8 resultados para activities of daily living
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
English summary: Elderly patients' coping with activities of daily living in Jyväskylä Central Hospital
In older populations, fractures are common and the consequences of fractures may be serious both for an individual and for society. However, information is scarce about the incidence, predictors and consequences of fractures in population-based unselected cohorts including both men and women and a long follow-up. The objective of this study was to analyse the incidence and predictors of fractures as well as functional decline and excess mortality due to fractures, among 482 men and 695 women aged 65 or older in the municipality of Lieto, Finland from 1991 until 2002. In analyses, Poisson’s, Cox proportional Hazards and Cumulative Logistic regression models were used for the control of several confounding variables. During the 12-year follow-up with a total of 10 040 person-years (PY), 307 (26%) persons sustained altogether 425 fractures of which 77% were sustained by women. The total incidence of fractures was 53.4 per 1000 PY (95% confidence intervals [95% CI]: 47.9 - 59.5) in women and 24.9 per 1000 PY (95% CI: 20.4 - 30.4) in men. The incidence rates of fractures at any sites and hip fractures were associated with increasing age. No significant changes in the ageadjusted incidence rates of fractures were found in either gender during the 12-year follow-up. The predictors of fractures varied by gender. In multivariate analyses, reduced handgrip strength and body mass index (BMI) lower than 30 in women and a large number of depressive symptoms in men were independent predictors of fractures. A compression fracture in one or more thoracic or upper lumbar vertebras on chest radiography at baseline was associated with subsequent fractures in both genders. Lower body fractures independently predicted both short- (0-2 years) and long-term (up to 8 years) functional decline in mobility and activities of daily living (ADL) performance during the 8-year follow-up. Upper body fractures predicted decline in ADL performance during longterm follow-up. In the 12-year follow-up, hip fractures in men (Hazard Ratio [HR] 8.1, 95% CI: 4.4-14.9) and in women (HR 3.0, 95% CI: 1.9-4.9), and fractures at the proximal humerus in men (HR 5.4, 95% CI: 1.6-17.7) were independently associated with excess mortality. In addition, leisure time inactivity in physical exercise predicted independently both functional decline and excess mortality. Fractures are common among older people posing serious individual consequences. Further studies about the effectiveness of preventing falls and fractures as well as improving care and rehabilitation after fractures are needed.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata kotona asuvan muistipotilaan läheisen sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen käyttöä. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten muistipotilaaseen ja hänen läheiseensä itseensä liittyvät tekijät ovat yhteydessä muistipotilaan läheisen sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen käyttöön. Tutkimus oli osa Euroopan Unionin rahoittamaa RightTi-mePlaceCare -tutkimusprojektia (FP7-Health-F3-2010–242153). Tutkimuksen kohderyhmän muodostivat säännöllisen kotihoidon piirissä olevat yli 65-vuotiaat muistipotilaat sekä heidän läheiset (N=182). Tutkimus toteutettiin Varsinais-Suomessa kolmen kaupungin alueelta tarkoituksenmukaista otantaa käyttäen. Aineisto kerättiin 19.11.2010–29.2.2012 välisenä aikana muistipotilaiden kotona haastattelemalla muistipotilaan nimeämää yhtä läheistä strukturoidun haastattelulomakkeen avulla, joka sisälsi neljä mittaria. Resource Utilization in Dementia (RUD)-mittarilla kerättiin tietoa läheisten taustasta, ajankäytöstä ja sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen käytöstä. Läheisten elämälaatuun liittyvää terveydentilaa tutkittiin EQ-5D-mittarilla. Muistipotilaan päivittäisistä toiminnoista selviytymistä kuvattiin KATZ (The KATZ Index of Independence in Activities of Daily Living)-mittarin avulla ja kognitiivista toimintakykyä S-MMSE (Standardized Mini-Mental State Examination)-mittarilla. Aineisto analysoitiin tilastollisin menetelmien SPSS -tilasto-ohjelmalla. Läheisten keski-ikä oli 65 vuotta ja heistä yli puolet oli muistipotilaiden lapsia (54 %) ja naisia (60 %). Vajaa puolet (45 %) läheisistä asui muistipotilaan kanssa samassa taloudessa. Muistipotilaiden keski-ikä oli 83 vuotta ja heistä yli puolet (63 %) oli naisia. Läheisten sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen käyttö oli vähäistä. Eniten he käyttivät yleislääkärin, fysioterapeutin palveluita ja maksettuja kuljetuspalveluita. Muistipotilaiden puolisot ja heidän kanssaan asuvat