14 resultados para male breast cancer

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Selektiivisten estrogeenireseptorin muuntelijoiden (serm) vaikutus rintasyöpäsolujen ja luun solujen kuolemaan Selektiiviset estrogeenireseptorin muuntelijat (SERMit) ovat ryhmä kemialliselta rakenteeltaan erilaisia yhdisteitä jotka sitoutuvat solunsisäisiin estrogeenireseptoreihin toimien joko estrogeenin kaltaisina yhdisteinä tai estrogeenin vastavaikuttajina. Tamoksifeeni on SERM –yhdiste, jota on jo pitkään käytetty estrogeenireseptoreita (ER) ilmentävän rintasyövän lääkehoidossa. Tamoksifeeni sekä estää rintasyöpäsolujen jakaantumista että toisaalta aikaansaa niiden apoptoosin eli ohjelmoidun solukuoleman muuntelemalla ER-välitteisesti kohdesolun geenien ilmentymistä. Viimeaikaiset tutkimustulokset ovat kuitenkin osoittaneet tamoksifeenilla olevan myös nopeampia, nongenomisia vaikutusmekanismeja. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä tutkimme niitä nopeita vaikutusmekanismeja joiden avulla tamoksifeeni vaikuttaa rintasyöpäsolujen elinkykyyn. Osoitamme että tamoksifeeni farmakologisina pitoisuuksina aikaansaa nopean mitokondriaalisen solukuolemaan johtavan signallointireitin aktivoitumisen rintasyöpäsoluissa. Tämän lisäksi tutkimme myös tamoksifeenin aiheuttamaan mitokondriovaurioon johtavia tekijöitä. Tutkimustuloksemme osoittavat että ER-positiivisissa rintasyöpäsoluissa tamoksifeeni indusoi pitkäkestoisen ERK-kinaasiaktivaation, joka voidaan estää 17-beta-estradiolilla. Tamoksifeenin aikaansaama nopea solukuolema on pääosin ER:sta riippumaton tapahtuma, mutta siihen voidaan vaikuttaa myös ER-välitteisin mekanismein. Sen sijaan epidermaalisen kasvutekijäreseptorin (EGFR) voitiin osoittaa osallistuvan tamoksifeenin nopeiden vaikutusten välittämiseen. Tämän lisäksi vertailimme myös estradiolin ja eri SERM-yhdisteiden kykyä suojata apoptoosilta käyttämällä osteoblastiperäisiä soluja. Pytyäksemme vertailemaan ER-isotyyppien roolia eri yhdisteiden suojavaikutuksissa, transfektoimme U2OS osteosarkoomasolulinjan ilmentämään pysyvästi joko ERalfaa tai ERbetaa. Tulostemme mukaan sekä estradioli että uusi SERM-yhdiste ospemifeeni suojaavat osteoblastin kaltaisia soluja etoposidi-indusoidulta apoptoosilta. Sekä ERalfa että ERbeta pystyivät välittämään suojavaikutusta, joskin vaikutukset erosivat toisistaan. Lisäksi havaitsimme edellä mainitun suojavaikutuksen olevan yhteydessä muutoksiin solujen sytokiiniekspressiossa. Tietoa SERM-yhdisteiden anti-ja proapoptoottisten vaikutusmekanismeista eri kohdekudoksissa voidaan mahdollisesti hyödyntää kehiteltäessä uusia kudosspesifisiä SERM-yhdisteitä.


