12 resultados para winter and summer

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Tämä diplomityö on tehty Sunila Oy:n sulfaattisellutehtaalle. Työssä käsitellään sekundäärilämmön hyödyntämisen ja käytön periaatteita sulfaattisellutehtaassa. Tehtaan primääri- ja sekundääritaseet on laskettu tehtaan informaatiojärjestelmästä saatujen tietojen avulla. Taselaskelmat on määritetty sekä talvi- että kesätilanteelle. Niiden perusteella on tarkasteltu hyödynnettävissä olevaa sekundäärilämpöä. Lisäksi työssä on käsitelty mahdollisuuksia käyttää apulauhduttimeen johdettavaa höyryä kaukolämmön tuottamiseen. Lämmöntuotannon vaihteluiden vuoksi työssä on käsitelty lämmön varastoimista kaukolämpöakkuun. Kaukolämpöä on laskelmien mukaan saatavissa talvella keskimäärin 19 MW.


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In the Thesis main focus is done on power flow development paths around the Baltic States as well as on market-based requirements for creation of the common Baltic electricity market. Current market regulations between the countries are presented; barriers for creating competitive common Baltic power market and for electricity trading with third countries are clarified; solutions are offered and corresponding road map is developed. Future power development paths around the Baltic States are analysed. For this purpose the 330 kV transmission grid of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania is modelled in a power flow tool. Power flow calculations are carried out for winter and summer peak and off-peak load periods in 2020 with different combinations of interconnections. While carrying out power balance experiments several power flow patterns in the Baltic States are revealed. Conclusions are made about security of supply, grid congestion and transmission capacity availability for different scenarios.


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Monet ohjelmistoyritykset ovat alkaneet kiinnittää yhä enemmän huomiota ohjelmistotuotteidensa laatuun. Tämä on johtanut siihen, että useimmat niistä ovat valinneet ohjelmistotestauksen välineeksi, jolla tätä laatua voidaan parantaa. Testausta ei pidä rajoittaa ainoastaan ohjelmistotuotteeseen itseensä, vaan sen tulisi kattaa koko ohjelmiston kehitysprosessi. Validaatiotestauksessa keskitytään varmistamaan, että lopputuote täyttää sille asetetut vaatimukset, kun taas verifikaatiotestausta käytetään ennaltaehkäisevänä testauksena, jolla pyritään poistamaan virheitä jo ennenkuin ne pääsevät lähdekoodiin asti. Työ, johon tämä diplomityö perustuu, tehtiin alkukevään ja kesän aikana vuonna 2003 Necsom Oy:n toimeksiannosta. Necsom on pieni suomalainen ohjelmistoyritys, jonka tutkimus- ja kehitysyksikkö toimii Lappeenrannassa.Tässä diplomityössä tutustutaan aluksi ohjelmistotestaukseen sekä eri tapoihin sen organisoimiseksi. Tämän lisäksi annetaan yleisiä ohjeita testisuunnitelmien ja testaustapausten tekoon, joita onnistunut ja tehokas testaus edellyttää. Kun tämä teoria on käyty läpi, esitetään esimerkkinä kuinka sisäinen ohjelmistotestaus toteutettiin Necsomilla. Lopuksi esitetään johtopäätökset, joihin päädyttiin käytännön testausprosessin seuraamisen jälkeen ja annetaan jatkotoimenpide-ehdotuksia.


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This report summarizes the results of the survey HAVERI – Supply network risks in business. The survey was conducted in Finland during the spring and summer of year 2013. The survey is part of a large two-year research project started in June 2012 in Finland (on-going 06/2012–07/2014). The project is launched and financed by TEKES, the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation, and executed together with the researchers from Lappeenranta University of Technology and Tampere University of Technology. The overall goal of this on-going research project is to find out the decision-making practices in the project-oriented companies in their purchasing decisions especially in the mechanical engineering and construction industries in Finland. The objective of the survey was to gain cross-sectional data concerning the challenges, risks and cost factors in Finnish project business companies. The results show that Finnish companies rely on their experience and supplier references in their risk management. In general, the understanding of the total cost structure varies among the industries and companies. The main cost factor in risk management was costs before the actual purchase decision. Overall, it seems that the monetary value of the whole project and capability of purchasing personnel are the main influencing factors on risk management activity in project purchasing.


