26 resultados para Retail Marketing


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This is a descriptive and analytical study. It investigates how Fertilisers are marketed in India. It describes and evaluates the system of fertiliser marketing prevalent in the country at the time of this study (1979-82). The study, as the title will indicate, has been conceived on a large canvass and in very broad and generalised terms. Such a large framework has been chosen with the intention of investigating the task of Fertiliser marketing in its totality


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The women entrepreneurs, who set up business units with encouragement and institutional support, find it difficult to market their products. The marketing concept is yet to be grasped in its entirety. Women entrepreneurs especially find the marketing fiinctions difficult to carry out. Hence, this study is carried out to understand the marketing management in SSI units of women entrepreneurs


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The study evolved from the basic premise that the existing distribution structure is not adequate or adaptive to meet the needs of the expanding manufacturing sector and the emerging mass market. The hypothised causes of the problem are the following: marketing channels are not used for strategy differentiation by manufacturers: there are too many intermediaries in the channels; the distributive institutions are not adaptive; and there is very little control over the flow of products through the channels. These assumptions about the causes of the problem have been translated into specific hypotheses and tested with data. Empirical analysis, while supporting some of these hypotheses, challenges certain widely held notions. The ensuing summary presents the important findings, in the sequence in which they are discussed in the study.


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Unfortunately, in India it is a fact that most of the investors are not interested in mutual funds. Those who are investing, they are investing only very small amounts. But what is important to be noted here is that when compared to other financial instruments, investments in mutual funds are safer and also yields more returns on the investment portfolio. Moreover as an investment avenue mutual fund is available for those investors who are not willing to take any exposure directly in the security market. It also helps such investors to build their wealth over a period of time. At the retail level, investors are unique and are highly heterogeneous, and the mutual fund schemes' selection will also differ depends on their expectations. Hence, investors’ expectation is a very important factor in this regard that needs to be analysed by all the investment houses. Hence, the factors that drive the investment decisions of individual investors to meet their expectations by investing money in mutual funds need an in-depth analysis. These driving forces include the preference of investors on mutual fund compared to various available avenues of financial investments, risk attitude of investors, influence of characteristics of instruments of mutual funds on investors, the investment specific attitudes of investors, and influence of qualities of fund management on investors. The success of any mutual fund, a popular means of investment, depends on how effectively an Asset Management Company has been able to understand the level of influence of these factors on the decision of investors to invest in mutual funds. For a substantial growth in the mutual fund market, there must be a high level precision in the design and marketing of the products of mutual funds taking into account these driving forces by the Asset Management Companies. Therefore, there is a need to conduct a detailed study on investments in mutual funds in this direction. A review of available literature also revealed that no detailed study on mutual funds has so far been attempted in this direction; hence the present study on Driving Forces of Investment Decisions in Mutual Funds is undertaken.


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The following objectives have been formulated for the study. To assess the procurement and marketing practices of Non—Timber Forest Produce by tribes and Tribal Co-operative Societies and examine the role of co—operatives in liberating the tribes from the clutches of private traders. To study the relative efficiency of marketing channels. To analyse the inter—difference between tribes and regions in the collection and marketing of Non—Timber Forest produce. To examine the forward linkage of tribal co-operative societies with the Ayurvedic Medicinal Manufacturing Units of the state. To examine the impact of marketing on employment and income of tribes and To examine the extent of involvement of tribes in Tribal Co-operative Societies in policy formulation and implementation.


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The source of samonella cross contamination in 15 retail chicken outlets in aresidual area in coimbatore city ,sourthern India was studied. Chopping boards and the butchers hands were predominant followed by knives and the weighing balance tray. Serotyping of the salmonella strains revealed that all strains were salmonella enteritis, except one which was found to be salmonella cerro.The anti bacterial activity of commonly used spices were evaluated.


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The incidence of salmonella and escherichia coli in chicken retail outlets in a residential area of coimbatore, Tamilnadu India was studied with the view that accessories may be a source of cross contamination.Accessories like cages,knives ,chopping boards weighing balance trays and the hands of butcher were examined.A toatal of 14 salmonella as well as 31 E.coli were isolated from different sources. The incidence of E.coli was higher than that of Salmonella.The highest incidence of Salmonella was found in chopping boards and the maximum level of E.Coli was detected in cages.


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Marketing of information services is now an important goal of librarians all over the ~orld t? attract mor~ users to the libr~ry. thereby promoting user satisfaction. Marketing IS considered ~s ~n Integr~1 part of libraries and information centres mainly due to the developments In information t.echnology, information explosion, and declining library budgets. Kotler defines marketing as the "analysis, planning, implementation and control o~ carefully formulated programs designed to bring about voluntary exchanges of values WIth target markets fo~ the ~~rpos~ of~chievingorganizational objectives". Organizations suc.h as museums, unrversittes, libraries, and charities need to market their causes and their products to gain. political and social support as well as economic support (Kotler, 1995). In the marketing world people are now migrating from the traditional Four P ~lodelto th~ S~VE mode! (Alt~ns~n, 2013). According to the SAVE model, marketing III an orgarusanon must grve pnonty to 'Solutions' instead of the features or functions of~he.'Product" Similarily it is to focus on 'Access', instead of ,Place'; 'Value' instead of Price" so that the benefits are more stressed, rather than production costs. Instead of :Proliloti.on', marketi~g has. to conc~ntrate on 'Educating' the customers, providing lJlfo~mahol~ about t~eJr specific req~lrements, instead of relying on advertising, public rel~tlons, direct selling etc. From a library point ofview, to ensure maximum utilization of library ~ervices there is an increasing need for definite marketing plans to exploit the techn.ologlcal dcvelop",len~s so ~s to entice the users. By anticipating their changing needs and ~y co.mmulllcatl~g WIth them it should be possible to devise strategies to present various library services and products in a perceptive style.


