178 resultados para technology-based
Nanocrystalline Fe–Ni thin films were prepared by partial crystallization of vapour deposited amorphous precursors. The microstructure was controlled by annealing the films at different temperatures. X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy investigations showed that the nanocrystalline phase was that of Fe–Ni. Grain growth was observed with an increase in the annealing temperature. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy observations showed the presence of a native oxide layer on the surface of the films. Scanning tunnelling microscopy investigations support the biphasic nature of the nanocrystalline microstructure that consists of a crystalline phase along with an amorphous phase. Magnetic studies using a vibrating sample magnetometer show that coercivity has a strong dependence on grain size. This is attributed to the random magnetic anisotropy characteristic of the system. The observed coercivity dependence on the grain size is explained using a modified random anisotropy model
Composite Fe3O4–SiO2 materials were prepared by the sol–gel method with tetraethoxysilane and aqueous-based Fe3O4 ferrofluids as precursors. The monoliths obtained were crack free and showed both optical and magnetic properties. The structural properties were determined by infrared spectroscopy, x-ray diffractometry and transmission electron microscopy. Fe3O4 particles of 20 nm size lie within the pores of the matrix without any strong Si–O–Fe bonding. The well established silica network provides effective confinement to these nanoparticles. The composites were transparent in the 600–800 nm regime and the field dependent magnetization curves suggest that the composite exhibits superparamagnetic characteristics
Hybrid magnetic nanostructures with high coercivity have immense application potential in various fields. Nickel (Ni) electrodeposited inside Cobalt (Co) nanotubes (a new system named Ni @ Co nanorods) were fabricated using a two-step potentiostatic electrodeposition method. Ni @ Co nanorods were crystalline, and they have an average diameter of 150 nm and length of *15 lm. The X-ray diffraction studies revealed the existence of two separate phases corresponding to Ni and Co. Ni @ Co nanorods exhibited a very high longitudinal coercivity. The general mobility-assisted growth mechanism proposed for the growth of one-dimensional nanostructures inside nano porous alumina during potentiostatic electrodeposition is found to be valid in this case too
Fe–Ni based amorphous thin films were prepared by thermal evaporation. These films were irradiated by 108 MeV Ag8+ ions at room temperature with fluences ranging from 1 1012 to 3 1013 ions/cm2 using a 15 UD Pelletron accelerator. Glancing angle x-ray diffraction studies showed that the irradiated films retain their amorphous nature. The topographical evolution of the films under swift heavy ion SHI bombardment was probed using atomic force microscope and it was noticed that surface roughening was taking place with ion beam irradiation. Magnetic measurements using a vibrating sample magnetometer showed that the coercivity of the films increases with an increase in the ion fluence. The observed coercivity changes are correlated with topographical evolution of the films under SHI irradiation. The ability to modify the magnetic properties via SHI irradiation could be utilized for applications in thin film magnetism
Fine (approximately 18 nm) particles of nickel ferrite were synthesized by the sol-gel technique, and their structural properties were evaluated by X-ray diffraction. Neoprene-based rubber ferrite composites were prepared by incorporating these nickel ferrite powders in the rubber matrix according to a specific recipe. The cure characteristics were analyzed, and the samples were molded into particular shapes whose properties were determined according to ASTM standards. Magnetization studies were carried out using a Vibrating Sample Magnetometer. This study indicates that neoprene rubber-based flexible magnets with desired magnetic properties and appropriate mechanical properties can be prepared by incorporating an adequate amount of nanoscale nickel ferrite particles within the rubber matrix
Sol–gel glasses with Fe3O4 nanoparticles having particle sizes laying in the range 10–20 nm were encapsulated in the porous network of silica resulting in nanocomposites having both optical and magnetic properties. Spectroscopic and photoluminescence studies indicated that Fe3O4 nanocrystals are embedded in the silica matrix with no strong Si–O–Fe bonding. The composites exhibited a blue luminescence. The optical absorption edge of the composites red shifted with increasing concentration of Fe3O4 in the silica matrix. There is no obvious shift in the position of the luminescence peak with the concentration of Fe3O4 except that the intensity of the peak is decreased. The unique combinations of magnetic and optical properties are appealing for magneto–optical applications.
Flexible and thin single layer microwave absorbers based on strontium ferrite–carbon black–nitrile rubber composites have been fabricated employing a specific recipe and their reflection loss characteristics were studied in the S (2–4 GHz) and X-bands (8–12 GHz). The incorporation of carbon black not only reinforces the rubber by improving the mechanical properties of the composite but also modifies the dielectric permittivity of the composite. Strontium ferrite when impregnated into a rubber matrix imparts the required magnetic permeability to the composite. The combination of strontium ferrite and carbon black can then be employed to tune the microwave absorption characteristics of the resulting composite. The complex dielectric permittivity and permeability were measured by employing a cavity perturbation technique. The microwave absorption characteristics of composites were modelled in that an electromagnetic wave incident normally on the metal terminated single layer absorber. The influence of filler volume fraction, frequency, absorber thickness on the bandwidth of absorption are discussed and correlated
Nickel–rubber nanocomposites were synthesized by incorporating ferromagnetic nickel nanoparticles in a natural rubber as well as neoprene rubber matrix. Complex dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeability of these composites were evaluated in the X-band microwave frequencies at room temperature using cavity perturbation technique. The dielectric loss in natural rubber is smaller compared to neoprene rubber. A steady increase in the dielectric permittivity is observed with increase in the content of nickel in both the composites. The magnetic permeability exhibits a steady decrease with increase in frequency and magnetic loss shows a relaxation at 8 GHz. The suitability of these composites as microwave absorbers is modeled based on the reflection loss which is dependant on the real and imaginary components of the complex dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeability.
