12 resultados para Substantive
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Så som är fallet för många andra stater, kan vissa delar av den ryska förvaltningen ännu utvecklas för att till fullo uppfylla internationella standarder. Internationella fördragsorgan som övervakar förverkligandet i Ryssland av fördrag om mänskliga rättigheter framför ibland kritiska anmärkningar om den demokratiska utvecklingen i Ryssland. Enskilda fall där politiska rättigheter möjligen kränkts av ryska myndigheter har utan tvivel placerat Ryssland i fokus för internationell media. Exempel på sådana fall är mordet på journalisten Anna Politkovskaya, Sergei Magnitskys död i fängelse och fängslandet av medlemmarna i "Pussy Riot”. Likväl anser författaren av denna studie att politiska rättigheter i Ryssland förverkligas inom rimliga gränser och i enlighet med internationell människorättslagstiftning. Denna studie fokuserar på förverkligandet av den individuella rättigheten att delta i det politiska beslutsfattandet i Ryssland genom andra mekanismer för deltagande än val och folkomröstningar. Studien utgörs av en sammanställning av forskningsartiklar som har publicerats i olika internationella tidskrifter. Sammanställningen föregås av ett fristående inledande kapitel. Författaren koncentrerar sig på frågan om Rysslands invånare ges effektiva möjligheter att delta i handhavandet av allmänna angelägenheter och om det finns användbara rättsmedel till hands för skydd av de politiska rättigheterna. Författaren tar sig an en juridisk analys av rysk lagstiftning gällande olika sätt för direkt deltagande i beslutsfattande samt analyserar rättsfall angående direkt deltagande från domstolarna i Moskva, Perm Krai och Sverdlovsk Oblast. Denna studie använder sig även av en rättshistorisk infallsvinkel för att visa på den positiva dynamiken hos den historiska utvecklingen beträffande d e väsentligaste plattformarna för offentligt deltagande. Det bevisas att rysk lagstiftning som garanterar rätten att delta i beslutsfattande är väl utvecklad i enlighet med internationella människorättsfördrag, och att åtminstone domstolarna i de utvalda ryska områdena fattar beslut som stöder deltaganderättigheter som eventuellt kränkts av myndigheter inom den verkställande makten. Författaren kommer till den slutsatsen att de i denna studie inkluderade enskilda dokumenterade händelserna gällande administrativ felbehandling inte nödvändigtvis tillåter den direkta slutsatsen att det begås systematiska och grova kränkningar av medborgares deltaganderättigheter i Ryssland.
Dignity is seen important in health care context but considered as a controversial and complex concept. In health care context, it is described as being influenced by for example autonomy, respect, communication, privacy and hospital environment. Patient dignity is related to satisfaction with care, reduced stress, better confidence in health services, enhanced patient outcomes and shorter stay in a hospital. Stroke patients may struggle for dignity as being dependent on other people has impact on the patients’ self-image. In all, stroke patients are very specific patient group and considered vulnerable from emotional aspect. Therefore study findings from other patient groups in the area of ethical problems cannot be transferred to the stroke patients. This master’s thesis consists of two parts. The first part is the literature review of patients’ dignity in hospital care. The literature defined dignity and described factors promoting and reducing it. The results were ambiguous and thus a clear understanding was not able to create. That was the basis for the second part of the master’s thesis, the empirical study. This part aimed to develop theoretical construction to explore the realization of stroke patients’ dignity in hospital care. The data of the second part was collected by interviewing 16 stroke patients and analyzed using the constant comparison of Grounded Theory. The result was ‘The Theory of Realization of Stroke Patients’ Dignity in Hospital Care’ which is described not only in this master’s thesis but also as a scientific article. The theory consists of the core category, four generic elements and five specific types on realization. The core category emerged as ‘dignity in a new situation’. After a stroke, dignity is defined in a new way which is influenced by the generic elements: life history, health history, individuality and a stroke. Stroke patient’s dignity is realized through five specific types on realization: person related dignity type, control related dignity type, independence related dignity type, social related dignity type and care related dignity type. The theory points out possible special characteristics of stroke patients’ dignity in control related dignity type and independence related dignity type. Before implementing the theory, the relation between the core category, generic elements and specific types on realization needs to be studied further.
