25 resultados para liquid of deposition
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
The focus of the work reported in this thesis was to study and to clarify the effect of polyelectrolyte multilayer surface treatment on inkjet ink spreading, absorption and print quality. Surface sizing with a size press, film press with a pilot scale coater, and spray coating, have been used to surface treat uncoated wood-free, experimental wood-free and pigmentcoated substrates. The role of the deposited cationic (polydiallydimethylammonium chloride, PDADMAC) and anionic (sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, NaCMC) polyelectrolyte layers with and without nanosilica, on liquid absorption and spreading was studied in terms of their interaction with water-based pigmented and dye-based inkjet inks. Contact angle measurements were made in attempt to explain the ink spreading and wetting behavior on the substrate. First, it was noticed that multilayer surface treatment decreased the contact angle of water, giving a hydrophilic character to the surface. The results showed that the number of cationic-anionic polyelectrolyte layers or the order of deposition of the polyelectrolytes had a significant effect on the print quality. This was seen for example as a higher print density on layers with a cationic polyelectrolyte in the outermost layer. The number of layers had an influence on the print quality; the print density increased with increasing number of layers, although the increase was strongly dependent on ink formulation and chemistry. The use of nanosilica clearly affected the rate of absorption of polar liquids, which also was seen as a higher density of the black dye-based print. Slightly unexpected, the use of nanosilica increased the tendency for lateral spreading of both the pigmented and dye-based inks. It was shown that the wetting behavior and wicking of the inks on the polyelectrolyte coatings was strongly affected by the hydrophobicity of the substrate, as well as by the composition or structure of the polyelectrolyte layers. Coating only with a cationic polyelectrolyte was not sufficient to improve dye fixation, but it was demonstrated that a cationic-anionic-complex structure led to good water fastness. A threelayered structure gave the same water fastness values as a five-layered structure. Interestingly, the water fastness values were strongly dependent not only on the formed cation-anion polyelectrolyte complexes but also on the tendency of the coating to dissolve during immersion in water. Results showed that by optimizing the chemistry of the layers, the ink-substrate interaction can be optimized.
Diplomityön tavoitteena oli tutkia kerrostumien muodostumista voimalaitoskattiloiden lämpöpinnoille ja niiden vaikutusta lämmönsiirtoon. Kerrostumien vaikutusta lämpöpintojen lämpötiloihin tutkittiin kerrostumasondin avulla kierto- ja kerrosleijukattiloissa. Saadun mittausaineiston muodostettiin mittaustilannetta vastaava laskentamalli, jonka avulla pystytään selvittämään voimalaitoksen lämpöpintojen likaantumista käyttöperiodin aikana. Työn alussa tarkasteltiin kerrostumien muodostumismekanismeja lämmönsiirtopinnoille, kerrostumien ominaisuuksia ja virtausympäristön vaikutusta lämmönsiirtoon. Poltossa syntyvä tuhka kiinnittyy eri mekanismeilla kattilan seinille ja lämpöpinnoille riippuen polttoaineesta ja ympäröivistä olosuhteista. Likakerrosten muodostuminen lämmönsiirtimen pinnalle pienentää putkeen siirtyvää lämpövirtaa ja alentaa kattilan hyötysuhdetta. Kerrostumien lämmönjohtumisesta ja mikrorakenteesta on hyvin vähän kokeellisen tietoa, mikä vaikeuttaa reaalisten mallien muodostamista kattilan käyttäytymisestä sen likaantuessa.Työn kokeellisessa osassa tarkasteltiin kahdella eri kattilalla tehtyjä mittauksia. Mittaukset tehtiin kerrostumasondilla, jonka lämmönsiirrosta luotiin laskentamalli SIMULINK-simulointiohjelmalla. Mittaustuloksina saatiin kolmen eri pinnan lämpötilat, jotka muuttuivat kerrostuman ja jäähdytyksen vaikutuksesta. Laskentamallista muokattiin mittaustilanteita vastaava, jolloin lämpötilamuutoksista nähdään likakerroksen ominaisuuksien vaikutus lämmönsiirtoon. Sondista muodostettiin myös FLUENT-malli, jolla tarkasteltiin yksittäisen putken virtauskenttää sekä kahden lähekkäin olevan putken vaikutusta virtaukseen.
