15 resultados para Vagal Tone
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Studiens overordnede hensikt er å bestemme begrepet ensomhet i et vårdvitenskapelig perspektiv. Avhandlingen er en monografisk eksplorativ hermeneutisk studie og oppbygget i fire større helheter, der første hoveddel starter med en inntreden i den hermeneutiske spiral, og hvor paradigme, ontologiske, epistemologiske og metodologiske overveielser angir studiens videre retning. Andre hoveddel anses som studiens teoretiske substans og belyser ensomhetens `Hva´ gjennom ulike teoretiske perspektiv og begrepsanalyse av ensom. I belysningen framkommer ensomhet både som lidelse og som meningsfullt for eksistensen. Første hoveddel avsluttes med en bestemmelse av ensomhet som substanskunnskap innenfor vårdvitenskapens helse-og lidelsesforhold som utgjør ulike nivåer av gjørende, værende og vardende. Tredje hoveddel er en empiriskstudie med deltagende observasjon, forskersamtaler og kvalitative intervjuer i samtaleform. Informantene var åtte aleneboende personer med alvorlig psykisk lidelse i en storby og foregikk over ca. ett år. I tolkningsprosessen søkes en gradvis fordypende forståelse av den enkelte informants ensomhet i relasjon til vårdvitenskapens livs-, sykdoms- og vårdlidelse. Tolkningsrammen er i det vesentligefra første teoridel, samtidig som nye tolkningsteoretikere innlemmes som opplysende "lamper". Forståelsens tolkningsresultater framkommer gjennom en sammenfattende diskusjon, der livsberettelsens felles skjebne synliggjør savn som ideografisk invarians. Fjerde hoveddel er en vårdvitenskapelig filosofisk belysning av forholdet ensomhet og savn, hvor Levinas' fundamentaletikk utgjør tolkningsrammen. Studien avsluttes med en horisontsammensmeltning av forholdet ensomhet og savngjennom fellesskap og oppfyllelse i tid og rom. Horisontsammensmeltningen viserat ensomhet og savn i sin dybdestruktur forholder seg til hverandre i en dialektikk til motsetningene: fellesskap og oppfyllelse. Det nedfelles fem teser som ansatser til vårdvitenskapelig teori. Resultatene får implikasjoner for så vel pedagogikk som vårdpraksis.
Quality inspection and assurance is a veryimportant step when today's products are sold to markets. As products are produced in vast quantities, the interest to automate quality inspection tasks has increased correspondingly. Quality inspection tasks usuallyrequire the detection of deficiencies, defined as irregularities in this thesis. Objects containing regular patterns appear quite frequently on certain industries and science, e.g. half-tone raster patterns in the printing industry, crystal lattice structures in solid state physics and solder joints and components in the electronics industry. In this thesis, the problem of regular patterns and irregularities is described in analytical form and three different detection methods are proposed. All the methods are based on characteristics of Fourier transform to represent regular information compactly. Fourier transform enables the separation of regular and irregular parts of an image but the three methods presented are shown to differ in generality and computational complexity. Need to detect fine and sparse details is common in quality inspection tasks, e.g., locating smallfractures in components in the electronics industry or detecting tearing from paper samples in the printing industry. In this thesis, a general definition of such details is given by defining sufficient statistical properties in the histogram domain. The analytical definition allowsa quantitative comparison of methods designed for detail detection. Based on the definition, the utilisation of existing thresholding methodsis shown to be well motivated. Comparison of thresholding methods shows that minimum error thresholding outperforms other standard methods. The results are successfully applied to a paper printability and runnability inspection setup. Missing dots from a repeating raster pattern are detected from Heliotest strips and small surface defects from IGT picking papers.
