5 resultados para World Peace Council.
em Portal do Conhecimento - Ministerio do Ensino Superior Ciencia e Inovacao, Cape Verde
After the economic reforms of 1978, China started rising very fast and started engaging other countries in the region which has served to increase its confidence in the region. In the post cold war period, China was seen as a big threat for the region because of its claims on the South China Sea. Nevertheless, this image was eliminated when China engaged ASEAN and other multilateral and regional organizations. This paper is studying China’s economic and security policies towards ASEAN. Globalization Theory is the theory being used to explain the nature of China-ASEAN relations. This research paper argues that China’s rise is promoting peace in the region. With the engagement policy, China started promoting trade and security co operations based on mutual benefits and dialogues for the peaceful resolutions of the disputes in the region. This contributed greatly to improve China’s image in the region. Additionally, China’s posture during the economic crises of 1997 also greatly contributed to improve its image. Thus, the rise of China is providing opportunity to the other countries in East Asia. Chapter One: Background On China-ASEAN Relations The use of Soft Power and engagement policy by the Chinese government has helped to change China’s image in the region. By using these policies China has been able to clear the feeling of suspicion and mistrust among the Asian states. China has increased its participation in multilateral and regional organizations, such as ASEAN. Due to this China has been able to promote economic and security co-operation among countries in the region. Thus, from being a potential threat China became a potential co-operative partner. Chapter Two: A Look into ASEAN ASEAN was originally formed on 8th August 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand, by Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Nevertheless, ASEAN was not the first regional group created to act as forum for dialogue between the leaders of different countries. Thought, it is the only one which could work in the region. The aim of the foundation of ASEAN was to promote peace and stability in the Abstract 2 region and also contain the spread of communism in Southeast Asia. For this reason, China did not engage ASEAN until 1990. However, in 1978 with the establishment of the open up policy China started engaging other countries. It started building trust among its neighboring countries by using soft power. By 1992, China formalized its diplomatic ties with ASEAN as a group. The diplomatic ties between China and ASEAN focus on multilateralism and co-operation as the best way for a more peaceful Asia and the search for common security. Thus, security in the region is promoted through economic co-operation among the states. Therefore the relation between China – ASEAN emphasizes the five principles of peaceful coexistence, mutual benefits in economic co-operation, dialogue promoting trust and the peaceful settlement of disputes. Chapter Three: China-ASEAN Economic Relations Since 1978 The economic reform of 1978 has greatly contributed to the economic development of China. After the adoption of the open up policy, China has been able to establish economic and trade relations with the outside world. The realist school of thought had predicted that Asia will not be stable in the post cold war period. Nevertheless, this has not been the case in Asia. China is growing peacefully with the co-operation of countries in the region. China is establishing strong ties with its neighboring countries. China and ASEAN relations focus on mutual benefit instead of being a zero sum game. Thus these relations are aimed at encouraging trust and economic co-operation in the region. China and ASEAN have agreed on Free Trade to assure that the two parties benefit from the co-operation. The ACFTA will have a great impact on economic, political and security issues. This will enable China to increase its influence in Asia and counterbalance the influences that Japan and U.S have in the region. Chapter Four: China ASEAN Relations in the Security Perspective This Chapter is about China and ASEAN relations on security issue. The new security issues of the post cold war period need to be solved in multilateral way. China as a major power in the region, through its engagement policy has solved most Abstract 3 of the disputes in the region using multilateral means. China has also found ways to solve the dispute over Spratly Islands peacefully, through dialogue using ASEAN. Additionally, China signed the Treaty of Amity in 2003, promoted security initiatives through ARF, Declaration on Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea and documents covering non-traditional security threats, economic co-operation and agricultural co-operation in November 2002, and the Joint Declaration on Strategic. Chapter Five: Finding and Analysis This chapter provides a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the date collected throughout this research. It provides an analysis of how the rise of China is promoting peace in the region. China has been promoting mutual beneficial trade and security co-operation which has increased its influence in the region. China has also been able to solve most of the territorial and border dispute in the region through ASEAN. Thus, ASEAN has amended China’s relations with other countries in the region. Therefore, China’s foreign policy in the region has a big impact in shaping the dynamic relations in East Asia. Conclusion and Recommendations This paper concluded that the relationships between China and ASEAN are contributing to peace in the region. After China engaged ASEAN, it has been able to promote multilateral trade based on mutual benefit. This is clearly emphasized by the CAFTA. Additionally, China has solved most of the dispute in the region. It has also found way for a peaceful resolution of the dispute over Spratly Island. Nowadays, the ASEAN countries don’t see China as a threat to the region. Nevertheless, they’ve adopted deterrence measures such as establishing diplomatic relations with other big powers in the region to assure that the region continues to grow peacefully. Concerning this deterrence measures, I recommend as another way for a continued peaceful growth, the resolution of the outstanding dispute.