Selostus: Kasvien raskasmetallien otto ilmasta ja saastuneesta maasta
In bubbly flow simulations, bubble size distribution is an important factor in determination of hydrodynamics. Beside hydrodynamics, it is crucial in the prediction of interfacial area available for mass transfer and in the prediction of reaction rate in gas-liquid reactors such as bubble columns. Solution of population balance equations is a method which can help to model the size distribution by considering continuous bubble coalescence and breakage. Therefore, in Computational Fluid Dynamic simulations it is necessary to couple CFD and Population Balance Model (CFD-PBM) to get reliable distribution. In the current work a CFD-PBM coupled model is implemented as FORTRAN subroutines in ANSYS CFX 10 and it has been tested for bubbly flow. This model uses the idea of Multi Phase Multi Size Group approach which was previously presented by Sha et al. (2006) [18]. The current CFD-PBM coupled method considers inhomogeneous flow field for different bubble size groups in the Eulerian multi-dispersed phase systems. Considering different velocity field for bubbles can give the advantageof more accurate solution of hydrodynamics. It is also an improved method for prediction of bubble size distribution in multiphase flow compared to available commercial packages.
Työn ensimmäisenä tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa kiinteä-neste ja neste-neste uuttomenetelmillä pihkan ja valkopihkan määrä Stora Enso Kabelin tuotantolinja 4:llä. Työn kannalta oli myöstärkeää saada selvyys saostumien koostumuksesta. Lopullinen päämäärä oli automatisoida fiksatiivin annostelu uuden, jatkuvatoimisen märänpäänanalysaattorin avulla. Mäntyosuuden kasvattaminen hiokemassassa lisää hydrofobisten partikkeleiden lukumäärää, minkä uskotaan lisäävän saostumariskiä. Työtä varten kehitetty neste-neste uuttomenetelmä, jota ei ole liiemmin paperiteollisuudessa käytetty, voi olla hyvä menetelmä lipofiilisten komponenttien määrän arviointiin tietyssä määrässä massa- tai prosessivesinäytettä. Virtaussytometri-menetelmän avulla tutkittiin pihka- tai valkopihkapartikkeleiden määrää ja kokojakaumaa eri prosessinäytteissä. Virtaussytometri-menetelmällä mitattujen valkopihkapartikkeleiden lukumäärän ja päällystetyn hylyn saostimen suodoksen sameuden välille löytyiselvä korrelaatio. Fiksatiivimäärän vaikutusta päällystetyn hylyn saostimen suodoksen sameuteen tutkittiin koeajojaksolla, jossa fiksatiivin annostelua säädettiin käsin. Käytetyt annosmäärät eivät riittäneet sameuden pitämiseen tasaisena matalalla tasolla.
