4 resultados para Singular perturbations

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Numerical computation of a viscid heat-conducting transonic flow over a generic commercial rocket profile with symmetric oversized nose part was carried out. It has been shown that at zero angle of attack for some free-streamvelocity value flow pattern loses its symmetry. This results in non-uniform pressure distribution on rocket surface in angle direction which may yield in additional oscillating stress on the rocket. Also it has been found that obtained non-symmetric flow patterns are stable for small velocity perturbations.


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The objective of this thesis is to study wavelets and their role in turbulence applications. Under scrutiny in the thesis is the intermittency in turbulence models. Wavelets are used as a mathematical tool to study the intermittent activities that turbulence models produce. The first section generally introduces wavelets and wavelet transforms as a mathematical tool. Moreover, the basic properties of turbulence are discussed and classical methods for modeling turbulent flows are explained. Wavelets are implemented to model the turbulence as well as to analyze turbulent signals. The model studied here is the GOY (Gledzer 1973, Ohkitani & Yamada 1989) shell model of turbulence, which is a popular model for explaining intermittency based on the cascade of kinetic energy. The goal is to introduce better quantification method for intermittency obtained in a shell model. Wavelets are localized in both space (time) and scale, therefore, they are suitable candidates for the study of singular bursts, that interrupt the calm periods of an energy flow through various scales. The study concerns two questions, namely the frequency of the occurrence as well as the intensity of the singular bursts at various Reynolds numbers. The results gave an insight that singularities become more local as Reynolds number increases. The singularities become more local also when the shell number is increased at certain Reynolds number. The study revealed that the singular bursts are more frequent at Re ~ 107 than other cases with lower Re. The intermittency of bursts for the cases with Re ~ 106 and Re ~ 105 was similar, but for the case with Re ~ 104 bursts occured after long waiting time in a different fashion so that it could not be scaled with higher Re.


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Diplomityössä selvitettiin EU:ssa vuoden 2005 alusta alkavan päästökauppajärjestelmän toimintaympäristöä, sen taustaa ja sopimuksia joihin se pohjautuu. Varsinaisena tutkimusongelmana pyrittiin tunnistamaan muuttujat, jotka päästökaupan osalta vaikuttavat päästökaupan piirissä toimivaan yritykseen ja verrattiin eri toimijoita näiden tekijöiden avulla. Tekijöitä tarkasteltiin eri tasoilla niin, että ylimpänä tasona toimi koko maailman taso ja alimpana yksittäinen toimija. Näiden välissä tarkastelutasoina olivat EU:n laajuinen taso, yksittäisen maan laajuinen taso, sekä toimijaryhmän muodostaman toimialasektorin taso. Esimerkkinä näiden tekijöiden käytöstä toimijoiden vertailussa otettiin tarkasteltavaksi kolme suomalaista hiilivoimalaa: Lahtienergian omistama Kymijärven hiilivoimalaitos, Fortumin ja Teollisuuden voiman yhdessä omistama Meri-Porin hiilivoimalaitos sekä Helsingin Energian omistama Salmisaaren voimalaitos. Vertailu osoitti, että suurin laitoksista, eli Meri-Porin voimalaitos on suurimpien haasteiden edessä päästökaupan alkaessa, mutta toisaalta sillä on myös suurimmat resurssit selviytyä niistä.