21 resultados para Weinzieri, Rupert: The post-subcultures reader

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Tämän diplomityön tavoite on selvittää Venäjän ja Viron investointi-ilmapiirien kehitystä suorien ulkomaisten investointien osalta. Tarkastelujakson pituus on Neuvostoliiton hajoamisesta tähän päivään. Työn teoriaosassa käydään läpi suoran ulkomaisen investoinnin määritelmä ja siihen liittyviä teorioita sekä investointi-ilmapiirin käsite ja osatekijät. Venäjälle ja Viroon tulleiden suorien ulkomaisten investointien vuosittaista kehitystä tarkastellaan empiirisen osan alussa. Diplomityön loppuosassa käydään läpi erilaisia taloustieteellisiä mittareita, jotka kuvaavat investointi-ilmapiirin tai ainakin joidenkin sen osatekijöiden kehittymistä. Kyseisiä mittareita on lopulta verrattu investointivirtoihin ja samalla on etsitty mahdollisia korrelaatioita. Mittarit paljastavat eroja Venäjän ja Viron investointi-ilmapiirien kehityksissä. Ne selittivät ainakin osittain suorienulkomaisten investointien virtoja Venäjälle ja Viroon.


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Food systems in Sub-Saharan Africa have been rapidly transforming during the recent decades with diverse outcomes on human development and environment. This study explores the food system change in rural villages in eastern Tanzania where subsistence agriculture has traditionally been the main source of livelihood. The focus is on the salient changes in the spatial dimensions and structural composition of the food system in the context of economic liberalization that has taken place after the end of the socialist ujamaa era in the mid-1980s. In addition, the linkages of the changes are examined in relation to food security, socio-economic situation, livelihoods, and local environment. The approach of the study is geographical, but also involves various multi-disciplinary elements, particularly from development studies. The research methods included thematic and questionnaire interviews, participatory tools, and the analysis of land use/ cover data and official documents. Several earlier studies that were made in the area during the late 1970s and 1980s provided an important reference base. The study shows that subsistence farming has lost its dominant role in food provisioning due to the declining productivity of land, livestock losses, and the increasing shift of labour to non-farm sectors. Also rapid population growth has added to the pressure on land and other natural resources. Despite the increasing need for money for buying marketed foods and other necessities, the nutritional situation shows improvement and severe malnutrition has diminished. However, the long-term sustainability of this transformation raises concerns. Firstly, the food security situation continues to be fragile and prone to shocks such as adverse climatic conditions, crop failures and price hikes. Secondly, the commodification of the food system and livelihoods in general is linked to rapid environmental degradation in the area, particularly the loss of soil fertility and deforestation. The situation calls for efforts that take more determined and holistic approaches towards sustainable development of the rural food system with particular focus on the role and viability of small-scale farming.


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This study presents a review of theories of the so-called post-industrial society, and proposes that the concept of post-industrial society can be used to understand the recent developments of the World Wide Web, often described as Web 2.0 or social Web. The study combines theories ranging from post-war management science and cultural studies to software development, and tries to build a holistic view of the development of the post-industrial society, and especially the Internet. The discourse on the emergence of a post-industrial society after the World Wars has addressed the ways in which the growing importance of information, and innovations in digital communications technology, are changing our society. It is furthermore deeply connected with the discourse on the postmodern society, which emphasizes cultural fragmentation, intertextuality, and pluralism. The Internet age is characterized by increasing masses of information that are managed through various technologies. While 1990s Internet technologies often used the network as a traditional broadcasting channel with added interactivity, Web 2.0 technologies are specifically designed to utilize the network model by facilitating communication between various services and devices, and analyzing the relationships between users and objects in order to produce intelligent insight. The wide adoption of the Internet, and recently of Internet-enabled mobile devices, is furthermore continuously producing new ways of communicating, consuming, and producing. Applications of the social Web, such as social media or social networking services, are permanently changing our traditional social, cultural, and economic practices. The study first presents an overview of the post-industrial society, the Internet, and the concept of Web 2.0. Then the concept of social Web is described with an analysis of the term social media, the brief histories of the interactive Web and social networking services, and a description of the concept ―long tail‖, used to represent the masses of information available in the Web that do not receive mainstream attention. Finally, methods for retrieving and filtering information, modeling social and cultural relationships, and communicating with customers, are presented.