Woven monofilament, multifilament, and spun yarn filter media have long been the standard media in liquid filtration equipment. While the energy for a solid-liquid separation process is determined by the engineering work, it is the interface between the slurry and the equipment - the filter media - that greatly affects the performance characteristics of the unit operation. Those skilled in the art are well aware that a poorly designed filter medium may endanger the whole operation, whereas well-performing filter media can make the operation smooth and economical. As the mineral and pulp producers seek to produce ever finer and more refined fractions of their products, it is becoming increasingly important to be able to dewater slurries with average particle sizes around 1 ¿m using conventional, high-capacity filtration equipment. Furthermore, the surface properties of the media must not allow sticky and adhesive particles to adhere to the media. The aim of this thesis was to test how the dirt-repellency, electrical resistance and highpressure filtration performance of selected woven filter media can be improved by modifying the fabric or yarn with coating, chemical treatment and calendering. The results achieved by chemical surface treatments clearly show that the woven media surface properties can be modified to achieve lower electrical resistance and improved dirt-repellency. The main challenge with the chemical treatments is the abrasion resistance and, while the experimental results indicate that the treatment is sufficiently permanent to resist standard weathering conditions, they may still prove to be inadequately strong in terms of actual use.From the pressure filtration studies in this work, it seems obvious that the conventional woven multifilament fabrics still perform surprisingly well against the coated media in terms of filtrate clarity and cake build-up. Especially in cases where the feed slurry concentration was low and the pressures moderate, the conventional media seemed to outperform the coated media. In the cases where thefeed slurry concentration was high, the tightly woven media performed well against the monofilament reference fabrics, but seemed to do worse than some of the coated media. This result is somewhat surprising in that the high initial specific resistance of the coated media would suggest that the media will blind more easily than the plain woven media. The results indicate, however, that it is actually the woven media that gradually clogs during the coarse of filtration. In conclusion, it seems obvious that there is a pressure limit above which the woven media looses its capacity to keep the solid particles from penetrating the structure. This finding suggests that for extreme pressures the only foreseeable solution is the coated fabrics supported by a strong enough woven fabric to hold thestructure together. Having said that, the high pressure filtration process seems to follow somewhat different laws than the more conventional processes. Based on the results, it may well be that the role of the cloth is most of all to support the cake, and the main performance-determining factor is a long life time. Measuring the pore size distribution with a commercially available porometer gives a fairly accurate picture of the pore size distribution of a fabric, but failsto give insight into which of the pore sizes is the most important in determining the flow through the fabric. Historically air, and sometimes water, permeability measures have been the standard in evaluating media filtration performance including particle retention. Permeability, however, is a function of a multitudeof variables and does not directly allow the estimation of the effective pore size. In this study a new method for estimating the effective pore size and open pore area in a densely woven multifilament fabric was developed. The method combines a simplified equation of the electrical resistance of fabric with the Hagen-Poiseuille flow equation to estimate the effective pore size of a fabric and the total open area of pores. The results are validated by comparison to the measured values of the largest pore size (Bubble point) and the average pore size. The results show good correlation with measured values. However, the measured and estimated values tend to diverge in high weft density fabrics. This phenomenon is thought to be a result of a more tortuous flow path of denser fabrics, and could most probably be cured by using another value for the tortuosity factor.
Gas-liquid mass transfer is an important issue in the design and operation of many chemical unit operations. Despite its importance, the evaluation of gas-liquid mass transfer is not straightforward due to the complex nature of the phenomena involved. In this thesis gas-liquid mass transfer was evaluated in three different gas-liquid reactors in a traditional way by measuring the volumetric mass transfer coefficient (kLa). The studied reactors were a bubble column with a T-junction two-phase nozzle for gas dispersion, an industrial scale bubble column reactor for the oxidation of tetrahydroanthrahydroquinone and a concurrent downflow structured bed.The main drawback of this approach is that the obtained correlations give only the average volumetric mass transfer coefficient, which is dependent on average conditions. Moreover, the obtained correlations are valid only for the studied geometry and for the chemical system used in the measurements. In principle, a more fundamental approach is to estimate the interfacial area available for mass transfer from bubble size distributions obtained by solution of population balance equations. This approach has been used in this thesis by developing a population balance model for a bubble column together with phenomenological models for bubble breakage and coalescence. The parameters of the bubble breakage rate and coalescence rate models were estimated by comparing the measured and calculated bubble sizes. The coalescence models always have at least one experimental parameter. This is because the bubble coalescence depends on liquid composition in a way which is difficult to evaluate using known physical properties. The coalescence properties of some model solutions were evaluated by measuring the time that a bubble rests at the free liquid-gas interface before coalescing (the so-calledpersistence time or rest time). The measured persistence times range from 10 msup to 15 s depending on the solution. The coalescence was never found to be instantaneous. The bubble oscillates up and down at the interface at least a coupleof times before coalescence takes place. The measured persistence times were compared to coalescence times obtained by parameter fitting using measured bubble size distributions in a bubble column and a bubble column population balance model. For short persistence times, the persistence and coalescence times are in good agreement. For longer persistence times, however, the persistence times are at least an order of magnitude longer than the corresponding coalescence times from parameter fitting. This discrepancy may be attributed to the uncertainties concerning the estimation of energy dissipation rates, collision rates and mechanisms and contact times of the bubbles.
