5 resultados para maternal-fetal relationship
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
METFORMIININ KÄYTTÖ RASKAUSDIABETEKSESSA Raskausdiabeteksella tarkoitetaan sokeriaineenvaihdunnan häiriötä, joka todetaan ensimmäisen kerran raskauden aikana. Hoidolla voidaan vähentää raskausdiabetekseen liittyviä äidin ja vastasyntyneen haittoja. Lääkitystä tarvitaan, jos ruokavaliohoidolla ei saavuteta hyvää sokeritasapainoa. Perinteisesti lääkityksenä on käytetty insuliinia, mutta metformii¬nin käyttöä insuliinin vaihtoehtona on ehdotettu. Metformiini läpäisee istukan, mutta sen läpäisymekanismi ei ole selvillä. Tämän tutkimuskokonaisuuden pääasiallisin tarkoitus oli verrata metformiinin tehokkuutta ja turvallisuutta insuliiniin raskausdiabeteksen hoidossa selvittämällä lääkkeen vaiku¬tusta äitiin ja vastasyntyneeseen. Lisäksi haluttiin tutkia, mitkä tekijät ennustavat insulii¬nin tarvetta metformiinin lisänä, jotta saavutettaisiin hyvä sokeritasapaino. Metformiinin annoksen vaikutus äitiin ja vastasyntyneeseen arvioitiin mittaamalla metformiinin pitoisuus äidistä, ja sikiön puolelta napanuoran veressä. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös aktiivisen kuljetusproteiinin (OCT) merkitystä metformiinin kulkeutumiseen istukan läpi perfusiomalla istukkaa ex vivo . Ex vivo istukkaperfuusiotutkimuksen tulokset viittasivat siihen, että OCT-kuljetusproteiinilla ei ollut todennäköisesti merkittävää osuutta metformiinin kulkeutumisessa istukan läpi. Metformiinin pitoisuusmittaukset synnytyksen yhteydessä osoittivat metformiinin siirtyvän sikiöön istukan läpi suuressa määrin (96 %) kertymättä kuitenkaan sikiön verenkiertoon. Metformiinin pitoisuudella ei ollut vaikutusta vastasyntyneen hyvinvointiin. Maksi¬maalisella metformiinin annostuksella ja korkealla metformiinipitoisuudella todettiin olevan suotuisa vaikutus äidin painon nousuun raskauden aikana. Insuliiniin verrattuna metformiini ei lisännyt äidin, sikiön tai vastasyntyneen haittatapahtumia, eikä sillä ollut vaikutusta synnytystapaan. Sokeritasapaino insuliini- ja metformiinilääkityksen aikana oli yhtäläinen arvioitaessa sitä HbA1c- ja fruktosamiinimittauksilla, mutta 21 % metformiinin käyttäjistä tarvitsi lisäksi insuliinia hyvän sokeritasapainon saavuttamiseksi. Tutkimuksesssa todettiin, että mitä iäkkäämpi äiti oli, mitä varhaisemmassa raskauden vaiheessa sokerirasitus oli tehty ja lääkitys aloitettu, ja mitä korkeammat HbA1c ja fruktosamiinipitoisuudet olivat, sitä suuremmalla todennäköisyydellä metformiinin lisänä tarvittiin insuliinia.
Pienipainoisen keskosen ja äidin varhainen suhde: Lapsen, äidin ja dyadisten muuttujien vaikutus Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia keskosvauvan ja äidin varhaista suhdetta. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös vauvan itkukäyttäytymisen, vauvan sylissä olon ja äidin masentuneisuuden yhteyttä äidin ja keskosvauvan varhaiseen suhteeseen. Tutkimusryhmät koostuivat 32:sta (tutkimus I-II) ja 38:sta (tutkimus III-IV) keskosena syntyneestä vauvasta (syntymäpaino < 1501 g tai GI < 32 viikkoa) sekä 46:sta täysiaikaisena syntyneestä terveestä verrokkivauvasta. Lapsen ja äidin vuorovaikutusta arvioitiin 6 ja 12 kuukauden iässä (korjattu ikä) PCERAmenetelmällä. Äidin mielikuvia lapsestaan tutkittiin WMCI-haastattelulla, kun lapsi oli 12 kuukautta. Baby Day Diary -menetelmää käytettiin vauvan itkukäyttäytymisen ja sylissä olon keston mittaamisessa vauvan ollessa 5 kuukautta. Äidin masentuneisuutta arvioitiin EDPS-lomakkeella, kun lapsi oli 6 kuukautta. Tulokset osoittivat, että turvallisten kiintymyssuhdemielikuvien määrä tai vuorovaikutuksen laatu eivät keskosvauvan äideillä eronneet täysiaikaisina syntyneiden vauvojen äitien vastaavista. Ryhmien välillä ei löytynyt eroja myöskään dyadisen vuorovaikutuksen laadussa. Keskosena syntyneet lapset olivat kuitenkin vetäytyvämpiä ja heillä oli laadullisesti heikommat keskittymisen ja leikin taidot vuorovaikutustilanteessa 12 kuukauden iässä täysiaikaisina syntyneisiin lapsiin nähden. Lisäksi äidin masentuneisuus ja lapsen pitkittynyt itkuisuus olivat negatiivisessa yhteydessä vuorovaikutuksen laatuun keskosvauvojen ryhmässä. Vauvan itkukertojen määrän, sylissä olon keston sekä äidin ja vauvan vuorovaikutuksen laadun välillä löytyi positiivinen yhteys ainoastaan keskosena syntyneiden lasten ryhmässä. Tulostemme perusteelle toteamme, että lapsen ennenaikainen syntymä itsessään ei näytä muodostavan riskiä äidin vuorovaikutuksen laadulle tai turvalliselle kiintymyssuhteelle. Yhdessä muiden riskitekijöiden kanssa keskosuus kuitenkin altistaa vauvat ja heidän äitinsä varhaisen vuorovaikutuksen ongelmille. Lisäksi tuloksemme viittaavat siihen, että vauvan itku ja siitä seuraava sylissä olo toimivat suojaavana mekanismina pienipainoisen keskosen ja äidin varhaisessa suhteessa.
