19 resultados para technological neutrality

em Université de Montréal, Canada


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"The paper speaks about the both positive and negative arguments of the concept of technological neutrality. Technology is the part and parcel of present people's daily life having aesthetic and devil impact on world. The experts and philosophers on interpretation of the influence of technology in life are concerned about the ongoing misuse of technology. The debate is whether technology itself becomes destructive and detrimental to us or the people inventing technology are responsible to make it more harmful for their own greediness. States are preparing to adopt new laws regarding the proper, exact and neutral use of technology in a sense to protect the deviation of technology behavior. The introduction tells about the fundamental impact and effectiveness of technology in life; ""definition of technology"" goes ahead to identify the various aspect of technology development stages; ""autonomous technology"" heading finds out the true characters of technology as against to human power and strength; ""neutral technology"" implies the adaptation of laws for neutral use of technology itself; ""neutrality principle in economy and communication science"" has the notion of impartial rationale of being unbiased for upholding technology neutrality principle in practice; and finally the conclusion ends with summing up the average influences of technology on human being at large."


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Les technologies de l’information entraînent de profondes transformations dans nos façons d’apprendre et de socialiser ; de lire et d’écrire. Ces changements ne sont pas sans conséquence sur de nombreuses institutions, juridiques ou non. Créées au fil du temps et adaptées à une réalité qu’elles avaient internalisée, elles doivent aujourd’hui comprendre et s’adapter au changement. L’écrit est une de ces institutions. Sa place dans le droit civil est le fruit de centaines d’années de cohabitation et le droit y a vu un allié stable. Mais autrefois facilitateur, l’écrit devient obstacle alors que les technologies de l’information, affranchies du papier, sont utilisées dans des situations juridiques. Comment adapter la notion d’écrit – et celles de l’original et de la signature – alors qu’il n’est question que de données abstraites sous forme numérique ? C’est là l’objet de ce mémoire. Suite à une étude de la notion d’écrit dans le temps, de son affirmation à son bouleversement, nous étudierons les outils juridiques (traditionnels ou récents, comme les principes de neutralité technologique et d’équivalence fonctionnelle) à la disposition du droit civil pour constamment s’adapter à des situations changeantes. Enfin, dans une perspective plus pratique, nous verrons le traitement qu’ont fait divers législateurs, de l’écrit électronique. Nous terminerons par une analyse plus précise des dispositions québécoises relatives à l’écrit électronique. Les principes étudiés dans ce mémoire sont susceptibles de s’appliquer à d’autres situations similaires.


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Les nouvelles technologies jouent un rôle croissant dans notre société. Le droit s’est interrogé sur la façon de rendre possible l’utilisation du support électronique dans un monde où seule l’utilisation du support papier était possible jusqu’à peu. L’objectif était d’éviter que la loi par son attachement au support papier n’entrave l’utilisation des nouvelles technologies et plus largement le développement des échanges en ligne. Dans ce contexte, la Commission des Nations Unies pour le Développement du Commerce International (CNUDCI) a développé les principes de neutralité technologique et d’équivalence fonctionnelle aux termes desquels les écrits électroniques sont considérés comme équivalents à ceux papiers s’ils sont en mesure d’endosser les mêmes fonctions que ces derniers. Le législateur français, s’inspirant des travaux de la CNUDCI, a modifié sa législation pour permettre la reconnaissance de la valeur juridique des actes passés par voie électronique. La reconnaissance de la valeur juridique des actes conclus par voie électronique laisse cependant subsister certaines questions relatives la protection du consentement de celui qui contracte en ligne. Le législateur français a ainsi élaboré des règles formalistes et dérogatoires au droit commun concernant la conclusion des contrats électroniques pour protéger le consommateur en ligne.


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Plus de dix ans après la mise en place du projet d’harmonisation du droit du commerce électronique, l’ASEAN, « The Association of Southeast Asian Nations » rassemblant dix États membres en Asie du Sud-est, n’arrive toujours pas à doter chacun de ses États membres d’une législation harmonisée en la matière. Dans cette optique, nous tenterons, pour contribuer à cette harmonisation, de démontrer la situation problématique relative au droit du commerce électronique dans six des dix États membres de l’ASEAN où, en plus de leur non-uniformité législative, les textes nationaux régissant le formalisme du contrat électronique demeurent difficiles à comprendre, à interpréter et donc à appliquer ; ce qui cause parfois des erreurs interprétatives voire l’oubli total de ces textes. Cette expérience n’est pas unique dans l’ASEAN, car l’on trouve également de similaires situations dans d’autres juridictions, telles que le Canada et les États-Unis. Pour pallier cette rupture entre la loi et la jurisprudence, nous proposons une quête d’une méthode d’interprétation comme une piste de solution qui nous semble la plus pertinente au regard de l’état des textes déjà en vigueur et de l’objectif de l’harmonisation du droit du commerce électronique dans l’ASEAN. Parmi les méthodes interprétatives très variées, nous arrivons à identifier la méthode contextuelle, aussi large soit-elle, comme la méthode la plus pertinente eu égard aux caractéristiques particulières du formalisme du contrat électronique, à savoir l’écrit et la signature électroniques. Nous proposons donc une grille d’analyse de cette méthode composée de contextes juridique, technique et social, qui aideront les juristes, surtout les juges, à mieux saisir le sens des textes et à leur donner « une meilleure interprétation » en faveur de l’objectif de l’harmonisation du droit dans l’ASEAN.