Tässä diplomityössä perehdytään puhujantunnistukseen ja sen käyttökelpoisuuteen käyttäjän henkilöllisyyden todentamisessa osana puhelinverkon lisäarvopalveluja. Puhelimitse ohjattavat palvelut ovat yleensä perustuneet puhelimen näppäimillä lähetettäviin äänitaajuusvalintoihin. Käyttäjän henkilöllisyydestä on voitu varmistua esimerkiksi käyttäjätunnuksen ja salaisen tunnusluvun perusteella. Tulevaisuudessa palvelut voivat perustua puheentunnistukseen, jolloin myös käyttäjän todentaminen äänen perusteella vaikuttaa järkevältä. Työssä esitellään aluksi erilaisia biometrisiä tunnistamismenetelmiä. Työssä perehdytään tarkemmin äänen perusteella tapahtuvaan puhujan todentamiseen. Työn käytännön osuudessa toteutettiin puhelinverkon palveluihin soveltuva puhujantodennussovelluksen prototyyppi. Työn tarkoituksena oli selvittää teknologian käyttömahdollisuuksia sekä kerätä kokemusta puhujantodennuspalvelun toteuttamisesta tulevaisuutta silmällä pitäen. Prototyypin toteutuksessa ohjelmointikielenä käytettiin Javaa.
The purpose of the present thesis was to explore different aspects of decision making and expertise in investigations of child sexual abuse (CSA) and subsequently shed some light on the reasons for shortcomings in the investigation processes. Clinicians’ subjective attitudes as well as scientifically based knowledge concerning CSA, CSA investigation and interviewing were explored. Furthermore the clinicians’ own view on their expertise and what enhances this expertise was investigated. Also, the effects of scientific knowledge, experience and attitudes on the decision making in a case of CSA were explored. Finally, the effects of different kinds of feedback as well as experience on the ability to evaluate CSA in the light of children’s behavior and base rates were investigated. Both explorative and experimental methods were used. The purpose of Study I was to investigate whether clinicians investigating child sexual abuse (CSA) rely more on scientific knowledge or on clinical experience when evaluating their own expertise. Another goal was to check what kind of beliefs the clinicians held. The connections between these different factors were investigated. A questionnaire covering items concerning demographic data, experience, knowledge about CSA, selfevaluated expertise and beliefs about CSA was given to social workers, child psychiatrists and psychologists working with children. The results showed that the clinicians relied more on their clinical experience than on scientific knowledge when evaluating their expertise as investigators of CSA. Furthermore, social workers possessed stronger attitudes in favor of children than the other groups, while child psychiatrists had more negative attitudes towards the criminal justice system. Male participants held less strong beliefs than female participants. The findings indicate that the education of CSA investigators should focus more on theoretical knowledge and decision making processes as well as the role of beliefs In Study II school and family counseling psychologists completed a Child Sexual Abuse Attitude and Belief Scale. Four CSA related attitude and belief subscales were identified: 1. The Disclosure subscale reflecting favoring a disclosure at any cost, 2. The Pro-Child subscale reflecting unconditional belief in children's reports, 3. The Intuition subscale reflecting favoring an intuitive approach to CSA investigations, and 4. The Anti Criminal Justice System subscale reflecting negative attitudes towards the legal system. Beliefs that were erroneous according to empirical research were analyzed separately. The results suggest that some psychologists hold extreme attitudes and many erroneous beliefs related to CSA. Some misconceptions are common. Female participants tended to hold stronger attitudes than male participants. The more training in interviewing children the participants have, the more erroneous beliefs and stronger attitudes they hold. Experience did not affect attitudes and beliefs. In Study III mental health professionals’ sensitivity to suggestive interviewing in CSA cases was explored. Furthermore, the effects of attitudes and beliefs related to CSA and experience with CSA investigations on the sensitivity to suggestive influences in the interview were investigated. Also, the effect of base rate estimates of CSA on decisions was examined. A questionnaire covering items concerning demographic data, different aspects of clinical experience, self-evaluated expertise, beliefs and knowledge about CSA and a set of ambiguous material based on real trial documents concerning an alleged CSA case was given to child mental health professionals. The experiment was based on a 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 (leading questions: yes vs no) x (stereotype induction: yes vs no) x (emotional tone: pressure to respond vs no pressure to respond) x (threats and rewards: yes vs no) between-subjects factorial design, in which the suggestiveness of the methods with which the responses of the child were obtained were varied. There was an additional condition