13 resultados para self-help groups
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Tutkimuksen päätarkoituksena on selvittää lukio-opiskelijoiden käsityksiä oppimisensa itsesäätelystrategioista. Lukiokoulutuksessa toteutetut muutokset kuten valinnanmahdollisuuksien lisääntyminen ovat antaneet lukio-opiskelijoille kasvaneen mahdollisuuden omanlaisensa lukio-opiskelupolun suunnitteluun ja yksilölliseen tavoitteenasetteluun. Työssä tarkastellaan myös lukio-opiskelijoiden opintojen kulkua, erilaisia opiskeluodotuksia ja niiden toteutumista sekä näiden yhteyttä itsesäätelyyn. Tutkimus toteutettiin seurantatutkimuksena, jossa kyselylomakkeilla kerättiin tietoa syksyllä 2004 Turun kaupungin suomenkielisissä päivälukioissa (10 koulua) opintonsa aloittavilta opiskelijoilta kahdesti; ensimmäisenä ja kolmantena opiskeluvuotena. Tutkimuksessa oli mukana 245 opiskelijaa, 142 tyttöä ja 103 poikaa. Tutkimuksen vastausprosentti oli 84 %. Kyselylomakkeiden itsesäätelyä ja oppimisorientaatioita koskevat kysymykset pohjautuivat Jan Vermuntin ILS-oppimistyylimittariin (Inventory of Learning Styles) (Vermunt 1994; 1996). Lisäksi haastateltiin 15 tutkimuksessa mukana ollutta opiskelijaa. Kyselylomakeaineisto analysoitiin ristiintaulukoinneilla, korrelaatiokertoimilla, t-testeillä ja erilaisilla varianssianalyyseillä. Itsesäätelystrategiamittarin neljän summamuuttujan oletus testattiin erikseen mittauksissa 1 ja 2 konfirmatorisen faktorianalyysin avulla. Tutkimuksessa identifioitiin klusterianalyysillä tehdyssä ryhmittelyssä neljä erilaista lukio-opiskelijaryhmää: menestyvät navigoijat, tavalliset tasapainoilijat, säätelemättömät kulkeutujat ja ylikuormittuneet avuntarvitsijat. Navigoijille on tyypillistä niin prosessin/ tulosten kuin sisällön suhteen korkea itsesäätely. Tyypillinen piirre navigoijien kohdalla on myös ulkoisen säätelyn korkea taso. Avuntarvitsijat eroavat muista ryhmistä selkeästi korkeampien puutteellisten säätelystrategioidensa perusteella, vaikka heidän itsesäätelynsä on suhteellisesti niihin ja muihin ryhmiin nähden melko korkealla tasolla. Tasapainoilijat sijoittuvat itsesäätelyn ja ulkoisen säätelyn osalta ryhmien keskitasolle. Kulkeutujien itsesäätely samoin kuin ulkoinen säätely ovat ryhmien matalinta tasoa. Tuloksista nähdään, että kehittyneemmällä itsesäätelyllä on selvä yhteys lukio-opintojen sujuvuuteen ja opintomenestykseen, mutta noin kolmasosalle opiskelijoista itsesäätelevä, suunnitelmallinen tavoitteenasettelu on vaikeaa. Navigoijilla ja tasapainoilijoilla opiskelu on sekä heille itselleen mielekästä että ulkoisesti arvioituna tehokasta. Joidenkin opiskelijoiden erityisesti avuntarvitsijoiden ja kulkeutujien keskuudessa opintojen kulku sen sijaan hapuilee. Lukiolaisten opiskeluun kohdistuvien odotusten voidaan tämän tutkimuksen tuloksen perusteella katsoa ennustavan todellista opintojen kulkua ja opintomenestystä melko hyvin. Eroja on sekä tavoitetasossa, opiskeluprosessiin liittyvissä kokemuksissa että jatko-opintosuunnitelmissa ja ne ovat yhteydessä sukupuoleen, isän sosioekonomiseen asemaan, erikoislinjalla opiskeluun sekä lukion alun itsesäätelyryhmiin.