Africana possui agora três estratégias regionais em várias fases de desenvolvimento: • Roteiro para a diminuição da mortalidade materno-infantil e dos recém-nascidos (2004) • Quadro da Sobrevivência Infantil (2005) • Plano de Acção de Maputo para a Saúde e Direitos Sexuais e Reprodutivos (2006) Cada uma destas políticas-quadro permite que os governos nacionais as adaptem e as implementem de acordo com as necessidades e características do seu país, com o apoio de parceiros e ao abrigo dos princípios da Declaração de Paris sobre a eficácia das ajudas - “Um só plano, um só mecanismo de coordenação, um só mecanismo de monitorização e de avaliação”. 35 países já iniciaram o processo que os levará a um Roteiro nacional, processo que arrancou com a “MNCH Task Force” em 2004. Estas políticas-quadro representam um grande avanço, mas constituem apenas um primeiro passo na via que levará a salvar vidas pelo aumento das áreas de cobertura das intervenções essenciais. O tempo escasseia - só nos restam nove anos antes da meta de 2015 para se alcançarem os Objectivos de Desenvolvimento do Milénio (ODM). A África pode e deve acelerar a marcha dos acontecimentos. A publicação Oportunidades para os recém-nascidos em Africa ajuda a colmatar o fosso existente entre as políticas e as acções no que se refere à Saúde Materna, Neonatal e Infantil (SMNI). O recém-nascido está no âmago dos cuidados continuados de saúde. Uma atenção sistemática prestada à melhoria e ao alargamento dos cuidados de saúde que lhe devem ser prestados no âmbito dos planos e dos programas nacionais será recompensada pela prestação de melhores serviços de SMNI. Esta publicação inclui os seguintes temas: A Secção I põe em destaque as mortes de recém-nascidos em África, o que é complementado pelos perfis apresentados na Secção V, que mostram qual é a situação fundamental da Saúde Materna, Neonatal e Infantil em 46 países de África, incluindo os progressos já alcançados no sentido do 4º objectivo dos ODM, a cobertura dos cuidados continuados de saúde prestados, a avaliação da equidade e a análise do financiamento destinado à saúde, fornecendo dados para a tomada de decisões na área das políticas e dos programas de SMNI.
The research on the correlations between poverty and conflicts in Guinea-Bissau has allowed to put in evidence not only the direct implications of the effective war of 1998/1999 over the living conditions of the country’s population, as well as the effects the conflicts - either effective or eminent – have over life in general, individual investments of different kinds and on reliance on the state and institutions. Although the fundamentally qualitative investigation highlighted the diversity of individual and family situations, it allowed identifying a denominator seen as common in most of the collected accounts : war and, in the case study of Guinea-Bissau, the perpetuation of an insecure environment, constitute causes for the increase in poverty and concur simultaneously to its reproduction through time.
Ao longo dos últimos anos, com às crescentes mudanças no mundo empresarial, tanto no meio académico, quanto no meio profissional, as relações entre a cultura organizacional e a liderança têm atraído considerável atenção e alguns estudos da área têm apontado a interdependência entre ambos (Schein, 1992; Bass & Avolio, 1993). O presente trabalho de investigação científica, tem por objectivo, avaliar a existência dessa mesma relação através de um estudo de caso, aplicado aos trabalhadores e três gestores, a uma empresa pública de segurança social, cabo-verdiana – Instituto Nacional de Previdência Social – INPS, nos anos 2000 a 2010. A metodologia, consistiu primeiramente numa pesquisa bibliográfica, exploratória e descritiva e ainda foi feito um estudo de caso à empresa. Para a recolha dos dados, foram aplicados questionários com perguntas fechadas aos trabalhadores e gestores com o consentimento do Conselho de Administração. Para a análise dos dados foram utilizadas técnicas quantitativas e qualitativas, feito através das respostas obtidas dos questionários. Com os resultados da pesquisa, conclui-se que a pergunta de partida foi respondida através dos 94% da população inquirida que confirmaram a existência da relação entre a cultura organizacional e liderança e a sua influência dentro da organização. The existent relationship between the organizational culture and the leadership in social safety sector. Along of the last years, with the growing changes in the business world as in the academic middle as in the professional middle, the relation between organizational culture and the leadership have attracted considerable attention and some studies of the area have been pointed the interdependence between both (Schein,1992;Bass Avolio,1993). The present scientific investigation work has the purpose to evaluate the existence of that same relationship through a study of case, applied to the workers and three managers, to a public company of social safety, capverdean-National Institute of Social Precaution-INPS, in years 2000 and 2003. The methodology constitutes firstly in a small one bibliographical, exploratory and descriptive and it was still made a study of case to the company. For it collects of data were applied questionnaires with closed questions to the workers and the three managers with the consent of the Council of Administration. For the analysis of the data quantitative and qualitative techniques were used, done through the obtained answers of the questionnaires. With the results of the research, it is ended that the question of departure was answered through the 94% of the population inquired that confirm the relationship existence between the organizational culture and the leadership and its influence inside of the organization.
Esta tese centra-se em aspectos relevantes do inglês como uma língua universal, no actual contexto globalizado e examina possíveis mudanças relacionadas com o seu uso, em especial no continente africano, particularmente no caso de Cabo Verde, no sentido de ponderar eventuais alternativas nas pedagogias linguísticas no ensino desta língua que impliquem uma adaptação à realidade contemporânea. Uma vez que, nos nossos tempos, o inglês é a língua de eleição para a comunicação intercultural entre povos com várias experiências culturais e linguísticas, o conhecimento deste idioma torna-se, a cada dia que passa, impreterível e indispensável, na interacção intercultural. Em África, as funções desempenhadas pelo inglês são complexas; além da língua inglesa ser usada para comunicação entre etnias, com o estatuto de língua franca, também tem o papel de preservar a identidade nacional e de estabelecer a unidade entre os povos da mesma nação. Por conseguinte, é de considerar talvez ainda com mais pertinência, a adopção de uma nova filosofia de pedagogia de ensino que permita dotar os seus cidadãos de capacidades que lhes possibilitem comunicar de forma inteligível com povos de outras culturas e línguas. O primeiro capítulo aborda aspectos teóricos relacionados com a expansão, comunicação e mudança associadas à língua inglesa e suas implicações no ensino em países onde esta não é língua nativa (L1). O segundo capítulo reflecte, em primeiro lugar, sobre a situação linguística em África e as línguas francas predominantes no continente, incluindo a língua inglesa. Considera também questões relacionadas com o multilinguismo e a identidade, bem como assuntos relacionados com as implicações da diversidade linguística para a educação dos povos africanos.