29 resultados para alternative demonstration
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Selostus: Maatalouden ympäristöpolitiikan reformien tehokkuus ravinnepäästöjen vähentämisessä - teoreettinen ja empiirinen analyysi
Selostus: Tasaruokinnan ja vaihtoehtoisten rehujen soveltuvuus emolehmien talvikauden ruokintaan
Selostus: Maatalouspolitiikkauudistusten vaikutuksista pellonkäytön diversiteettiin
The objective of this study is to show that bone strains due to dynamic mechanical loading during physical activity can be analysed using the flexible multibody simulation approach. Strains within the bone tissue play a major role in bone (re)modeling. Based on previous studies, it has been shown that dynamic loading seems to be more important for bone (re)modeling than static loading. The finite element method has been used previously to assess bone strains. However, the finite element method may be limited to static analysis of bone strains due to the expensive computation required for dynamic analysis, especially for a biomechanical system consisting of several bodies. Further, in vivo implementation of strain gauges on the surfaces of bone has been used previously in order to quantify the mechanical loading environment of the skeleton. However, in vivo strain measurement requires invasive methodology, which is challenging and limited to certain regions of superficial bones only, such as the anterior surface of the tibia. In this study, an alternative numerical approach to analyzing in vivo strains, based on the flexible multibody simulation approach, is proposed. In order to investigate the reliability of the proposed approach, three 3-dimensional musculoskeletal models where the right tibia is assumed to be flexible, are used as demonstration examples. The models are employed in a forward dynamics simulation in order to predict the tibial strains during walking on a level exercise. The flexible tibial model is developed using the actual geometry of the subject’s tibia, which is obtained from 3 dimensional reconstruction of Magnetic Resonance Images. Inverse dynamics simulation based on motion capture data obtained from walking at a constant velocity is used to calculate the desired contraction trajectory for each muscle. In the forward dynamics simulation, a proportional derivative servo controller is used to calculate each muscle force required to reproduce the motion, based on the desired muscle contraction trajectory obtained from the inverse dynamics simulation. Experimental measurements are used to verify the models and check the accuracy of the models in replicating the realistic mechanical loading environment measured from the walking test. The predicted strain results by the models show consistency with literature-based in vivo strain measurements. In conclusion, the non-invasive flexible multibody simulation approach may be used as a surrogate for experimental bone strain measurement, and thus be of use in detailed strain estimation of bones in different applications. Consequently, the information obtained from the present approach might be useful in clinical applications, including optimizing implant design and devising exercises to prevent bone fragility, accelerate fracture healing and reduce osteoporotic bone loss.
The aim of the thesis was to examine socially responsible investing, its background, development, and performance relative to conventional investing. Finance theory was exploited in the study in order to find possible weaknesses of socially responsible investing. A number of U.S.-based studies about the same subject were analyzed as well. According to the majority of the studies, socially responsible investing performs equally well with conventional investing. Return differences during May 2000 through November 2008 were measured by conducting an empirical study about the Calvert Social Index, the broad-based S&P 500 index, and the technology-based Nasdaq index. Return differences were observed by using measures of simple return and risk-return ratios. Based on this empirical research we state that socially responsible investing underperforms conventional investing, which differs from the majority of the earlier study results. We also state that the time period used in this study is exceptional compared to that of the earlier studies, however, any factors causing the underperformance were not identified.
This Master's thesis deals with a Micro Scale Wind Wind Turbine application. The thesis consists of nine chapters. The first chapter is an introduction to the philosophy of a small scale wind turbine application. The second defines concepts, and lists the requirements. The third presents the whole application for an On-Grid , and for an Off-Grid arrangement, with main concentration on lighting, heating, and energy storage. The fourth deals with the Inverter's technology, which are used for the conversion of the produced power. The fifth chapter presents the available storage technology and it's possibilities. The sixth deals with the system, and the technological means used for the implementation. The seventh presents the PLC device, which was used as the controller for the management of the whole application. The eighth deals with the concept and the control application philosophy that the PLC involves. And the final chapter presents conclusions and ideas for further considerations.
This thesis presents two graphical user interfaces for the project DigiQ - Fusion of Digital and Visual Print Quality, a project for computationally modeling the subjective human experience of print quality by measuring the image with certain metrics. After presenting the user interfaces, methods for reducing the computation time of several of the metrics and the image registration process required to compute the metrics, and details of their performance are given. The weighted sample method for the image registration process was able to signifigantly decrease the calculation times while resulting in some error. The random sampling method for the metrics greatly reduced calculation time while maintaining excellent accuracy, but worked with only two of the metrics.
Populärkulturen har i dagens läge kommit att utgöra en allt mer viktig och central inspirationskälla för allt fler människors konstruktion av den egna religiösa identiteten även inom traditionella och institutionella kristna sammanhang. Denna avhandling belyser denna utveckling i ljuset av den finländska kristna metallmusik-kulturen - en sällsynt stark sammanblanding av protestantisk kristendom och en utpräglad och kontroversiell populärmusikform och dess kultur. Fokus riktas framför allt på hur den kristna metallmusik-kulturen blir meningsfull för sina medlemmar genom de sätt på vilka den konstrueras diskursivt, dvs. genom de sätt på vilka den representeras och talas om bland sina egna anhängare. Den diskursiva konstruktionen av den kristna metallmusik-kulturen utforskas på ett såväl bredare transnationellt som ett finländskt nationellt plan. Studien redogör även för den kristna metalmusikens och -kulturens huvudsakliga verbala, visuella och estetiska kännetecken. Uppbyggnaden och spridningen av dagens transnationella kristna metallmusik-kultur undersöks även i ljuset av det teoretiska konceptet scene. Avhandlingens centrala argument är att den kristna metallmusikscenen erbjuder sina medlemmar en mängd resurser för skapandet av ett alternativt och komplementärt religiöst uttrycksätt, religiös praxis och en alternativ kristen identitet.
This study compares different electric propulsion systems. Results of the analysis of all the advantages and disadvantages of the different propulsion systems are given. This thesis estimates possibilities to apply different diesel-electric propulsion concepts for different vessel types. Small and medium size vessel’s power ranges are studied. The optimal delivery system is chosen. This choice is made on the base of detailed study of the concepts, electrical equipment market and comparison of mass, volume and efficiency parameters. In this thesis three marine generators are designed. They are: salient pole synchronous generator and two permanent magnet synchronous generators. Their electrical, dimensional, cost and efficiency parameters are compared. To understand all the benefits diagrams with these parameters are prepared. Possible benefits and money savings are estimated. As the result the advantages, disadvantages and boundary conditions for the permanent magnet synchronous generator application in marine electric-power systems are found out.