16 resultados para Rang de dominance
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
An alternative relation to Pareto-dominance relation is proposed. The new relation is based on ranking a set of solutions according to each separate objective and an aggregation function to calculate a scalar fitness value for each solution. The relation is called as ranking-dominance and it tries to tackle the curse of dimensionality commonly observedin evolutionary multi-objective optimization. Ranking-dominance can beused to sort a set of solutions even for a large number of objectives when Pareto-dominance relation cannot distinguish solutions from one another anymore. This permits search to advance even with a large number of objectives. It is also shown that ranking-dominance does not violate Pareto-dominance. Results indicate that selection based on ranking-dominance is able to advance search towards the Pareto-front in some cases, where selection based on Pareto-dominance stagnates. However, in some cases it is also possible that search does not proceed into direction of Pareto-front because the ranking-dominance relation permits deterioration of individual objectives. Results also show that when the number of objectives increases, selection based on just Pareto-dominance without diversity maintenance is able to advance search better than with diversity maintenance. Therefore, diversity maintenance is connive at the curse of dimensionality.
En väsentlig fråga inom såväl lingvistiska som kognitiva teorier är, hur språket beskriver kausala relationer. I finskan finns det en speciell typ av kausativa verb avledda med suffixet (U)ttA som används för att uttrycka att handlingen i fråga utförs av någon annan än subjektreferenten, t.ex. Maija haetuttaa Matilla kirjastosta kirjan ’Maija låter Matti hämta boken från biblioteket’ och Matti juoksuttaa Maijan kaupunkiin ’Matti låter Maija springa till staden’. Syftet med denna avhandling var att med exempel av sociala dominansens kausativer undersöka ordbildningens natur samt begreppet ’socialt förorsakande’. För att beskriva avledningars regelbundna argumentstruktur i form av kopplingen mellan syntaxen och semantiken upprättades deras prototypiska strukturer. Dessa verb har emellertid också specifika användningsområden som framhäver variationer i sociala relationer. Säregna egenskaper hos den sociala dominansens kausativer inkluderades i undersökningen och definierades som konstruktioner. Konstruktionerna omfattar speciella syntaktiska och/eller semantiska element och utöver det också pragmatiska värderande implikationer. Uppbyggnaden av den sociala dimensionen hos de undersökta verben består av egenskaper förbundna med typen av förorsakande, argumentens agentiva egenskaper (aktivitet eller passivitet, dominans, kontroll, viljestyrdhet och ansvarighet) samt konventionaliserade attityder och tolkningar. Ett exempel på en s.k. 'tolkningskonstruktion’ är den negativa dominansens uttryck som i avhandlingen kallas Maktmissbrukskonstruktionen. Denna konstruktion inkluderar talarens starkt kritiska hållning till den uttryckta situationen, t.ex. Asiakas juoksuttaa lentoemäntää ’Kunden låter flygvärdinnan springa’. Dessa konstruktioner fyller en viktig funktion i språklig kommunikation: att beskriva avvikande av sociala normer och att foga expressivitet till budskapet. Metodologiskt kombinerar denna avhandling teorier som baseras på det aktuella språkbruket och teoretisk lingvistisk analys. Verbens samt konstruktionernas konceptuella lexikala struktur och prototypstrukturerna analyserades med hjälp av den konceptuella semantikens verktyg, som har utvecklats av Jackendoff, Nikanne och Pörn.
