14 resultados para greening subtropical cities
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
The structural change of society from product-based business to service- and further to need-based business has caused the fact that work for environmental issues has spread from conventional factories and environmentally harmful production to concern services and offices as well. Almost every company has an office, so a relatively small environmental burden caused by an individual office grows remarkable already at the state level and globally even more. Motivation to work for environmental issues in an individual office could be challenging even without the fact that wasted environmental impacts bound also wasted costs. Besides cost savings, a concretely greener image of a company has its value in the B2Cas well as in the B2B-field. Consumers and clients are more and more conscious of environmental issues and demand concrete actions instead of speeches, good thoughts and meaningless certifications. Internal work for environmental issues at a strategy level is not sufficient, so operational environmental management is needed for changing old practices. This research is about the effects of operative environmental management on the greening process of an office-based business. The research is outlined to concern the operative work in the office including field sales. Target was to concretely lower the environmental impacts of Lyreco Finland and to find cost savings directly by changing the operative practices in the office and also indirectly by affecting the level of environmental knowledge of the personnel. During the greening process, the aim was also to create concrete arguments for marketing as well. The circle of greening process, which was especially created for this diploma work, was used as a method. The circle divides a year to themes and sections separated by factors of environmental impacts. Separation is based on Brett Wills’ thoughts of seven green wastes (Wills, Brett. The Green Intensions. 2009) and follows it uneasily. The circle aimed at ensuring evolutionary growth of knowledge instead of being revolutionary in the changing process. Committing personnel to the process from its start by asking ideas from them and giving them clear directions was an important part of the research of operative management. Because of working from distance, communication with personnel was operated by frequent training days and weekly greening notes via emails and intranet. Also availability for communication was an important task because of the telecommuting. Research results of this work show that operative environmental management in an officebased business today is mostly management of change. When the strategic environmental friendliness is taken into a concrete level, the most important individual factor is motivating the operating personnel. Research shows that evolutionary change is found being an efficient way to make a change. Also understanding one´s own impact on the environmental burden and on the whole greening process clearly motivates the personnel. Results show that in the operative realization of the greening process, clear directions of new working practices, being as concrete as possible, and committing personnel to follow them make the process more effective. The operative environmental management and the cycle of the greening process decrease the environmental burden and save costs. The concrete results could be used as believable arguments in marketing and therefore exploited in communication with interest groups. Commitment of the management is also one of the key factors of success in the greening process. In this research, changes in the business field by a company trade took the focus of the management away from the greening process and made the process more inefficient by decreasing the amount of training days. The circle of greening process will be used as a tool in the future, as well, and therefore it will help observe environmental impacts of a company and increase sustainable development. Commitment of management to the evolutionary environmental work helps the operating personnel lower environmental impacts, decrease costs and build a concretely greener image.
Yhdysvallat on toisen maailmansodan jälkeen osallistunut rakennetun alueen taisteluihin yhä useammin, mitä lähemmäs nykypäivää saavumme. Persianlahden sodan aikana merijalkaväen rakennetun alueen taistelut rajoittuivat kahden lentokentän valtaamiseen maahyökkäyksen aikana. Sen jälkeen sen joukkoja on käytetty taistelutehtävissä aina Mogadishun esikaupunkialueilta Fallujahin hallintokortteleihin. Rakennetun alueen taistelun yleistyminen sodankäynnin muotona käynnisti merijalkaväessä toiminnan kehittämisen 1990-luvun puolivälistä alkaen. Tämä tutkimus keskittyy Yhdysvaltain asevoimiin kuuluvan merijalkaväen joukkojen käyttöperiaatteiden kehittymiseen rakennetun alueen taistelussa 1990–2004. Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen eli laadullinen tutkimus jossa tutkimusmenetelmänä on lähde-aineistoon perustuva aineistoanalyysi. Lähdemateriaalia tarkastellaan tutkimuksen teoreettisen viitekehyksen sekä tutkimuskysymysten kautta. Muodostettujen havaintojen kautta tehdään lopuksi merkitystulkinta tutkittavasta ilmiöstä. Tutkimuksen primäärilähteinä toimivat Yhdysvaltain asevoimien sekä merijalkaväen julkaisemat doktriinit, oppaat sekä ohjesäännöt. Sekundaarilähteinä käytetään merijalkaväen toimintaa rakennetun alueen taisteluissa käsitteleviä yleisteoksia, aikalaiskirjallisuutta, tais-telukertomuksia, lehtiartikkeleja, opinnäytetöitä sekä tutkimuksia. Sodan kuvan muuttuminen on vaikuttanut osin merijalkaväen joukkojen käyttöperiaatteisiin rakennetulla alueella taisteltaessa. Jalkaväkijoukot ovat edelleen säilyneet taisteluiden kan-nalta keskeisimpänä joukkomuotona, mutta niiden tehtäväkenttä on samalla myös monipuo-listunut. Merijalkaväen luoma tehtäväkohtainen taisteluosasto konsepti on osoittautunut tehokkaaksi organisaatioksi eri suorituskykyjen yhdistämiseksi rakennetulle alueelle suun-nattujen operaatioiden aikana. Vihollisen toiminnan kehittyessä lähemmäs asymmetristä toimintatapaa – selkeästi havaittavan valtiojohtoisten asevoimien sijasta – on aiheuttanut sen, ettei selkeää rajaa ole enää muodostettavissa taistelun eri vaiheiden välille. Merijalka-väen komentajana 1990-luvulla toimineen kenraali Krulakin käyttöönottama termi ”three block war” on osoittautunut onnistuneeksi kielikuvaksi siitä, millaisia vaatimuksia raken-nettu alue taistelukenttänä asettaa joukkojen käyttöperiaatteille tulevaisuudessa.
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Recent advances in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), especially those related to the Internet of Things (IoT), are facilitating smart regions. Among many services that a smart region can offer, remote health monitoring is a typical application of IoT paradigm. It offers the ability to continuously monitor and collect health-related data from a person, and transmit the data to a remote entity (for example, a healthcare service provider) for further processing and knowledge extraction. An IoT-based remote health monitoring system can be beneficial in rural areas belonging to the smart region where people have limited access to regular healthcare services. The same system can be beneficial in urban areas where hospitals can be overcrowded and where it may take substantial time to avail healthcare. However, this system may generate a large amount of data. In order to realize an efficient IoT-based remote health monitoring system, it is imperative to study the network communication needs of such a system; in particular the bandwidth requirements and the volume of generated data. The thesis studies a commercial product for remote health monitoring in Skellefteå, Sweden. Based on the results obtained via the commercial product, the thesis identified the key network-related requirements of a typical remote health monitoring system in terms of real-time event update, bandwidth requirements and data generation. Furthermore, the thesis has proposed an architecture called IReHMo - an IoT-based remote health monitoring architecture. This architecture allows users to incorporate several types of IoT devices to extend the sensing capabilities of the system. Using IReHMo, several IoT communication protocols such as HTTP, MQTT and CoAP has been evaluated and compared against each other. Results showed that CoAP is the most efficient protocol to transmit small size healthcare data to the remote servers. The combination of IReHMo and CoAP significantly reduced the required bandwidth as well as the volume of generated data (up to 56 percent) compared to the commercial product. Finally, the thesis conducted a scalability analysis, to determine the feasibility of deploying the combination of IReHMo and CoAP in large numbers in regions in north Sweden.
0-meridiaani Lontoo: Koordinaattiasteikko: W15°-E85°, N74°30'-48°.