17 resultados para audio-visual information
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Localization, which is the ability of a mobile robot to estimate its position within its environment, is a key capability for autonomous operation of any mobile robot. This thesis presents a system for indoor coarse and global localization of a mobile robot based on visual information. The system is based on image matching and uses SIFT features as natural landmarks. Features extracted from training images arestored in a database for use in localization later. During localization an image of the scene is captured using the on-board camera of the robot, features are extracted from the image and the best match is searched from the database. Feature matching is done using the k-d tree algorithm. Experimental results showed that localization accuracy increases with the number of training features used in the training database, while, on the other hand, increasing number of features tended to have a negative impact on the computational time. For some parts of the environment the error rate was relatively high due to a strong correlation of features taken from those places across the environment.
Työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia kuinka kaasukuplat jakautuvat sellususpensioon, kun prosessiolosuhteita muutetaan. Kuplien kokojakauman avulla pyritään kartoittamaan kuinka kaasukuplat pilkkoutuvat ja onko olemassa raja-arvoa, milloin tehon lisäys ei enää pilko sellususpensiossa olevia kuplia pienemmiksi. Jakaumien avulla voidaan mahdollisesti kehittää kaasunpoistoa. Työssä selvitettiin voidaanko kameratekniikkaa käyttää kuplakokojen määrittämiseen sellusulpusta. Läpinäkymätön sellumassa tarjoaa kuvaukselle haasteellisen ympäristön. Myöskään kirjallisuudessa ei vastaavaa menetelmää aikaisemmin oltu käytetty. Kuvatusta materiaalista laskettiin kuplien halkaisijat, joita pyrittiin tarkastelemaan tilastollisesti. Tilastollinen tarkastelu toi eroja mittauspisteiden välille. Kuplien halkaisijoiden perusteella mallinnettiin kuplakokoon vaikuttavat prosessisuureet lineaarisella regressioanalyysillä. Mallinnuksen perusteella saatiinvasteisiin vaikuttavat riippumattomat muuttujat ja niiden matemaattiset malliyhtälöt. Tuloksina saatiin selville, että kuplien kokojakaumissa on eroja sekoitussäiliön eri puolilla. Sekoitussäiliössä suurten kuplien suhteellinen osuus kasvaa kaasupitoisuuden ja sakeuden noustessa. Mallinnuksen tärkeimpänä tuloksena voidaan todeta, että sakeus ja kaasutilavuus vaikuttavat kuplakokoon kasvattavasti. Kierrosnopeuden kasvattaminen pienentää kuplakokoa. Visuaalisen informaation avulla on helpompi ymmärtää kuinka kuplat käyttäytyvät.
Euroopan unioni on tiukentanut teiden laitteiden ja tukirakenteiden törmäysturvallisuusvaatimuksia. Uuden standardoinnin tarkoituksena on lieventää ajoneuvon kuljettajan ja matkustajan vammojen vakavuutta ajoneuvon törmätessä tielaitteiden pysyviin rakenteisiin. Käytännössä rakenteiden tulee hidastaa ajoneuvon nopeutta hallitusti eri törmäysnopeuksilla, jolloin matkustajaan kohdistuvat kiihtyvyydet eivät aiheuta vakavaa loukkaantumisriskiä. Vuonna 2005 Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulun YTI-tutkimuskeskus ja Tehomet Oy kehittivät ensimmäisen version törmäysystävällisestä valaisinpylväästä. Tässä diplomityössä tavoitteena oli kehittää aikaisemmin tehdystä versiosta helpommin valmistettava versio sekä parantaa pylvään törmäyskäyttäytymistä. Valmistusmenetelmistä valittiin pultruusio, kuitukelaus, alipaineinjektio ja RTM. Menetelmille suunniteltiin soveltuvat rakenteet ja laskettiin rakenteiden valmistuskustannukset. Pultruusiolla, alipaineinjektiolla ja RTM:11ä valmistettiin koe-erä esitörmäyskokeita varten. Esitörmäyskokeiden jälkeen valittiin valmistusmenetelmäksi RTM. TKK/Tielaboratorion virallisissa testeissä kehitetylle pylväälle myönnettiin HE2-turvaluokitus. Hanketta jatketaan kehittämällä valmistusprosessia tehokkaammaksi uudistamalla muottitekniikkaa sekä ottamalla käyttöön lujiteaihiot. Tavoitteena on käynnistää tuotanto keväällä 2008. Kehitetty pylväs esitellään kansainvälisillä "Sähkö, Tele, Valo- ja AV 2008"-messuilla Jyväskylän Paviljongissa 6.-8.2.2008.