sekä naispuoliset läheiset käyttivät eniten palveluita. Kyseiset tekijät olivat yhteydessä palvelujen käyttöön. Muistipotilaat tarvitsivat jonkin verran apua päivittäisissä toiminnoissa. Läheiset, jotka käyttivät eniten aikaa muistipotilaan päivittäisissä toiminnoissa auttamiseen, käyttivät enemmän palveluita. Läheisten palvelujen käyttö oli yhteydessä muistipotilaan valvontaan käytetyn ajan kanssa. Muistipotilaan ja hänen läheisensä taustaan liittyvillä tekijöillä on merkittävä rooli läheisten sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen käyttöön. Läheisten palvelujen käyttöön liittyvät tekijät tulee ottaa huomioon kun tuloksia hyödynnetään käytäntöön ja kun muistipotilaan läheisiä tukevia sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluita suunnitellaan ja kohdennetaan läheisille.
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli selvittää arvoketjuanalyysin avulla toiminnot, joilla voittoatavoittelemattoman, julkisen osakeyhtiön toimintaa voitaisiin kuvata. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää mainitut toiminnot yleisesti ja luoda malli kohdeyrityksen arvoketjusta ja sen toiminnoista. Tutkielma jakautuu teoreettiseen ja empiiriseen osaan. Ensimmäinen pohjautuu aikaisempaan tutkimukseen ja kirjallisuuteen sidosryhmistä, arvon muodostumisesta ja arvoketjuanalyysistä. Jälkimmäinen on laadullista tapaustutkimusta. Empiriassa mallinnettiin Lappeenranta Innovation Oy:nsisäisiä toimintoja ja sidosryhmien odotuksia. Empiirinen tutkimus perustui kohdeyrityksen omistajille ja henkilöstölle tehtyihin haastatteluihin sekä yrityksen toiminnan päivittäiseen seurantaan. Johtopäätöksenätodettiin, että julkisen, voittoa tavoittelemattoman yrityksen toiminnot on mahdollista kuvata arvoketjuanalyysin avulla. Alan ja yrityksen asettamat erityispiirteet toivat haasteita määrittelylle, mutta silti arvoketju antoi selkeän tavan kohdeyrityksen toimintojen mallintamiselle.
The front end of innovation is regarded as one of the most important steps in building new software products or services, and the most significant benefits in software development can be achieved through improvements in the front end activities. Problems in the front end phase have an impact on customer dissatisfaction with delivered software, and on the effectiveness of the entire software development process. When these processes are improved, the likelihood of delivering high quality software and business success increases. This thesis highlights the challenges and problems related to the early phases of software development, and provides new methods and tools for improving performance in the front end activities of software development. The theoretical framework of this study comprises two fields of research. The first section belongs to the field of innovation management, and especially to the management of the early phases of the innovation process, i.e. the front end of innovation. The second section of the framework is closely linked to the processes of software engineering, especially to the early phases of the software development process, i.e. the practice of requirements engineering. Thus, this study extends the theoretical knowledge and discloses the differences and similarities in these two fields of research. In addition, this study opens up a new strand for academic discussion by connecting these research directions. Several qualitative business research methodologies have been utilized in the individual publications to solve the research questions. The theoretical and managerial contribution of the study can be divided into three areas: 1) processes and concepts, 2) challenges and development needs, and 3) means and methods for the front end activities of software development. First, the study discloses the difference and similarities between the concepts of the front end of innovation and requirements engineering, and proposes a new framework for managing the front end of the software innovation process, bringing business and innovation perspectives into software development. Furthermore, the study discloses managerial perceptions of the similarities and differences in the concept of the front end of innovation between the software industry and the traditional industrial sector. Second, the study highlights the challenges and development needs in the front end phase of software development, especially challenges in communication, such as linguistic problems, ineffective communication channels, a communication gap between users/customers and software developers, and participation of multiple persons in software development. Third, the study proposes new group methods for improving the front end activities of software development, especially customer need assessment, and the elicitation of software requirements.