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I studied the associations between migration-related physiological regulation (corticosterone) and body condition of barn swallows (Hirundo rustica L.). An additional purpose was to determine whether oxidative stress and biotransformation activity vary seasonally. Since physiological regulation, biotransformation activity and the stress involved may be important factors for body condition during migration; they may have direct effects on migration success. This in turn may influence other important life history stages, such as breeding and moult. In the thesis I used barn swallow data of the Finnish Ringing Centre (1997–2009), consisting of all juveniles ringed in the nests and recaptured from night roosts later the same autumn. Before the autumn migration in Finland I also captured, ringed and sampled barn swallows from night roosts in 2003, 2006, 2007 and 2011. Samples preceding spring migration in South Africa were collected in 2007. Juvenile barn swallows started to migrate southward in mid-August (first broods). Second broods started their migration at a younger age and almost a month later than first broods (mid-September). Barn swallows increased body mass and accumulated fat for the autumn migration. In the course of the autumn they seemed to be able to prevent the loss of energy already accumulated, since the proportional overnight mass loss, fat loss and faecal production decreased. Surprisingly, corticosterone, the major energy-regulating hormone in birds, seemed not to be involved in the fuelling process. Previous studies with warblers, sparrows and shorebirds had shown that during migration, the baseline levels of corticosterone were elevated in order to facilitate fuelling. It is possible that for Finnish barn swallows the most important fuelling place is in southern Europe, since northern and eastern populations migrate via the Balkan Peninsula. However, the adrenocortical stress response of Finnish barn swallows in good body condition was lower than that of those in poor body condition. Birds clearly suppressed the response, probably to prevent the catabolic effects of excessive corticosterone levels; birds cannot afford to lose muscle mass before migration. South African barn swallows had high levels of baseline corticosterone, but this may have been associated with the high oxidative damage and biotransformation activity of those birds. Barn swallows in spring and summer had low biotransformation activity and intermediate oxidative stress, which was probably related to breeding. Autumn birds had low biotransformation activity and oxidative stress but high redox enzyme activities in some migration-related enzymes.


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The objective of this master's thesis was to develop a system for measuring the cutting forces of frozen wood. In northern parts of the world cuttingof frozen wood is one of the major problem. During winter and early spring the temperature inside the wood cells will fall below Zero degrees that strongly influences on the properties of the wood. These variations of properties will effects on the blade nomenclature while cutting the frozen wood. However the end results will cause uneven cutting forces. Cutting forces, Chip formation, wearing of the blade and the quality of the machined surface are difficult task. In this project we are attempting to find the variation of cutting forces and properties of frozen wood at four different temperatures (-20 , -10, 0 and + 10 degrees). The linear planning machine was used for measuring the cuttingforces. The cutting was done parallel to the long axis of wood due to the nature of pine wood and the structure of the plane. A considerable amount of work andtime was used for collecting and processing the numerical information from the sensors of the measuring system. There were some alterations suggested to the construction of the plane and the sensor system.