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The growth of breast cancer is regulated by hormones and growth factors. Recently, aberrant fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling has been strongly implicated in promoting the progression of breast cancer and is thought to have a role in the development of endocrine resistant disease. FGFs mediate their auto- and paracrine signals through binding to FGF receptors 1-4 (FGFR1-4) and their isoforms. Specific targets of FGFs in breast cancer cells and the differential role of FGFRs, however, are poorly described. FGF-8 is expressed at elevated levels in breast cancer, and it has been shown to act as an angiogenic, growth promoting factor in experimental models of breast cancer. Furthermore, it plays an important role in mediating androgen effects in prostate cancer and in some breast cancer cell lines. We aimed to study testosterone (Te) and FGF-8 regulated genes in Shionogi 115 (S115) breast cancer cells, characterise FGF-8 activated intracellular signalling pathways and clarify the role of FGFR1, -2 and -3 in these cells. Thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1), an endogenous inhibitor of angiogenesis, was recognised as a Te and FGF-8 regulated gene. Te repression of TSP-1 was androgen receptor (AR)-dependent. It required de novo protein synthesis, but it was independent of FGF-8 expression. FGF-8, in turn, downregulated TSP-1 transcription by activating the ERK and PI3K pathways, and the effect could be reversed by specific kinase inhibitors. Differential FGFR1-3 action was studied by silencing each receptor by shRNA expression in S115 cells. FGFR1 expression was a prerequisite for the growth of S115 tumours, whereas FGFR2 expression alone was not able to promote tumour growth. High FGFR1 expression led to a growth advantage that was associated with strong ERK activation, increased angiogenesis and reduced apoptosis, and all of these effects could be reversed by an FGFR inhibitor. Taken together, the results of this thesis show that FGF-8 and FGFRs contribute strongly to the regulation of the growth and angiogenesis of experimental breast cancer and support the evidence for FGF-FGFR signalling as one of the major players in breast cancers.


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Background: In Finland, breast cancer (BC) is the most common cancer among women, and prostate cancer (PC) that among men. At the metastatic stage both cancers remain essentially incurable. The goals of therapy include palliation of symptoms, improvement or maintenance of quality of life (QoL), delay of disease progression, and prolongation of survival. Balancing between efficacy and toxicity is the major challenge. With increasing costs of new treatments, appropriate use of resources is paramount. When new treatment regimes are introduced into clinical practice a comprehensive assessment of clinical benefit, adverse effects and cost is necessary. Both BC and PC show a predilection to metastasize to bone. Bone metastases cause significant morbidity impairing the patients´ QoL. Diagnosis of bone metastases relies mainly on radiological methods, which however lack optimal sensitivity and specificity. New tools are needed for detection and follow-up of bone metastases. Aims: Anthracyclines and taxanes are effective chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer (MBC) with different mechanisms of action. Therefore, evaluation of the combination of anthracyclines with taxanes was a justifiable approach in the treatment of MBC patients. We assessed the efficacy, toxicity, cost of treatment and QoL of BC patients treated with first-line chemotherapy for metastatic disease with the combination epirubicin and docetaxel. We also evaluated the diagnostic potential of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5b (TRACP 5b) and carboxyterminal telopeptides of type I collagen (ICTP) in the diagnosis of bone metastases in BC and TRACP 5b in PC patients. Results: The combination of epirubicin and docetaxel was effective in this phase II study, but required individual dose adjustment to avoid neutropenic infections, and the use of growth factors to maintain a feasible dose level. The response rate was 54 % (95 % CI 37-71) and the median overall survival (OS) was 26 months. Of the patients, 87 % were treated for infections. The treatment of adverse events required additional use of health resources mainly due to neutropenic infections, thereby raising direct treatment costs by 20 %. Despite adverse events, the global QoL was not significantly compromised during the treatment. Clinically evident acute cardiac toxicity was not observed. The combination of serum TRACP 5b and ICTP was at least equally sensitive and specific in detection of of bone metastases as commonly used total alkaline phosphatise (tALP) in BC patients. In contrast, TRACP 5b was less specific and sensitive than tALP as a marker of skeletal changes in PC patients. Conclusions: Treatment with epirubicin and docetaxel showed high efficacy in first-line chemotherapy of MBC. The relatively high incidence of neutropenic infections requiring hospitalization increased the treatment costs. Despite adverse events, the global QoL of the patients was not significantly compromised. The combination of TRACP 5b and ICTP showed similar activity as tALP in detecting bone metastases in MBC. In contrast, TRACP 5b was less specific and sensitive than tALP as a marker of skeletal changes in PC.


