99 resultados para Owen, Robert, 1771-1858
The chapter discusses the following topics: Continuous Measurement and Monitoring, Meat Quality Correlations, How Stressful is Slaughter?, Causes of Poor Welfare Audit Scores, Animal Vision, Hearing and Smell, Basic Handling Principles, Handler Movement Patterns, Design of Handling Facilities, Design and Operation of Restraint Devices, Stunning, Stunning Method and Blood-Splash, Bruising and Meat Quality.
Indenture (vellum) between William Kingsmill, Sheriff of Niagara regarding the sale of goods and chattels of Darius Ball including buildings and improvements in Lot no. 4 near Grand River to Peter Buchanan, Isaac Buchanan, Robert W. Harris and I. Young, July 22, 1844.
Indenture of bargain and sale between Orson Phelps formerly of St. Catharines, but at the time of the transaction, was living in Buffalo, New York and Calista M. Phelps (his wife) and Owen Clifford of Grantham for lots numbered 12 and 13 in the 8th Concession in Grantham Township. The instrument no. is 3411, July 11, 1851.
Indenture between Robert Sparrow Delatre of Stamford Township, Thomas Sheppard Smyth of Brussels, Belgium, formerly of Stamford Township and Thomas Hector of Quebec, trustees of the last will and testament of Philip Chesneau Delatre to the Bank of Upper Canada and Arthur Shaw of Niagara Township regarding Lot no. 3 in the 1st Concession and Lot no. 4 in the 1st Concession, part of Lot no. 3 in the 2nd Concession, 50 acres of Lot no. 4 in the 4th Concession, 200 acres in Lot no. 8 in the 11th Concession in Blandford in the County of Oxford and broken Lot no. 11 in the 18th Concession in the Township of Zorra - instrument no. 6083. This is listed in the Blandford folio 184 and 185 in folio 63 and 64. Joseph Woodruff has signed this as conveyancer, March 29, 1853.
Indenture of bargain and sale between Robert Loring of Toronto and John Connolly of St. Catharines for lot no. 8 in the 12th concession of Durham. The instrument no. is 24283, January 28, 1861.
Indenture of mortgage deed between Owen Clifford and Margaret Clifford of the Township of Grantham to Samuel D. Woodruff of St. Catharines regarding 36 3/4 acres in Lots numbered 12 and 13 in the 8th Concession in the Township of Grantham - instrument no. 187. This was registered at the Registry Office for Lincoln on April 30, 1867 in Liber I, March 29, 1867.
Indenture of mortgage deed between Owen Clifford and Margaret Clifford of the Township of Grantham to John Charles Rykert and William B. Gilleland of St. Catharines regarding parts of Lots no. 10 and 11 in the 9th Concession of the Township of Grantham. Registered in the Township of Grantham Register on September 15, 1870 - instrument no. 804 and registered in the Township of Grantham Register of February 8, 1872 - instrument no. 1104, September 15, 1870.
Indenture of deed of land situate between Henry Hope Graham and Robert Hill, both of London, England called England Esquire Executors and Trustees under the Last Will and Testament of Lieutenant General Percy Hill of London, England to Joseph Walker of Queenston, Ontario. This is in regard to parts of Lots no. 113, 114 and 115 in the Township of Niagara. This was registered on Nov. 10, 1885 – instrument no. 2075, Oct. 31, 1885.
A Province of Upper Canada Grant (vellum) to Robert Melville of Niagara. He was a captain in the 68th Regiment of Foot. He is granted 700 acres in lots 3, 4 and 7 and the west half of lot 8 in the 11th Concession of the Township of Enniskillen – Folio no. 527, June 15, 1837.
Contract signed by Robert Duffin of the Township of Grantham Labourers to break stone for the proposed road from Queenston to St. Davids, 1838.
Letter addressed to Robert D. Band from A.R.W. Jones of the Personal Trust Department of the Royal Trust Company, Toronto listing the securities to be held by Mr. Band and his sister and brother, Sept. 5, 1961.
Chart of final estimate of work done between Port Dalhousie and lock no.2 by Robert Jobson, contractor. The work commenced Nov. 1846 and was finished April 1847 on sections A and B, July 1847.
General return showing the quantity of each article transported on the Welland Canal during the year ending December 31st, 1858 and the amount of tolls collected thereon (Port of Maitland). This is signed by William Turner, collector (2 page, printed blank), 1858.
General return showing the quantity of each article transported on the Welland Canal during the year ending on the 31st of December 1858 and the tolls collected thereon (office at Port Robinson) (2 pages), 1858.
Statement of vessels and merchandise passed downward through the Welland Canal at Port Colborne during the year 1858 showing nationalities of ports of clearance and discharge, May 31, 1862.