This thesis focuses on fibre coalescers whose efficiency is based on the surface properties/characteristics. They have the ability to preferentially wet or interact with one or more of the fluids to be separated. Thus, the interfacial phenomena governing the separation efficiency of the coalescers is investigated depending on physical factors such as flowrates, phase ratios and coalescer packing density. Design of process equipment to produce and separate of the emulsions was carried out.The experimentation was carried out to test the separation efficiency of the coalescing medias, namely fibreglass, polyester I and polyester II. The performances of the coalescing medias were assessed via droplet size information. In conclusion, the objectives (design of process equipment and experimentation) were achieved. Fibre glass was the best coalescing media, next was polyester I and then finally polyester II. Droplets sizes increased with decreased flowrates and increased packing density of the coalescer. Phase ratio had effect on the droplet sizes of the feed but had no effect on the coalescence of droplets of the feed.
Liquid-liquid extraction is a mass transfer process for recovering the desired components from the liquid streams by contacting it to non-soluble liquid solvent. Literature part of this thesis deals with theory of the liquid-liquid extraction and the main steps of the extraction process design. The experimental part of this thesis investigates the extraction of organic acids from aqueous solution. The aim was to find the optimal solvent for recovering the organic acids from aqueous solutions. The other objective was to test the selected solvent in pilot scale with packed column and compare the effectiveness of the structured and the random packing, the effect of dispersed phase selection and the effect of packing material wettability properties. Experiments showed that selected solvent works well with dilute organic acid solutions. The random packing proved to be more efficient than the structured packing due to higher hold-up of the dispersed phase. Dispersing the phase that is present in larger volume proved to more efficient. With the random packing the material that was wetted by the dispersed phase was more efficient due to higher hold-up of the dispersed phase. According the literature, the behavior is usually opposite.
Ceramics are widely used in industrial applications due to their advantageous thermal and mechanical stability. Corrosion of ceramics is a great problem resulting in significant costs. Coating is one method of reducing adversities of corrosion. There are several different thin film deposition processes available such as sol-gel, Physical and Chemical Vapour Deposition (PVD and CVD). One of the CVD processes, called Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) stands out for its excellent controllability, accuracy and wide process capability. The most commonly mentioned disadvantage of this method is its slowness which is partly compensated by its capability of processing large areas at once. Several factors affect the ALD process. Such factors include temperature, the grade of precursors, pulse-purge times and flux of precursors as well as the substrate used. Wrongly chosen process factors may cause loss of self-limiting growth and thus, non-uniformities in the deposited film. Porous substrates require longer pulse times than flat surfaces. The goal of this thesis was to examine the effects of ALD films on surface properties of a porous ceramic material. The analyses applied were for permeability, bubble point pressure and isoelectric point. In addition, effects of the films on corrosion resistance of the substrate in aqueous environment were investigated. After being exposured to different corrosive media the ceramics and liquid samples collected were analysed both mechanically and chemically. Visual and contentual differences between the exposed and coated ceramics versus the untreated and uncoated ones were analysed by scanning electron microscope. Two ALD film materials, dialuminium trioxide and titanium dioxide were deposited on the ceramic substrate using different pulse times. The results of both film materials indicated that surface properties of the ceramic material can be modified to some extent by the ALD method. The effect of the titanium oxide film on the corrosion resistance of the ceramic samples was observed to be fairly small regardless of the pulse time.
