24 resultados para circular dichroism spectroscopy (CD)
The main objective of the present study is to understand different mechanisms involved in the production and evolution of plasma by the pulsed laser ablation and radio frequency magnetron sputtering. These two methods are of particular interest, as these are well accomplished methods used for surface coatings, nanostructure fabrications and other thin film devices fabrications. Material science researchers all over the world are involved in the development of devices based on transparent conducting oxide (TCO) thin films. Our laboratory has been involved in the development of TCO devices like thin film diodes using zinc oxide (ZnO) and zinc magnesium oxide (ZnMgO), thin film transistors (TFT's) using zinc indium oxide and zinc indium tin oxide, and some electroluminescent (EL) devices by pulsed laser ablation and RF magnetron sputtering.In contrast to the extensive literature relating to pure ZnO and other thin films produced by various deposition techniques, there appears to have been relatively little effort directed towards the characterization of plasmas from which such films are produced. The knowledge of plasma dynamics corresponding to the variations in the input parameters of ablation and sputtering, with the kind of laser/magnetron used for the generation of plasma, is limited. To improve the quality of the deposited films for desired application, a sound understanding of the plume dynamics, physical and chemical properties of the species in the plume is required. Generally, there is a correlation between the plume dynamics and the structural properties of the films deposited. Thus the study of the characteristics of the plume contributes to a better understanding and control of the deposition process itself. The hydrodynamic expansion of the plume, the composition, and SIze distribution of clusters depend not only on initial conditions of plasma production but also on the ambient gas composition and pressure. The growth and deposition of the films are detennined by the thermodynamic parameters of the target material and initial conditions such as electron temperature and density of the plasma.For optimizing the deposition parameters of various films (stoichiometric or otherwise), in-situ or ex-situ monitoring of plasma plume dynamics become necessary for the purpose of repeatability and reliability. With this in mind, the plume dynamics and compositions of laser ablated and RF magnetron sputtered zinc oxide plasmas have been investigated. The plasmas studied were produced at conditions employed typically for the deposition of ZnO films by both methods. Apart from this two component ZnO plasma, a multi-component material (lead zirconium titanate) was ablated and plasma was characterized.
Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are relatively new computational tools that have found extensive utilization in solving many complex real-world problems. This paper describes how an ANN can be used to identify the spectral lines of elements. The spectral lines of Cadmium (Cd), Calcium (Ca), Iron (Fe), Lithium (Li), Mercury (Hg), Potassium (K) and Strontium (Sr) in the visible range are chosen for the investigation. One of the unique features of this technique is that it uses the whole spectrum in the visible range instead of individual spectral lines. The spectrum of a sample taken with a spectrometer contains both original peaks and spurious peaks. It is a tedious task to identify these peaks to determine the elements present in the sample. ANNs capability of retrieving original data from noisy spectrum is also explored in this paper. The importance of the need of sufficient data for training ANNs to get accurate results is also emphasized. Two networks are examined: one trained in all spectral lines and other with the persistent lines only. The network trained in all spectral lines is found to be superior in analyzing the spectrum even in a noisy environment.
In this article we present size dependent spectroscopic observations of nanocolloids of ZnO. ZnO is reported to show two emission bands, an ultraviolet (UV) emission band and another in the green region. Apart from the known band gap 380 nm and impurity 530 nm emissions, we have found some peculiar features in the fluorescence spectra that are consistent with the nanoparticle size distribution. Results show that additional emissions at 420 and 490 nm are developed with particle size. The origin of the visible band emission is discussed. The mechanism of the luminescence suggests that UV luminescence of ZnO colloid is related to the transition from conduction band edge to valence band, and visible luminescence is caused by the transition from deep donor level to valence band due to oxygen vacancies and by the transition from conduction band to deep acceptor level due to impurities and defect states. A correlation analysis between the particle size and spectroscopic observations is also discussed.
Design of a compact dual frequency microstrip antenna is presented. The structure consists of a slotted circular patch with a dielectric superstrate. The superstrate,not only acts as a radome, but improves the bandwidth and lowers the resonant frequency also. The proposed design provides an overall size reduction of about 60% compared to an unslotted patch along with good efficiency,gain and bandwidth. The polarization planes at the two resonances are orthogonal and can be simultaneously excited using a coaxial feed. Parametric study of this configuration showed that the frequency ratio of the two resonances can be varied from 1.17 to 1.7 enabling its applications in the major wireless communication bands like AWS, DECT,PHS,Wi.Bro, ISM,and DMB. Design equations are also deduced for the proposed antenna and validated.