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy can potentially affect the developing fetus in devastating ways, leading to a range of physical, neurological, and behavioral alterations most accurately termed Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). Despite the fact that it is a preventable disorder, prenatal alcohol exposure today constitutes a leading cause of intellectual disability in the Western world. In Western countries where prevalence studies have been performed the rates of FASD exceed, for example, autism spectrum disorders, Down’s syndrome and cerebral palsy. In addition to the direct effects of alcohol, children and adolescents with FASD are often exposed to a double burden in life, as their neurological sequelae are accompanied by adverse living surroundings exposing them to further environmental risk. However, children with FASD today remain remarkably underdiagnosed by the health care system. This thesis forms part of a larger multinational research project, The Collaborative Initiative on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (the CIFASD), initiated by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) in the U.S.A. The general aim of the present thesis was to examine a cohort of children and adolescents growing up with fetal alcohol-related damage in Finland. The thesis consists of five studies with a broad focus on diagnosis, cognition, behavior, adaptation and brain metabolic alterations in children and adolescents with FASD. The participants consisted of four different groups: one group with histories of prenatal exposure to alcohol, the FASD group; one IQ matched contrast group mostly consisting of children with specific learning disorder (SLD); and two typically-developing control groups (CON1 and CON2). Participants were identified through medical records, random sampling from the Finnish national population registry and email alerts to students. Importantly, the participants in the present studies comprise a group of very carefully clinically characterized children with FASD as the studies were performed in close collaboration with leading experts in the field (Prof. Edward Riley and Prof. Sarah Mattson, Center for Behavioral Teratology, San Diego State University, U.S.A; Prof. Eugene Hoyme, Sanford School of Medicine, University of South Dakota, U.S.A.). In the present thesis, the revised Institute of Medicine diagnostic criteria for FASD were tested on a Finnish population and found to be a reliable tool for differentiating among the subgroups of FASD. A weighted dysmorphology scoring system proved to be a valuable additional adjunct in quantification of growth deficits and dysmorphic features in children with FASD (Study 1). The purpose of Study 2 was to clarify the relationship between alcohol-related dysmorphic features and general cognitive capacity. Results showed a significant correlation between dysmorphic features and cognitive capacity, suggesting that children with more severe growth deficiency and dysmorphic features have more cognitive limitations. This association was, however, only moderate, indicating that physical markers and cognitive capacity not always go hand in hand in individuals with FASD. Behavioral problems in the FASD group proved substantial compared to the typically developing control group. In Study 3 risk and protective factors associated with behavioral problems in the FASD group were explored further focusing on diagnostic and environmental factors. Two groups with elevated risks for behavioral problems emerged: length of time spent in residential care and a low dysmorphology score proved to be the most pervasive risk factor for behavioral problems. The results underscore the clinical importance of appropriate services and care for less visibly alcohol affected children and highlight the need to attend to children with FASD being raised in institutions. With their background of early biological and psychological impairment compounded with less opportunity for a close and continuous caregiver relationship, such children seem to run an especially great risk of adverse life outcomes. Study 4 focused on adaptive abilities such as communication, daily living skills and social skills, in other words skills that are important for gradually enabling an independent life, maintain social relationships and allow the individual to become integrated into society. The results showed that adaptive abilities of children and adolescents growing up with FASD were significantly compromised compared to both typically-developing peers and IQ-matched children with SLD. Clearly different adaptive profiles were revealed where the FASD group performed worse than the SLD group, who in turn performed worse than the CON1 group. Importantly, the SLD group outperformed the FASD group on adaptive behavior in spite of comparable cognitive levels. This is the first study to compare adaptive abilities in a group of children and adolescents with FASD relative to both a contrast group of IQ-matched children with SLD and to a group of typically-developing peers. Finally, in Study 5, through magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRS) evidence of longstanding neurochemical alterations were observed in adolescents and young adults with FASD related to alcohol exposure in utero 14-20 years earlier. Neurochemical alterations were seen in several brain areas: in frontal and parietal cortices, corpus callosum, thalamus and frontal white matter areas as well as in the cerebellar dentate nucleus. The findings are compatible with neuropsychological findings in FASD. Glial cells seemed to be more affected than neurons. In conclusion, more societal efforts and resources should be focused on recognizing and diagnosing FASD, and supporting subgroups with elevated risk of poor outcome. Without adequate intervention children and adolescents with FASD run a great risk of marginalization and social maladjustment, costly not only to society but also to the lives of the many young people with FASD.