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Breast cancer that has metastasized to bone is currently an incurable disease, causing significant morbidity and mortality. The aim of this thesis work was to elucidate molecular mechanisms of bone metastasis and thereby gain insights into novel therapeutic approaches. First, we found that L‐serine biosynthesis genes, phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (PHGDH), phosphoserine aminotransferase 1 (PSAT1) and phosphoserine phosphatase (PSPH), were up‐regulated in highly bone metastatic MDA‐MB‐231(SA) cells as compared with the parental breast cancer cell line. Knockdown of serine biosynthesis inhibited proliferation of MDA‐MB‐231(SA) cells, and L‐serine was essential for the formation of bone resorbing osteoclasts. Clinical data demonstrated that high expression of PHGDH and PSAT1 was associated with decreased relapse‐free and overall survival and with features typical of poor outcome in breast cancer. Second, RNA interference screening pointed out heparan sulfate 6‐O‐sulfotransferase 2 (HS6ST2) as a critical gene for transforming growth factor β (TGF‐β)‐induced interleukin 11 (IL‐11) production in MDA‐MB‐231(SA) cells. Exogenous heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycans heparin and K5‐NSOS also inhibited TGF‐β‐induced IL‐11 production in MDA‐MB‐231(SA) cells. Furthermore, K5‐NSOS decreased osteolytic lesion area and tumor burden in bone in mice. Third, we discovered that the microRNAs miR‐204, ‐211 and ‐379 inhibited IL‐11 expression in MDA‐MB‐231(SA) cells through direct targeting of the IL‐11 mRNA. MiR‐379 also inhibited Smad‐mediated signaling. Gene expression profiling of miR‐204 and ‐379 transfected cells indicated that these microRNAs down‐regulate several bone metastasis‐relevant genes, including prostaglandin‐endoperoxide synthase 2 (PTGS2). Taken together, this study identified three potential treatment strategies for bone metastatic breast cancer: inhibition of serine biosynthesis, heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycans and restoration of miR‐204/‐211/‐379.


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In development of human medicines, it is important to predict early and accurately enough the disease and patient population to be treated as well as the effective and safe dose range of the studied medicine. This is pursued by using preclinical research models, clinical pharmacology and early clinical studies with small sample sizes. When successful, this enables effective development of medicines and reduces unnecessary exposure of healthy subjects and patients to ineffectice or harmfull doses of experimental compounds. Toremifene is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) used for treatment of breast cancer. Its development was initiated in 1980s when selection of treatment indications and doses were based on research in cell and animal models and on noncomparative clinical studies including small number of patients. Since the early development phase, the treatment indication, the patient population and the dose range were confirmed in large comparative clinical studies in patients. Based on the currently available large and long term clinical study data the aim of this study was to investigate how the early phase studies were able to predict the treatment indication, patient population and the dose range of the SERM. As a conclusion and based on the estrogen receptor mediated mechanism of action early studies were able to predict the treatment indication, target patient population and a dose range to be studied in confirmatory clinical studies. However, comparative clinical studies are needed to optimize dose selection of the SERM in treatment of breast cancer.


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Breast cancer is the most frequent solid tumor among women and the leading cause of cancer related death in women worldwide. The prognosis of breast cancer patients is tightly correlated with the degree of spread beyond the primary tumor. In this thesis, the aim was to identify novel regulators of tumor progression in breast cancer as well as to get insights into the molecular mechanisms of breast cancer progression and metastasis. First, the role of phospholipid remodeling genes and enzymes important for breast cancer progression was studied in breast cancer samples as well as in cultured breast cancer cells. Tumor samples displayed increased de novo synthesized fatty acids especially in aggressive breast cancer. Furthermore, RNAi mediated cell based assays implicated several target genes critical for breast cancer cell proliferation and survival. Second, the role of arachidonic acid pathway members 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase (HPGD) and phospholipase A2 group VII (PLA2G7) in tumorigenesis associated processes was explored in metastatic breast cancer cells. Both targets were found to contribute to epithelial-mesenchymal transition related processes. Third, a high-throughput RNAi lysate microarray screen was utilized to identify novel vimentin expression regulating genes. Methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase 2 (MTHFD2) was found to promote cellular features connected with metastatic disease, thus implicating MTHFD2 as a potential drug target to block breast cancer cell migration and invasion. Taken together, this study identified several putative targets for breast cancer therapy. In addition, these results provide novel information about the mechanisms and factors underlying breast cancer progression.


