2 resultados para State Legislative Assembly

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Paperikoneen telalle integroitujen mekaanisten käyttölaitteiden valmistuksen siirtoprojektin yhteydessä on raportoitu huomattavan paljon valmistuksen aikaisia poikkeamia. Poikkeamien juurisyyn hahmottamiseksi tehtiin kvantitatiivinen analyysi raportoiduista poikkeamista ja kvalitatiivinen analyysi kokoonpanon nykytilasta. Kokoonpanotyöstä suuri osa on tällä hetkellä arvoa jalostamatonta työtä. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin valmistusprosessissa kaikkia kokoonpanon poikkeamien perustyyppejä ja näitä poikkeamia olivat aiheuttaneet kaikki mahdolliset aiheuttajat. Etenkin hankittavien osien laatua tulisi käsitellä poikkeamien aiheuttamien kokonaiskustannusten kautta. Kokoonpanon tarvitsema tieto on olemassa täsmällisessä muodossa, mutta sen luoksepäästävyys on huono. Prosessin kuvauksella, hiljaisen tiedon kirjaamisella ja täsmällisen tiedon julkistamisella voidaan parantaa tuotannon laatua tuotetuntemuksen parantuessa. Käyttökohteen tunteminen parantaa vaatimusten ymmärtämistä. Tutkimuksessa havaittujen poikkeamien analysoinnin perusteella erityistä huomiota tulisi kiinnittää tarkastusvaiheiden olemassa oloon, sijoitukseen ja niiden laatuun. Suuri osa poikkeamista oli edennyt kokoonpanoon jonkin tarkastusvaiheen läpi. Tarkastusvaiheiden laatutason tulee parantua, jotta moninkertaisesta tarkastuksesta voidaan luopua.


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The advancement of science and technology makes it clear that no single perspective is any longer sufficient to describe the true nature of any phenomenon. That is why the interdisciplinary research is gaining more attention overtime. An excellent example of this type of research is natural computing which stands on the borderline between biology and computer science. The contribution of research done in natural computing is twofold: on one hand, it sheds light into how nature works and how it processes information and, on the other hand, it provides some guidelines on how to design bio-inspired technologies. The first direction in this thesis focuses on a nature-inspired process called gene assembly in ciliates. The second one studies reaction systems, as a modeling framework with its rationale built upon the biochemical interactions happening within a cell. The process of gene assembly in ciliates has attracted a lot of attention as a research topic in the past 15 years. Two main modelling frameworks have been initially proposed in the end of 1990s to capture ciliates’ gene assembly process, namely the intermolecular model and the intramolecular model. They were followed by other model proposals such as templatebased assembly and DNA rearrangement pathways recombination models. In this thesis we are interested in a variation of the intramolecular model called simple gene assembly model, which focuses on the simplest possible folds in the assembly process. We propose a new framework called directed overlap-inclusion (DOI) graphs to overcome the limitations that previously introduced models faced in capturing all the combinatorial details of the simple gene assembly process. We investigate a number of combinatorial properties of these graphs, including a necessary property in terms of forbidden induced subgraphs. We also introduce DOI graph-based rewriting rules that capture all the operations of the simple gene assembly model and prove that they are equivalent to the string-based formalization of the model. Reaction systems (RS) is another nature-inspired modeling framework that is studied in this thesis. Reaction systems’ rationale is based upon two main regulation mechanisms, facilitation and inhibition, which control the interactions between biochemical reactions. Reaction systems is a complementary modeling framework to traditional quantitative frameworks, focusing on explicit cause-effect relationships between reactions. The explicit formulation of facilitation and inhibition mechanisms behind reactions, as well as the focus on interactions between reactions (rather than dynamics of concentrations) makes their applicability potentially wide and useful beyond biological case studies. In this thesis, we construct a reaction system model corresponding to the heat shock response mechanism based on a novel concept of dominance graph that captures the competition on resources in the ODE model. We also introduce for RS various concepts inspired by biology, e.g., mass conservation, steady state, periodicity, etc., to do model checking of the reaction systems based models. We prove that the complexity of the decision problems related to these properties varies from P to NP- and coNP-complete to PSPACE-complete. We further focus on the mass conservation relation in an RS and introduce the conservation dependency graph to capture the relation between the species and also propose an algorithm to list the conserved sets of a given reaction system.