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Tämä työ tehtiin Kiteen Lämpö Oy:lle. Kiteen Lämpö Oy on kaukolämpöä Kiteen taajama-alueella tuottava ja toimittava yritys. Työn lähtökohtana oli yhtenäisten käyttö-, kunnossapito- ja turvallisuusohjeiden puuttuminen Kiteen Lämpö Oy:n Arppentien kaasutuslämpölaitokselta. Tämän lisäksi kyseiselle yritykselle täytyi luoda ympäristöpolitiikka. Käyttöohjeissa on esitelty sekä laitoksen prosessi että toimintaohjeet tyypillisimmissä tilanteissa. Kunnossapito-ohjeissa on käyty läpi yleistä asiaa kunnossapidosta sekä esitelty lämpölaitoksen kunnossapitotoimenpiteet. Turvallisuusohjeisiin on koottu yhtenäiset ohjeet laitoksella työskentelevien henkilöiden turvallisuuden varmistamiseksi. Ympäristöpolitiikkaosiossa on esitelty lämpölaitoksen ympäristöstrategia, -tavoitteet, -vaikutukset ja -riskit. Tämä diplomityö on samalla Kiteen Lämpö Oy:n perehdyttämisopas uusille työntekijöille sekä kesätyöntekijöille.


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Tässä raportissa tarkastellaan Saaristomeren ja Ahvenmaan merialueen kuormitusta ja tilaa ja niissä viime vuosikymmeninä tapahtuneita muutoksia vuosiin 2008 ja 2009 saakka. Pääpaino on ravinnekuormituksessa ja veden laadussa, mutta mukana on taustatietoa ja muun muassa katsaus kalakannoista. Saaristomeren ja Ahvenanmaan merialueen tila on heikentynyt huomattavasti viimeisten vuosikymmenten aikana. Erityisesti fosforin ja a-klorofyllin määrät ovat kasvaneet ja näkösyvyys pienenentynyt. Viimeisen kymmenen vuoden aikana pintaveden fosforipitoisuuden kasvu on laantunut suurimmassa osassa aluetta, mutta pohjanläheisessä vesikerroksessa ja talvella fosforipitoisuus on jatkanut kasvuaan monin paikoin viime vuosiin asti. Myös a-klorofyllin määrä on lisääntynyt ulko- ja välisaaristossa 2000-luvullakin. Viime vuosina klorofyllipitoisuuden kasvu on kuitenkin laantunut tai pitoisuus laskenut varsinkin rannikonläheisissä vesissä. Merialueen suurin paikallinen ravinnekuormittaja on maatalous, mutta varsinkin typpeä tulee runsaasti myös ilmalaskeumana. Sisäinen kuormitus ja virtausten mukana Suomenlahdelta ja muualta Itämereltä tulevat ravinteet heikentävät niin ikään merialueen tilaa. Muita ravinnelähteitä ovat mm. haja-asutus, jätevedenpuhdistamot ja kalankasvatus. Ahvenanmaan merialueelle ravinteita tulee enemmän muualta kuin Ahvenanmaalta. Hajakuormituksessa on tapahtunut viime vuosikymmeninä selviä vuodenaikaisia muutoksia. Vuosina 1990 – 2009 jokien mereen tuoma ravinne- ja kiintoainekuormitus on ollut talvisin ja syksyisin selvästi suurempaa kuin vuosina 1970 – 1989. Talviaikaisen kuormituksen lisääntyminen johtuu aiempaa lauhemmista talvista, ja antaa viitteitä ilmastonmuutoksen mukanaan tuomista muutoksista. Vaikka Saaristomeren ja Ahvenanmaan merialueen tilassa on ollut viime aikoina nähtävissä myönteisiäkin merkkejä, on niiden tila edelleen huolestuttava. Ainoa keino merialueen tilan parantamiseksi on kuormituksen huomattava vähentäminen. Vähentäminen koskee niin paikallisia ravinnelähteitä, erityisesti maataloutta, kuin muualta Itämereltä virtausten mukana tulevia ravinteita ja ilmalaskeumaa.