Affektit, kapitalismi ja työn rationalisointi yhdistyvät toisiinsa erottamattomasti. Nykykeskusteluissa työstä ja työelämästä rationalisointi jaetaan usein tekniseen fordistiseen rationalisointiin ja sitä tunteellisempaan postfordistiseen rationalisointiin. Tämä tutkimus osoittaa, affektiivisen rationalisoinnin käsitteen kautta, että työn vanhat ja uudet tieteet asettuvat jatkumoon. Työn tieteissä tietoa työläisestä tuotetaan asettamalla ominaisuuksia aina uudelleen määriteltävään työläisen luokittuneeseen ja sukupuolittuneeseen affektiiviseen figuuriin. Tiedon tuottamisen näkökulmasta muun muassa tayloristiset työn tehostamisen fantasiat, ihmissuhdekoulukunnan ideologiat sekä uuden työn autonomiset järjestykset sisältävät yhtenäisiä piirteitä. Tutkimuksen pääkysymys on: miten affekteja rationalisoidaan työssä, työn tieteissä ja niiden kerrostumissa. Tutkimuksessa kysytään myös, miten affekti kiinnittää luokittuneet ja sukupuolittuneet subjektit työn rationalisoinnin aatteeseen ja millaisia mahdollisuuksia työläiseksi tulemiseen niissä tarjotaan. Kysymystä lähestytään monipuolisen aineiston ja lukuisten teemojen kautta. Aineistoina toimivat muun muassa rationalisoinnin klassikko-teokset, operaismo-vaikutteisen prekariaattiliikkeen pamfletit, ajatushautomoiden uuden työn visiot, self-help-teokset uranaisille sekä Helsingin Sanomien työelämäkeskustelut. Tutkimuksen monipuolista aineistoa lähiluetaan ja tulkitaan siihen luodun erityisen metodologian kautta, joka koostuu kolmesta osa-alueesta: historiallistaminen, paikantuminen ja figuurit. Kaksi ensimmäistä korostavat kontekstien ja position merkitystä tiedon tuotannossa, kolmas osoittaa tiedon tuottamisen valtasuhteita. Työn tieteiden visiot ideaalityöläisestä materialisoituvat figuurien kautta negaatioina kuvaten sitä, millainen ideaalityöläinen ei ole. Väitöskirja aineistoineen paikantuu Suomeen, mutta se osoittaa työn tieteiden ja affektiivisen rationalisoinnin globaaliutta sekä sidonnaisuutta Yhdysvaltoihin, sen yrityskulttuuriin ja esimerkiksi työtehotutkimuksiin Hawthornen elektroniikkatehtaalla vuosina 1924–1933. Väitöskirja tuo uusia näkökulmia nykykeskusteluun työstä, työläisistä, kapitalismista ja affekteista. Se osoittaa, että itsen tuntemisen ja kertomisen tieteitä, kuten psykologiaa, tarjotaan usein ratkaisuksi kapitalistisen tuotannon aiheuttamiin suuriin ja pieniin kurjuuksiin, vaikka terapeuttinen tunnekulttuuri itsessään on muodostunut osana rationalisoinnin ja kapitalismin ambivalentteja kehiä. Tutkimus myös muistuttaa, että työn järjestyksien keskiössä säilyy työläisen ja affektitehtaan konflikti silloinkin, kun fordistinen imperatiivi ”älä!” vaihtuu postfordistiseen kehotukseen ”tunne”.
In this thesis, I studied self-efficacy in the learning of English and Swedish in Finland. The theory of self-efficacy, which was created by Albert Bandura, suggests that the beliefs a person has of his or her capabilities in a certain task affect the person’s performance in the task. My aim was to study whether there are differences in self-efficacy beliefs between the learners of English and Swedish, and whether these beliefs correlate with the performance in the language in question. My hypotheses were that the learners of English have higher self-efficacy beliefs than the learners of Swedish and that self-efficacy beliefs correlate with language performance. The study was quantitative, and it consisted of a self-efficacy questionnaire and a language test which were distributed to students of English and Swedish in an upper secondary school in Rovaniemi. The study was answered by 137 students, of whom 93 were learners of English and 44 were learners of Swedish. The results indicated that the learners of English had a higher sense of efficacy than the learners of Swedish. The analysis proved that there was a significant correlation between English students’ self-efficacy and their performance in the language measured by the test and the grades. In addition, a significant correlation existed between Swedish students’ self-efficacy and their grades. However, there was no correlation between the Swedish students’ self-efficacy and their test results. The difference in the self-efficacy beliefs of the two language groups indicates that people in Finland are more confident in using English than Swedish, which also implies that English is more valued in Finnish society than Swedish. It is important to acknowledge the lower self-efficacy beliefs in Swedish because various studies have proven that self-efficacy affects academic achievement. As a suggestion for further research, the self-efficacy beliefs of different language groups could be compared in a qualitative study in order to understand the development of self-efficacy more profoundly.
