103 resultados para strong electronic excitation effect


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This mixed methods research explores the role of reading engagement in 30 grade 1 students’ motivation to read mobile electronic storybooks (eBooks) and cognitive strategies used during eBook reading. Data collection comprised motivation and parent questionnaires, behavioural observation checklists, cognitive strategies rubric, and teacher interviews. Students’ emotional engagement with and enjoyment of mobile eBooks corresponded to 4 motivational aspects of intrinsic motivation: curiosity, control, choice, and challenge. Post-intervention results indicated that most student participants enjoyed answering eBook comprehension questions and preferred eBooks to print books; by the end of the study, all had access to a mobile device at home. A majority of participants were actively engaged during mobile eBook reading sessions and persisted in answering embedded eBook comprehension questions, which together reflected students’ behavioural engagement and time-on-task during mobile reading. Students’ off-task behaviours related to iPads’ accessibility features and inherent reader-friendliness. All participants successfully answered evaluative questions requiring them to activate prior knowledge, and experienced higher levels of difficulty with making personal connections. The study highlights the importance of making school-based literacy practices relevant to students’ outside worlds, and discusses implications for teacher educators, administrators, curriculum developers, and eBook and other digital developers concerning the need for greater collaboration in order to more closely align technology resources with national curriculum expectations.


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Abstract The Relative Age Effect (RAE), defined as a skewed birth date distribution, has been identified as a known phenomenon in minor ice hockey. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the RAE, physical measurements, and skating ability/in-game performance in forty-four youth male ice hockey players competing in the same age cohort. Physical anthropometrics, grip strength, in-game performance and skating abilities were measured. An RAE was found in the sample (χ2(3, N = 44) = 12.18, p = 0.007). Players born in the first half of the age cohort had longer leg length (F(1,42) =4.49 , p = 0.04), larger body mass (F(1,42) = 3.90, p = 0.05), and stronger grip strength (F(1,42) = 7.58, p = 0.009). Performance scores were negatively associated with grip strength (r = -.443, p = 0.003). Findings suggest that adequate skill development can help relatively younger players overcome physical maturity disadvantages.


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The first and rate-limiting step of lipolysis is the removal of the first fatty acid from a triglyceride molecule; it is catalyzed by adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL). ATGL is co-activated by comparative gene identification-58 (CGI-58) and inhibited by the G(0)/G(1) switch gene-2 protein (G0S2). G0S2 has also recently been identified as a positive regulator of oxidative phosphorylation within the mitochondria. Previous research has demonstrated in cell culture, a dose dependent mechanism for inhibition by G0S2 on ATGL. However our data is not consistent with this hypothesis. There was no change in G0S2 protein content during an acute lipolytic inducing set of contractions in both whole muscle, and isolated mitochondria yet both ATGL and G0S2 increase following endurance training, in spite of the fact that there should be increased reliance on intramuscular lipolysis. Therefore, inhibition of ATGL by G0S2 appears to be regulated through more complicated intracellular or post-translation regulation.


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The ovariectomized (OVX) rat, a preclinical model for studying postmenopausal bone loss, may also be used to study differences in alveolar bone (AB). The objectives of this study were to quantify the differences in AB following estrogen replacement therapy (ERT), and to investigate the relationship between AB structure and density, and trabecular bone at the femoral neck (FN) and third lumbar vertebral body (LB3). Estrogen treated rats had a higher bone volume fraction (BV/TV) at the AB region (9.8% P < 0.0001), FN (12% P < 0.0001), and LB3 (11.5% P < 0.0001) compared to the OVX group. BV/TV of the AB was positively correlated with the BV/TV at the FN (r = 0.69 P < 0.0001) and the LB3 (r = 0.75 P < 0.0001). The trabecular number (Tb.N), trabecular separation (Tb.Sp), and structure model index (SMI) were also positively correlated (P < 0.05) between the AB and FN (r = 0.42, 0.49, and 0.73, respectfully) and between the AB and LB3 (r = 0.44, 0.63, and 0.69, respectfully). Given the capacity of AB to respond to ERT, future preclinical drug/nutritional intervention studies aimed at improving skeletal health should include the AB as a region of interest (ROI).


