28 resultados para Double- Cantilever Beam


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In this paper we report the use of the dual beam thermal lens technique as a quantitative method to determine absolute fluorescence quantum efficiency and concentration quenching of fluorescence emission from rhodamine 6G doped Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), prepared with different concentrations of the dye. A comparison of the present data with that reported in the literature indicates that the observed variation of fluorescence quantum yield with respect to the dye concentration follows a similar profile as in the earlier reported observations on rhodamine 6G in solution. The photodegradation of the dye molecules under cw laser excitation is also studied using the present method.


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Photothermal beam deflection studies were carried out with GaAs epitaxial double layers grown on semi-insulating GaAs substrates. The impurity densities in thin epitaxial layers were found to influence the effective thermal diffusivity of the entire structure.


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This thesis deals with the study of light beam propagation through different nonlinear media. Analytical and numerical methods are used to show the formation of solitonS in these media. Basic experiments have also been performed to show the formation of a self-written waveguide in a photopolymer. The variational method is used for the analytical analysis throughout the thesis. Numerical method based on the finite-difference forms of the original partial differential equation is used for the numerical analysis.In Chapter 2, we have studied two kinds of solitons, the (2 + 1) D spatial solitons and the (3 + l)D spatio-temporal solitons in a cubic-quintic medium in the presence of multiphoton ionization.In Chapter 3, we have studied the evolution of light beam through a different kind of nonlinear media, the photorcfractive polymer. We study modulational instability and beam propagation through a photorefractive polymer in the presence of absorption losses. The one dimensional beam propagation through the nonlinear medium is studied using variational and numerical methods. Stable soliton propagation is observed both analytically and numerically.Chapter 4 deals with the study of modulational instability in a photorefractive crystal in the presence of wave mixing effects. Modulational instability in a photorefractive medium is studied in the presence of two wave mixing. We then propose and derive a model for forward four wave mixing in the photorefractive medium and investigate the modulational instability induced by four wave mixing effects. By using the standard linear stability analysis the instability gain is obtained.Chapter 5 deals with the study of self-written waveguides. Besides the usual analytical analysis, basic experiments were done showing the formation of self-written waveguide in a photopolymer system. The formation of a directional coupler in a photopolymer system is studied theoretically in Chapter 6. We propose and study, using the variational approximation as well as numerical simulation, the evolution of a probe beam through a directional coupler formed in a photopolymer system.


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In the present study, radio frequency plasma polymerization technique is used to prepare thin films of polyaniline, polypyrrole, poly N-methyl pyrrole and polythiophene. The thermal characterization of these films is carried out using transverse probe beam deflection method. Electrical conductivity and band gaps are also determined. The effect of iodine doping on electrical conductivity and the rate of heat diffusion is explored.Bulk samples of poyaniline and polypyrrole in powder form are synthesized by chemical route. Open photoacoustic cell configuration is employed for the thermal characterization of these samples. The effect of acid doping on heat diffusion in these bulk samples of polyaniline is also investigated. The variation of electrical conductivity of doped polyaniline and polypyrrole with temperature is also studied for drawing conclusion on the nature of conduction in these samples. In order to improve the processability of polyaniline and polypyrrole, these polymers are incorporated into a host matrix of poly vinyl chloride. Measurements of thermal diffusivity and electrical conductivity of these samples are carried out to investigate the variation of these quantities as a function of the content of polyvinyl chloride.


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Nano structured noble metals have very important applications in diverse fields as photovoltaics, catalysis, electronic and magnetic devices, etc. Here, we report the application of dual beam thermal lens technique for the determination of the effect of silver sol on the absolute fluorescence quantum yield (FQY) of the laser dye rhodamine 6G. A 532 nm radiation from a diode pumped solid state laser was used as the excitation source. It has been observed that the presence of silver sol decreases the fluorescence quantum efficiency. This is expected to have a very important consequence in enhancing Raman scattering which is an important spectrochemical tool that provides information on molecular structures. We have also observed that the presence of silver sol can enhance the thermal lens signal which makes the detection of the signal easier at any concentration.


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A novel fixed frequency beam scanning microstrip leaky wave antenna is reported. The beam scanning at fixed frequency is achieved by reactive loading. Simulation and measured results shows frequency scanability of 80° as well as fixed frequency beam steering of 68° over the −10 dB impedance band of 4.56–5.06 GHz.


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In the present thesis, possibility of beam shaping of sectoral horns and corner reflector systems'has been studied in detail. The experimental results obtained in the above two cases are compared. As far as the flanged sectoral horns are concerned, the special advantage is that the gain is increased without impairing impedance conditions. An intense study on corner reflector antennas shows that the been broadening or focussing will be possible by adjusting parameters involved. Beam tilting by imposing asymmetries is another interesting property of the systems. A comprehensive study of these fields has been presented in Chapter II. Chapter III is exclusively for describing the experimental techniques used in the present investigation. In Chapter IV, experimental results on flanged sectoral horns and corner reflector eyetses are presented. A comparative analysis of the experimental results obtained with flanged sectoral horns and corner reflector systems is presented in the Chapter V. The similarity and close resemblance in each aspects are shown by presenting typical results from these two eysteee. Theoretical aspects of both types of antennas are considered in Chapter VI. Attempts are made for co-ordinating the theoretical aspects and drawing a final conclusion. In Chapter VII. the final conclusion that the flanged sectoral horn may be considered as a corner reflector system has been drawn. The importance of the conclusions and usefulness are pointed out. The scope for further work in these lines has been indicated.


