3 resultados para pH conditions
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Tässä väitöstutkimuksessa tutkittiin fysikaaliskemiallisten olosuhteiden ja toimintaparametrien vaikutusta juustoheran fraktiointiin. Kirjallisuusosassa on käsitelty heran ympäristövaikutusta, heran hyödyntämistä ja heran käsittelyä kalvotekniikalla. Kokeellinen osa on jaettu kahteen osaan, joista ensimmäinen käsittelee ultrasuodatusta ja toinen nanosuodatusta juustoheran fraktioinnissa. Ultrasuodatuskalvon valinta tehtiin perustuen kalvon cut-off lukuun, joka oli määritetty polyetyleeniglykoliliuoksilla olosuhteissa, joissa konsentraatiopolariosaatioei häiritse mittausta. Kriittisen vuon konseptia käytettiin sopivan proteiinikonsentraation löytämiseksi ultrasuodatuskokeisiin, koska heraproteiinit ovat tunnetusti kalvoa likaavia aineita. Ultrasuodatuskokeissa tutkittiin heran eri komponenttien suodattumista kalvon läpi ja siihen vaikuttavia ominaisuuksia. Herapermeaattien peptidifraktiot analysoitiin kokoekskluusiokromatografialla ja MALDI-TOF massaspektrometrillä. Kokeissa käytettävien nanosuodatuskalvojen keskimääräinen huokoskoko analysoitiin neutraaleilla liukoisilla aineilla ja zeta-potentiaalit virtauspotentiaalimittauksilla. Aminohappoja käytettiin malliaineina tutkittaessa huokoskoon ja varauksen merkitystä erotuksessa. Aminohappojen retentioon vaikuttivat pH ja liuoksen ionivahvuus sekä molekyylien väliset vuorovaikutukset. Heran ultrasuodatuksessa tuotettu permeaatti, joka sisälsi pieniä peptidejä, laktoosia ja suoloja, nanosuodatettiin happamassa ja emäksisessä pH:ssa. Emäksisissä oloissa tehdyssä nanosuodatuksessa foulaantumista tapahtui vähemmän ja permeaattivuo oli parempi. Emäksisissä oloissa myös selektiivisyys laktoosin erotuksessa peptideistä oli parempi verrattuna selektiivisyyteen happamissa oloissa.
In many industries, such as petroleum production, and the petrochemical, metal, food and cosmetics industries, wastewaters containing an emulsion of oil in water are often produced. The emulsions consist of water (up to 90%), oils (mineral, animal, vegetable and synthetic), surfactants and other contaminates. In view of its toxic nature and its deleterious effects on the surrounding environment (soil, water) such wastewater needs to be treated before release into natural water ways. Membrane-based processes have successfully been applied in industrial applications and are considered as possible candidates for the treatment of oily wastewaters. Easy operation, lower cost, and in some cases, the ability to reduce contaminants below existing pollution limits are the main advantages of these systems. The main drawback of membranes is flux decline due tofouling and concentration polarisation. The complexity of oil-containing systems demands complementary studies on issues related to the mitigation of fouling and concentration polarisation in membranebased ultrafiltration. In this thesis the effect of different operating conditions (factors) on ultrafiltration of oily water is studied. Important factors are normally correlated and, therefore, their effect should be studied simultaneously. This work uses a novel approach to study different operating conditions, like pressure, flow velocity, and temperature, and solution properties, like oil concentration (cutting oil, diesel, kerosene), pH, and salt concentration (CaCl2 and NaCl)) in the ultrafiltration of oily water, simultaneously and in a systematic way using an experimental design approach. A hypothesis is developed to describe the interaction between the oil drops, salt and the membrane surface. The optimum conditions for ultrafiltration and the contribution of each factor in the ultrafiltration of oily water are evaluated. It is found that the effect on permeate flux of the various factors studied strongly depended on the type of oil, the type of membrane and the amount of salts. The thesis demonstrates that a system containing oil is very complex, and that fouling and flux decline can be observed even at very low pressures. This means that only the weak form of the critical flux exists for such systems. The cleaning of the fouled membranes and the influence of different parameters (flow velocity, temperature, time, pressure, and chemical concentration (SDS, NaOH)) were evaluated in this study. It was observed that fouling, and consequently cleaning, behaved differently for the studied membranes. Of the membranes studied, the membrane with the lowest propensity for fouling and the most easily cleaned was the regenerated cellulose membrane (C100H). In order to get more information about the interaction between the membrane and the components of the emulsion, a streaming potential study was performed on the membrane. The experiments were carried out at different pH and oil