The aim of the research was to create a comprehensive city branding process. This was done by identifying the key target groups of the city and considering them in the city branding process. Also key stakeholders were identified and taken into consideration when creating the branding process. As an empirical study, three first stages of the city branding process were implemented for the city of Lappeenranta having "students" as the case target group. An interview with the city officials was conducted, as well as a student survey on the current city image of Lappeenranta. Quantitative research methods were used to analyze the results of the survey. A comprehensive city branding process with eight stages was created in the research. Target groups were considered in the process by identifying the target group dependent stages. The empirical study revealed that the current city image held by the students consists of six dimensions. These dimensions were analyzed from the viewpoint of Lappeenranta with the help of an importance performance analysis.
Intensive and critical care nursing is a speciality in its own right and with its own nature within the nursing profession. This speciality poses its own demands for nursing competencies. Intensive and critical care nursing is focused on severely ill patients and their significant others. The patients are comprehensively cared for, constantly monitored and their vital functions are sustained artificially. The main goal is to win time to cure the cause of the patient’s situation or illness. The purpose of this empirical study was i) to describe and define competence and competence requirements in intensive and critical care nursing, ii) to develop a basic measurement scale for competence assessment in intensive and critical care nursing for graduating nursing students, and iii) to describe and evaluate graduating nursing students’ basic competence in intensive and critical care nursing by seeking the reference basis of self-evaluated basic competence in intensive and critical care nursing from ICU nurses. However, the main focus of this study was on the outcomes of nursing education in this nursing speciality. The study was carried out in different phases: basic exploration of competence (phase 1 and 2), instrumentation of competence (phase 3) and evaluation of competence (phase 4). Phase 1 (n=130) evaluated graduating nursing students’ basic biological and physiological knowledge and skills for working in intensive and critical care with Basic Knowledge Assessment Tool version 5 (BKAT-5, Toth 2012). Phase 2 focused on defining competence in intensive and critical care nursing with the help of literature review (n=45 empirical studies) as well as competence requirements in intensive and critical care nursing with the help of experts (n=45 experts) in a Delphi study. In phase 3 the scale Intensive and Critical Care Nursing Competence Scale (ICCN-CS) was developed and tested twice (pilot test 1: n=18 students and n=12 nurses; pilot test 2: n=56 students and n=54 nurses). Finally, in phase 4, graduating nursing students’ competence was evaluated with ICCN-CS and BKAT version 7 (Toth 2012). In order to develop a valid assessment scale of competence for graduating nursing students and to evaluate and establish the competence of graduating nursing students, empirical data were retrieved at the same time from both graduating nursing students (n=139) and ICU nurses (n=431). Competence can be divided into clinical and general professional competence. It can be defined as a specific knowledge base, skill base, attitude and value base and experience base of nursing and the personal base of an intensive and critical care nurse. Personal base was excluded in this self-evaluation based scale. The ICCN-CS-1 consists of 144 items (6 sum variables). Finally, it became evident that the experience base of competence is not a suitable sum variable in holistic intensive and critical care competence scale for graduating nursing students because of their minor experience in this special nursing area. ICCN-CS-1 is a reliable and tolerably valid scale for use among graduating nursing students and ICU nurses Among students, basic competence of intensive and critical care nursing was self-rated as good by 69%, as excellent by 25% and as moderate by 6%. However, graduating nursing students’ basic biological and physiological knowledge and skills for working in intensive and critical care were poor. The students rated their clinical and professional competence as good, and their knowledge base and skill base as moderate. They gave slightly higher ratings for their knowledge base than skill base. Differences in basic competence emerged between graduating nursing students and ICU nurses. The students’ self-ratings of both their basic competence and clinical and professional competence were significantly lower than the nurses’ ratings. The students’ self-ratings of their knowledge and skill base were also statistically significantly lower than nurses’ ratings. However, both groups reported the same attitude and value base, which was excellent. The strongest factor explaining students’ conception of their competence was their experience of autonomy in nursing. Conclusions: Competence in intensive and critical care nursing is a multidimensional concept. Basic competence in intensive and critical care nursing can be measured with self-evaluation based scale but alongside should be used an objective evaluation method. Graduating nursing students’ basic competence in intensive and critical care nursing is good but their knowledge and skill base are moderate. Especially the biological and physiological knowledge base is poor. Therefore in future in intensive and critical care nursing education should be focused on both strengthening students’ biological and physiological knowledge base and on strengthening their overall skill base. Practical implications are presented for nursing education, practice and administration. In future, research should focus on education methods and contents, mentoring of clinical practice and orientation programmes as well as further development of the scale.