The present dissertation examined reading development during elementary school years by means of eye movement tracking. Three different but related issues in this field were assessed. First of all, the development of parafoveal processing skills in reading was investigated. Second, it was assessed whether and to what extent sublexical units such as syllables and morphemes are used in processing Finnish words and whether the use of these sublexical units changes as a function of reading proficiency. Finally, the developmental trend in the speed of visual information extraction during reading was examined. With regard to parafoveal processing skills, it was shown that 2nd graders extract letter identity information approx. 5 characters to the right of fixation, 4th graders approx. 7 characters to the right of fixation, and 6th graders and adults approx. 9 characters to the right of fixation. Furthermore, it was shown that all age groups extract more parafoveal information within compound words than across adjectivenoun pairs of similar length. In compounds, parafoveal word information can be extracted in parallel with foveal word information, if the compound in question is of high frequency. With regard to the use of sublexical units in Finnish word processing, it was shown that less proficient 2nd graders use both syllables and morphemes in the course of lexical access. More proficient 2nd graders as well as older readers seem to process words more holistically. Finally, it was shown that 60 ms is enough for 4th graders and adults to extract visual information from both 4-letter and 8-letter words, whereas 2nd graders clearly needed more than 60 ms to extract all information from 8- letter words for processing to proceed smoothly. The present dissertation demonstrates that Finnish 2nd graders develop their reading skills rapidly and are already at an adult level in some aspects of reading. This is not to say that there are no differences between less proficient (e.g., 2nd graders) and more proficient readers (e.g., adults) but in some respects it seems that the visual system used in extracting information from the text is matured by the 2nd grade. Furthermore, the present dissertation demonstrates that the allocation of attention in reading depends much on textual properties such as word frequency and whether words are spatially unified (as in compounds) or not. This flexibility of the attentional system naturally needs to be captured in word processing models. Finally, individual differences within age groups are quite substantial but it seems that by the end of the 2nd grade practically all Finnish children have reached a reasonable level of reading proficiency.
David Smithin esitys Europeana työpajassa 20.11.2012 Helsingissä.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
The thesis studies the launch campaign of Big Brother Finland, especially from the viewpoint of on-air promotion. Interest to the subject arose when participating in the campaign as an on-air promotion planner together with Subtv's marketing director, on-air promotion editor and the channel's advertising agency. The launch of the campaign was a challenge due to the format, since not a lot of information can be revealed before the start of the program. When the planning started, all the material consisted of two logos. The first season of the Finnish version of Big Brother begun on Subtv August 2005. The goal of the program was to become a topic of discussion on TV on the fall 2005 and to raise the profile of the channel. The goal of the launch was to get good ratings for the first episode. The launch campaign was also supposed to open up the format to the viewers and to arouse interest in the show. Secrecy and the size of the program were set to be the marketing tones of the launch. Although partly different messages were told via on-air promotion and external media, the campaign was congruent in visual design. In the study, interviews of Subtv's staff, campaign plans and notes were used as research material. From the aspect of affecting images and emotions, the finished campaign promos and other on-air elements were analyzed. In on-air promotion, all choices in audio and visual design affect the outcome and therefore the images that the viewer constructs. The two promo series were made to affect emotions and to awaken curiosity. Other on-air elements were merely used to present program information. The campaign and the series were accepted with enthusiasm. The launch of the second season was even more massive than the first. Participation in the launch campaign of Big Brother Finland was an essential experience in the development of professional identity. When one has taken part in the creation of a massive campaign from scarce materials, tools are given to future assignments in the field of on-air promotion.