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This three-phase study was conducted to examine the effect of the Breast Cancer Patient’s Pathway program (BCPP) on breast cancer patients’ empowering process from the viewpoint of the difference between knowledge expectations and perceptions of received knowledge, knowledge level, quality of life, anxiety and treatment-related side effects during the breast cancer treatment process. The BCPP is an Internet-based patient education tool describing a flow chart of the patient pathway during the breast treatment process, from breast cancer diagnostic tests to the follow-up after treatments. The ultimate goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of the BCPP to the breast cancer patient’s empowerment by using the patient pathway as a patient education tool. In phase I, a systematic literature review was carried out to chart the solutions and outcomes of Internet-based educational programs for breast cancer patients. In phase II, a Delphi study was conducted to evaluate the usability of web pages and adequacy of their content. In phase III, the BCPP program was piloted with 10 patients and patients were randomised to an intervention group (n=50) and control group (n=48). According to the results of this study, the Internet is an effective patient education tool for increasing knowledge, and BCPP can be used as a patient education method supporting other education methods. However, breast cancer patients’ perceptions of received knowledge were not fulfilled; their knowledge expectations exceed the perceived amount of received knowledge. Although control group patients’ knowledge expectations were met better with the knowledge they received in hospital compared to the patients in the intervention group, no statistical differences were found between the groups in terms of quality of life, anxiety and treatment-related side effects. However, anxiety decreased faster in the intervention group when looking at internal differences between the groups at different measurement times. In the intervention group the relationship between the difference between knowledge expectations and perceptions of received knowledge correlated significantly with quality of life and anxiety. Their knowledge level was also significant higher than in the control group. These results support the theory that the empowering process requires patient’s awareness of knowledge expectations and perceptions of received knowledge. There is a need to develop patient education to meet patients’ perceptions of received knowledge, including oral and written education and BCPP, to fulfil patient’s knowledge expectations and facilitate the empowering process. Further research is needed on the process of cognitive empowerment with breast cancer patients. There is a need for new patient education methods to increase breast cancer patients’ awareness of knowing.


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The aim of this study was to describe the demographic, clinicopathological, biological and morphometric features of Libyan breast cancer patients. The supporting value of nuclear morphometry and static image cytometry in the sensitivity for detecting breast cancer in conventional fine-needle aspiration biopsies were estimated. The findings were compared with findings in breast cancer in Finland and Nigeria. In addation, the value of ER and PR were evaluated. There were 131 histological samples, 41 cytological samples, and demographic and clinicopathological data from 234 Libyan patients. The Libyan breast cancer is dominantly premenopausal and in this feature it is similar to breast cancer in sub-Saharan Africans, but clearly different from breast cancer in Europeans, whose cancers are dominantly postmenopausal in character. At presention most Libyan patients have locally advanced disease, which is associated with poor survival rates. Nuclear morphometry and image DNA cytometry agree with earlier published data in the Finnish population and indicate that nuclear size and DNA analysis of nuclear content can be used to increase the cytological sensitivity and specificity in doubtful breast lesions, particularly when free cell sampling method is used. Combination of the morphometric data with earlier free cell data gave the following diagnostic guidelines: Range of overlap in free cell samples: 55 μm2 -71 μm2. Cut-off values for diagnostic purposes: Mean nuclear area (MNA) >54 μm2 for 100% detection of malignant cases (specificity 84 %), MNA < 72 μm2 for 100% detection of benign cases (sensitivity 91%). Histomorphometry showed a significant correlation between the MNA and most clinicopathological features, with the strongest association observed for histological grade (p <0.0001). MNA seems to be a prognosticator in Libyan breast cancer (Pearson’s test r = - 0.29, p = 0.019), but at lower level of significance than in the European material. A corresponding relationship was not found in shape-related morphometric features. ER and PR staining scores were in correlation with the clinical stage (p= 0.017, and 0.015, respectively), and also associated with lymph node negative patients (p=0.03, p=0.05, respectively). Receptor-positive (HR+) patients had a better survival. The fraction of HR+ cases among Libyan breast cancers is about the same as the fraction of positive cases in European breast cancer. The study suggests that also weak staining (corresponding to as few as 1% positive cells) has prognostic value. The prognostic significance may be associated with the practice to use antihormonal therapy in HR+ cases. The low survival and advanced presentation is associated with active cell proliferation, atypical nuclear morphology and aneuploid nuclear DNA content in Libyan breast cancer patients. The findings support the idea that breast cancer is not one type of disease, but should probably be classified into premenopausal and post menopausal types.