The aim of this research was to structure a conceptual model of hope and hopelessness based on dictionary definitions, and to verify this model on the basis of the experiences of the severely depressive and non-depressive elderly. This research has produced a substantive theory of hope and hopelessness which is based on the experiences of the depressive and non-depressive elderly, and on the concept analysis of hope and hopelessness based on English dictionary definitions. The patients who participated in the research were 65 years old and older men and women (n=22) who had been admitted to a psychiatric hospital because of major depression, and another group: the non-depressive elderly (n=21), who were recruited from the pensioners’ clubs. The data were collected in interviews using the Clinical Assessment Tool, developed by Farran, Salloway and Clark (1990) and Farran, Wilken and Popovich (1992), and it produced 553 pages of written text, which were analysed using the ATLAS/ti programme. ATLAS/ti is a tool for analysing qualitative data and is based on Grounded Theory. The medical and nursing records of the depressive elderly completed source triangulation. The concept analysis of hope and hopelessness was made on the basis of the definitions of English dictionaries (n=103), using semantic analysis and the ATLAS/ti programme. The most important hope-promoting factors were human relations, health and managing in everyday living. Autonomy, self-determination and feeling of security were highly appreciated among the elderly. Hopelessness, on the other hand, was most often associated with the same factors: human relations, health and everyday living. Especially, losses of significant others were experienced as strongly hope-diminishing. Old age had brought freedom from duties concerning others, but now, when you finally had an opportunity to enjoy yourself, you could not accomplish anything; you were clasped in the arms of total inability, depression had come. The most obvious difference in the life course of the depressive and nondepressive elderly was the abundance of traumatic experiences in the childhood and youth of the depressive elderly. The continuous circulation of fearful thoughts was almost touchable, and suicidality was described in connection with these thoughts. You were afraid to be awake and also to go to sleep. Managing day by day was the goal. The research produced the Basic Social Process (BSP) of hope: achieving - maintaining - losing, which expresses a continuous balancing between Being without and Being with. The importance of the object of hope was combined with the amount of hope and disappointment. The process of approaching defined the realisation of hope and the process of withdrawal that of losing. Joy and security versus grief and insecurity defined the Being with and Being without. Two core categories were found. The first one “If only I could�? reflects lack of energy, lack of knowledge, lack of courage and lack of ability. The other one “There is always a loophole�? reflects deliberate tracing of possibilities and the belief in finding solutions, and managing.
There is a broad consensus among economists that technologicalchange has been a major contributor to the productivity growth and, hence, to the growth of the material welfare in western industrialized countries at least over the last century. Paradoxically, this issue has not been the focal point of theoretical economics. At the same time, we have witnessed the rise of the importance of technological issues at the strategic management level of business firms. Interestingly, the research has not accurately responded to this challenge either. The tension between the overwhelming empirical evidence of the importance of technology and its relative omission in the research offers a challenging target for a methodological endeavor. This study deals with the question of how different theories cope with technology and explain technological change. The focusis at the firm level and the analysis concentrates on metatheoretical issues, except for the last two chapters, which examine the problems of strategic management of technology. Here the aim is to build a new evolutionary-based theoreticalframework to analyze innovation processes at the firm level. The study consistsof ten chapters. Chapter 1 poses the research problem and contrasts the two basic approaches, neoclassical and evolutionary, to be analyzed. Chapter 2 introduces the methodological framework which is based on the methodology of isolation. Methodological and ontoogical commitments of the rival approaches are revealed and basic questions concerning their ways of theorizing are elaborated. Chapters 3-6 deal with the so-called substantive isolative criteria. The aim is to examine how different approaches cope with such critical issues as inherent uncertainty and complexity of innovative activities (cognitive isolations, chapter 3), theboundedness of rationality of innovating agents (behavioral isolations, chapter4), the multidimensional nature of technology (chapter 5), and governance costsrelated to technology (chapter 6). Chapters 7 and 8 put all these things together and look at the explanatory structures used by the neoclassical and evolutionary approaches in the light of substantive isolations. The last two cpahters of the study utilize the methodological framework and tools to appraise different economics-based candidates in the context of strategic management of technology. The aim is to analyze how different approaches answer the fundamental question: How can firms gain competitive advantages through innovations and how can the rents appropriated from successful innovations be sustained? The last chapter introduces a new evolutionary-based technology management framework. Also the largely omitted issues of entrepreneurship are examined.