Background: Maternal diabetes affects many fetal organ systems, including the vasculature and the lungs. The offspring of diabetic mothers have respiratory adaptation problems after birth. The mechanisms are multifactorial and the effects are prolonged during the postnatal period. An increasing incidence of diabetic pregnancies accentuates the importance of identifying the pathological mechanisms, which cause the metabolic and genetic changes that occur in offspring, born to diabetic mothers. Aims and methods: The aim of this thesis was to determine changes both in human umbilical cord exposed to maternal type 1 diabetes and in neonatal rat lungs after streptozotocin-induced maternal hyperglycemia, during pregnancy. Rat lungs were used as a model for the potential disease mechanisms. Gene expression alterations were determined in human umbilical cords at birth and in rat pup lungs at two week of age. During the first two postnatal weeks, rat lung development was studied morphologically and histologically. Further, the effect of postnatal hyperoxia on hyperglycemia-primed rat lungs was investigated at one week of age to mimic the clinical situation of supplemental oxygen treatment. Results: In the umbilical cord, maternal diabetes had a major negative effect on the expression of genes involved in blood vessel development. The genes regulating vascular tone were also affected. In neonatal rat lungs, intrauterine hyperglycemia had a prolonged effect on gene expression during late alveolarization. The most affected pathway was the upregulation of extracellular matrix proteins. Newborn rat lungs exposed to intrauterine hyperglycemia had thinner saccular walls without changes in airspace size, a smaller relative lung weight and lung total tissue area, and increased cellular apoptosis and proliferation compared to control lungs, possibly reflecting an aberrant maturational adaptation. At one and two weeks of age, cell proliferation and secondary crest formation were accelerated in hyperglycemia-exposed lungs. Postnatal hyperoxic exposure, alone caused arrested alveolarization with thin-walled and enlarged alveoli. In contrast, the dual exposure of intrauterine hyperglycemia and postnatal hyperoxia resulted in the phenotype of thick septa together with arrested alveolarization and decreased number of small pulmonary arteries. Conclusions: Maternal diabetic environment seems to alter the umbilical cord gene expression profile of the regulation of vascular development and function. Fetal hyperglycemia may additionally affect the genetic regulation of the postnatal lung development and may actually induce prolonged structural alterations in neonatal lungs together with a modifying effect on the deleterious pulmonary exposure of postnatal hyperoxia. This, combined with the novel human umbilical cord gene data could serve as stepping stones for future therapies to curb developmental aberrations.
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) is a pregnancy-specific disorder characterized by maternal pruritus and elevated liver enzymes. It usually begins in the third trimester of pregnancy and resolves spontaneously after delivery. ICP is considered benign for the pregnant woman, but it is associated with an increased risk for unexplained term stillbirth and preterm delivery. There are no specific laboratory markers to diagnose ICP. The diagnosis is currently based on the presence of maternal pruritus and elevated values of alanine aminotransaminases (ALT) and serum bile acids (BA). Recently, ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) has been used for treatment. Mechanisms leading to intrauterine fetal death (IUFD) may be multifactorial and are unknown at present. For this thesis, 415 pregnant women with ICP were studied. The aim was to evaluate the value of the liver enzyme glutathione S-transferase alpha (GSTA) as a specific marker of ICP and to assess the effect of maternal UDCA therapy on maternal laboratory values and fetal outcome. The specific markers predisposing the fetus to heart arrhythmia were studied by comparing waveform analysis of fetal electrocardiograms (FECG) during labor in pregnancies complicated by ICP with controls. The levels of maternal GSTA were high and the values correlated with the value of ALT in patients with ICP. UDCA therapy reduced the values of the liver enzymes and alleviated maternal pruritus, but it did not influence maternal hormonal values. Although the newborns experienced an uneventful perinatal outcome, severe ICP was still associated with preterm birth and admission to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). There were no significant differences in intrapartum FECG findings between fetuses born to ICP women and controls.