Ilpo Koskinen, Juri Mykkänen, Niilo Kauppi
The aim of this study is to explore the role and importance of different animal species in Turku through an analysis of osteological data and documentary evidence. The osteological material used in this study is derived from two town plots in Turku dating from the 13th century to the 19th century. The osteological material deposited in Turku represents animals bred both in the town and in the surrounding landscape. Animal husbandry in SW-Finland can also be examined through a number of historical documents. The importance of animals in Turku and its hinterland are closely connected and therefore the roles of the animals in both urban and rural settings are examined. The study has revealed the complexity of the depositional patterns in medieval and post-medieval Turku. In the different areas of Turku, characteristic patterns in the osteological material and different deposit types were evident. These patterns are reflections of the activities and therefore of the lifestyles practiced in Turku. The results emphasise the importance of context- awareness in the study of material culture from archaeological sites. Both the zooarchaeological and historical sources indicate that cattle were important in animal husbandry in Turku from the Middle Ages up to the 19th century. Sheep were the second most common species. When taking into consideration the larger size of cattle, the dominance of these animals when it come to meat consumption seems clear even in those phases where sheep bones are more abundant. Pig is less abundant in the material than either cattle or sheep and their importance for subsistence was probably fairly modest, albeit constant. Goats were not abundant in the material. Most of the identified goat bones came from low utility body parts (e.g. skulls and lower extremities), but some amount of goat meat was also consumed. Wild species were of minor importance when it came to consumption practices in Turku. The changes in Turku’s animal husbandry patterns between the medieval and post medieval periods is reflected in the change in age of the animals slaughtered, which was part of a wider pattern seen in North- and Central Europe. More mature animals are also present in the assemblages. This pattern is related to the more pronounced importance of cattle as a manure producer and a draught animal as a result of the intensification of crop cultivation. This change seems to occur later in Finland than in the more Southerly regions, and indeed it did not necessarily take hold in all parts of the country.
Systems suppliers are focal actors in mechanical engineering supply chains, in between general contractors and component suppliers. This research concentrates on the systems suppliers’ competitive flexibility, as a competitive advantage that the systems supplier gains from independence from the competitive forces of the market. The aim is to study the roles that power, dependence relations, social capital, and interorganizational learning have on the competitive flexibility. Research on this particular theme is scarce thus far. The research method applied here is the inductive multiple case study. Interviews from four case companies were used as main source of the qualitative data. The literature review presents previous literature on subcontracting, supply chain flexibility, supply chain relationships, social capital and interorganizational learning. The result of this study are seven propositions and consequently a model on the effects that the dominance of sales of few customers, power of competitors, significance of the manufactured system in the end product, professionalism in procurement and the significance of brand products in the business have on the competitive flexibility. These relationships are moderated by either social capital or interorganizational learning. The main results obtained from this study revolve around social capital and interorganizational learning, which have beneficial effects on systems suppliers’ competitive flexibility, by moderating the effects of other constructs of the model. Further research on this topic should include quantitative research to provide the extent to which the results can be reliably generalized. Also each construct of the model gives possible focus for more thorough research.
Crossroads, crucibles and refuges are three words that may describe natural coastal lagoon environments. The words refer to the complex mix of marine and terrestrial influences, prolonged dilution due to the semi-enclosed nature and the function of a habitat for highly diverse plant and animal communities, some of which are endangered. To attain a realistic picture of the present situation, high vulnerability to anthropogenic impact should be added to the description. As the sea floor in coastal lagoons is usually entirely photic, macrophyte primary production is accentuated compared with open sea environments. There is, however, a lack of proper knowledge on the importance of vegetation for the general functioning of coastal lagoon ecosystems. The aim of this thesis is to assess the role of macrophyte diversity, cover and species identity over temporal and spatial scales for lagoon functions, and to determine