Implementation of different policies and plans aiming at providing education for all is a challenge in Tanzania. The need for educators and professionals with relevant knowledge and qualifications in special education is substantial. Teacher education does not equip educators with sufficient knowledge and skills in special education and professional development programs in special education are few in number. Up to 2005 no degree programs in special education at university level were available in Tanzania. The B.Ed. Special Education program offered by the Open University of Tanzania in collaboration with Åbo Akademi University in Finland was one of the efforts aimed at addressing the big national need for teachers and other professionals with degree qualifications in special education. This pilot program offered unique possibilities to study professional development in Tanzania. The research group in this study consisted of the group of students who participated in the degree program 2005-2007. The study is guided by three theoretical perspectives: individual, social and societal. The individual perspective emphasizes psychological factors as motives, motivation, achievement, self-directed behavior and personal growth. Within social perspective, professional development is viewed as situated within the social and cultural context. The third perspective, the societal, focuses on change, reforms, innovations and transformation of school systems and societies. Accordingly, professional development is viewed as an individual, social and societal phenomenon. The overall aim of the study is to explore the participants’ motives for participating in a B.Ed. Special Education program and the perceived outcomes of the program in terms of professional development. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, a case study approach was adopted. Questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were administered in three waves between January 2007 and February 2009 to the 35 educators participating in the B.Ed. Special Education program. The findings of the study reveal that the participants expressed motives which were related to job performance, knowledge, skills, academic degree and career. Also altruistic motives were expressed by the participants in terms of helping and supporting students with special needs and their communities. The perceived outcomes of the program were in line with the expressed motives. However, the results indicate that the participants also learned new skills, as interaction skills and guidance and counseling skills. Increased self-confidence was also mentioned as an outcome. The participants also got deepened understanding of disability issues. In addition, they learned strategies for creating awareness of persons with disability in the communities. Thus the findings of the study indicate positive outcomes of the program in terms of professional development. The conclusion of the study is that individual, social and societal factors interact when it comes to explaining why Tanzanian educators in special education choose to pursue a degree program in special education. The individual motives, as increased knowledge and better prospects of career development interact with the social and societal motives to help and support vulnerable student groups. The study contributes to increased understanding of the complexity of professional development and of the realities educators meet when educational reforms are implemented in a developing country.
Alumni are considered as precious resource of the institutions, thus improving alumni adminis-tration is critical. In information era, alumni administration is assisted by widespread information technology, such as social network sites. This paper aims to discover if a self-built information sys-tem would enhance alumni connection in the IMMIT context, and what kind of attributes would be helpful applying to the special context. The current online alumni services at other universities and at the IMMIT host university are analyzed, and then social media is introduced. After illustrating the social capital existing in IM-MIT, the type of the self-built information system is suggested, following an interpretation of the prototype. Two research models are utilized in this article: TAM and intentional social action model. The second model is adjusted with proposed parameters. Afterwards, a survey and an interview protocol are designed under the guidance of the models. The results are analyzed in several groups, and the proposed parameters are tested. A conclusion is drawn to indicate how to improve alumni‟s intention to use and how to achieve a better-accepted design.