Values and value processes are said to be needed in every organization nowadays, as the world is changing and companies have to have something to "keep it together". Organizational values, which are approvedand used by the personnel, could be the key. Every organization has values. But what is the real value of values? The greatest and most crucial challenge is the feasibility of the value process. The main point in this thesis is tostudy how organizational members at different hierarchical levels perceive values and value processes in their organizations. This includes themes such as how values are disseminated, the targets of value processing, factors that affect the process, problems that occur during the value implementation and improvements that could be made when organizational values are implemented. These subjects are studied from the perspective of organizational members (both managers and employees); individuals in the organizations. The aim is to get the insider-perspective on value processing, from multiple hierarchical levels. In this research I study three different organizations (forest industry, bank and retail cooperative) and their value processes. The data is gathered from companies interviewing personnel in the head office and at the local level. The individuals areseen as members of organizations, and the cultural aspect is topical throughout the whole study. Values and cultures are seen as the 'actuality of reality' of organizations, interpreted by organizational members. The three case companies were chosen because they represented different lines of business and they all implemented value processing differently. Sincethe emphasis in this study is at the local level, the similar size of the local units was also an important factor. Values are in 'fashion' -but what does the fashion tell us about the real corporate practices? In annual reports companies emphasize the importance and power of official values. But what is the real 'point' of values? Values are publicly respected and advertised, but still it seems that the words do not meet the deeds. There is a clear conflict between theoretical, official and substantive organizational values: in the value processing from words to real action. This contradiction in value processing is studied through individual perceptions in this study. I study the kinds of perceptions organizationalmembers have when values are processed from the head office to the local level: the official value process is studied from the individual's perspective. Value management has been studied more during the 1990's. The emphasis has usually been on managers: how they consider the values in organizations and what effects it has on the management. Recent literature has emphasized values as tools for improving company performance. The value implementation as a process has been studied through 'good' and 'bad' examples, as if one successful value process could be copied to all organizations. Each company is different with different cultures and personnel, so no all-powerful way of processing values exists. In this study, the organizational members' perceptions at different hierarchical levels are emphasized. Still, managers are also interviewed; this is done since managerial roles in value dissemination are crucial. Organizational values cannot be well disseminated without management; this has been proved in several earlier studies (e.g. Kunda 1992, Martin 1992, Parker 2000). Recent literature has not sufficiently emphasized the individual's (organizational member's) role in value processing. Organizations consist of differentindividuals with personal values, at all hierarchical levels. The aim in this study is to let the individual take the floor. Very often the value process is described starting from the value definition and ending at dissemination, and the real results are left without attention. I wish to contribute to this area. Values are published officially in annual reports etc. as a 'goal' just like profits. Still, the results/implementationof value processing is rarely followed, at least in official reports. This is a very interesting point: why do companies espouse values, if there is no real control or feedback after the processing? In this study, the personnel in three different companies is asked to give an answer. In the empirical findings, there are several results which bring new aspects to the research area of organizational values. The targets of value processing, factors effecting value processing, the management's roles and the problems in value implementation are presented through the individual's perspective. The individual's perceptions in value processing are a recurring theme throughout the whole study. A comparison between the three companies with diverse value processes makes the research complete
Summary: Some observations on substantive-formation in the language of Henrik Florinus from the period 1678-1693
Tämä diplomityö perustuu Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston Uusiutuvien energiajärjestelmien laboratorion koelaitteistoon, jolla tutkitaan voimakkaan savukaasunkierrätyksen ja kuumailmapolton soveltuvuutta pienen kokoluokan energiantuotantoprosesseihin. Työn teoriaosassa esitellään tavanomaisesta palamisesta eroavaa kuumailmapolttoa ja tarkastellaan sen ominaisuuksia. Myös työssä käytetyn tutkimusmenetelmän, numeerisen virtauslaskennan, periaatteita ja ominaisuuksia tarkastellaan. Työssä tutkitaan numeerisella virtausmallinnuksella kuumailmapolttolaitteiston virtauskentän käyttäytymistä, kun takaisin tulipesään kierrätettävän savukaasun määrä sekä tulipesän lämpöhäviöiden suuruus vaihtelevat. Virtauskentän tarkastelu on tärkeää, sillä palamisilman ja kierrätetyn savukaasun täytyy sekoittua kuumailmapolton aikaansaamiseksi. Työn virtausmallinnus suoritettiin Finflo-virtausratkaisijalla kaksiulotteisena palamisreaktioita mallintamatta. Vaikka työssä käytetyt mallit olivat kaksiulotteisia ja niissä käytettiin yksinkertaistuksia, virtausten käyttäytymisestä tulipesässä saatiin olennaista tietoa, jota voidaan mahdollisesti hyödyntää jatkotutkimuksissa.