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The need for improved feed systems for large reflector antennas employed in Radio Astronomy and Satellite tracking spurred the interest in horn antenna research in the 1960's. The major requirements were to reduce spill over, cross-polarisation losses,and to enhance the aperture efficiency to the order of about 75-8O%L The search for such a feed culminated in the corrugated horn. The corrugat1e 1 horn triggered widespread interest and enthusiasm, and a large amount of work(32’34’49’5O’52’53’58’65’75’79)has already been done on this type of antennas. The properties of corrugated surfaces has been investigated in detail. It was strongly felt that the flange technique and the use of corrugated surfaces could be merged together to obtain the advantages of both. This is the idea behind the present work. Corrugations are made on the surface of flange elements. The effect of various corrugation parameters are studied. By varying the flange parameters, a good amount of data is collected and analysed to ascertain the effects of corrugated flanges. The measurements are repeated at various frequencies, in the X— and S-bands. The following parameters of the system were studied: (a) beam shaping (b) gain (c) variation of V.S.U.R. (d) possibility of obtaining circularly polarised radiation from the flanged horn. A theoretical explanation to the effects of corrugated flanges is attempted on the basis of the line-source theory. Even though this theory utilises a simplified model for the calculation of radiation patterns, fairly good agreement between the computed pattern and experimental results are observed.


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The flange technique, suggested by Reynolds72 is simple technique to improve antenna characteristics. Using flange technique we can trim the antenna characteristic by suitably adjusting the flange parameters75. Later corrugated flanges87 are used for beam shaping. The important parameters of the corrugated flanges are (a) flange angle, (b) flange width, (c) flange position, (d) conductivity of the flange, (e) amplitude excitation of the flange elements, (f) period of corrugation etc. Compared to a compound horn the flange technique offers great convenience in trimming antenna characteristics. Horns are commonly used as a feed in radar and satellite communications. A large number of work had been done to improve the characteristics of horn antennas. It is an established fact that grooved walls on the inner surface of a horn can improve the antenna characteristics44. Corrugated comb surface can be used for the circular polarization98, tilt of polarization99 etc. This suggests the possibility to combine these two phenomena and to obtain a resultant beam. This thesis presents the result of an investigation to study the possibility of controlling different antenna characteristics like polarization, beam shaping, matching etc, using corrugated flange techniques.


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Decimal multiplication is an integral part of financial, commercial, and internet-based computations. This paper presents a novel double digit decimal multiplication (DDDM) technique that performs 2 digit multiplications simultaneously in one clock cycle. This design offers low latency and high throughput. When multiplying two n-digit operands to produce a 2n-digit product, the design has a latency of (n / 2) 1 cycles. The paper presents area and delay comparisons for 7-digit, 16-digit, 34-digit double digit decimal multipliers on different families of Xilinx, Altera, Actel and Quick Logic FPGAs. The multipliers presented can be extended to support decimal floating-point multiplication for IEEE P754 standard


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Decimal multiplication is an integral part of financial, commercial, and internet-based computations. This paper presents a novel double digit decimal multiplication (DDDM) technique that offers low latency and high throughput. This design performs two digit multiplications simultaneously in one clock cycle. Double digit fixed point decimal multipliers for 7digit, 16 digit and 34 digit are simulated using Leonardo Spectrum from Mentor Graphics Corporation using ASIC Library. The paper also presents area and delay comparisons for these fixed point multipliers on Xilinx, Altera, Actel and Quick logic FPGAs. This multiplier design can be extended to support decimal floating point multiplication for IEEE 754- 2008 standard.


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This paper gives the details of flexure-shear analysis of concrete beams reinforced with GFRP rebars. The influence of vertical reinforcement ratio, longitudinal reinforcement ratio and compressive strength of concrete on shear strength of GFRP reinforced concrete beam is studied. The critical value of shear span to depth ratio (a/d) at which the mode of failure changes from flexure to shear is studied. The fail-ure load of the beam is predicted for various values of a/d ratio. The prediction show that the longitudinally FRP reinforced concrete beams having no stirrups fail in shear for a/d ratio less than 9.0. It is expected that the predicted data is useful for structural engineers to design the FRP reinforced concrete members.


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Transition metal acetylides, MC2 (M=Fe, Co and Ni), exhibit ferromagnetic behavior of which TC is characteristic of their size and structure. CoC2 synthesized in anhydrous condition exhibited cubic structure with disordered C2− 2 orientation. Once being exposed to water (or air), the particles behave ferromagnetically due to the lengthening of the Co–Co distance by the coordination of water molecules to Co2+ cations. Heating of these particles induces segregation of metallic cores with carbon mantles. Electron beam or 193 nm laser beam can produce nanoparticles with metallic cores covered with carbon mantles