The purpose of this thesis is to find out whether all the peer to peer lenders are unworthy of credit and also if there are single qualities or combinations of qualities that determine the probability of default of a person or group of people. Distinguishing qualities are searched with self-organizing maps (SOM). Qualities and groups of people found by the self-organizing map are then compared to the average. The comparison is carried out by looking how big proportion of borrowers meeting the criteria is two months or more behind with their payments. Research data used is collected by an Estonian peer to peer lending company during the years of 2011-2014. Data consists of peer to peer borrowers and information gathered from them.
The context of this study is corporate e-learning, with an explicit focus on how digital learning design can facilitate self-regulated learning (SRL). The field of e-learning is growing rapidly. An increasing number of corporations use digital technology and elearning for training their work force and customers. E-learning may offer economic benefits, as well as opportunities for interaction and communication that traditional teaching cannot provide. However, the evolving variety of digital learning contexts makes new demands on learners, requiring them to develop strategies to adapt and cope with novel learning tools. This study derives from the need to learn more about learning experiences in digital contexts in order to be able to design these properly for learning. The research question targets how the design of an e-learning course influences participants’ self-regulated learning actions and intentions. SRL involves learners’ ability to exercise agency in their learning. Micro-level SRL processes were targeted by exploring behaviour, cognition, and affect/motivation in relation to the design of the digital context. Two iterations of an e-learning course were tested on two groups of participants (N=17). However, the exploration of SRL extends beyond the educational design research perspective of comparing the effects of the changes to the course designs. The study was conducted in a laboratory with each participant individually. Multiple types of data were collected. However, the results presented in this thesis are based on screen observations (including eye tracking) and video-stimulated recall interviews. These data were integrated in order to achieve a broad perspective on SRL. The most essential change evident in the second course iteration was the addition of feedback during practice and the final test. Without feedback on actions there was an observable difference between those who were instruction-directed and those who were self-directed in manipulating the context and, thus, persisted whenever faced with problems. In the second course iteration, including the feedback, this kind of difference was not found. Feedback provided the tipping point for participants to regulate their learning by identifying their knowledge gaps and to explore the learning context in a targeted manner. Furthermore, the course content was consistently seen from a pragmatic perspective, which influenced the participants’ choice of actions, showing that real life relevance is an important need of corporate learners. This also relates to assessment and the consideration of its purpose in relation to participants’ work situation. The rigidity of the multiple choice questions, focusing on the memorisation of details, influenced the participants to adapt to an approach for surface learning. It also caused frustration in cases where the participants’ epistemic beliefs were incompatible with this kind of assessment style. Triggers of positive and negative emotions could be categorized into four levels: personal factors, instructional design of content, interface design of context, and technical solution. In summary, the key design choices for creating a positive learning experience involve feedback, flexibility, functionality, fun, and freedom. The design of the context impacts regulation of behaviour, cognition, as well as affect and motivation. The learners’ awareness of these areas of regulation in relation to learning in a specific context is their ability for design-based epistemic metareflection. I describe this metareflection as knowing how to manipulate the context behaviourally for maximum learning, being metacognitively aware of one’s learning process, and being aware of how emotions can be regulated to maintain volitional control of the learning situation. Attention needs to be paid to how the design of a digital learning context supports learners’ metareflective development as digital learners. Every digital context has its own affordances and constraints, which influence the possibilities for micro-level SRL processes. Empowering learners in developing their ability for design-based epistemic metareflection is, therefore, essential for building their digital literacy in relation to these affordances and constraints. It was evident that the implementation of e-learning in the workplace is not unproblematic and needs new ways of thinking about learning and how we create learning spaces. Digital contexts bring a new culture of learning that demands attitude change in how we value knowledge, measure it, define who owns it, and who creates it. Based on the results, I argue that digital solutions for corporate learning ought to be built as an integrated system that facilitates socio-cultural connectivism within the corporation. The focus needs to shift from designing static e-learning material to managing networks of social meaning negotiation as part of a holistic corporate learning ecology.
Advancements in information technology have made it possible for organizations to gather and store vast amounts of data of their customers. Information stored in databases can be highly valuable for organizations. However, analyzing large databases has proven to be difficult in practice. For companies in the retail industry, customer intelligence can be used to identify profitable customers, their characteristics, and behavior. By clustering customers into homogeneous groups, companies can more effectively manage their customer base and target profitable customer segments. This thesis will study the use of the self-organizing map (SOM) as a method for analyzing large customer datasets, clustering customers, and discovering information about customer behavior. Aim of the thesis is to find out whether the SOM could be a practical tool for retail companies to analyze their customer data.
