163 resultados para Deaf.
This paper examines what regular education teachers need in order to be prepared for teaching mainstreamed deaf and hearing impaired students.
This is an informal study centering on the needs of parents of children who are deaf or hearing impaired. The information analyzed and obtained focused on the role of parents in their children’s lives.
This paper discusses a study to provide a descriptive analysis of the linguistic environment of a deaf infant during his first year of life.
The role and responsibilities of an itinerant teacher of students who are deaf or hard of hearing were investigated to create a database of information about the effective traits of successful itinerant teachers.
This paper examines the auditory training procedures used at Central Institute for the Deaf.
This study will examine the effects of the SKILL Program on the social and pragmatic skills of the hearing-impaired children in the Pre-K department of the Central Institute for the Deaf. It will assess language and social skills necessary for the children to be successful in the mainstream and how having hearing peers may have contributed to their gaining of those skills.
This paper studies the effectiveness of the recorded books and teaching method developed by Dr. Marie Carbo in the aural habilitation of pre-lingual deaf children with cochlear implants.
S.P.I.R.E., at use at Central Institute for the Deaf, is a comprehensive, multi-sensory systematic reading and language program that targets at risk and struggling students. The purpose of this project was to write additional stories and sentences for students who are hearing impaired through reader 2 that may be used in conjunction with the exiting stories and supplements.
This paper examines the relationship between results of the Wechsler-Bellevue Performance Test of Intelligence and the Snijders-Oomen Non-Verbal Intelligence Scale (SONS) as given to hearing-impaired students at Central Institute for the Deaf.
This paper presents a handbook for students introducing them to the Laryngectomy Clinic of Central Institute for the Deaf and providing them basic facts regarding laryngectomees and alaryngeal speech.
This paper reviews a study to determine the differences between multiply handicapped and deaf children in social interactions.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the current use of the Central Institute for the Deafs Speech Skills Worksheet by teacher of the deaf and speech-language pathologists, review the current literature on speech development in hearing-impaired children, and apply the findings to develop a more comprehensive Speech Skills Worksheet.
This paper describes an audio/visual project resulting in a public relations slide slow about Central Institute for the Deaf and its facilities and activities.
This paper examines the production of a videotape of “Little Red Riding Hood,” produced at Central Institute for the Deaf, as a supplemental tool in the teaching of fairy tales.
This paper is a review of a study to determine if a special hearing aid, the Transposer, can supply high frequency information to profoundly deaf children.