Tässä työssä raportoidaan hybridihitsauksesta otettujen suurnopeuskuvasarjojen automaattisen analyysijärjestelmän kehittäminen.Järjestelmän tarkoitus oli tuottaa tietoa, joka avustaisi analysoijaa arvioimaan kuvatun hitsausprosessin laatua. Tutkimus keskittyi valokaaren taajuuden säännöllisyyden ja lisäainepisaroiden lentosuuntien mittaamiseen. Valokaaria havaittiin kuvasarjoista sumean c-means-klusterointimenetelmän avullaja perättäisten valokaarien välistä aikaväliä käytettiin valokaaren taajuuden säännöllisyyden mittarina. Pisaroita paikannettiin menetelmällä, jossa yhdistyi pääkomponenttianalyysi ja tukivektoriluokitin. Kalman-suodinta käytettiin tuottamaan arvioita pisaroiden lentosuunnista ja nopeuksista. Lentosuunnanmääritysmenetelmä luokitteli pisarat niiden arvioitujen lentosuuntien perusteella. Järjestelmän kehittämiseen käytettävissä olleet kuvasarjat poikkesivat merkittävästi toisistaan kuvanlaadun ja pisaroiden ulkomuodon osalta, johtuen eroista kuvaus- ja hitsausprosesseissa. Analyysijärjestelmä kehitettiin toimimaan pienellä osajoukolla kuvasarjoja, joissa oli tietynlainen kuvaus- ja hitsausprosessi ja joiden kuvanlaatu ja pisaroiden ulkomuoto olivat samankaltaisia, mutta järjestelmää testattiin myös osajoukon ulkopuolisilla kuvasarjoilla. Testitulokset osoittivat, että lentosuunnanmääritystarkkuus oli kohtuullisen suuri osajoukonsisällä ja pieni muissa kuvasarjoissa. Valokaaren taajuuden säännöllisyyden määritys oli tarkka useammassa kuvasarjassa.
Tämän työn teoreettisen sisällön tavoitteena on esitellä multimedian eri elementit ja Moving Picture Experts Groupin kehittämä MPEG-formaattiperhe, joka yhdistää kattavimmin eri elementit multimediaesityksiksi. Työssä esitellään videon ja audion pakkausformaatit MPEG-1 ja MPEG-2, interaktiivisen median jakelun verkoissa mahdollistava MPEG-4, multimediasisällön kuvausstandardi MPEG-7 sekä multimedian toimitusketjun hallinnan verkoissa määrittävä MPEG-21. Edellisten lisäksi teoreettisessa osassa esitellään multimediaohjelmistoista SMIL-teknologia ja selostetaan yksityiskohtaisesti, kuinka sillä luodaan multimediaesityksiä. Empiirisessä osassa laaditaan Helsingin yliopiston Maaseudun tutkimus- ja koulutuskeskukselle kehittämissuunnitelma, jossa multimedian elementtejä käytetään mahdollisimman monipuolisesti kehittämään aikuiskoulutusta. Suunnitelman perustaksi tehtiin koulutushenkilökunnalle osaamiskartoitus ja kartoitettiin yksikön tekninen valmius hyödyntää multimediaa. Suunnitelman mielekästä jäsentämistä varten yksikön aikuiskoulutus jaettiin neljään osaan: varsinaiseen koulutukseen, sitä tukevaan tutkimus- ja kehittämistoimintaan, opetusmateriaaleja tuottavaan julkaisu- ja tietopalvelutoimintaan sekä edellisiä avustaviin tukitoimintoihin.