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Cancerous inhibitor of PP2A (CIP2A) is an oncoprotein expressed in several human cancer types. Previously, CIP2A has been shown to promote proliferation of cancer cells. Mechanistically, CIP2A is known to inhibit activity of a tumor suppressor protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) towards an oncoprotein MYC, further stabilizing MYC in human cancer. However, the molecular mechanisms how CIP2A expression is induced during cellular transformation are not well known. Also, expression, functional role and clinical relevance of CIP2A in breast cancer had not been studied before. The results of this PhD thesis work demonstrate that CIP2A is highly expressed in human breast cancer, and that high expression of CIP2A in tumors is a poor prognostic factor in a subset of breast cancer patients. CIP2A expression correlates with inactivating mutations of tumor suppressor p53 in human cancer. Notably, we demonstrate that p53 inactivation up-regulates CIP2A expression via increased expression of an oncogenic transcription factor E2F1. Moreover, CIP2A promotes expression of E2F1, and this novel positive feedback loop between E2F1 and CIP2A is demonstrated to regulate sensitivity to both p53-dependent and -independent senescence induction in breast cancer cells. Importantly, in a CIP2A deficient breast cancer mouse model, abrogation of CIP2A attenuates mammary tumor formation and progression with features of E2F1 inhibition and induction of senescence. Furthermore, we demonstrate that CIP2A expression defines the cellular response to a senescence-inducing chemotherapy in breast cancer. Taken together, these results demonstrate that CIP2A is an essential promoter of breast cancer tumor growth by inhibiting senescence. Finally, this study implicates inhibition of CIP2A as a promising therapy target for breast cancer.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the diagnosis delay and its impact on the stage of disease. The study also evaluated a nuclear DNA content, immunohistochemical expression of Ki-67 and bcl-2, and the correlation of these biological features with the clinicopathological features and patient outcome. 200 Libyan women, diagnosed during 2008–2009 were interviewed about the period from the first symptoms to the final histological diagnosis of breast cancer. Also retrospective preclinical and clinical data were collected from medical records on a form (questionnaire) in association with the interview. Tumor material of the patients was collected and nuclear DNA content analysed using DNA image cytometry. The expression of Ki-67 and bcl-2 were assessed using immunohistochemistry (IHC). The studies described in this thesis show that the median of diagnosis time for women with breast cancer was 7.5 months and 56% of patients were diagnosed within a period longer than 6 months. Inappropriate reassurance that the lump was benign was an important reason for prolongation of the diagnosis time. Diagnosis delay was also associated with initial breast symptom(s) that did not include a lump, old age, illiteracy, and history of benign fibrocystic disease. The patients who showed diagnosis delay had bigger tumour size (p<0.0001), positive lymph nodes (p<0.0001), and high incidence of late clinical stages (p<0.0001). Biologically, 82.7% of tumors were aneuploid and 17.3% were diploid. The median SPF of tumors was 11% while the median positivity of Ki-67 was 27.5%. High Ki-67 expression was found in 76% of patients, and high SPF values in 56% of patients. Positive bcl-2 expression was found in 62.4% of tumors. 72.2% of the bcl-2 positive samples were ER-positive. Patients who had tumor with DNA aneuploidy, high proliferative activity and negative bcl-2 expression were associated with a high grade of malignancy and short survival. The SPF value is useful cell proliferation marker in assessing prognosis, and the decision cut point of 11% for SPF in the Libyan material was clearly significant (p<0.0001). Bcl-2 is a powerful prognosticator and an independent predictor of breast cancer outcome in the Libyan material (p<0.0001). Libyan breast cancer was investigated in these studies from two different aspects: health services and biology. The results show that diagnosis delay is a very serious problem in Libya and is associated with complex interactions between many factors leading to advanced stages, and potentially to high mortality. Cytometric DNA variables, proliferative markers (Ki-67 and SPF), and oncoprotein bcl-2 negativity reflect the aggressive behavior of Libyan breast cancer and could be used with traditional factors to predict the outcome of individual patients, and to select appropriate therapy.