in which the material did not contain any interview transcripts. The results showed that clinicians are sensitive only to the presence of leading questions but not to the presence of other suggestive techniques. Furthermore, the clinicians were not sensitive to the possibility that suggestive techniques could have been used when no interview transcripts had been included in the trial material. Experience had an effect on the sensitivity of the clinicians only regarding leading questions. Strong beliefs related to CSA lessened the sensitivity to leading questions. Those showing strong beliefs on the belief scales used in this study were even more prone to prosecute than other participants when other suggestive influences than leading questions were present. Controversy exists regarding effects of experience and feedback on clinical decision making. In Study IV the impact of the number of handled cases and of feedback on the decisions in cases of alleged CSA was investigated. One-hundred vignettes describing cases of suspected CSA were given to students with no experience with investigating CSA. The vignettes were based on statistical data about symptoms and prevalence of CSA. According to the theoretical likelihood of CSA the children described were categorized as abused or not abused. The participants were asked to decide whether abuse had occurred. They were divided into 4 groups: one received feedback on whether their decision was right or wrong, one received information about cognitive processes involved in decision making, one received both, and one did not receive feedback at all. The results showed that participants who received feedback on their performance made more correct positive decisions and participants who got information about decision making processes made more correct negative decisions. Feedback and information combined decreased the number of correct positive decisions but increased the number of correct negative decisions. The number of read cases had in itself a positive effect on correct positive decision.
Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a widely expressed neurotransmitter in the central and peripheral nervous systems. Thymidine 1128 to cytocine substitution in the signal sequence of the preproNPY results in a single amino acid change where leucine is changed to proline. This L7P change leads to a conformational change of the signal sequence which can have an effect on the intracellular processing of NPY. The L7P polymorphism was originally associated with higher total and LDL cholesterol levels in obese subjects. It has also been associated with several other physiological and pathophysiological responses such as atherosclerosis and T2 diabetes. However, the changes on the cellular level due to the preproNPY signal sequence L7P polymorphism were not known. The aims of the current thesis were to study the effects of the [p.L7]+[p.L7] and the [p.L7]+[p.P7] genotypes in primary cultured and genotyped human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC), in neuroblastoma (SK-N-BE(2)) cells and in fibroblast (CHO-K1) cells. Also, the putative effects of the L7P polymorphism on proliferation, apoptosis and LDL and nitric oxide metabolism were investigated. In the course of the studies a fragment of NPY targeted to mitochondria was found. With the putative mitochondrial NPY fragment the aim was to study the translational preferences and the mobility of the protein. The intracellular distribution of NPY between the [p.L7]+[p.L7] and the [p.L7]+[p.P7] genotypes was found to be different. NPY immunoreactivity was prominent in the [p.L7]+[p.P7] cells while the proNPY immunoreactivity was prominent in the [p.L7]+[p.L7] genotype cells. In the proliferation experiments there was a difference in the [p.L7]+[p.L7] genotype cells between early and late passage (aged) cells; the proliferation was raised in the aged cells. NPY increased the growth of the cells with the [p.L7]+[p.P7] genotype. Apoptosis did not seem to differ between the genotypes, but in the aged cells with the [p.L7]+[p.L7] genotype, LDL uptake was found to be elevated. Furthermore, the genotype seemed to have a strong effect on the nitric oxide metabolism. The results indicated that the mobility of NPY protein inside the cells was increased within the P7 containing constructs. The existence of the mitochondria targeted NPY fragment was verified, and translational preferences were proved to be due to the origin of the cells. Cell of neuronal origin preferred the translation of mature NPY (NPY1-36) when compared to the non neuronal cells that translated both, NPY and the mitochondrial fragment of NPY. The mobility of the mitochondrial fragment was found to be minimal. The functionality of the mitochondrial NPY fragment remains to be investigated. L7P polymorphism in the preproNPY causes a series of intracellular changes. These changes may contribute to the state of cellular senescence, vascular tone and lead to endothelial dysfunction and even to increased susceptibility to diseases, like atherosclerosis and T2 diabetes.