which steering factors primarily restrict the qualitative and quantitative composition of vegetation in coastal lagoons. The results are linked to patterns of related trophic levels and the indicative potential of vegetation for assessment of general conditions in coastal lagoons is evaluated. This thesis includes five field studies conducted in flads and glo-flads in the brackish water northern Baltic Sea. Flads and glo-flads are defined as a Baltic variety of coastal lagoons, which due to an inlet threshold and post-glacial landuplift slowly will be isolated from the open sea. This process shrinks inlet size, increases exposure and water retention, and is called habitat isolation. The studied coastal lagoons are situated in the archipelago areas of the eastern coast of Sweden, the Åland Islands and the south-west mainland of Finland, where land-uplift amounts to ca. 5 mm/ per year. Out of 400 evaluated sites, a total of 70 lagoons varying in inlet size, archipelago position and anthropogenic influence to cover for essential environmental variation were chosen for further inventory. Vegetation composition, cover and richness were measured together with several hydrographic and morphometric variables in the lagoons both seasonally and inter-annually to cover for general regional, local and temporal patterns influencing lagoon and vegetation development. On smaller species-level scale, the effects of macrophyte species identity and richness for the fish habitat function were studied by examining the influence of plant interaction on juvenile fish diversity. Thus, the active election of plant monoand polycultures by fish and the diversity of fish in the respective culture were examined and related to plant height and water depth. The lagoons and vegetation composition were found to experience a regime shift initiated by increased habitat isolation along with land-uplift. Vegetation composition altered, richness decreased and cover increased forming a less isolated and more isolated regime, named the vascular plant regime and charophyte regime, respectively according to the dominant vegetation. As total phosphorus in the water, turbidity and the impact of regional influences decreased in parallel, the dominance of charophytes and increasing cover seemed to buffer and stabilize conditions in the charophyte regime and indicated an increased functional role of vegetation for the lagoon ecosystem. The regime pattern was unaffected by geographical differences, while strong anthropogenic impact seemed to distort the pattern due to loss of especially Chara tomentosa L. in the charophyte regime. The regimes were further found unperturbed by short-time temporal fluctuations. In fact the seasonal and inter-annual dynamics reinforced the functional difference between the regimes by the increasing role of vegetation along habitat isolation and the resemblance to lake environments for the charophyte regime. For instance, greater total phosphorus and chlorophyll a concentrations in the water in the beginning of the season in the charophyte regime compared with the vascular plant regime presented a steeper reduction to even lower values than in the vascular plant regime along the season. Despite a regional importance and positive relationship of macrophyte diversity in relation to trophic diversity, species identity was underlined in the results of this thesis, especially with decreasing spatial scale. This result was supported partly by the increased role of charophytes in the functioning of the charophyte regime, but even more explicitly by the species-specific preference of juvenile fish for tall macrophyte monocultures. On a smaller species-level scale, tall plant species in monoculture seemed to be able to increase their length, indicating that negative selection forms preferred habitat structures, which increase fish diversity. This negative relationship between plant and fish diversity suggest a shift in diversity patterns among trohic levels on smaller scale. Thus, as diversity patterns seem complex and diverge among spatial scales, it might be ambiguous to extend the understanding of diversity relationships from one trophic level to the other. All together, the regime shift described here presents similarities to the regime development in marine lagoon environments and shallow lakes subjected to nutrient enrichment. However, due to nutrient buffering by vegetation with increased isolation and water retention as a consequence of the inlet threshold, the development seems opposite to the course along an eutrophication gradient described in marine lagoons lacking an inlet threshold, where the role of vegetation decreases. Thus, the results imply devastating consequences of inlet dredging (decreasing isolation) in terms of vegetation loss and nutrient release, and call for increased conservational supervision. Especially the red listed charophytes would suffer negatively from such interference and the consequences are likely to also deteriorate juvenile fish production. The fact that a new species to Finland, Chara connivens Salzm. Ex. Braun 1835 was discovered during this study further indicates a potential of the lagoons serving as refuges for rare species.