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Aims of this study were to evaluate the relations of nuclear morphometry, mitotic and apoptotic indices, and tubular differentiation with clinicopathological features and survival rate in Libyan women. The data were compared with corresponding results on Finnish, and Nigerian female breast cancer patients. Histological samples of breast cancer (BC) from 131 patients were retrospectively studied. Mitotic activity indices (MAI and SMI), apoptotic index (AI), and fraction of fields with tubular differentiation (FTD) were estimated. Samples were also studied by computerized nuclear morphometry, such as mean nuclear area (MNA). Demographic and clinicopathological features were analyzed from 234 patients. The Libyan BC was dominantly premenopausal, and aggressive in behavior. There were statistically significant correlations between the mean nuclear area, fraction of fields with tubular differentiation, apoptotic index and proliferative indices, and most clinicopathological features. The highest significances were shown between lymph node status and the proliferative and apoptotic indices (p=0.003 with SMI, and p=0.005 with AI). There were significant associations between clinical stage and SMI and AI (p=0.002 and 0.009, respectively). The most significant associations with grade were observed with MNA and FTD (p<0.0001 and 0.001, respectively). The proliferative differences between Libyan, Nigerian and Finnish populations were prominent. These indices in Libyan were lower than in Nigerian, but higher than in Finnish patients. The Libyan patients’ AI is slightly higher than in Nigeria, but much higher than in Finland. The differences between countries may be associated with the known variation in the distribution of genetic markers in these populations. The results also indicated that morphometric factors can be reliable prognostic indicators in Libyan BC patients.


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The objective of this thesis was to evaluate whether a more extensive mammography screening programme (TurkuMSP) conducted by the city of Turku, had an effect on breast cancer (BC) incidence, survival, or mortality in years 1987 to 2009. Despite the fact that some studies have suggested a 20 percent reduction in BC mortality due to mammography screening, there are findings of harm to subjects, which are claimed to negate the benefits of screening. Thus, the aims of this study are most pertinent. A total of 176 908 screening examinations were performed in 36 000 women aged 40−74 during the years 1987−1997. In all, 685 primary BCs were found in the screened women, either screen-detected (n=531) or during screening intervals (n=154). Survival and BC recurrence rate of women with screen-detected BC was compared to 184 women with clinical BCs detected among individuals who did not take part in the screening. The invitation interval, which may influence the outcome, was studied in the age group 40 to 49 by inviting those born in even calendar years annually for mammography screening and those born in odd years, triennially. In addition, BC incidence and mortality in the total female population of Turku aged 40 to 84 years was compared with the respective figures of Helsinki and the rest of Finland, both during the pre-screening era (1976-1986) and the screening era (1987-2009). The study was designed to compare women by age groups, because women aged 50 to 59 were generally screened in all of Finland, whereas only in Turku women aged 40 to 49 and 60 to 74 were screened in addition. Data regarding cancer recurrence were derived from the Finnish Cancer Registry and data on deaths were collected from Statistics Finland. In survival analyses, screened women with invasive BC had a significantly higher survival rate than the women with clinical BC. The survival benefit started to appear already during the first follow-up years and was evident in all age groups. A marginal survival extension was also seen in screened women when BC had spread to ipsilateral axillary nodes already at diagnosis. Recurrence-free survival rate after BC treatment was significantly more favorable among the screened women compared with women with BC found clinically. The screening invitation interval did not significantly influence BC mortality in the subset of women aged 40 to 49 years. There were no consistent differences in the changes of BC incidence between Turku and the comparison areas during the screening era. In Turku, the BC mortality incidence in women aged 55−69 years was significantly lower during the screening era (from 1987 to 1997) compared with the pre-screening era, whereas no such change was found in the city of Helsinki or Tampere. When comparing the changes in incidence-based BC mortality during years 1987 to 2009 in Turku to those of Helsinki and the rest of Finland, there was a suggestion of more than 20 percent lower mortality in Turku among oldest age group (75-84 years) compared with the reference residential areas, but the differences were not consistently significant. Interpretation of the study results should be made with caution because there were no random control groups, and on the other hand, the number of cases in subgroups was fairly low to yield definite conclusions. Also due to the many statistical analyses, some of the findings may be due to chance. The results are, however, suggestive for a decrease of BC mortality in the elderly age groups due to wide mammography screening. This finding needs confirmation in further studies before recommending an expansion of mammography screening to women up to the age of 74 years