Earlier management studies have found a relationship between managerial qualities and subordinate impacts, but the effect of managers‘ social competence on leader perceptions has not been solidly established. To fill the related research gap, the present work embarks on a quantitative empirical effort to identify predictors of successful leadership. In particular, this study investigates relationships between perceived leader behavior and three selfreport instruments used to measure managerial capability: 1) the WOPI Work Personality Inventory, 2) Raven‘s general intelligence scale, and 3) the Emotive Communication Scale (ECS). This work complements previous research by resorting to both self-reports and other-reports: the results acquired from the managerial sample are compared to subordinate perceptions as measured through the ECS other-report and the WOPI360 multi-source appraisal. The quantitative research is comprised of a sample of 8o superiors and 354 subordinates operating in eight Finnish organizations. The strongest predictive value emerged from the ECS self- and other-reports and certain personality dimensions. In contrast, supervisors‘ logical intelligence did not correlate with leadership perceived as socially competent by subordinates. 16 of the superiors rated as most socially competent by their subordinates were selected for case analysis. Their qualitative narratives evidence the role of life history and post-traumatic growth in developing managerial skills. The results contribute to leadership theory in four ways. First, the ECS self-report devised for this research offers a reliable scale for predicting socially competent leader ability. Second, the work identifies dimensions of personality and emotive skills that can be considered predictors of managerial ability and benefited from in leader recruitment and career planning. Third, the Emotive Communication Model delineated on the basis of the empirical data allows for a systematic design and planning of communication and leadership education. Fourth, this workfurthers understanding of personal growth strategies and the role of life history in leader development and training. Finally, this research advances educational leadership by conceptualizing and operationalizing effective managerial communications. The Emotive Communication Model devised directs the pedagogic attention in engineering to assertion, emotional availability and inspiration skills. The proposed methodology addresses classroom management strategies drawing from problem-based learning, student empowerment, collaborative learning, and so-called socially competent teachership founded on teacher immediacy and perceived caring, all constituting strategies moving away from student compliance and teacher modelling. The ultimate educational objective embraces the development of individual engineers and organizational leaders that not only possess traditional analytical and technical expertise and substantive knowledge but are intelligent also creatively, practically, and socially.
This thesis consists of four articles and an introductory section. The main research questions in all the articles refer to the changes in the representativeness of the Finnish Paper Workers' Union. Representativeness stands for the entire entity of external, internal, legal and reputational factors that enable the labor union to represent its members and achieve its goals. This concept is based on an extensive reading of quantitative and qualitative industrial relations literature, which includes works based on Marxist labor-capital relations (such as Hyman's industrial relations studies), and more recent union density studies as well as gender- and ethnic diversity-based 'union revitalization' studies. Müller-Jentsch's German studies of industrial relations have been of particular importance as well as Streeck's industrial unionism and technology studies. The concept of representativeness is an attempt to combine the insights of these diverse strands of literature and bring the scientific discussion of labor unions back to the core of a union's function: representing its members. As such, it can be seen as a theoretical innovation. The concept helps to acknowledge both the heterogeneity of the membership and the totality of a labor union organization. The concept of representativeness aims to move beyond notions of 'power'. External representativeness can be expressed through the position of the labor union in the industrial relations system and the economy. Internal representativeness focuses on the aspects of labor unions that relate to the function of the union as an association with members, such as internal democracy. Legal representativeness lies in the formal legal position of the union – its rights and instruments. This includes collective bargaining legislation, co-decision rules and industrial conflict legislation. Reputational representativeness is related to how the union is seen by other actors and the general public, and can be approximated using data on strike activity. All these aspects of representativeness are path-dependent, and show the results of previous struggles over issues. The concept of representativeness goes beyond notions of labor union power and symbolizes an attempt to bring back the focus of industrial relations studies to the union's basic function of representing its members. The first article shows in detail the industrial conflict of the Finnish paper