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This thesis presents a one-dimensional, semi-empirical dynamic model for the simulation and analysis of a calcium looping process for post-combustion CO2 capture. Reduction of greenhouse emissions from fossil fuel power production requires rapid actions including the development of efficient carbon capture and sequestration technologies. The development of new carbon capture technologies can be expedited by using modelling tools. Techno-economical evaluation of new capture processes can be done quickly and cost-effectively with computational models before building expensive pilot plants. Post-combustion calcium looping is a developing carbon capture process which utilizes fluidized bed technology with lime as a sorbent. The main objective of this work was to analyse the technological feasibility of the calcium looping process at different scales with a computational model. A one-dimensional dynamic model was applied to the calcium looping process, simulating the behaviour of the interconnected circulating fluidized bed reactors. The model incorporates fundamental mass and energy balance solvers to semi-empirical models describing solid behaviour in a circulating fluidized bed and chemical reactions occurring in the calcium loop. In addition, fluidized bed combustion, heat transfer and core-wall layer effects were modelled. The calcium looping model framework was successfully applied to a 30 kWth laboratory scale and a pilot scale unit 1.7 MWth and used to design a conceptual 250 MWth industrial scale unit. Valuable information was gathered from the behaviour of a small scale laboratory device. In addition, the interconnected behaviour of pilot plant reactors and the effect of solid fluidization on the thermal and carbon dioxide balances of the system were analysed. The scale-up study provided practical information on the thermal design of an industrial sized unit, selection of particle size and operability in different load scenarios.


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This study discusses the importance of establishing trust in post-acquisition integration context and how the use of e-channels facilitates or inhibits this process. The objective of this study is to analyze how the use of electronic communication channels influences the post-acquisition integration process in terms of trust establishment and overall integration efficiency, developing a framework as a result. Three sub-objectives are introduced: to find out the building blocks of trust in M&A’s, to analyse how the use of e-channels influence the process of trust establishment in post-acquisition integration context, and to define the consequences trust and use of e-channels have for the process. The theoretical background of the study includes literature and theories relating to trust establishment in post-acquisition integration context and how the use of e-channels influences the process of trust development on a general level. The empirical research is conducted as a single case study, based on key informant interviews. The interview data was collected between October 2015 and January 2016. Altogether nine interviews were realised; six with representatives from the acquiring firm and three with target firm members. Thematic analysis was selected as the main method for analysing and processing the qualitative data. This study finds that trust has an essential role in post-acquisition integration context, facilitating the integration process in various different ways. Hence, identifying the different building blocks of trust is important in order for members of the organisations to be better able establish and maintain trust. In today’s international business, the role of electronic communication channels has also increased in importance significantly and it was confirmed that these pose both challenges and possibilities for the development of interpersonal trust. One of the most important underlying factors influencing the trust levels via e-communication channels is the level of user’s comfort in using the different e-channels. Without sufficient and meaningful training, the communication conducted via these channels in inhibited in a number of ways. Hence, understanding the defining characteristics of e-communication together with the risks and opportunities related to the use of these can have far-reaching consequences for the post-acquisition integration process as a whole. The framework based on the findings and existing theory introduces the most central factors influencing the trust establishment together with the positive and negative consequences these have for the integration process. Moreover, organizational level consistency and the existence of shared guidelines on appropriate selection of communication channels according to the nature of the task at hand are seen as important


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In this positioning paper transition management (TM) and the sustainable nutrient economy are addressed. We discuss TM from its scholarly origins in the 1990’s to its implementation as a comprehensive sector-wide policy program on sustainability in The Netherlands during the first decade of the 2000´s. Although the program was innovative and provoked a new approach to environmental policy and governance, the program at large failed to set the right conditions under which sustainable transition take place. Lessons from the Netherlands, both successful and less successful, are addressed in this positioning paper to inform Finnish governmental and knowledge institutes on how (not) to implement TM on environmental issues. When looking at sustainable nutrient economy the paper takes a historical view at how problems with nutrients (especially phosphates) were dealt with in the Netherlands during the post World War II era. This transition did not occur easily. In the agricultural sector environmental policies to prevent nutrient problems were not easily accepted, as large agricultural economic interests were at stake and the sector’s main actors were generally opposed to (radical) environmental transition. Currently, sustainable nutrient economy initiatives are starting to receive attention on the political agenda once again. In 2011 a sector- and chain-wide covenant was signed, showing that sustainable nutrient transition goals get commitment from stakeholders throughout the nutrient chain. We judge that TM provides useful elements that are applicable to Finnish governance modes to support sustainable nutrient economy transition. However, the Finnish government should be careful when implementing TM to prevent making the same mistakes the Dutch government made in previous years.