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The paper finds evidence that the equity-based CEO pay is positively related to firm performance and risk-taking. Both stock price and operating performance as well as firm's riskiness increase in the pay-performance sensitivities (PPS) provided by CEO stock options and stock holdings. PPS can explain stock returns better as an additional factor to the Fama-French 3-factor model. When CEOs are compensated with higher PPS, firms experience higher return on asset (ROA). The higher PPS also leads to the higher risk-taking. While CEO incentive compensation has been perceived mixed on its effectiveness, this study provides support to the equity-based CEO compensation in reducing agency conflicts between CEOs and shareholders.


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Synchronization of behaviour between individuals has been found to result in a variety of prosocial outcomes. The role of endorphins in vigorous synchronous activities (Cohen, Ejsmond-Frey, Knight, & Dunbar, 2010) may underlie these effects as endorphins have been implicated in social bonding (Dunbar & Shultz, 2010). Although research on synchronous behaviour has noted that there are two dominant phases of synchrony: in-phase and anti-phase (Marsh, Richardson, Baron, & Schmidt, 2006), research on the effect of synchrony on endorphins has only incorporated in-phase synchrony. The current study examined whether both phases of synchrony would generate the synchrony effect. Twenty-two participants rowed under three counterbalanced conditions - alone, in-phase synchrony and anti-phase synchrony. Endorphin release, as measured via pain threshold, was assessed before and after each session. Change in pain threshold during the in-phase synchrony session was significantly higher than either of the other two conditions. These results suggest that the synchrony effect may be specific to just in-phase synchrony, and that social presence is not a viable explanation for the effect of synchrony on pain threshold


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Copper arsenite CuAs2O4 and Copper antimonite CuSb2O4 are S=1/2 (Cu2+ 3d9 electronic configuration) quasi-one-dimensional quantum spin-chain compounds. Both compounds crystallize with tetragonal structures containing edge sharing CuO6 octahedra chains which experience Jahn-Teller distortions. The basal planes of the octahedra link together to form CuO2 ribbon-chains which harbor Cu2+ spin-chains. These compounds are magnetically frustrated with competing nearest-neighbour and next-nearest-neighbour intrachain spin-exchange interactions. Despite the similarities between CuAs2O4 and CuSb2O4, they exhibit very different magnetic properties. In this thesis work, the physical properties of CuAs2O4 and CuSb2O4 are investigated using a variety of experimental techniques which include x-ray diffraction, magnetic susceptibility measurements, heat capacity measurements, Raman spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance, neutron diffraction, and dielectric capacitance measurements. CuAs2O4 exhibits dominant ferromagnetic nearest-neighbour and weaker antiferromagnetic next-nearest-neighbour intrachain spin-exchange interactions. The ratio of the intrachain interactions amounts to Jnn/Jnnn = -4.1. CuAs2O4 was found to order with a ferromagnetic groundstate below TC = 7.4 K. An extensive physical characterization of the magnetic and structural properties of CuAs2O4 was carried out. Under the effect of hydrostatic pressure, CuAs2O4 was found to undergo a structural phase transition at 9 GPa to a new spin-chain structure. The structural phase transition is accompanied by a severe alteration of the magnetic properties. The high-pressure phase exhibits dominant ferromagnetic next-nearest-neighbour spin-exchange interactions and weaker ferromagnetic nearest-neighbour interactions. The ratio of the intrachain interactions in the high-pressure phase was found to be Jnn/Jnnn = 0.3. Structural and magnetic characterizations under hydrostatic pressure are reported and a relationship between the structural and magnetic properties was established. CuSb2O4 orders antiferromagnetically below TN = 1.8 K with an incommensurate helicoidal magnetic structure. CuSb2O4 is characterized by ferromagnetic nearest-neighbour and antiferromagnetic next-nearest-neighbour spin-exchange interactions with Jnn/Jnnn = -1.8. A (H, T) magnetic phase diagram was constructed using low-temperature magnetization and heat capacity measurements. The resulting phase diagram contains multiple phases as a consequence of the strong intrachain magnetic frustration. Indications of ferroelectricity were observed in the incommensurate antiferromagnetic phase.