concentration. It was seen that oily water changed the surface charge of the membrane significantly. The surface charge and the streaming potential during different stages of filtration were measured and analysed being a new method for fouling of oil in this thesis. The surface charge varied in different stages of filtration. It was found that the surface charge of a cleaned membrane was not the same as initially; however, the permeability was equal to that of a virgin membrane. The effect of filtration mode was studied by performing the filtration in both cross-flow and deadend mode. The effect of salt on performance was considered in both studies. It was found that salt decreased the permeate flux even at low concentration. To test the effect of hydrophilicity change, the commercial membranes used in this thesis were modified by grafting (PNIPAAm) on their surfaces. A new technique (corona treatment) was used for this modification. The effect of modification on permeate flux and retention was evaluated. The modified membranes changed their pore size around 33oC resulting in different retention and permeability. The obtained results in this thesis can be applied to optimise the operation of a membrane plant under normal or shock conditions or to modify the process such that it becomes more efficient or effective.
Increased emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere are causing an anthropogenic climate change. The resulting global warming challenges the ability of organisms to adapt to the new temperature conditions. However, warming is not the only major threat. In marine environments, dissolution of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere causes a decrease in surface water pH, the so called ocean acidification. The temperature and acidification effects can interact, and create even larger problems for the marine flora and fauna than either of the effects would cause alone. I have used Baltic calanoid copepods (crustacean zooplankton) as my research object and studied their growth and stress responses using climate predictions projected for the next century. I have studied both direct temperature and pH effects on copepods, and indirect effects via their food: the changing phytoplankton spring bloom composition and toxic cyanobacterium. The main aims of my thesis were: 1) to find out how warming and acidification combined with a toxic cyanobacterium affect copepod reproductive success (egg production, egg viability, egg hatching success, offspring development) and oxidative balance (antioxidant capacity, oxidative damage), and 2) to reveal the possible food quality effects of spring phytoplankton bloom composition dominated by diatoms or dinoflagellates on reproducing copepods (egg production, egg hatching, RNA:DNA ratio). The two copepod genera used, Acartia sp. and Eurytemora affinis are the dominating mesozooplankton taxa (0.2 – 2 mm) in my study area the Gulf of Finland. The 20°C temperature seems to be within the tolerance limits of Acartia spp., because copepods can adapt to the temperature phenotypically by adjusting their body size. Copepods are also able to tolerate a pH decrease of 0.4 from present values, but the combination of warm water and decreased pH causes problems for them. In my studies, the copepod oxidative balance was negatively influenced by the interaction of these two environmental factors, and egg and nauplii production were lower at 20°C and lower pH, than at 20°C and ambient pH. However, presence of toxic cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena improved the copepod oxidative balance and helped to resist the environmental stress, in question. In addition, adaptive maternal effects seem to be an important adaptation mechanism in a changing environment, but it depends on the condition of the female copepod and her diet how much she can invest in her offspring. I did not find systematic food quality difference between diatoms and dinoflagellates. There are both good and bad diatom and dinoflagellate species. Instead, the dominating species in the phytoplankton bloom composition has a central role in determining the food quality, although copepods aim at obtaining as a balanced diet as possible by foraging on several species. If the dominating species is of poor quality it can cause stress when ingested, or lead to non-optimal foraging if rejected. My thesis demonstrates that climate change induced water temperature and pH changes can cause problems to Baltic Sea copepod communities. However, their resilience depends substantially on their diet, and therefore the response of phytoplankton to the environmental changes. As copepods are an important link in pelagic food webs, their future success can have far reaching consequences, for example on fish stocks.