Työn tavoitteena on selvittää erilaisten työaikamallien ja henkilöstön määrän vaikutuksia Finnsteven henkilöstökustannuksiin ja ylitöiden määrään. Selvitystyö toteutetaan simuloimalla vaihtoehtoisia työaikamalleja ja henkilöstömääriä tilastollisten menetelmien avulla. Työn toisena tavoitteena on ehdottaa yritykselle toimintatapaa suorittaa lopullinen henkilöstöresurssien optimointi. Työn teoriaosuudessa esitellään aluksi yritystä ja sen toimintaympäristöä. Tämän jälkeen tarkastellaan nykyisen TE-sopimuksen mahdollistamia työaikamalleja. Seuraavaksi perustellaan käytettävät tilastolliset menetelmät ja tiedonkeruumenetelmät. Edetessään työ syventyy tarkastelemaan yrityksen tekemän työn kohdentumista aikatyöhön ja ylityöhön sekä viikonpäiville että työvuoroille. Lopuksi kuvataan työn optimoinnissa käytetty logiikka, analysoidaan saatuja tuloksia ja esitellään optimointityökalun toteutussuunnitelma. Diplomityössä tehdyn selvityksen mukaan satamatyössä tehdään nykyisellään erittäin paljon ylitöitä. Siten työaikamallien optimointi on perusteltua. Optimoinnilla saavutettavat potentiaaliset kustannussäästöt ovat erittäin huomattavia. Lopullinen optimointi on haastava tehtävä, jota henkilöstöhallinto ei pysty ratkaisemaan pelkkään kokemukseensa luottaen. Tuotannonsuunnittelun avuksi tarvitaan täten työkalu, joka palvelee paitsi mallien luontia, toimii suunnittelun apuna jatkossakin.
Print quality and the printability of paper are very important attributes when modern printing applications are considered. In prints containing images, high print quality is a basic requirement. Tone unevenness and non uniform glossiness of printed products are the most disturbing factors influencing overall print quality. These defects are caused by non ideal interactions of paper, ink and printing devices in high speed printing processes. Since print quality is a perceptive characteristic, the measurement of unevenness according to human vision is a significant problem. In this thesis, the mottling phenomenon is studied. Mottling is a printing defect characterized by a spotty, non uniform appearance in solid printed areas. Print mottle is usually the result of uneven ink lay down or non uniform ink absorption across the paper surface, especially visible in mid tone imagery or areas of uniform color, such as solids and continuous tone screen builds. By using existing knowledge on visual perception and known methods to quantify print tone variation, a new method for print unevenness evaluation is introduced. The method is compared to previous results in the field and is supported by psychometric experiments. Pilot studies are made to estimate the effect of optical paper characteristics prior to printing, on the unevenness of the printed area after printing. Instrumental methods for print unevenness evaluation have been compared and the results of the comparison indicate that the proposed method produces better results in terms of visual evaluation correspondence. The method has been successfully implemented as ail industrial application and is proved to be a reliable substitute to visual expertise.
The home as ethos, an ethical dimension of human beings, is this study’s focus of interest. Can the home as ethos comprise motive and driving force for a human being? This dissertation has a mainly hermeneutic approach with a Caring Science interpretive horizon. Firstly, the purpose of this study is to develop the concept “home” through etymological and semantic analysis. The concept’s Caring Science content is also investigated. Secondly, the purpose of this study is to investigate, through the use of a history of ideas method, how the home as ethos is made visible and evident in public health nurses’ caring during the first half of the 20th century. Which motives compromise the driving force behind public health nurses’ caring? Which idea patterns are stressed? Material for the study’s concept determination consists of tymological dictionaries as well as Swedish language dictionaries published from 1850 – 2001. The results of the concept determination provide a preliminary idea-model, where dimensions such as ethos as a human being’s innermost room, human beings’ manner of being, and the metaphor “my home is my castle” are stressed. These results comprise the background of the history of ideas portion of the study. The study’s history of ideas investigation occurs through the evaluation and interpretation of historical sources focusing on the caring provided by public health nurses. Public health nurses comprise both the context and prevalent traditions during the time-period studied. The historical sources consist of three different types of sources, namely textbooks, archived material, and the professional nursing journals Epione and Sairaanhoitajatarlehti. The purpose is to rediscover fundamental idea-patterns through the thematic structuring of the patterns appearing in the historical sources. Three main idea-patterns and underlying themes are rediscovered: love- a fire which burns inside human beings; reverence for human beings and home; and the honor of responsibility. The emerging patterns are tightly interwoven and form a pattern. A new interpretation occurs, widening the study’s horizon and leading to the emergence of the theory-model’s contours. The study’s theory-model is formed from three different levels. Ethos as a human being’s innermost room- the spirit, encompasses a human being’s value base and the spirit that he/she is permeated with. Fundamental values are converted into an internal ethic, becoming visible in human beings’ manner of being- the manner of conduct. The metaphor “my home is my castle”- the tone, symbolizes the room where a human being’s abstract or concrete being lives. The spirit, the ethos, is expressed in a home’s culture and atmosphere, that is to say the tone of a home or how one lives in a room. Communion is a significant component in the creation of a culture and atmosphere. This study’s theory-model gives rise to a new perspective that can generate new patterns of action. The study’s theory-model results in a new historically-based view that create new patterns of action in care and Caring Science today.
Neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) are widely used in clinical anaesthesia and emergency medicine. Main objectives are to facilitate endotracheal intubation and to allow surgery by reducing muscle tone and eliminating sudden movements, which may otherwise lead to trauma and complications. The most commonly used NMBAs are non-depolarizing agents with a medium duration of action, such as rocuronium and cisatracurium. They bind to the acetylcholine receptors in the neuromuscular junction, thus inhibiting the depolarization of the postsynaptic (muscular) membrane, which is a prerequisite for muscle contraction to take place. Previously, it has been assumed that nitrous oxide (N2O), which is commonly used in combination with volatile or intravenous anaesthetics during general anaesthesia, has no effect on NMBAs. Several studies have since claimed that N2O in fact does increase the effect of NMBAs when using bolus administration of the relaxant. The effect of N2O on the infusion requirements of two NMBAs (rocuronium and cisatracurium) with completely different molecular structure and pharmacological properties was assessed. A closed-loop feedback controlled infusion of NMBA with duration of at least 90 minutes at a 90% level of neuromuscular block was used. All patients received total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA) with propofol and remifentanil. In both studies the study group (n=35) received N2O/Oxygen and the control group (n=35) Air/Oxygen. There were no significant differences in the mean steady state infusion requirements of NMBA (rocuronium in Study I; cisatracurium in Study II) between the groups in either study. In Study III the duration of the unsafe period of recovery after reversal of rocuronium-induced neuromuscular block by using neostigmine or sugammadex as a reversal agent was analyzed. The unsafe period of recovery was defined as the time elapsed from the moment of no clinical (visual) fade in the train-of-four (TOF) sequence until an objectively measured TOF-ratio of 0.90 was achieved. The duration of these periods were 10.3 ± 5.5 and 0.3 ± 0.3 min after neostigmine and sugammadex, respectively (P < 0.001). Study IV investigated the possible effect of reversal of a rocuronium NMB by sugammadex on depth of anaesthesia as indicated by the bispectral index and entropy levels in thirty patients. Sugammadex did not affect the level of anaesthesia as determined by EEG-derived indices of anaesthetic depth such as the bispectral index and entropy.
The melanocortin peptides, including melanocyte-stimulating hormones, α-, β- and γ-MSH, are derived from the precursor peptide proopiomelanocortin and mediate their biological actions via five different melanocortin receptors, named from MC1 to MC5. Melanocortins have been implicated in the central regulation of energy balance and cardiovascular functions, but their local effects, via yet unidentified sites of action, in the vasculature, and their therapeutic potential in major vascular pathologies remain unclear. Therefore, the main aim of this thesis was to characterise the role of melanocortins in circulatory regulation, and to investigate whether targeting of the melanocortin system by pharmacological means could translate into therapeutic benefits in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension. In experiments designed to elucidate the local effects of α-MSH on vascular tone, it was found that α-MSH improved blood vessel relaxation via a nitric oxide (NO)-dependent mechanism without directly contracting or relaxing blood vessels. Furthermore, α-MSH was shown to regulate the expression and function of endothelial NO synthase in cultured human endothelial cells via melanocortin 1 receptors. In keeping with the vascular protective role, pharmacological treatment of mice with α-MSH analogues displayed therapeutic efficacy in conditions associated with vascular dysfunction such as obesity. Furthermore, α-MSH analogues elicited marked diuretic and natriuretic responses, which together with their vascular effects, seemed to provide protection against sodium retention and blood pressure elevation in experimental models of hypertension. In conclusion, the present results identify novel effects for melanocortins in the local control of vascular function, pointing to the potential future use of melanocortin analogues in the treatment of cardiovascular pathologies.