Business intelligence (BI) is an information process that includes the activities and applications used to transform business data into valuable business information. Today’s enterprises are collecting detailed data which has increased the available business data drastically. In order to meet changing customer needs and gain competitive advantage businesses try to leverage this information. However, IT departments are struggling to meet the increased amount of reporting needs. Therefore, recent shift in the BI market has been towards empowering business users with self-service BI capabilities. The purpose of this study was to understand how self-service BI could help businesses to meet increased reporting demands. The research problem was approached with an empirical single case study. Qualitative data was gathered with a semi-structured, theme-based interview. The study found out that case company’s BI system was mostly used for group performance reporting. Ad-hoc and business user-driven information needs were mostly fulfilled with self-made tools and manual work. It was felt that necessary business information was not easily available. The concept of self-service BI was perceived to be helpful to meet such reporting needs. However, it was found out that the available data is often too complex for an average user to fully understand. The respondents felt that in order to self-service BI to work, the data has to be simplified and described in a way that it can be understood by the average business user. The results of the study suggest that BI programs struggle in meeting all the information needs of today’s businesses. The concept of self-service BI tries to resolve this problem by allowing users easy self-service access to necessary business information. However, business data is often complex and hard to understand. Self-serviced BI has to overcome this challenge before it can reach its potential benefits.
Business intelligence (BI) is an information process that includes the activities and applications used to transform business data into valuable business information. Today’s enterprises are collecting detailed data which has increased the available business data drastically. In order to meet changing customer needs and gain competitive advantage businesses try to leverage this information. However, IT departments are struggling to meet the increased amount of reporting needs. Therefore, recent shift in the BI market has been towards empowering business users with self-service BI capabilities. The purpose of this study was to understand how self-service BI could help businesses to meet increased reporting demands. The research problem was approached with an empirical single case study. Qualitative data was gathered with a semi-structured, theme-based interview. The study found out that case company’s BI system was mostly used for group performance reporting. Ad-hoc and business user-driven information needs were mostly fulfilled with self-made tools and manual work. It was felt that necessary business information was not easily available. The concept of self-service BI was perceived to be helpful to meet such reporting needs. However, it was found out that the available data is often too complex for an average user to fully understand. The respondents felt that in order to self-service BI to work, the data has to be simplified and described in a way that it can be understood by the average business user. The results of the study suggest that BI programs struggle in meeting all the information needs of today’s businesses. The concept of self-service BI tries to resolve this problem by allowing users easy self-service access to necessary business information. However, business data is often complex and hard to understand. Self-serviced BI has to overcome this challenge before it can reach its potential benefits.
The study approaches student travel from the perspective of postmodern consumption. The background is in the observation that the student travel market has a vast potential, but it is not necessarily capitalized upon to the extent it could. This might partly have to do with the peculiarities of postmodernity: consumption is characterized by unpredictability and abstract motives. The research questions are built around what constitutes student travel consumption and how can students be categorized according to motivation, behaviour and values. Also identity and expressiveness are present and it is evaluated, if travel services facilitate these background is the observation that the student travel market has a vast potential, but it is not necessarily capitalized upon to the extent it could be. This might partly have to do with the peculiarities of postmodernity: consumption is characterized by unpredictability and abstract motives. The research questions are built around what constitutes student travel consumption and how can students be categorized according to motivation, behaviour and values. Also identity and expressiveness are present and it is evaluated whether travel services facilitate these constructs. The topic is approached by discovering the key concepts such as self-identity. This was done in order to create survey questions that reflect the underlying theories. The survey was sent to chosen student groups of Turku School of Economics. The data was analyzed using statistical methods, mainly principal component analysis, in order to categorize students’ motives and behaviour into distinct profiles. The findings indicate that students have a high level of awareness in their travel consumption choices. Travel services seem to facilitate identity and lifestyle expressiveness, one central dimension of postmodernity. Psychographics such as motivation seem to work well as a segmentation criteria when it comes to the student traveler market. Travel offers students an opportunity for relaxation, escape, enjoyment and gaining new experiences and social contacts. Furthermore, the enjoyment of the travel experience extends to the pre- and post-trip time.