas chromatography to identify the full range of fattyacids and their respective concentration in each of the samples. The fattyacids were expressed in mg/g meat and later converted to percentage values against total fatty acids and total PUFA content. Fattyacids during winter season (Dec-Mar) were found to be generally higher than spawning season (June-Sept). PUFA dominated the profiles of both species and average PUFA content was also higher during winter. However, it was found that S. longiceps had proportionately higher EPA as compared to S. fimbriata which was DHA rich. Percentage of EPA and DHA also varied across months for both species – the spawning season seemed to show higher EPA content in S. longiceps and higher DHA content in S. fimbriata. Gut content analysis indicate that adult S. fimbriata is partial to zooplanktons which are DHA rich while adult S. longiceps feed mainly on EPA rich phytoplankton. Juveniles of both species, found mainly in winter, had a gut content showing more mixed diet. This difference in the feeding pattern reflect clearly in their PUFA profile – adult S. longiceps, which dominate the catch during the spawn season, feeding mostly on phytoplankton is concentrated with EPA while the juveniles which are found mostly in the winter season has slightly less EPA proportion as compared to adults. The same is true for S. fimbriata adults that are caught mostly in the spawning season; being rich in DHA as they feed mainly on zooplankton while the juveniles caught during winter season has a relatively lower concentration of DHA in their total PUFA.Various extraction procedures are known to obtain PUFA from fish oil. However, most of them do not give high purity and do not use materials indicated as safe. PUFA extracts have to be edible and should not have harmful substances for applying on mice and human subjects. Some PUFA extraction procedures, though pure and non-toxic, might induce cis-trans conversions during the extraction process. This conversion destroys the benefits of PUFA and at times is harmful to human body. A method free from these limitations has been standardized for this study. Gas Chromatography was performed on the extracts thus made to ensure that it is substantially pure. EPA: DHA ratios for both samples were derived - for S. longiceps this ratio was 3:2, while it was 3:8 for S. fimbriata.Eight common strains of gram positive and gram negative bacterial strains were subjected to the PUFA extracts from both species dissolved in acetone solution using Agar Well Diffusion method. The activity was studied against an acetone control. At the end of incubation period, zones of inhibition were measured to estimate the activity. Minimum inhibitory concentration for each of the active combinations was calculated by keeping p < 0.01 as significant. Four of the bacteria including multi-resistant Staphylococcus aureus were shown to be inhibited by the fish extracts. It was also found that the extracts from S. fimbriata were better than the one from S. longiceps in annihilating harmful bacteria.Four groups of mice subjects were studied to evaluate the antidiabetic properties of the PUFA extracts. Three groups were induced diabetes by administration of alloxan tetra hydrate. One group without diabetes was kept as control and another with diabetes was kept as diabetic control. For two diabetic groups, a prescribed amount of fish extracts were fed from each of the extracts. The biochemical parameters like serum glucose, total cholesterol, LDL & HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, urea and creatinine were sampled from all four groups at regular intervals of 7 days for a period of 28 days. It was found that groups fed with fish extracts had marked improvement in the levels of total LDL & HDL cholesterol, triglycerides and creatinine. Groups fed with extracts from S. fimbriata seem to have fared better as compared to S. longiceps. However, both groups did not show any marked improvement in blood glucose levels or levels of urea.Cell lines of MCF-7 (Breast Cancer) and DU-145 (Prostate Cancer) were used to analyse the cytotoxicity of the PUFA extracts. Both cell lines were subjected to MTT Assay and later the plates were read using an ELISA reader at a wavelength of 570nm. It was found that both extracts had significant cytotoxic effects against both cell lines and a peak cytotoxicity of 85-90% was apparent. IC50 values were calculated from the graphs and it was found that S. longiceps extracts had a slightly lower IC50 value indicating that it is toxic even at a lower concentration as compared to extracts from S. fimbriata.This study summarizes the bioactivity profile of PUFA extracts and provides recommendation for dietary intake; fish based nutritional industry and indigenous pharmaceutical industry. Possible future directions of this study are also elaborated.


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The thesis attempts to study the changes in oceanographic parameters associated with extreme climatic events,the influence of oceanographic as well as meteorological parameters on fishes.The characteristics of major pelagic fishes of southwest coast of India(Oil sardine and Indian mackerel) have been described here.A description on study area and period of study is also described .The impact of extreme climatic events on the oceanographic variability of Eastern Arabian Sea.The extreme climatic event,the Indian Ocean Dipole associated with EI Nino Southern Oscillation is taken into consideration.The variability in oil sardine and mackerel landings of southwest coast of India during the study period.The trend analysis of the landings has been done and also a prediction model is applied for the landings.The influence of environmental parameters on oil sardine as well as mackerel fishery has been explained .With regression analysis ,the significant relation between environmental parameters and fish landings are also been recognized.The prediction of landings is done with these environmental parameters.


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This overall focus of the thesis involves the systematics and biology of fishes of the family hemiramphidae of cochin coast.India is one of the leading fish producing nations in the world with an average annual production of 6.1 million tonnes of fish and shell fish from capture and culture fisheries in 2001 (Ayyappan and Biradar, 2002).Fisheries play a very significant role in the Indian economy by providing employment to nearly 7 million people directly or indirectly, supplying rich protein food and earning valued foreign exchange.Fishes of the family Hemiramphidae are commonly called ‘half beaks‘.In India, studies on hemiramphids commenced with the work of Day (1878,1889) who recorded thirteen species of hemiramphids from the Indian waters.The study area, which is part of Cochin coast is located between Lat.9°28’ and 10° N and Long.76° 13’ and 76° 31 E. Lying parallel to it is an estuary which is commonly called the Cochin backwaters which has a total area of about 200 sq.miles.The study area is subjected to wide variations in salinity from place to place, season and surface to bottom.The Cochin coast and the adjacent back water system of Kerala has a rich and diversified fish fauna. The hemiramphid fishes constitute a minor fishery of this area.The study on the distribution and availability of hemiramphid fishes present in the Cochin coast shows that they evince different patterns of distribution.In the present study it is noticed that fecundity has high correlation with weight than length of the fish.Histological studies revealed that the spermatogenesis in both H. (H) limbatus and H.(H) xanthopterus, consists of spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes secondary, spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoa whereas in the oogenesis of both the species.biological study will be useful in implementation of proper measures of conservation and management so that further devastation of the hemiramphids of Cochin Coast can be controlled.


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Asha M. R This thesis Entitled Toxicological effects of copper and mercury on the fish macerones gulio (hamiloton – buchanan).Chapter 1. In this chapter, a broad outline of heavy metal uptake, requirement of a suitable bio — monitoring organism, criteria for a standard test fish, and suitability of Macrones gulig for the toxicological study are given. Chapter 2. This chapter deals with the lethal toxicity bioassays to find the 96 hr LC 50 of copper and mercury for the fish Macrones gglig. The experimental results indicated that of the two metals tested, copper was more toxic than mercury.Chapter 3. The effect of copper and mercury on the haemoglobin, haematocrit, erythrocyte count, MCV, MCH and MCHC was studied.Chapter 4. The glycogen and protein contents of liver and muscle after exposure to copper and mercury were studied. There was a significant decrease of glycogen in the liver and muscle of metal treated fishes.Chapter 5. The histopathological changes of the tissues like liver, kidney and gill after exposure to copper and mercury were studied.