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This is the audio recording of all discussion sessions of the International Conference on the Re-evaluation of Liberal Neutrality organized by CRÉUM, Montreal May 1-3 2008. (The conference announcement is at http://www.creum.umontreal.ca/spip.php?article765) // Ceci est l'enregistrement audio des périodes de discussion du colloque organisé par le CRÉUM (Montréal, 1-3 mai 2008) et portant sur une ré-évaluation de la neutralité libérale. (L'annonce du colloque est à l'adresse http://www.creum.umontreal.ca/spip.php?article765)


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Given the fact of moral disagreement, theories of state neutrality which rely on moral premises will have limited application, in that they will fail to motivate anyone who rejects the moral premises on which they are based. By contrast, contractarian theories can be consistent with moral scepticism, and can therefore avoid this limitation. In this paper, I construct a contractarian model which I claim is sceptically consistent and includes a principle of state neutrality as a necessary condition. The principle of neutrality which I derive incorporates two conceptions of neutrality (consequential neutrality and justificatory neutrality) which have usually been thought of as distinct and incompatible. I argue that contractarianism gives us a unified account of these conceptions. Ultimately, the conclusion that neutrality can be derived without violating the constraint established by moral scepticism turns out to rely on an assumption of equal precontractual bargaining power. I do not attempt to defend this assumption here. If the assumption cannot be defended in a sceptically consistent fashion, then the argument for neutrality given here is claimed to be morally minimal, rather than fully consistent with moral scepticism.


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In defending the principle of neutrality, liberals have often appealed to a more general moral principle that forbids coercing persons in the name of reasons those persons themselves cannot reasonably be expected to share. Yet liberals have struggled to articulate a non-arbitrary, non-dogmatic distinction between the reasons that persons can reasonably be expected to share and those they cannot. The reason for this, I argue, is that what it means to “share a reason” is itself obscure. In this paper I articulate two different conceptions of what it is to share a reason; I call these conceptions “foundationalist” and “constructivist.” On the foundationalist view, two people “share” a reason just in the sense that the same reason applies to each of them independently. On this view, I argue, debates about the reasons we share collapse into debates about the reasons we have, moving us no closer to an adequate defense of neutrality. On the constructivist view, by contrast, “sharing reasons” is understood as a kind of activity, and the reasons we must share are just those reasons that make this activity possible. I argue that the constructivist conception of sharing reasons yields a better defense of the principle of neutrality.


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Under the circumstances of pluralism people often claim that the state ought to be neutral towards its citizens’ conceptions of the good life. However, what it means for the state to be neutral is often unclear. This is partly because there are different conceptions of neutrality and partly because what neutrality entails depends largely on the context in which neutrality is demanded. This paper discusses three different conceptions of neutralityneutrality of impact, neutrality as equality of opportunity and justificatory neutrality – and analyses the strengths and weaknesses of the different conceptions in different contexts. It suggests that there are two common elements of neutrality in all its exemplifications: a) an element of “hands-off” and b) an element of equal treatment. It therefore argues that while justificatory neutrality is necessary for the state to be neutral it is not sufficient and claims that while conceptions of the good must not enter thejustificationof state regulations, they must be taken into consideration when deliberating theimplementation of these regulations.


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My aim in the present paper is to develop a new kind of argument in support of the ideal of liberal neutrality. This argument combines some basic moral principles with a thesis about the relationship between the correct standards of justification for a belief/action and certain contextual factors. The idea is that the level of importance of what is at stake in a specific context of action determines how demanding the correct standards to justify an action based on a specific set of beliefs ought to be. In certain exceptional contexts –where the seriousness of harm in case of mistake and the level of an agent’s responsibility for the outcome of his action are specially high– a very small probability of making a mistake should be recognized as a good reason to avoid to act based on beliefs that we nonetheless affirm with a high degree of confidence and that actually justify our action in other contexts. The further steps of the argument consist in probing 1) that the fundamental state’s policies are such a case of exceptional context, 2) that perfectionist policies are the type of actions we should avoid, and 3) that policies that satisfy neutral standards of justification are not affected by the reasons which lead to reject perfectionist policies.


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One of the main characteristics of today’s democratic societies is their pluralism. As a result, liberal political philosophers often claim that the state should remain neutral with respect to different conceptions of the good. Legal and social policies should be acceptable to everyone regardless of their culture, their religion or their comprehensive moral views. One might think that this commitment to neutrality should be especially pronounced in urban centres, with their culturally diverse populations. However, there are a large number of laws and policies adopted at the municipal level that contradict the liberal principle of neutrality. In this paper, I want to suggest that these perfectionistlaws and policies are legitimate at the urban level. Specifically, I will argue that the principle of neutrality applies only indirectly to social institutions within the broader framework of the nation-state. This is clear in the case of voluntary associations, but to a certain extent this rationale applies also to cities. In a liberal regime, private associations are allowed to hold and defend perfectionist views, focused on a particular conception of the good life. One problem is to determine the limits of this perfectionism at the urban level, since cities, unlike private associations, are publicinstitutions. My aim here is therefore to give a liberal justification to a limited form of perfectionism of municipal laws and policies.