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The Arctic region becoming very active area of the industrial developments since it may contain approximately 15-25% of the hydrocarbon and other valuable natural resources which are in great demand nowadays. Harsh operation conditions make the Arctic region difficult to access due to low temperatures which can drop below -50 °C in winter and various additional loads. As a result, newer and modified metallic materials are implemented which can cause certain problems in welding them properly. Steel is still the most widely used material in the Arctic regions due to high mechanical properties, cheapness and manufacturability. Moreover, with recent steel manufacturing development it is possible to make up to 1100 MPa yield strength microalloyed high strength steel which can be operated at temperatures -60 °C possessing reasonable weldability, ductility and suitable impact toughness which is the most crucial property for the Arctic usability. For many years, the arc welding was the most dominant joining method of the metallic materials. Recently, other joining methods are successfully implemented into welding manufacturing due to growing industrial demands and one of them is the laser-arc hybrid welding. The laser-arc hybrid welding successfully combines the advantages and eliminates the disadvantages of the both joining methods therefore produce less distortions, reduce the need of edge preparation, generates narrower heat-affected zone, and increase welding speed or productivity significantly. Moreover, due to easy implementation of the filler wire, accordingly the mechanical properties of the joints can be manipulated in order to produce suitable quality. Moreover, with laser-arc hybrid welding it is possible to achieve matching weld metal compared to the base material even with the low alloying welding wires without excessive softening of the HAZ in the high strength steels. As a result, the laser-arc welding methods can be the most desired and dominating welding technology nowadays, and which is already operating in automotive and shipbuilding industries with a great success. However, in the future it can be extended to offshore, pipe-laying, and heavy equipment industries for arctic environment. CO2 and Nd:YAG laser sources in combination with gas metal arc source have been used widely in the past two decades. Recently, the fiber laser sources offered high power outputs with excellent beam quality, very high electrical efficiency, low maintenance expenses, and higher mobility due to fiber optics. As a result, fiber laser-arc hybrid process offers even more extended advantages and applications. However, the information about fiber or disk laser-arc hybrid welding is very limited. The objectives of the Master’s thesis are concentrated on the study of fiber laser-MAG hybrid welding parameters in order to understand resulting mechanical properties and quality of the welds. In this work only ferrous materials are reviewed. The qualitative methodological approach has been used to achieve the objectives. This study demonstrates that laser-arc hybrid welding is suitable for welding of many types, thicknesses and strength of steels with acceptable mechanical properties along very high productivity. New developments of the fiber laser-arc hybrid process offers extended capabilities over CO2 laser combined with the arc. This work can be used as guideline in hybrid welding technology with comprehensive study the effect of welding parameter on joint quality.


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This study deals with the development of military tactics in Finland from independence to the early 1950s. The research is divided into three periods: the time before the Winter and Continuation wars and the time after the wars. Based mainly on archive sources each period and subject is dealt with in chronological order. The objective was to study the development features in Finnish tactics and the foreign impact on its development. Before the Winter War, offence was regarded as the only course of action that could redress the balance of power in a possible war against the Soviet Union. Defence lacked the depth considered essential in European thinking because the troops were few and the heavily forested terrain prevented the deployment of automatic weapons in echelon. Delaying action was most clearly based on Finnish concepts. Between the world wars, Finnish tactics was very pan-European. Mainly through German influence, the overall thinking followed the emphases of the international mainstream with many influences from other European countries, mainly from Sweden. However, the principles of the mainstream were adapted to suit the circumstances and position of Finland. The short Winter War against the Soviet Union proved that Finnish tactics was on the right track in its basic principles. During the Continuation War it was determined that tactical thinking could not rely solely on offence, but should be based to a greater extent on terms dictated by defensive tactics. During the static phase of the Continuation War, Finland did not receive adequate intelligence on the advances in the offensive capabilities of the Soviet Union. This was why defence tactics was influenced by German combat experiences against the Red Army. In repelling the massive Soviet attack, the use of deeper echelons was adopted as the basic principle in Finland. After the war, the East - West confrontation put Finland in a totally new position. Because combat deep inside Finnish territory in future war seemed probable, Finland adopted a doctrine of territorial defence. Army tactics expanded to more effectively include combat on the coast, in centers of population and in the northern areas of the country. The years after the wars had very little effect on Finnish tactics: development of defence tactics continued further toward defence in depth as a combat model. During the period of the present study, Finnish tactics developed from mainly offensive thinking to emphasizing defensive combat.


