336 resultados para Composante familiale
Le mouvement migratoire espagnol en Amérique à l'époque moderne peut être partagé en deux phases distinctes : La première est essentiellement masculine alors que la seconde intègre un nombre considérable de femmes et d'enfants. En analysant la correspondance privée provenant des Indes espagnoles entre 1540 et 1616, avec une attention particulière aux missives échangées entre les membres d'une même famille, l’objectif de ce mémoire est d’accéder au quotidien et à l'intimité des migrants et des migrantes et d’expliquer les origines et les modalités de la migration familiale dont l'apogée se situe entre 1560 et 1620. L'analyse dans la perspective du genre des « Cartas privadas de emigrantes a Indias » jette ainsi une lumière nouvelle sur les pratiques épistolaires familiales, les motifs des réunions des familles et sur l’agentivité des Espagnoles dans la construction de la société coloniale.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Au Québec, la médiation familiale en contexte de violence conjugale est controversée, mais la pratique est très peu documentée et est donc mal connue. L’objectif principal de ce mémoire est de comprendre comment les médiateurs familiaux composent avec la présence de violence conjugale dans le cadre de leur pratique. Les objectifs spécifiques sont les suivants : (1) connaître comment les médiateurs familiaux dépistent la violence conjugale ; (2) savoir comment ils interviennent en présence de violence conjugale une fois cette violence dépistée ; et (3) identifier les défis et les préoccupations rencontrées par les médiateurs dans ces dossiers. Cette étude qualitative fut menée auprès de 8 médiateurs issus des domaines juridique et psychosocial. Les participants furent rencontrés dans le cadre d’entrevues semi-dirigées. Les médiateurs rencontrés insistent sur l’importance d’offrir une formation avancée portant sur la problématique de la violence conjugale et sur les outils de dépistage à tous les médiateurs au Québec et de bonifier la formation actuelle en adressant la dangerosité, le risque de récidive et d'aggravation de la violence et l’appréciation du risque d’homicide conjugal. Les résultats de l’étude suggèrent également l’importance de bien différencier le terrorisme conjugal de la violence situationnelle et de mettre en place des pratiques d’interventions spécifiques à chacun de ces types de violence. La médiation familiale en présence de violence conjugale devrait être un champ de pratique spécialisé et le travail de collaboration avec les ressources spécialisées en violence conjugale nécessiterait d’être renforcé.
Traduit de l'anglais par Jimmy Légaré et Olivier Paradis (Direction des bibliothèques de l'UdeM).
We provide a theoretical framework to explain the empirical finding that the estimated betas are sensitive to the sampling interval even when using continuously compounded returns. We suppose that stock prices have both permanent and transitory components. The permanent component is a standard geometric Brownian motion while the transitory component is a stationary Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. The discrete time representation of the beta depends on the sampling interval and two components labelled \"permanent and transitory betas\". We show that if no transitory component is present in stock prices, then no sampling interval effect occurs. However, the presence of a transitory component implies that the beta is an increasing (decreasing) function of the sampling interval for more (less) risky assets. In our framework, assets are labelled risky if their \"permanent beta\" is greater than their \"transitory beta\" and vice versa for less risky assets. Simulations show that our theoretical results provide good approximations for the means and standard deviations of estimated betas in small samples. Our results can be perceived as indirect evidence for the presence of a transitory component in stock prices, as proposed by Fama and French (1988) and Poterba and Summers (1988).
We reconsider the discrete version of the axiomatic cost-sharing model. We propose a condition of (informational) coherence requiring that not all informational refinements of a given problem be solved differently from the original problem. We prove that strictly coherent linear cost-sharing rules must be simple random-order rules.
We examine the maximal-element rationalizability of choice functions with arbitrary do-mains. While rationality formulated in terms of the choice of greatest elements according to a rationalizing relation has been analyzed relatively thoroughly in the earlier litera-ture, this is not the case for maximal-element rationalizability, except when it coincides with greatest-element rationalizability because of properties imposed on the rationalizing relation. We develop necessary and sufficient conditions for maximal-element rationaliz-ability by itself, and for maximal-element rationalizability in conjunction with additional properties of a rationalizing relation such as re exivity, completeness, P-acyclicity, quasi-transitivity, consistency and transitivity.
This paper presents a new theory of random consumer demand. The primitive is a collection of probability distributions, rather than a binary preference. Various assumptions constrain these distributions, including analogues of common assumptions about preferences such as transitivity, monotonicity and convexity. Two results establish a complete representation of theoretically consistent random demand. The purpose of this theory of random consumer demand is application to empirical consumer demand problems. To this end, the theory has several desirable properties. It is intrinsically stochastic, so the econometrician can apply it directly without adding extrinsic randomness in the form of residuals. Random demand is parsimoniously represented by a single function on the consumption set. Finally, we have a practical method for statistical inference based on the theory, described in McCausland (2004), a companion paper.
McCausland (2004a) describes a new theory of random consumer demand. Theoretically consistent random demand can be represented by a \"regular\" \"L-utility\" function on the consumption set X. The present paper is about Bayesian inference for regular L-utility functions. We express prior and posterior uncertainty in terms of distributions over the indefinite-dimensional parameter set of a flexible functional form. We propose a class of proper priors on the parameter set. The priors are flexible, in the sense that they put positive probability in the neighborhood of any L-utility function that is regular on a large subset bar(X) of X; and regular, in the sense that they assign zero probability to the set of L-utility functions that are irregular on bar(X). We propose methods of Bayesian inference for an environment with indivisible goods, leaving the more difficult case of indefinitely divisible goods for another paper. We analyse individual choice data from a consumer experiment described in Harbaugh et al. (2001).
The rationalizability of a choice function on arbitrary domains by means of a transitive relation has been analyzed thoroughly in the literature. Moreover, characterizations of various versions of consistent rationalizability have appeared in recent contributions. However, not much seems to be known when the coherence property of quasi-transitivity or that of P-acyclicity is imposed on a rationalization. The purpose of this paper is to fill this significant gap. We provide characterizations of all forms of rationalizability involving quasi-transitive or P-acyclical rationalizations on arbitrary domains.
The rationalizability of a choice function on an arbitrary domain under various coherence properties has received a considerable amount of attention both in the long-established and in the recent literature. Because domain closedness conditions play an important role in much of rational choice theory, we examine the consequences of these requirements on the logical relationships among different versions of rationalizability. It turns out that closedness under intersection does not lead to any results differing from those obtained on arbitrary domains. In contrast, closedness under union allows us to prove an additional implication.
Article publié avec l'autorisation de la Chambre des notaires du Québec