Design of a dual-port circular patch antenna with a sector-slot for dual-frequency operation is presented. The antenna resonates at two distinct frequencies with orthogonal polarizations and broad radiation characteristics. Unlike the conventional circular patch, this antenna can be microstrip-fed to operate at either of the resonances. The two polarizations can be simultaneously excited using two electromagnetically coupled ports with an isolation better than −30 dB between the ports. This antenna has the added advantage of size reduction of 44% compared to the conventional circular patch without any reduction in gain.
This thesis is divided into two parts. The first part deals with some studies in molecular mechanics Using spectroscopic data and has four chapters in it. Certain approximation methods for the evaluation of molecular force fields are herein developed The second part, which consists of the last two chaptcrs, deals with infrared spectral studies of ternary liquid systems and a polymer film prepared by glow discharge method.
Near-infrared spectroscopy can be a workhorse technique for materials analysis in industries such as agriculture, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and polymers. A near-infrared spectrum represents combination bands and overtone bands that are harmonics of absorption frequencies in the mid-infrared. Near-infrared absorption includes a combination-band region immediately adjacent to the mid-infrared and three overtone regions. All four near-infrared regions contain "echoes" of the fundamental mid-infrared absorptions. For example, vibrations in the mid-infrared due to the C-H stretches will produce four distinct bands in each of the overtone and combination regions. As the bands become more removed from the fundamental frequencies they become more widely separated from their neighbors, more broadened and are dramatically reduced in intensity. Because near-infrared bands are much less intense, more of the sample can be used to produce a spectra and with near-infrared, sample preparation activities are greatly reduced or eliminated so more of the sample can be utilized. In addition, long path lengths and the ability to sample through glass in the near-infrared allows samples to be measured in common media such as culture tubes, cuvettes and reaction bottles. This is unlike mid-infrared where very small amounts of a sample produce a strong spectrum; thus sample preparation techniques must be employed to limit the amount of the sample that interacts with the beam. In the present work we describe the successful the fabrication and calibration of a linear high resolution linear spectrometer using tunable diode laser and a 36 m path length cell and meuurement of a highly resolved structure of OH group in methanol in the transition region A v =3. We then analyse the NIR spectrum of certain aromatic molecules and study the substituent effects using local mode theory
Photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy is an optical technique that has emerged successful in the field of semiconductor material and device characterization. This technique is quite a powerful one which gives idea about the defect levels in a material, the band gap of the material, composition as well as material quality. Over the recent years it has received an elevation as a mainstream characterization technique. This thesis is an attempt to characterize each individual layer used in a thin film solar cell with special focus on the electrical properties. This will be highly beneficial from the lab as well as industrial point of view because electrical measurements generally are contact mode measurements which tend to damage the surface. As far as a thin film solar cell is concerned, the constituent layers are the transparent conducting oxide (TCO), absorber layer, buffer layer and top electrode contact. Each layer has a specific role to play and the performance of a solar cell is decided and limited by the quality of each individual layer. Various aspects of PL spectroscopy have been employed for studying compound semiconductor thin films [deposited using chemical spray pyrolysis (CSP)] proposed for solar cell application. This thesis has been structured in to seven chapters
In any investigation, information about the molecules under consideration is very essential for tailoring their properties. Evaluation of dispersion parameters, namely optical dielectric constant, static dielectric constant, relaxation time and spreading factor, assumes significance in this context. Dielectric spectroscopy is a useful tool for estimating these parameters. Not only does it reveal details about these constants but it also gives insight into the mechanism of conduction. In this paper the evaluation of dispersion parameters of cobalt phthalocyanine tetramer in the temperature range 300–393K is attempted using Cole–Cole plots. The temperature variation of the spreading factor indicates the existence of multiple equilibrium positions in the case of cobalt phthalocyanine tetramer. To the best of our knowledge, the evaluation of dispersion parameters for cobalt phthalocyanine tetramer is reported for the first time