industry in 2005. The intended focus was the issue of gender in the negotiations over a new collective agreement, but the focal point of the industrial conflict was the issue of outsourcing and how this should be organized. Also, the issue of continuous shifts as an issue of working time was very important. The drawn-out conflict can be seen as a struggle over principles, and under pressure the labor union had to concede ground on the aforementioned issues. The article concludes that in this specific conflict, the union represented its' female members to a lesser extent, because the other issues took such priority. Furthermore, because of the substantive concessions. the union lost some of its internal representativeness, and the stubbornness of the union may have even harmed the reputation of the union. This article also includes an early version of the representativeness framework, through which this conflict is analyzed. The second article discusses wage developments, union density and collective bargaining within the context of representativeness. It is shown that the union has been able to secure substantial benefits for its members, regardless of declining employment. Collective agreements have often been based on centralized incomes policies, but the paper sector has not always joined these. Attention is furthermore paid to the changing competition of the General Assembly, with a surprisingly strong position of the Left Alliance still. In an attempt to replicate analysis of union density measures, an analysis of sectoral union density shows that similar factors as in aggregate data influence this measure, though – due to methodological issues – the results may not be robust. On this issue, it can be said that the method of analysis for aggregate union density is not suitable for sectoral union density analysis. The increasingly conflict-ridden industrial relations predicted have not actually materialized. The article concludes by asking whether the aim of ever-increasing wages is a sustainable one in the light of the pressures of globalization, though wage costs are a relatively small part of total costs. The third article discusses the history and use of outsourcing in the Finnish paper industry. It is shown using Hyman's framework of constituencies that over time, the perspective of the union changed from 'members of the Paper Workers' Union' to a more specific view of who is a core member of the union. Within the context of the industrial unionism that the union claims to practice, this is an important change. The article shows that the union more and more caters for a core group, while auxiliary personnel is less important to the union's identity and constituencies, which means that the union's internal representativeness has decreased. Maintenance workers are an exception; the union and employers have developed a rotating system that increases the efficient allocation of these employees. The core reason of the exceptional status of maintenance personnel is their high level of non-transferable skills. In the end it is debatable whether the compromise on outsourcing solves the challenges facing the industry. The fourth article shows diverging discourses within the union with regard to union-employer partnership for competitiveness improvements and instruments of local union representatives. In the collective agreement of 2008, the provision regulating wage effects of significant changes in the organization or content of work was thoroughly changed, though this mainly reflected decisions by the Labor Court on the pre-2008 version of the provision. This change laid bare the deep rift between the Social Democratic and Left Alliance (ex-Communist) factions of the union. The article argues that through the changed legal meaning of the provision, the union was able to transform concession bargaining into a basis for partnership. The internal discontent about this issue is nonetheless substantial and a threat to the unity of the union, both locally and at the union level. On the basis of the results of the articles, other factors influencing representativeness, such as technology and EU law and an overview of the main changes in the Finnish paper industry, it is concluded that, especially in recent years, the Finnish Paper Workers' Union has lost some of its representativeness. In particular, the loss of the efficiency of strikes is noted, the compromise on outsourcing which may have alienated a substantial part of the union's membership, and the change in the collective agreement of 2008 have caused this decline. In the latter case, the internal disunion on that issue shows the constraints of the union's internal democracy. Furthermore, the failure of the union to join the TEAM industrial union (by democratic means), the internal conflicts and a narrow focus on its own sector may also hurt the union in the future, as the paper industry in Finland is going through a structural change. None of these changes in representativeness would have been so drastic without the considerable pressure of globalization - in particular changing markets, changing technology and a loss of domestic investments to foreign investments, which in the end have benefited the corporations more than the Finnish employees of these corporations. Taken together, the union risks becoming socially irrelevant in time, though it will remain formally very strong on the basis of its institutional setting and financial situation.