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Activated by elevations in myoplasmic calcium concentration, myosin light chain kinase (skMLCK) phosphorylates the regulatory light chains (RLCs) of fast muscle myosin. This covalent modification potentiates force production, but requires an investment of ATP. Our objective was to investigate the effect of RLC phosphorylation on the contractile economy (mechanical output:metabolic input) of fast twitch skeletal muscle. Extensor digitorum longus muscles isolated from Wildtype and skMLCK-/- mice mounted in vitro (25°C) were subjected to repetitive low-frequency stimulation (10Hz,15s) known to cause activation of skMLCK, and staircase potentiation of force. With a 3-fold increase in RLC phosphate content, Wildtype generated 44% more force than skMLCK-/- muscles over the stimulation period (P = .002), without an accompanied increase in energy cost (P = .449). Overall, the contractile economy of Wildtype muscles, with an intact RLC phosphorylation mechanism, was 73% greater than skMLCK /- muscles (P = .043), demonstrating an important physiological function of skMLCK during repetitive contractile activity.


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A new series of nano-sized Ce1-xEuxCrO3 (x = 0.0 to 1.0) with an average particle size of 50 - 80 nm were synthesized using a solution combustion method. Nano-powders Ce1-xEuxCrO3 with the canted antiferromagnetic property exhibited interesting magnetic behaviours including the reversal magnetization and the exchange bias effect. The effect of europium doping as the ion with the smaller radius size and different electron con figuration on structural, magnetic and thermal properties of Ce1-xEuxCrO3 were investigated using various experimental techniques, i.e. DC/AC magnetic susceptibility, heat capacity, thermal expansion, Raman scattering, X-ray photoemission spectroscopy, transmission/scanning electron microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction and neutron scattering. An exchange bias effect, magnetization irreversibility and AC susceptibility dispersion in these samples confirmed the existence of the spin disorder magnetic phase in Ce1-xEuxCrO3 compounds. The exchange bias phenomenon, which is assigned to the exchange coupling between glassy-like shell and canted antiferromagnetic core, showed the opposite sign in CeCrO3 and EuCrO3 at low temperatures, suggesting different exchange interactions at the interfaces in these compounds. The energy level excitation of samples were examined by an inelastic neutron scattering which was in good agreement with the heat capacity data. Neutron scattering analysis of EuCrO3 was challenging due to the large neutron absorption cross-section of europium. All diffraction patterns of Ce1-xEuxCrO3 showed the magnetic peak attributed to the antiferromagnetic Cr3+ spins while none of the diffraction patterns could detect the magnetic ordering of the rare-earth ions in these samples.


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Developed by Hindson, Gidlow, and Peebles (1994), the trickle-down effect and more specifically, the demonstration effect, are based on the idea that performances of a host nation’s athletes will inspire the population to become active in sport. The Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games presented an opportunity for Canadian sport organizations to promote sport participation. The purpose of this study was to determine if the demonstration effect occurred in Canada, and determine the reasons why or why not. The sport of figure skating was selected. Quantitative data were collected from Skate Canada on club membership rates from 2003 to 2013. Results showed small increases in participation, however there was little change following the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games. Qualitative data showed that already active sport participants became more active, following these Games. The findings demonstrate that the demonstration effect occurred, however only for a select group of individuals.