This work aimed to find out the suitability of foam as medium in application of thin liquid films. This consists of research over phenomena related to foam physics and behaviour. Solutions and mixtures to be foamed, foaming agents, foam generation and application methods were evaluated. Over the evaluated solutions and mixtures coating paste and CMC did not foam well. Latex and PVA solutions were foamable and the best solution for foam use was starch. PVA and casein can be used as foaming agents, but the best results were achieved with sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS). SDS works well with starch solutions producing fine and stable foam. Foaming was done with simple mixers where pressurized air was fed to the solution. The foaming works fine when enough shear force is used together with sufficient foaming agent concentration. Foam application with curtain, rod and cylinder methods with a gap between the application device and paper were not usable because of high coating amount. Coating amounts were smallest with the blade method which achieved 0.9 g/m2 starch layer. Although some strength decrease was expected because of the foaming agent, it dit not have significant effect. The targeted coating amount of 0.5 g/m2 was not achieved due to the limitations with the methods. More precise foam application methods are needed. Continuous foam generation and feed to the paper surface with controllable device such as application teeth could improve the results.
This dissertation is based on 5 articles which deal with reaction mechanisms of the following selected industrially important organic reactions: 1. dehydrocyclization of n-butylbenzene to produce naphthalene 2. dehydrocyclization of 1-(p-tolyl)-2-methylbutane (MB) to produce 2,6-dimethylnaphthalene 3. esterification of neopentyl glycol (NPG) with different carboxylic acids to produce monoesters 4. skeletal isomerization of 1-pentene to produce 2-methyl-1-butene and 2-methyl-2-butene The results of initial- and integral-rate experiments of n-butylbenzene dehydrocyclization over selfmade chromia/alumina catalyst were applied when investigating reaction 2. Reaction 2 was performed using commercial chromia/alumina of different acidity, platina on silica and vanadium/calcium/alumina as catalysts. On all catalysts used for the dehydrocyclization, major reactions were fragmentation of MB and 1-(p-tolyl)-2-methylbutenes (MBes), dehydrogenation of MB, double bond transfer, hydrogenation and 1,6-cyclization of MBes. Minor reactions were 1,5-cyclization of MBes and methyl group fragmentation of 1,6- cyclization products. Esterification reactions of NPG were performed using three different carboxylic acids: propionic, isobutyric and 2-ethylhexanoic acid. Commercial heterogeneous gellular (Dowex 50WX2), macroreticular (Amberlyst 15) type resins and homogeneous para-toluene sulfonic acid were used as catalysts. At first NPG reacted with carboxylic acids to form corresponding monoester and water. Then monoester esterified with carboxylic acid to form corresponding diester. In disproportionation reaction two monoester molecules formed NPG and corresponding diester. All these three reactions can attain equilibrium. Concerning esterification, water was removed from the reactor in order to prevent backward reaction. Skeletal isomerization experiments of 1-pentene were performed over HZSM-22 catalyst. Isomerization reactions of three different kind were detected: double bond, cis-trans and skeletal isomerization. Minor side reaction were dimerization and fragmentation. Monomolecular and bimolecular reaction mechanisms for skeletal isomerization explained experimental results almost equally well. Pseudohomogeneous kinetic parameters of reactions 1 and 2 were estimated by usual least squares fitting. Concerning reactions 3 and 4 kinetic parameters were estimated by the leastsquares method, but also the possible cross-correlation and identifiability of parameters were determined using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. Finally using MCMC method, the estimation of model parameters and predictions were performed according to the Bayesian paradigm. According to the fitting results suggested reaction mechanisms explained experimental results rather well. When the possible cross-correlation and identifiability of parameters (Reactions 3 and 4) were determined using MCMC method, the parameters identified well, and no pathological cross-correlation could be seen between any parameter pair.