Elämänkokemukset ja koherenssin tunne – typologinen tutkimus grounded theory -metodologiaa soveltaen
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on laadullisin menetelmin syventää tietoa työikäisten (28–60-vuotiaiden) suomalaisten kvantitatiivisesti mitatun koherenssin tunteen takana olevista tekijöistä. Tutkimuksella halutaan tuottaa aineistolähtöisesti tietoa siitä, mitkä käsitteet kuvaavat tutkittavien kerrottujen elämänkokemusten kautta selvitettyä koherenssin tunnetta ja samalla lisäämään ymmärrystä Antonovskyn salutogeenisesta teoreettisesta mallista. Tutkimukseen osallistuneet olivat Health and Social Support tutkimukseen vuosina 1998 ja 2003 osallistuneita. Koko kyseinen tutkimusotos edusti vuonna 1998 20–24, 30–34, 40–44 ja 50–54 -vuotiasta Suomen väestöä. Tutkimuksen metodina käytettiin glaserilaista grounded theory -metodologiaa. Tutkimuksen aineistonkeruu toteutettiin kolmessa eri vaiheessa. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa haastateltiin 27 tutkittavaa. Toisessa vaiheessa haastateltavilta kerättiin lisäaineistoa kirjallisesti. Kahdeksan vastasi tähän pyyntöön. Kolmannessa vaiheessa haastateltiin seitsemää. Haastattelujen yhteydessä haastateltavat täyttivät koherenssin tunteen mittarin (13-osainen). Aineisto analysoitiin koherenssipisteiden mukaisesti kolmena eri aineistona. Tulokseksi saatiin substantiivinen teoria. Tutkimuksen tuloksena kuvattiin sosiaalinen perusprosessi, joka nimitettiin Elämän kokonaisuudeksi tässä hetkessä. Sosiaalisen perusprosessin sisällä on typologia. Jokaisesta koherenssipisteryhmästä muodostettiin oma typologia. Kukin typologia sisälsi neljä tyyppiä. Sosiaalisen perusprosessin vaiheet olivat: ehdot tämän hetken taustalla, eläminen ehtojen varassa ja uusia luoden (tietynlainen ihminen, eläminen tässä hetkessä, kokonaisnäkemys elämästä) sekä jatkaminen ehtojen varassa ja uusia luoden. Typologiat ovat nimeltään eheät, pärjäävät ja sinnittelijät. Haastateltavien kokemuksia ei analyysivaiheessa pyritty liittämään tiettyyn kontekstiin, vaan ne liittyivät toimintaan ja käyttäytymiseen. Tulosten tarkasteluvaiheessa tehtiin kuitenkin lyhyt kuvaus elämänkulkututkimuksesta sekä sosiaalisesta ja kulttuurisesta ympäristöstä. Tutkimustulokset ovat kuvailevia ja niiden perusteella saadaan viitteitä siitä, millaiset asiat ovat yhteydessä koherenssin tunteeseen ja millä tavalla yhteys rakentuu. Saatu substantiivinen teoria on pätevä tässä aineistossa. Tulokset noudattelevat Antonovskyn salutogeenista teoreettista mallia siltä osin, että mitä korkeammat koherenssipisteet olivat, sitä enemmän typologiassa oli eheyttä lisääviä tekijöitä. Eheys tuo elämään henkistä liikkumavaraa, jota typologian tyypit (rakentava, ilmavasti elävä, elämänmyönteinen, juureva realisti) ilmentävät. Typologioiden kuvauksista voidaan lukea, että kaikissa tyypeissä kuvataan vaikeita elämänkokemuksia. Olennaista on se, miten näihin vaikeuksiin suhtaudutaan. Eheillä on parhaat edellytykset käsitellä elämän haasteita. Voidaan kuitenkin todeta, että kaikki tähän tutkimukseen osallistuneet olivat selviytyjiä.
Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää välimiehen vahingonkorvausoikeudellista asemaa suhteessa välimiesmenettelyn asianosaisiin ja välimiehen korvausvastuuta eri tilanteissa välimiesmenettelystä annetun lain mukaisessa sopimusperusteisessa välimiesmenettelyssä. Tutkielma on menetelmältään lainopillinen ja tutkielman aineisto koostuu pääosin oikeuskirjallisuudesta. Välimiehen ja asianosaisten välinen oikeussuhde voidaan katsoa rinnastuvan sopimussuhteeseen, mikä mahdollistaa sopimusperusteisen vahingonkorvausvastuun normien soveltamisen. Välimiehen korvausvastuu vaikuttaa mahdolliselta – vaikkakin käytännössä harvinaiselta – menettelyn viivästymisen, välimiehen aiheettoman tehtävästä luopumisen sekä välitystuomion mitättömyyden ja kumoamisen perusteella. Vastuu vaikuttaa syntyvän helpommin sellaisissa välimiehen velvoitteen rikkomistilanteissa, joissa välimiehen menettely ei edellytä oikeudellista harkintaa. Korvausvastuun arviointiin vaikuttavat useiden perusteiden osalta tilannekohtaiset tekijät ja välimiehen velvoitteen tulkinnanvaraisuus voi sulkea pois korvausvastuun. Välimiehen vastuun syntyminen salassapitovelvollisuuden rikkomisen perusteella on monilta osin epäselvä johtuen välimiehen salassapitovelvollisuuden heikosta normipohjasta. Vastuu välitystuomion aineellisoikeudellisen virheellisyyden perusteella vaikuttaa hyvin epätodennäköiseltä.
Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan vammaisiksi määriteltyjen ihmisten kansalaisasemaa suomalaisessa toisen maailmansodan jälkeisessä vammaispoliittisessa keskustelussa. Analyysissa huomioidaan suomalaisen vammaishuollon molemmista päälinjoista, eli invalidihuollosta sekä vajaamielis- ja kehitysvammahuollosta, käydyt keskustelut. Tutkimuksen aikarajauksena toimii niin kutsuttu invalihuollon kausi, joka ulottui lakisääteisen vammaishuollon tarpeesta 1940-luvun taitteessa virinneestä keskustelusta vuoteen 1987, jolloin säädettiin periaatteiltaan edeltävään lainsäädäntöön verrattuna uudenlainen laki vammaisuuden perusteella järjestettävistä palveluista ja tukitoimista. Vammaisuuden käsitettä lähestytään tutkimuksessa yhtenä modernin sosiaalipoliittisen lainsäädännön kategorioista, jotka ovat vapauttaneet kansalaisen velvollisuudesta itsensä ja perheensä elättämiseen ja oikeuttaneet hänet toimeentulossaan sosiaaliturvaan. Tutkimuksessa pyritään hahmottamaan millaiseksi tutkimuksen kohteena olevien vammaisten ryhmien kansalaisasema tutkimusajankohtana ymmärrettiin. Tarkastelussa keskitytään kansalaisuuden käsitteen niin kutsuttuun aineellisoikeudelliseen sisältöön analysoimalla tutkimuksen kohteena olevissa keskusteluissa esiintyneitä kansalaisuuden ideaaleja ja käsityksiä kansalaisen ja valtion suhteesta. Tutkimusaihetta lähestytään etsimällä vastausta kysymyksiin 1) Mihin yhteiskunnallisiin ongelmiin invalidihuollosta ja vajaamielis- tai 312 kehitysvammahuollosta käydyissä asiantuntijakeskusteluissa haettiin ratkaisuja? 2) Millaisia tavoitteita huollolle asetettiin? 3) Millaiseksi hahmotettiin huollon kohderyhmien asema ja tehtävät yhteiskunnassa? Analyysissa keskitytään huollosta käydyn asiantuntijakeskustelun tarkasteluun. Tutkimuksen keskeisin lähdeaineisto muodostuu tutkimusajankohdan vammaishuoltoa käsittelevästä lainsäädännöstä, sen valmistelun materiaaleista sekä vammaisjärjestöjen ja muiden alan asiantuntijoiden vammaishuollosta julkisuudessa käymästä keskustelusta. Tutkimuksessa esitetään, että suomalaisen vammaispolitiikan ja vammaisten kansalaisaseman kehityksessä on tutkimusajankohtana erotettavissa kolme vaihetta: 1) 1940–1950-lukujen yhteiskunnan rationalisointia ja sosiaalisten ongelmien vähentämistä painottaneella ennaltaehkäisevän huoltopolitiikan kaudella vammaiset ihmiset hahmotettiin yhteiskunnan reunamilla tai ulkopuolella olevaksi erityisryhmäksi, joka tuli pyrkiä huollon toimenpiteillä integroimaan omalle paikalleen yhteiskunnan kokonaisuuteen. 2) 1960-luvun kuntoutusideaalin laajenemisen kaudella vammaishuollon julkilausutuksi tavoitteeksi omaksuttiin yksilön edun ajaminen. 3) 1970–1980-lukujen normalisaation periaatetta painottaneessa vammaispolitiikassa tavoitteeksi otettiin vammaisille tarkoitettujen erityisjärjestelmien purkaminen sekä vammaisten tasa-arvoisen kansalaisaseman turvaaminen heidän osallistumismahdollisuuksiaan parantavilla tukitoimenpiteillä.