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Bumblebees are a very essential group of pollinating insects, but their populations have declined drastically during the past decades. We need to understand why their numbers are decreasing and what can be done to reverse this trend. Climate change-related phenomena, such as changes in the overwintering temperatures and spring conditions, are among the most prominent threats to bumblebees. Queens have a special role in the lifecycle of bumblebees because they overwinter and start new colonies the next year. Their successful performance: survival, overwintering ability, longevity, immune competence, and nest establishing capability in spring, is highly important for bumblebee populations. However, the effects of climate change on bumblebee queen performance remain unknown. The main objective of this thesis was to assess how temperature affects the performance of bumblebee queens during and after overwintering. The effects of warm temperature predicted by climate change scenarios on queen survival and stress-tolerance were studied by a four-month artificial diapause of bumblebee queens at two temperatures (9°C and 1.8°C). Bumblebee colonies were also reared in a laboratory and factors affecting colony characteristics were examined. In addition, queen performance during spring was studied in a starvation experiment using two temperatures (15°C as normal; 24°C as warmer than average) and queens collected from nature right after their emergence. My research revealed how temperature affects queen performance, and queen size was found to be an important factor determining the direction of some of these effects. We found a 0.4g weight threshold for bumblebee queens to be able to survive overwintering. In addition, during mild winters, larger queens have a higher chance than smaller ones to survive through winter and also to cope with immunological stresses after overwintering. During cold conditions, which are normal in the current climatic situation, this advantage disappears. In the spring starvation experiment, the starved queens survived approximately eight days longer in 15°C than in 24°C, which means that starvation risk rises significantly with increasing spring temperature, in a situation where food is scarce due to for example frost damage or asynchrony between bumblebees and their important food plants. These results could mean that in the future climate, larger queens are better able to survive the winter, initiate their nests and start rearing their offspring. This may be problematic, because I also detected two alternative strategies of colony development that differ between large and small queens; larger queens start to lay eggs earlier at nest initiation, their colonies mature later, they produce more workers, and they have a more strongly male biased sex allocation compared with smaller queens. If larger queens have a greater change of producing offspring after a mild winter, this could lead to a significant decline in the total production of new queens at a population level. Thus, it seems that queen size could act as one mechanism regulating the population level outcomes in different temperatures. The new information presented in my thesis reinforces that basic research, monitoring, and local species conservation of bumblebees both in Finland and globally must be increased to ensure that this highly important pollinator group survives in the face of climate change.


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The growing population in cities increases the energy demand and affects the environment by increasing carbon emissions. Information and communications technology solutions which enable energy optimization are needed to address this growing energy demand in cities and to reduce carbon emissions. District heating systems optimize the energy production by reusing waste energy with combined heat and power plants. Forecasting the heat load demand in residential buildings assists in optimizing energy production and consumption in a district heating system. However, the presence of a large number of factors such as weather forecast, district heating operational parameters and user behavioural parameters, make heat load forecasting a challenging task. This thesis proposes a probabilistic machine learning model using a Naive Bayes classifier, to forecast the hourly heat load demand for three residential buildings in the city of Skellefteå, Sweden over a period of winter and spring seasons. The district heating data collected from the sensors equipped at the residential buildings in Skellefteå, is utilized to build the Bayesian network to forecast the heat load demand for horizons of 1, 2, 3, 6 and 24 hours. The proposed model is validated by using four cases to study the influence of various parameters on the heat load forecast by carrying out trace driven analysis in Weka and GeNIe. Results show that current heat load consumption and outdoor temperature forecast are the two parameters with most influence on the heat load forecast. The proposed model achieves average accuracies of 81.23 % and 76.74 % for a forecast horizon of 1 hour in the three buildings for winter and spring seasons respectively. The model also achieves an average accuracy of 77.97 % for three buildings across both seasons for the forecast horizon of 1 hour by utilizing only 10 % of the training data. The results indicate that even a simple model like Naive Bayes classifier can forecast the heat load demand by utilizing less training data.