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Tämä tutkimus osallistuu tuottaja-osuuskuntiin liittyviin kestävän kehityksen keskusteluihin ja tarjoaa esimerkin pohjoismaisesta ruoantuotannon toimialasta. Tämä tutkimus seuraa kvalitatiivisen tutkimuksen suuntaviivoja ja Fairclough’n kriittinen diskurssianalyysi tarjoaa metodin yritystekstien analyysille. Kieli ymmärretään poststrukturalistisesta näkökulmasta, joka luo kielellisiä identiteettejä ja rakentaa vastuullisuuskeskustelua. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kuvata diskurssit, jotka rakentavat vastuullisuuskeskustelua kontekstissaan. Lisäksi tavoitteena on kuvata ja ymmärtää kuinka nämä diskurssit rakentavat rooleja ja identiteettejä ympärilleen sekä kuinka yritystekstit institutionalisoituvat ja vaikuttavat kontekstiinsa. Analyysi määrittää kolme vastuullisuusdiskurssia, jotka kuvaavat yrityskansalaisuutta, liiketoimintalähtöisyyttä ja integriteettiä. Diskurssien tavoitteiden, roolien, ja identiteettien ymmärrys ja vaikutus ympäristöön auttaa laajentamaan tietämystä kestävän kehityksen moniulotteisesta luonteesta. Lisäksi tutkimus muodostaa itsessään äänen osuuskuntatutkimukselle ja kestävän kehityksen ymmärryksen laajentamiselle.


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Since the end of Cold War rivalries, the world of international hockey was deemed to becoming increasingly homogenized along western sportization patterns. The introduction of the Russian-sponsored Kontinental Hockey League (KHL) signified a new era in the global diffusion of modern sports. Its recent expansion in the post-Soviet space and European countries significantly reshuffled the landscape of international hockey, offering new prospects for the studies of the intersection of sports, history, geopolitics and nationalism in the age of globalization. The aim of this study is to conceptualize the KHL and illuminate the role of ice hockey in post-Soviet Latvia. I treat the creation of the KHL and the integration of a Latvian-based team, “Dinamo Riga,” into the KHL within the broader discussion on the globalization of sports and its effects on national communities. The research is based on a case study of the modern rebirth of “Dinamo Riga” and its participation in the KHL and is confined to the scholarly themes in sports research, such as the history of modern sports and globalization, sports and nationalism. The study pays special attention to unveiling the geopolitical links between the restart of Latvian-Russian relations after the EU’s eastern enlargement and the re-emerging Latvian-Russian contacts in ice hockey. The research concludes that with the creation of the KHL, European hockey received a new charismatic “zone of prestige” for sports interaction. The project of “Dinamo Riga” became the new global phenomenon in Latvian sports in terms of its capabilities to transcend the post-Soviet geopolitical stereotypes in relation to Russia and serve as a new national symbol in the promotion and celebration of Latvian sporting nationalism. Further sociological research would require the clarification of the impact of Latvian-Russian cooperation in hockey on the bilateral relations of both countries and the formation of a national community in Latvia.


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This thesis is based on studying integration synergies in a merger or acquisition situation with the interest in distribution channel integration. M&As seem to be forever popular and nowadays companies often use them as a certain kind of strategy to develop their business. M&As have attracted research for decades and also distribution in M&As has been found interesting. Moreover, research often concentrates to the horizontal M&A´s potential synergies that emerge in the integration process and so is the case also in this study as the core issue is to study the integration of the distribution channels and its potential synergies. This study concentrates on a single case, an acquisition which took place in 2011. The case consists of two Finnish companies operating in the same business field. Both of the companies are very export orientated, which gives this study its export view. As the companies operate in the same field this acquisition falls into the categorization of horizontal acquisition. The objective of the thesis is to study how the export channels could be integrated after an acquisition? This research question is divided again to three sub-questions asking how the distribution channels of the acquirer and acquired company are organized, what is pursued by the post-acquisition distribution channel integration and what are the integration challenges especially from the logistics point-of-view. The framework was built from the basis of the literature used in this thesis. The framework combines M&A process and distribution channels to a one united model which presents the progress of this thesis. The study was carried out as a qualitative research and as a holistic single case study. The data used in the research includes two interviews, other material from the case companies and also material of the companies collected by the author independently from different sources. There were many motives for the acquisition as usual. From the research results one can find that the integration process is still very ongoing and the synergies have not yet been fully discovered but also they are there to be found. The concentration of the research was in the export distribution which proved to be meaningful since the exports markets of the case companies were found to be quite complementary. The research results brought up also other issues concerning the post-acquisition integration process rather than the distribution channels and export. M&As are always a risky business. The final result can never be predicted. No matter how good the merging companies look on paper the practice is not the same. The acquisition process of this case has not ended yet and there lies potential synergy benefits to be discovered if enough effort is used to go through the process right.