The magnetic properties of amorphous Fe–Ni–B based metallic glass nanostructures were investigated. The nanostructures underwent a spin-glass transition at temperatures below 100 K and revealed an irreversible temperature following the linear de Almeida–Thouless dependence. When the nanostructures were cooled below 25 K in a magnetic field, they exhibited an exchange bias effect with enhanced coercivity. The observed onset of exchange bias is associated with the coexistence of the spin-glass phase along with the appearance of another spin-glass phase formed by oxidation of the structurally disordered surface layer, displaying a distinct training effect and cooling field dependence. The latter showed a maximum in exchange bias field and coercivity, which is probably due to competing multiple equivalent spin configurations at the boundary between the two spin-glass phases
Here we report the multiferroic nature of charge ordered manganite Gd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 for the first time. The temperature variation of dielectric constant shows broad relaxor type ferroelectric transition at around 210K and magnetization measurements shows weak ferromagnetism at 50K. The dielectric peak is very close to charge ordering temperature which is an evidence of the link between electronic state and increase of dielectric response. Butterfly variation of capacitance with voltage confirms ferroelectric nature of the sample at room temperature
Two-dimensional electronic systems play a crucial role in modern electronics and offer a multitude of opportunities to study the fundamental phenomena at low dimensional physics. A quantum well heterostructure based on polyaniline (P) and iodine doped polyaniline (I) thin films were fabricated using radio frequency plasma polymerization on indium tin oxide coated glass plate. Scanning probe microscopy and scanning electron microscopy studies were employed to study the morphology and roughness of the polymer thin films. Local electronic density of states (LDOS) of the P–I–P heterostructures is probed using scanning tunnelling spectroscopy (STS). A step like LDOS is observed in the P–I–P heterostructure and is attributed to the quantum well confinement of electrons in the polymer heterostructure.
Ultra fine nickel ferrite have been synthesized by the sol-gel method. By heat treating different portions of the prepared powder separately at different temperatures, nano-sized particles of nickel ferrite with varying particle sizes were obtained. These powders were characterised by the X-ray diffraction and then incorporated in the nitrile rubber matrix according to a specific recipe for various loadings. The cure characteristics and the mechanical properties of these rubber ferrite composites (RFCs) were evaluated. The effect of loading and the grain size of the filler on the cure characteristics and tensile properties were also evaluated. It is found that the grain size and porosity of the filler plays a vital role in determining the mechanical properties of the RFCs
Rubber ferrite composites were prepared by incorporating nickel ferrite in a neoprene rubber matrix. Kinetics of the cure reaction were determined from the rheometric torque values and found to follow first-order kinetics. Analysis of the swelling behavior of the rubber ferrite composites in toluene elucidates the mechanism of solvent penetration and sorption characteristics, and reveals the extent of the physical interaction of the ferrite particles with the neoprene rubber matrix. Mechanical properties of rubber ferrite composites were determined, which support the reinforcing nature of nickel ferrite to the neoprene rubber matrix. These results show that magnetic composites with the required processing safety can be prepared economically by incorporating higher amounts of nickel ferrite in the neoprene rubber matrix
Flexile single layer electromagnetic wave absorbers were designed by incorporating appropriate amounts of carbon black in a nitrile butadiene rubber matrix along with an optimized amount of magnetic counterpart, namely, barium hexaferrite for applications in S, C, and X-bands. Effective dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeability were measured using cavity perturbation method in the frequency range of 2–12 GHz. The microwave absorbing characteristics of the composites were studied in the S, C, and X-bands employing a model in which an electromagnetic wave is incident normally on a metal terminated single layer. Reflection loss exceeding 20 dB is obtained for all the samples in a wide frequency range of 2–12 GHz when an appropriate absorber thickness between 5 and 9mm is chosen. The impact of carbon black is clearly observed in the optimized composites on the mechanical strength, thickness, band width of absorption, dielectric properties,
Metglas 2826 MB having a nominal composition of Fe40Ni38Mo4B18 is an excellent soft magnetic material and finds application in sensors and memory heads. However, the thin-film forms of Fe40Ni38Mo4B18 are seldom studied, although they are important in micro-electro-mechanical systems/nano-electromechanical systems devices. The stoichiometry of the film plays a vital role in determining the structural and magnetic properties of Fe40Ni38Mo4B18 thin films: retaining the composition in thin films is a challenge. Thin films of 52 nm thickness were fabricated by RF sputtering technique on silicon substrate from a target of nominal composition of Fe40Ni38Mo4B18. The films were annealed at temperatures of 400 °C and 600 °C. The micro-structural studies of films using glancing x-ray diffractometer (GXRD) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) revealed that pristine films are crystalline with (FeNiMo)23B6 phase. Atomic force microscope (AFM) images were subjected to power spectral density analysis to understand the probable surface evolution mechanism during sputtering and annealing. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was employed to determine the film composition. The sluggish growth of crystallites with annealing is attributed to the presence of molybdenum in the thin film. The observed changes in magnetic properties were correlated with annealing induced structural, compositional and morphological changes