Background: Maternal diabetes affects many fetal organ systems, including the vasculature and the lungs. The offspring of diabetic mothers have respiratory adaptation problems after birth. The mechanisms are multifactorial and the effects are prolonged during the postnatal period. An increasing incidence of diabetic pregnancies accentuates the importance of identifying the pathological mechanisms, which cause the metabolic and genetic changes that occur in offspring, born to diabetic mothers. Aims and methods: The aim of this thesis was to determine changes both in human umbilical cord exposed to maternal type 1 diabetes and in neonatal rat lungs after streptozotocin-induced maternal hyperglycemia, during pregnancy. Rat lungs were used as a model for the potential disease mechanisms. Gene expression alterations were determined in human umbilical cords at birth and in rat pup lungs at two week of age. During the first two postnatal weeks, rat lung development was studied morphologically and histologically. Further, the effect of postnatal hyperoxia on hyperglycemia-primed rat lungs was investigated at one week of age to mimic the clinical situation of supplemental oxygen treatment. Results: In the umbilical cord, maternal diabetes had a major negative effect on the expression of genes involved in blood vessel development. The genes regulating vascular tone were also affected. In neonatal rat lungs, intrauterine hyperglycemia had a prolonged effect on gene expression during late alveolarization. The most affected pathway was the upregulation of extracellular matrix proteins. Newborn rat lungs exposed to intrauterine hyperglycemia had thinner saccular walls without changes in airspace size, a smaller relative lung weight and lung total tissue area, and increased cellular apoptosis and proliferation compared to control lungs, possibly reflecting an aberrant maturational adaptation. At one and two weeks of age, cell proliferation and secondary crest formation were accelerated in hyperglycemia-exposed lungs. Postnatal hyperoxic exposure, alone caused arrested alveolarization with thin-walled and enlarged alveoli. In contrast, the dual exposure of intrauterine hyperglycemia and postnatal hyperoxia resulted in the phenotype of thick septa together with arrested alveolarization and decreased number of small pulmonary arteries. Conclusions: Maternal diabetic environment seems to alter the umbilical cord gene expression profile of the regulation of vascular development and function. Fetal hyperglycemia may additionally affect the genetic regulation of the postnatal lung development and may actually induce prolonged structural alterations in neonatal lungs together with a modifying effect on the deleterious pulmonary exposure of postnatal hyperoxia. This, combined with the novel human umbilical cord gene data could serve as stepping stones for future therapies to curb developmental aberrations.
