6 resultados para Energy dispersive X ray analysis

em Brock University, Canada


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The Energy Dispersive X-ray Diffraction System at Brock University has been used to measure the intensities of the diffraction lines of aluminum powder sample as a function of temperature. At first, intensity measurements at high temperature were not reproducible. After some modifications have been made, we were able to measure the intensities of the diffraction lines to 815K, with good accuracy and reproducibility. Therefore the changes of the Debye-Waller factor from room temperature up to 815K for aluminum were determined with precision. Our results are in good agreement with those previously published.


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Using the energy dispersive x ...ray diffraction (EDXD) technique, the room temperature diffraction pattern of Al powder was obtained at diffraction angles ~ 30° and 50°. From the small angle diffraction pattern the average relative intensities (IR) of the (111), (200), and (220) lines were measured to be equal to 100, 62, and 32 respectively. From the large diffraction angle IR for the (220), (311+222), (400), (331+420), and (422) lines were measured to be 100,201,17,90, and 19.5 respectively. The diffraction pattern at those two angles were obtained at several higher temperatures to measure the change in the intensities of the Al lines. From the intensity changes the increase of the Debye- Waller temperature factor, i.e ~B(T), with respect to the value at room temperature was determined to be 0.6+0.1 at 250°C, 1.10+0.15 at 350°C, 1.45+0.20 at 450°C, and 2.20±0.35 at 550°C.


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Single crystals of (Bal - xKx)Fe2As2 were prepared using the Sn flux method. Two heating methods were used to prepare the single crystals: the slow heating and rapid heating methods. It was found that the single crystals grown using the slow heating method were not superconducting due to a significant loss of potassium. When the rapid heating method was used, the single crystals were observed to be superconducting with the desired potassium concentration. The energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis indicated the presence of multiple phases in the single crystals. Using single crystal X-ray diffraction, the crystal structure of the single crystals was found to be 14/mmm tetragonal at room temperature. The magnetic measurements on the single crystals indicated the presence of multiple phases and magnetic impurities.


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SrMg^Rui-iOa thin films were made by using pulsed laser deposition on SrTiOa (100) substrates in either O2 or Ar atmosphere. The thin films were characterized by x-ray diffraction, energy dispersive x-ray microanalysis, dc resistivity measurement, and dc magnetization measurement. The effect of Mg doping was observed. As soon as the amount of Mg increased in SrMg-cRui-iOa thin films, the magnetization decreased, and the resistivity increased. It had little effect on the Curie temperature (transition temperature). The magnetization states of SrMgiRui-iOa thin films, for x < 0.15, are similar to SrRuOs films. X-ray diffraction results for SrMga-Rui-iOa thin films made in oxygen showed that the films are epitaxial. The thin films could not be well made in Ar atmosphere during laser ablation as there was no clear peak of SrMg^Rui-iOa in x-ray diffraction results. Substrate temperatures had an effect on the resistivity of the films. The residual resistivity ratios were increased by increasing substrate temperature. It was observed that the thickness of thin films are another factor for film quality: Thin films were epitaxial, but thicker films were not epitaxial.


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A room temperature ferromagnetic hysteresis is observed in single crystal strontium titanate substrates as purchased from several manufacturers. It was found that polishing all sides of the substrates removed this observed hysteresis, suggesting that the origin of the ferromagnetic behavior resides on the surface of the substrates. X-ray diffraction and energy dispersive x-ray spectra were measured however they were unable to detect any impurity phases. In similar semiconducting oxides it was previously suggested that ferromagnetism could originate in oxygen vacancies or from disorder within the single crystal. To this end substrates were annealed in both air and vacuum in a range of temperatures (600°C to 1100°G) to both create bulk oxygen vacancies and to heal surface damage. Annealing in vacuum was found to create a measureable number of oxygen vacancies however their creation could not be correlated to the ferromagnetic signal of the substrate. Annealing in air was found to effect the remnant moment of the substrate as well as the width of the x-ray diffraction peaks on the unpolished face, weakly suggesting a relation between surface based disorder and ferromagnetism. Argon ion bombardment was employed to create a layer of surface disorder in the polished crystal, however it was not found to induce ferromagnetism. It was found that acid etching was sufficient to remove the ferromagnetism from as purchased samples and similarly simulated handling with stainless steel tweezers was sufficient to re-create the ferromagnetism. It is suggested that the origin of this ferromagnetism in SrTi03 is surface contaminants (mainly iron).


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A method is presented for determining the composition of thin films containing the elements Bi, Sr, Br, Cu, and Ca. Quantitative x-ray fluorescence (XRF) consisting of radioactive sources (secondary foil excitor 241Am-Mo source and 55Pe source), a Si(Li) detector, and a multichannel analyzer were employed. The XRF system was calibrated by using sol gel thin films of known element composition and also by sputtered thin films analyzed by the conventional Rutherford Back Scattering (RBS). The XRF system has been used to assist and optimize the sputter target composition required to produce high-Tc BiSrCaCuO films with the desired metal composition.