Social media has become a part of many people’s everyday lives. In the library field the adoption of social media has been widespread and discussions of the development of “Library 2.0” began at an early stage. The aim with this thesis is to study the interface between public libraries, social media, and users, focusing on information activities. The main research question is: How is the interface between public libraries and social media perceived and acted upon by its main stakeholders (library professionals and users)? The background of Library 2.0 is strongly associated with the development of the Web and social media, as well as with the public libraries and their user-centered and information technological development. The theoretical framework builds on the research within the area of Library and Information Science concerning information behavior, information practice, and information activities. Earlier research on social media and public libraries is also highlighted in this thesis. The methods survey and content analysis were applied to map the interface between social media and public libraries. A questionnaire was handed out to the users and another questionnaire was sent out to the library professionals. The results were statistically analyzed. In the content analysis public library Facebook pages were studied. All the empirical investigations were conducted in the area of Finland Proper. An integrated analysis of the results deepens the understanding of the key elements of the social media and public library context. These elements are interactivity, information activities, perceptions, and stakeholders. In this context seven information activities were distinguished: reading, seeking, creating, communicating, informing, mediating, and contributing. This thesis contributes to develop the research concerning information activities and draws a realistic picture of the challenges and opportunities in the social media and public library context. It also contributes with knowledge on library professionals and library users, and the existing differences in their perceptions of the interface between libraries and social media.
The main goal of this study is to create a seamless chain of actions and more detailed structure to the front end of innovation to be able to increase the front end performance and finally to influence the renewal of companies. The main goal is achieved through by the new concept of an integrated model of early activities of FEI leading to a discovery of new elements of opportunities and the identification of new business and growth areas. The procedure offers one possible solution to a dynamic strategy formation process in innovation development cycle. In this study the front end of innovation is positioned between a strategy reviews and a concept creation with needed procedures, tools, and frameworks. The starting point of the study is that the origins of innovation are not well enough understood. The study focuses attention on the early activities of FEI. These first activities are conceptualized in order to find out successful innovation initiatives and strategic renewal agendas. A seamless chain of activities resulting in faster and more precise identification of opportunities and growth areas available on markets and inside companies is needed. Three case studies were conducted in order to study company views on available theory doctrine and to identify the first practical experiences and procedures in the beginning of the front end of innovation. Successful innovation requires focus on renewal in both internal and external directions and they should be carefully balanced for best results. Instead of inside-out mode of actions the studied companies have a strong outside-in thinking mode and they mainly co-develop their innovation initiatives in close proximity with customers i.e. successful companies are an integral part of customers business and success. Companies have tailor-made innovation processes combined their way of working linked to their business goals, and priorities of actual needs of transformation. The result of this study is a new modular FEI platform which can be configured by companies against their actual business needs and drivers. This platform includes new elements of FEI documenting an architecture presenting how the system components work together. The system is a conceptual approach from theories of emergent strategy formation, opportunity identification and creation, interpretation-analysis-experimentation triad and the present FEI theories. The platform includes new features compared to actual models of FEI. It allows managers to better understand the importance of FEI in the whole innovation development stage and FEI as a phase and procedure to discover and implement emergent strategy. An adaptable company rethinks and redirects strategy proactively from time to time. Different parts of the business model are changed to remove identified obstacles for growth and renewal which gives them avenues to find right reforms for renewal.