I avhandlingen granskar jag hur två historiska trähusmiljöer, Neristan i Karleby och Gamla stan i Ekenäs, ändras till sina inre strukturer och till sin yttre karaktär under 1900-talets senare hälft. Utvecklingen har undersökts genom begreppet gentrifiering som betecknar en fysisk och socioekonomisk förändring av områdena och genom en betoning av den så kallade kulturarvsprocessen som fått områdena att framstå som kulturarv. Avhandlingen är indelad dels i en mer allmän del där den allmänna stadsutvecklingen under efterkrigstiden beskrivs, dels i en mer individanknuten del där personliga upplevelser och uppfattningar om processerna behandlas. Diskussion förs även i dialog med ett omfattande pressmaterial som ger oss en samtidsbeskrivning av den föränderliga staden. I avhandlingen betraktas gentrifierings- och kulturarvsprocesserna därmed ur olika synvinklar främst tematiskt och via olika källor men även kronologiskt från tiden efter andra världskriget till början av det nya millenniet. En av de mest synliga förändringarna har skett i trähusområdenas fysiska gestaltning då hus, gårdar och gatumiljöer har rustats upp och polerats. Det är främst invånarna som stått för den fysiska upprustningen men det har också funnits ett intresse från städernas sida i att rusta upp gatumiljöerna. Tillika har gentrifieringen påverkat städernas inre hierarkier då ett slumrande bostads- och affärsområde har blomstrat upp på nytt och stigit i rang bland städernas övriga delar. En ny typ av affärskultur, som med gentrifieringen har etablerats på områdena, har tillfört en ny slags kommersiell och utseendemässig karaktär än den områdena traditionellt har haft. Upprustningsverksamheten och den mera lyxbetonade kommersiella verksamheten har ytterligare förstärkt kulturarvsprocessen. Speciellt påfallande har den kommersiella gentrifieringen varit i Neristan men trenden kan ses i de båda städerna. För att en gentrifiering kan bekräftas har det varit viktigt att påvisa att det också har skett förändringar i de inre, mera osynliga strukturerna. Ett intervjumaterial som består av 21 intervjuer ger undersökningen lokalt förankrade, konkreta och på erfarenhet baserade perspektiv på stadsomvandlingsprocesserna. Mina informanter beskriver, reflekterar över och tar ställning till förändringarna i trästäderna ur en socialt mänsklig aspekt och utgående från en nutida synvinkel. Informanterna har även visat sig spela olika roller i processerna vilket syns i deras olika sätt att bruka och ta ansvar för de historiska trästadsområdena. De individuella synpunkterna ses i relation till befolkningsuppgifter som ger belägg för en social förändringsprocess. Förutom en gentrifiering av områdena har jag också analyserat hur Neristan och Gamla Ekenäs har berörts av en annan process som jag kallat för en kulturarvsprocess. Kulturarvsprocessen syftar liksom gentrifieringen på en värde- och attitydförändring som har försett historiska trästadsmiljöer med en ytterligare betydelse som kulturarv. Från att man under de första årtiondena efter kriget ville ersätta den gamla stadsbebyggelsen med nytt och modernt byggnadsbestånd vill man numera förvalta trästadsmiljöer på ett annat sätt. I avhandlingen diskuterar jag hur den historiska trästaden uppfattas, tilldelas mening och utnyttjas som ett ansvar och som en resurs i ett nutida och framtida perspektiv. Trästädernas kulturarvsprocess ses i avhandlingen som en valprocess där historiska trästadsområden småningom har valts ut som viktiga bevarandeobjekt. Att Neristan och Gamla Ekenäs har utgjort sådana objekt för en medveten bevarandepolitik kan bekräftas. Skiftningen från att den gamla bebyggelsen i städerna tidigare hotades av rivning, ofta utan vedertagna orsaker, till att gamla trähusmiljöer i sin helhet sedermera försetts med skyddsplan visar att inställningen till gammal byggnadskultur har förändrats. Genom att ha lyft fram rådande värderingssätt har jag belyst denna värdetransformation. Min undersökning visar att gentrifieringen av historiska trästadsområden har drivits framåt av ett lokalt intresse i vilket framför allt de nya invånarna men också myndigheter och bostadsförmedlingen har spelat en aktiv roll. Men naturligtvis skulle processen inte ha initierats utan inspiration och förebilder från annat håll. Däremot har kulturarvsprocessen påverkats starkare av internationella förebilder och av ett nationellt intresse. Processen styrs globalt av ett estetiskt tänkande genom att man via den vill ”vaska fram guldkornen” bland alla kulturhistoriskt värdefulla objekt. Kulturarvsprocessen stöds ytterligare av turismindustrin som uppmuntrar till kommersiell gentrifiering i syfte att själv kunna dra nytta av en revitalisering av det gamla. På lokalnivå används gamla trästadsmiljöer alltmer som marknadsföringsobjekt för städernas image och profilering. Min undersökning visar att kulturarvsprocessen har i de undersökta städerna framskridit i tre olika faser. Den första fasen kom igång under 1970-talet då en del statliga myndigheter och experter började visa intresse och uppskattning för historiska trästadsområden. Trähusmiljöerna i Norden lyftes fram för offentlig debatt i samband med en nordisk trästadskonferens som ordnades 1972 och i ett flertal publikationer som gavs ut. Konferensens betydelse för den gamla bebyggelsens