The melanocortin system is an important regulator of feeding, energy metabolism,and cardiovascular function and it consists of the pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) derived melanocyte stimulating hormones (α-, β- and γ-MSH) and their endogenous melanocortin receptors, MC1R to MC5R. In the hypothalamus, α-MSH reduces food intake, and increases energy expenditure and sympathetic tone by binding to MC4R. Mutations affecting the MC4R gene lead to obesity in mammals. On the other hand, the metabolic effects of MC3R stimulation using agonists such as the endogenously expressed γ-MSH have been less extensively explored. The main objective of this study was to investigate the long-term effects of increased melanocortin tone in key areas of metabolic regulation in the central nervous system (CNS) in order to investigate the sitespecific roles of both α-MSH and γ-MSH. The aim was to stereotaxically induce local overexpression of single melanocortin peptides using lentiviral vectors expressing α-MSH (LVi-α-MSH-EGFP) and γ-MSH (LVi-γ-MSH-EGFP). The lentiviral vectors were shown to produce a long-term overexpression and biologically active peptides in cell-based assays. The LVi-α-MSHEGFP was targeted to the arcuate nucleus in the hypothalamus of diet induced obese mice where it reduced weight gain and adiposity independently of food intake. When the nucleus tractus solitarus in the brainstem was targeted, the LVi-α-MSH-EGFP treatment was shown to cause a small decrease in adiposity, which did not impact weight development. However, the α-MSH treatment increased heart rate, which was attenuated by adrenergic receptor blockade indicative of increased sympathetic activity. The LVi-γ-MSH-EGFP was targeted to the hypothalamus where it decreased fat mass in mice eating the standard diet, but the effect was abated if animals consumed a high-fat Western type diet. When the diet induced obese mice were subjected again to the standard diet, the LVi-γ-MSH-EGFP treated animals displayed increased weight loss and reduced adiposity. These results indicate that the long-term central anti-obesity effects of α-MSH are independent of food intake. In addition, overexpression of α-MSH in the brain stem efficiently blocked the development of adiposity, but increased sympathetic tone. The evidence presented in this thesis also indicates that selective MC3R agonists such as γ-MSH could be potential therapeutics in combination with low fat diets.
The topic of the present doctoral dissertation is the analysis of the phonological and tonal structures of a previously largely undescribed language, namely Samue. It is a Gur language belonging to the Niger-Congo language phulym, which is spoken in Burkina Faso. The data were collected during the fieldwork period in a Sama village; the data include 1800 lexical items, thousands of elicited sentences and 30 oral texts. The data were first transcribed phonetically and then the phonological and tonal analyses were conducted. The results show that the phonological system of Samue with the phoneme inventory and phonological processes has the same characteristics as other related Gur languages, although some particularities were found, such as the voicing and lenition of stop consonants in medial positions. Tonal analysis revealed three level tones, which have both lexical and grammatical functions. A particularity of the tonal system is the regressive Mid tone spreading in the verb phrase. The theoretical framework used in the study is Optimality theory. Optimality theory is rarely used in the analysis of an entire language system, and thus an objective was to see whether the theory was applicable to this type of work. Within the tonal analysis especially, some language specific constraints had to be created, although the basic Optimality Theory principle is the universal nature of the constraints. These constraints define the well-formedness of the language structures and they are differently ranked in different languages. This study gives new insights about typological phenomena in Gur languages. It is also a fundamental starting point for the Samue language in relation to the establishment of an orthography. From the theoretical point of view, the study proves that Optimality theory is largely applicable in the analysis of an entire sound system.
Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a neurotransmitter promoting energy storage by activating Y-receptors and thus affecting food intake, thermogenesis and adipose tissue metabolism. NPY is expressed both in the central and sympathetic nervous system. Hypothalamic NPY is known to stimulate feeding, but the effects of noradrenergic neuron NPY are more ambiguous. Chronic stress stimulates fat accumulation via NPY release from noradrenergic neurons. Furthermore, polymorphism in the human Npy gene has been associated with metabolic disturbances and increased NPY secretion after sympathetic stimulation. The main objective of this study was to clarify the mechanisms of noradrenergic neuron NPY in the development of obesity. The metabolic phenotype of a homozygous mouse overexpressing NPY in the brain noradrenergic neurons and sympathetic nervous system (OE-NPYDβH mouse) was characterized. OE-NPYDβH mice had an increased fat mass and body weight, which caused impairments of glucose metabolism and hyperinsulinaemia with age. There were no differences in energy intake or expenditure, but the sympathetic tone was down-regulated and the endocannabinoid system activated. Furthermore, peripheral Y2-receptors in energy-rich conditions played an important role in mediating the fat-accumulating effect of NPY. These results indicate that noradrenergic neuron NPY promotes obesity via direct effects in the periphery and by modulating the sympatho-adrenal and endocannabinoid systems. Additionally, NPY in the central noradrenergic neurons is believed to possess many important roles. The phenotype of the OE-NPYDβH mouse resembles the situations of chronic stress and Npy gene polymorphism and thus these mice may be exploited in testing novel drug candidates for the treatment of obesity.