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Neural models of the processing of illusory contour (ICs) diverge from one another in terms of their emphasis on bottom-up versus top-down constituents. The current study uses a dichoptic fusion paradigm to block top-down awareness of ICs in order to examine possible bottom-up effects. Group results indicate that the N170 ERP component is particularly sensitive to ICs at central occipital sites when top-down awareness of the stimulus is permitted. Furthermore, single-subject statistics reveal that the IC N170 ERP effect is highly variable across individuals in terms of timing and topographical spread. The results suggest that the ubiquitous N170 effect to ICs found in the literature depends, at least in part, on participants’ awareness of the stimulus. Therefore a strong bottom-up model of IC processing at the time of the N170 is unlikely.


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Photosynthesis is a process in which electromagnetic radiation is converted into chemical energy. Photosystems capture photons with chromophores and transfer their energy to reaction centers using chromophores as a medium. In the reaction center, the excitation energy is used to perform chemical reactions. Knowledge of chromophore site energies is crucial to the understanding of excitation energy transfer pathways in photosystems and the ability to compute the site energies in a fast and accurate manner is mandatory for investigating how protein dynamics ef-fect the site energies and ultimately energy pathways with time. In this work we developed two software frameworks designed to optimize the calculations of chro-mophore site energies within a protein environment. The first is for performing quantum mechanical energy optimizations on molecules and the second is for com-puting site energies of chromophores in a fast and accurate manner using the polar-izability embedding method. The two frameworks allow for the fast and accurate calculation of chromophore site energies within proteins, ultimately allowing for the effect of protein dynamics on energy pathways to be studied. We use these frame-works to compute the site energies of the eight chromophores in the reaction center of photosystem II (PSII) using a 1.9 Å resolution x-ray structure of photosystem II. We compare our results to conflicting experimental data obtained from both isolat-ed intact PSII core preparations and the minimal reaction center preparation of PSII, and find our work more supportive of the former.


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The exact mechanistic understanding of various organocatalytic systems in asymmetric reactions such as Henry and aza-Henry transformations is important for developing and designing new synthetic organocatalysts. The focus of this dissertation will be on the use of density functional theory (DFT) for studying the asymmetric aza-Henry reaction. The first part of the thesis is a detailed mechanistic investigation of a poorly understood chiral bis(amidine) (BAM) Brønsted acid catalyzed aza-Henry reaction between nitromethane and N-Boc phenylaldimine. The catalyst, in addition to acting as a Brønsted base, serves to simultaneously activate both the electrophile and the nucleophile through dual H-bonding during C-C bond formation and is thus essential for both reaction rate and selectivity. Analysis of the H-bonding interactions revealed that there was a strong preference for the formation of a homonuclear positive charge-assisted H-bond, which in turn governed the relative orientation of substrate binding. Attracted by this well-defined mechanistic investigation, the other important aspect of my PhD research addressed a detailed theoretical analysis accounting for the observed selectivity in diastereoselective versions of this reaction. A detailed inspection of the stereodetermining C-C bond forming transition states for monoalkylated nitronate addition to a range of electronically different aldimines, revealed that the origins of stereoselectivity were controlled by a delicate balance of different factors such as steric, orbital interactions, and the extent of distortion in the catalyst and substrates. The structural analysis of different substituted transition states established an interesting dependency on matching the shape and size of the catalyst (host molecule) and substrates (guest molecules) upon binding, both being key factors governing selectivity, in essence, offering an analogy to positive cooperative binding effect of catalytic enzymes and substrates in Nature. In addition, both intra-molecular (intra-host) and inter-molecular (host-guest, guest-guest) stabilizing interactions play a key role to the high π-facial selectivity. The application of dispersion-corrected functionals (i.e., ωB97X-D and B3LYP-D3) was essential for accurately modeling these stabilizing interactions, indicating the importance of dispersion effects in enantioselectivity. As a brief prelude to more extensive future studies, the influence of a triflate counterion on both reactivity and selectivity in this reaction was also addressed.