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Breast cancer is a highly heterogenous malignancy, which despite of the similar histological type shows different clinical behaviour and response to therapy. Prognostic factors are used to estimate the risk for recurrence and the likelihood of treatment effectiveness. Because breast cancer is one of the most common causes of cancer death in women worldwide, identification of new prognostic markers are needed to develop more specific and targeted therapies. Cancer is caused by uncontrolled cell proliferation. The cell cycle is controlled by specific proteins, which are known as cyclins. They function at important checkpoints by activating cyclin-dependent kinase enzymes. Overexpression of different cyclins has been linked to several cancer types and altered expression of cyclins A, B1, D1 and E has been associated with poor survival. Little is known about the combined expression of cyclins in relation to the tumour grade, breast cancer subtype and other known prognostic factors. In this study cyclins A, B1 and E were shown to correlate with histological grade, Ki-67 and HER2 expression. Overexpression of cyclin D1 correlated with receptor status and non-basal breast cancer suggesting that cyclin D1 might be a marker of good prognosis. Proteolysis in the surrounding tumour stroma is increased during cancer development. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are proteolytic enzymes that are capable of degrading extracellular matrix proteins. Increased expression and activation of several MMPs have been found in many cancers and MMPs appear to be important regulators of invasion and metastasis. In this study MMP-1 expression was analysed in breast cancer epithelial cells and in cancer associated stromal cells. MMP-1 expression by breast cancer epithelial cells was found to carry an independent prognostic value as did Ki-67 and bcl-2. The results suggest that in addition to stromal cells MMP-1 expression in tumour cells control breast cancer progression. Decorin is a small proteoglycan and an important component of the extracellular matrix. Decorin has been shown to inhibit growth of tumour cells and reduced decorin expression is associated with a poor prognosis in several cancer types. There has been some suspicion wheather different cancer cells express decorin. In this study decorin expression was shown to localize only in the cells of the original stroma, while breast cancer epithelial cells were negative for decorin expression. However, transduction of decorin in decorin-negative human breast cancer cells markedly modulated the growth pattern of these cells. This study provides evidence that targeted decorin transduction to breast cancer cells could be used as a novel adjuvant therapy in breast malignancies.


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Deregulated proliferation has been recognized among the most important factors promoting breast cancer development and progression. The aim of the project is to gain understanding of the role of specific cell cycle regulators of metaphase-anaphase transition and evaluate their potential in breast cancer prognostication and treatment decisions. Metaphase-anaphase transition is triggered by activation of anaphase promoting complex (APC) which is activated by a cascade of regulatory proteins, among them securin, Cdc20 and Cdc27. These proteins promote the metaphase–anaphase transition and participate in the timely separation of the chromatids. This study is based on a patient material of approximately 600 breast cancer patients and up to 22 years of follow-up. As the main observation, based on DNA cytometric and immunohistochemical methods, securin, Cdc20 and Cdc27 protein expressions were associated with abnormal DNA content and outcome of breast cancer. In the studied patient material, high securin expression alone and in combination with Cdc20 and Cdc27 predicted up to 9.8-fold odds for aneuploid DNA content in human breast cancer. In Kaplan–Meier analyses, high expression of securin systematically indicated decrease in breast cancer survival as compared to low expression cases. The adverse effect of high securin expression was further strengthened by combining it with Cdc20 or Cdc27 expressions, resulting in up to 6.8-fold risk of breast cancer death. High securin and Cdc20 expression was also associated with triple-negative breast cancer type with high statistical significance. Securin, Cdc20 or Cdc27 have not previously been investigated in a clinically relevant large breast cancer patient material or in association with DNA ploidy. The present findings suggest that the studied proteins may serve as potential biomarkers for identification of aggressive course of disease and unfavourable outcome of human breast cancer, and that they may provide a future research aim for understanding abnormal proliferation in malignant disease.