191 resultados para Cantona, Éric


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La causalité au sens de Granger est habituellement définie par la prévisibilité d'un vecteur de variables par un autre une période à l'avance. Récemment, Lutkepohl (1990) a proposé de définir la non-causalité entre deux variables (ou vecteurs) par la non-prévisibilité à tous les délais dans le futur. Lorsqu'on considère plus de deux vecteurs (ie. lorsque l'ensemble d'information contient les variables auxiliaires), ces deux notions ne sont pas équivalentes. Dans ce texte, nous généralisons d'abord les notions antérieures de causalités en considérant la causalité à un horizon donné h arbitraire, fini ou infini. Ensuite, nous dérivons des conditions nécessaires et suffisantes de non-causalité entre deux vecteurs de variables (à l'intérieur d'un plus grand vecteur) jusqu'à un horizon donné h. Les modèles considérés incluent les autoregressions vectorielles, possiblement d'ordre infini, et les modèles ARIMA multivariés. En particulier, nous donnons des conditions de séparabilité et de rang pour la non-causalité jusqu'à un horizon h, lesquelles sont relativement simples à vérifier.


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This paper develops a general stochastic framework and an equilibrium asset pricing model that make clear how attitudes towards intertemporal substitution and risk matter for option pricing. In particular, we show under which statistical conditions option pricing formulas are not preference-free, in other words, when preferences are not hidden in the stock and bond prices as they are in the standard Black and Scholes (BS) or Hull and White (HW) pricing formulas. The dependence of option prices on preference parameters comes from several instantaneous causality effects such as the so-called leverage effect. We also emphasize that the most standard asset pricing models (CAPM for the stock and BS or HW preference-free option pricing) are valid under the same stochastic setting (typically the absence of leverage effect), regardless of preference parameter values. Even though we propose a general non-preference-free option pricing formula, we always keep in mind that the BS formula is dominant both as a theoretical reference model and as a tool for practitioners. Another contribution of the paper is to characterize why the BS formula is such a benchmark. We show that, as soon as we are ready to accept a basic property of option prices, namely their homogeneity of degree one with respect to the pair formed by the underlying stock price and the strike price, the necessary statistical hypotheses for homogeneity provide BS-shaped option prices in equilibrium. This BS-shaped option-pricing formula allows us to derive interesting characterizations of the volatility smile, that is, the pattern of BS implicit volatilities as a function of the option moneyness. First, the asymmetry of the smile is shown to be equivalent to a particular form of asymmetry of the equivalent martingale measure. Second, this asymmetry appears precisely when there is either a premium on an instantaneous interest rate risk or on a generalized leverage effect or both, in other words, whenever the option pricing formula is not preference-free. Therefore, the main conclusion of our analysis for practitioners should be that an asymmetric smile is indicative of the relevance of preference parameters to price options.


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This paper addresses the issue of estimating semiparametric time series models specified by their conditional mean and conditional variance. We stress the importance of using joint restrictions on the mean and variance. This leads us to take into account the covariance between the mean and the variance and the variance of the variance, that is, the skewness and kurtosis. We establish the direct links between the usual parametric estimation methods, namely, the QMLE, the GMM and the M-estimation. The ususal univariate QMLE is, under non-normality, less efficient than the optimal GMM estimator. However, the bivariate QMLE based on the dependent variable and its square is as efficient as the optimal GMM one. A Monte Carlo analysis confirms the relevance of our approach, in particular, the importance of skewness.


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The GARCH and Stochastic Volatility paradigms are often brought into conflict as two competitive views of the appropriate conditional variance concept : conditional variance given past values of the same series or conditional variance given a larger past information (including possibly unobservable state variables). The main thesis of this paper is that, since in general the econometrician has no idea about something like a structural level of disaggregation, a well-written volatility model should be specified in such a way that one is always allowed to reduce the information set without invalidating the model. To this respect, the debate between observable past information (in the GARCH spirit) versus unobservable conditioning information (in the state-space spirit) is irrelevant. In this paper, we stress a square-root autoregressive stochastic volatility (SR-SARV) model which remains true to the GARCH paradigm of ARMA dynamics for squared innovations but weakens the GARCH structure in order to obtain required robustness properties with respect to various kinds of aggregation. It is shown that the lack of robustness of the usual GARCH setting is due to two very restrictive assumptions : perfect linear correlation between squared innovations and conditional variance on the one hand and linear relationship between the conditional variance of the future conditional variance and the squared conditional variance on the other hand. By relaxing these assumptions, thanks to a state-space setting, we obtain aggregation results without renouncing to the conditional variance concept (and related leverage effects), as it is the case for the recently suggested weak GARCH model which gets aggregation results by replacing conditional expectations by linear projections on symmetric past innovations. Moreover, unlike the weak GARCH literature, we are able to define multivariate models, including higher order dynamics and risk premiums (in the spirit of GARCH (p,p) and GARCH in mean) and to derive conditional moment restrictions well suited for statistical inference. Finally, we are able to characterize the exact relationships between our SR-SARV models (including higher order dynamics, leverage effect and in-mean effect), usual GARCH models and continuous time stochastic volatility models, so that previous results about aggregation of weak GARCH and continuous time GARCH modeling can be recovered in our framework.


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We propose methods for testing hypotheses of non-causality at various horizons, as defined in Dufour and Renault (1998, Econometrica). We study in detail the case of VAR models and we propose linear methods based on running vector autoregressions at different horizons. While the hypotheses considered are nonlinear, the proposed methods only require linear regression techniques as well as standard Gaussian asymptotic distributional theory. Bootstrap procedures are also considered. For the case of integrated processes, we propose extended regression methods that avoid nonstandard asymptotics. The methods are applied to a VAR model of the U.S. economy.


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Ce rapport constitue une version augmentée d’un premier rapport datant d’août 2005. Les 21 fiches annotées peuvent aussi être consultées individuellement (en format HTML) à partir du « Portail des ressources pédagogiques et disciplinaires en sciences de l'information » accessible à l’adresse : http://www.ebsi.umontreal.ca/clip/


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Affiliation: Département de microbiologie et immunologie, Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal & Institut de Recherches Cliniques de Montréal


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Affiliation: Zhujun Ao, Éric Cohen & Xiaojian Yao : Département de microbiologie et immunologie, Faculté de Médecine, Université de Montréal


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Affiliation: Département de microbiologie et immunologie, Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal


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Rapport de recherche


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Rapport de recherche