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Tourism is an industry which is heavily dependent on marketing. Mouth to mouth communication has played a major role in shaping a number of destinations.This is particularly true in modern parlance.This is social networking phenomenon which is fast spreading over the internet .Many sites provide visitors a lot of freedom to express their views.Promotion of a destination depends lot on conversation and exchange of information over these social networks.This paper analyses the social networking sites their contribution to marketing tourism and hoapitality .The negetive impacts phenomena are also discussed


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The paper ‘Impact of Quality on Ethics and Social Responsibility in Marketing in Industries in Kerala in the present Indian scenario’ highlights the observations, based on a descriptive research carried out in five leading industries in Kerala, in the private and public sector. Ethics and social responsibilities, practiced in these industries, are reflected in the results of the survey conducted on specific queries like awareness of products/services provided by them, total understanding of the requirements of the customer, open discussion on technical matters, accountability of employees to the society and social needs, consumer ethics vis a vis business ethics etc. Team working goes a long way, in building relations, which in turn, results in a progressive and effective marketing strategy. This assumes paramount importance, considering the severe competition we are facing in the light of liberalization, privatization and globalization, which encompasses the globe. The prediction of India becoming a lead nation, along with USA, China and Japan, in this decade, can get fructified only if we follow a very high standards of ethics and social responsibility, in all domains including marketing. Organizations like TRW.Rane, Sundaram Fasteners, TVS Motors, in Chennai are a few among others in India, who have achieved the highest distinction in quality viz Deming Prize, and these demonstrate their commitment to quality, society and humanity at large. Cost effectiveness, without jeopardizing quality has become the need of the hour and MRTP has become history. This trait is being brought out through the survey and the results speak for themselves. Unethical practices like switch and bait, not only brings shame to the organization, and country but also results in the company getting wiped out from the market. Adherence to standards like ISO 14000 helps to maintain the minimum level of social responsibility and environmental friendliness. Like quality audit, safety audit etc, social audit is being insisted in all progressive countries to ensure that the organization comply with the minimum statutory requirements. The paper also touches upon Corporate Social Responsibility practiced in the industries and this becomes crystal clear through their commitment to improve the community. Green Marketing lays a lot of importance on the three Rs of environmentalism viz Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The objective of any business is to achieve optimal profit and this is possible only by reducing the cost as well as waste. In this context, management tools like brainstorming, suggestion schemes, benchmarking etc becomes helpful. These characteristics are brought out through the analysis of survey results. The conclusions drawn throw a lot of information on the desirable practices with respect to Ethics and Social Responsibility in Marketing


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In a business environment that is characterized by intense competition, building customer loyalty has become a key area of focus for most financial institutions. The explosion of the services sector, changing customer demographics and deregulation and emergence of new technology in the financial services industry have had a critical impact on consumers’ financial services buying behaviour. The changes have forced banks to modify their service offerings to customers so as to ensure high levels of customer satisfaction and also high levels of customer retention. Banks have historically had difficulty distinguishing their products from one another because of their relative homogeneity; with increasing competition,the problem has only intensified with no coherent distinguishing theme. Rising wealth, product proliferation, regulatory changes and newer technologies are together making bank switching easier for customers. In order to remain competitive, it is important for banks to retain their customer base. The financial services sector is the foundation for any economy and plays the role of mobilization of resources and their allocation. The retail banking sector in India has emerged as one of the major drivers of the overall banking industry and has witnessed enormous growth. Switching behaviour has a negative impact on the banks’ market share and profitability as the costs of acquiring customers are much higher than the costs of retaining. When customers switch, the business loses the potential for additional profits from the customer the initial costs invested in the customer by the business get . The Objective of the thesis was to examine the relationship among triggers that customers experience, their perceptions of service quality, consumers’ commitment and behavioral intentions in the contemporary India retail banking context through the eyes of the customer. To understand customers’ perception of these aspects, data were collected from retail banking customers alone for the purpose of analysis, though the banks’ views were considered during the qualitative work carried out prior to the main study. No respondent who is an employee of a banking organization was considered for the final study to avoid the possibility of any bias that could affect the results adversely. The data for the study were collected from customers who have switched banks and from those who were non switchers. The study attempted to develop and validate a multidimensional construct of service quality for retail banking from the consumer’s perspective. A major conclusion from the empirical research was the confirmation of the multidimensional construct for perceived service quality in the banking context. Switching can be viewed as an optimization problem for customers; customers review the potential gains of switching to another service provider against the costs of leaving the service provider. As banks do not provide tangible products, their service quality is usually assessed through service provider’s relationship with customers. Thus, banks should pay attention towards their employees’ skills and knowledge; assessing customers’ needs and offering fast and efficient services.