The present thesis investigated the importance of semantics in generating inferences during discourse processing. Three aspects of semantics, gender stereotypes, implicit causality information and proto-role properties, were used to investigate whether semantics is activated elaboratively during discourse comprehension and what its relative importance is in backward inferencing compared to discourse/structural cues. Visual world eye-tracking studies revealed that semantics plays an important role in both backward and forward inferencing: Gender stereotypes and implicit causality information is activated elaboratively during online discourse comprehension. Moreover, gender stereotypes, implicit causality and proto-role properties of verbs are all used in backward inferencing. Importantly, the studies demonstrated that semantic cues are weighed against discourse/structural cues. When the structural cues consist of a combination of cues that have been independently shown to be important in backward inferencing, semantic effects may be masked, whereas when the structural cues consist of a combination of fewer prominent cues, semantics can have an earlier effect than structural factors in pronoun resolution. In addition, the type of inference matters, too: During anaphoric inferencing semantics has a prominent role, while discourse/structural salience attains more prominence during non-anaphoric inferencing. Finally, semantics exhibits a strong role in inviting new inferences to revise earlier made inferences even in the case the additional inference is not needed to establish coherence in discourse. The findings are generally in line with the Mental Model approaches. Two extended model versions are presented that incorporate the current findings into the earlier literature. These models allow both forward and backward inferencing to occur at any given moment during the course of processing; they also allow semantic and discourse/structural cues to contribute to both of these processes. However, while the Mental Model 1 does not assume interactions between semantic and discourse/structural factors in forward inferencing, the Mental Model 2 does assume such a link.
The large and growing number of digital images is making manual image search laborious. Only a fraction of the images contain metadata that can be used to search for a particular type of image. Thus, the main research question of this thesis is whether it is possible to learn visual object categories directly from images. Computers process images as long lists of pixels that do not have a clear connection to high-level semantics which could be used in the image search. There are various methods introduced in the literature to extract low-level image features and also approaches to connect these low-level features with high-level semantics. One of these approaches is called Bag-of-Features which is studied in the thesis. In the Bag-of-Features approach, the images are described using a visual codebook. The codebook is built from the descriptions of the image patches using clustering. The images are described by matching descriptions of image patches with the visual codebook and computing the number of matches for each code. In this thesis, unsupervised visual object categorisation using the Bag-of-Features approach is studied. The goal is to find groups of similar images, e.g., images that contain an object from the same category. The standard Bag-of-Features approach is improved by using spatial information and visual saliency. It was found that the performance of the visual object categorisation can be improved by using spatial information of local features to verify the matches. However, this process is computationally heavy, and thus, the number of images must be limited in the spatial matching, for example, by using the Bag-of-Features method as in this study. Different approaches for saliency detection are studied and a new method based on the Hessian-Affine local feature detector is proposed. The new method achieves comparable results with current state-of-the-art. The visual object categorisation performance was improved by using foreground segmentation based on saliency information, especially when the background could be considered as clutter.
The growing spread of small but powerful mobile devices (such as PDAs, mobile phone, Internet Tablet, etc.) opens up new scenarios in which users can interact with such devices in many environments in order to access the information at different locations. In this thesis, a ubiquitous computing based system called Secure Bluetooth Audio Transmission System is introduced. This system is situated in a large public place (like airport, festival venues, etc.), where voice messages are conveyed from the system to users' Bluetooth headsets in order to inform users the latest flight schedule and other public information. The reliability of the message is secured by adopting an authorization strategy and ECDSA. In order to assess and evaluate the risks and potential weaknesses of the system, an easy-to-use prototype implementation was written and tested. Other possible uses and further research were also considered.
Companies require information in order to gain an improved understanding of their customers. Data concerning customers, their interests and behavior are collected through different loyalty programs. The amount of data stored in company data bases has increased exponentially over the years and become difficult to handle. This research area is the subject of much current interest, not only in academia but also in practice, as is shown by several magazines and blogs that are covering topics on how to get to know your customers, Big Data, information visualization, and data warehousing. In this Ph.D. thesis, the Self-Organizing Map and two extensions of it – the Weighted Self-Organizing Map (WSOM) and the Self-Organizing Time Map (SOTM) – are used as data mining methods for extracting information from large amounts of customer data. The thesis focuses on how data mining methods can be used to model and analyze customer data in order to gain an overview of the customer base, as well as, for analyzing niche-markets. The thesis uses real world customer data to create models for customer profiling. Evaluation of the built models is performed by CRM experts from the retailing industry. The experts considered the information gained with help of the models to be valuable and useful for decision making and for making strategic planning for the future.