bevarande var betydande och satte i gång en våg av nytänkande och uppskattning av gammal byggnadskultur. Kulturarvsprocessens andra fas aktualiserades under 1980-talet då även pressens roll i bevarandediskussionerna blev mer intensiv och ställningstagande. Under den andra fasen fastställdes också en ny nationell byggnadsskyddslag år 1985. En tredje fas i kulturarvsprocessen inleddes efter att den historiska trästadsdelen i Raumo blivit världsarv 1991 och efter att den nya kommersiella gentrifieringen av historiska trähusmiljöer kom i gång. Då kom också begreppet kulturarv med i diskussionen som en förstärkare av miljöernas betydelse för det lokala, nationella och internationella byggnadsarvet och för städernas egen identitet och image. Upplevelseindustrins uppblomstring och krav på synlighet har gjort trästadsmiljöer till konsumtionslandskap för nya upplevelser. Den historiska trästadsmiljön är inte längre enbart en boendemiljö utan i allt högre grad även en besöksattraktion. Den nya rollen betyder inte automatiskt ett upplivande utan i själva verket har Gamla stan i Ekenäs blivit mer stillsam som följd av gentrifieringen medan turismen har ökat som en del av kulturarvsprocessen. I Ekenäs har säsong- och sommarboende ytterligare gett en särprägel åt Gamla stan och samtidigt saktat ner utvecklingstakten på området. I Neristan har de förut livliga innerstadskvarteren bytts ut mot en välpolerad idyll. Kvartersbutikerna har försvunnit och delvis ersatts med specialaffärer. Trähusområdena har därmed fått en annan roll i den urbana miljön som inte bygger på den roll de tidigare har haft. Avhandlingens problematik har därför genomgående kretsat kring olika sätt att värdera gammal bebyggelse. Både gentrifieringen och kulturarvsprocessen har förvandlat de vardagliga boendemiljöerna i Karleby och Ekenäs från en kulturell och arkitektonisk börda till ett kulturellt kapital och deras betydelse som kulturarvsmiljöer har manifesterats fullt ut. Tillika har processerna framhävt miljöernas särprägel och ökat deras synlighet lokalt och globalt. Uppvärderingen av trähusområdena berättar om att vår uppskattning av den gamla byggnadskulturen har ökat och att vi har insett värdet i att bevara den.
Engelskans dominerande roll som internationellt språk och andra globaliseringstrender påverkar också Svenskfinland. Dessa trender påverkar i sin tur förutsättningarna för lärande och undervisning i engelska som främmande språk, det vill säga undervisningsmålen, de förväntade elev- och lärarroller, materialens ändamålsenlighet, lärares och elevers initiala erfarenheter av engelska och engelskspråkiga länder. Denna studie undersöker förutsättningarna för lärande och professionell utveckling i det svenskspråkiga nybörjarklassrummet i engelska som främmande språk. Utgångsläget för 351 nybörjare i engelska som främmande språk och 19 av deras lärare beskrivs och analyseras. Resultaten tyder på att engelska håller på att bli ett andraspråk snarare än ett traditionellt främmande språk för många unga elever. Dessa elever har också goda förutsättningar att lära sig engelska utanför skolan. Sådan var dock inte situationen för alla elever, vilket tyder på att det finns en anmärkningsvärd heterogenitet och även regional variation i det finlandssvenska klassrummet i engelska som främmande språk. Lärarresultaten tyder på att vissa lärare har klarat av att på ett konstruktivt sätt att tackla de förutsättningar de möter. Andra lärare uttrycker frustration över sin arbetssituation, läroplanen, undervisningsmaterialen och andra aktörer som kommer är av betydelse för skolmiljön. Studien påvisar att förutsättningarna för lärande och undervisning i engelska som främmande språk varierar i Svenskfinland. För att stöda elevers och lärares utveckling föreslås att dialogen mellan aktörer på olika nivå i samhället bör förbättras och systematiseras.
The present study examines the repertory of liturgical chant known as St. Petersburg Court Chant which emerged within the Imperial Court of St. Petersburg, Russia, and appeared in print in a number of revisions during the course of the 19th century, eventually to spread throughout the Russian Empire and even abroad. The study seeks answers to questions on the essence and composition of Court Chant, its history and liturgical background, and most importantly, its musical relationship to other repertories of Eastern Slavic chant. The research questions emerge from previous literary accounts of Court Chant (summarized in the Introduction), which have tended to be inaccurate and generally not based on critical research. The study is divided into eight main chapters. Chapter 1 provides a survey of the history of Eastern Slavic chant and the Imperial Court Chapel of St. Petersburg until 1917, with special emphasis on the history of singing traditional chant in polyphony, the status of the Court Chapel as a government authority, and its endeavours in publishing church music. Chapter 2 deals with the liturgical background of Eastern chant, the chant genres, and main repertories of Eastern Slavic chant. Chapter 3 concentrates on chant sources: it introduces the musical notations utilised, after which a typology of chant books is presented. The discussion continues with a survey of the sources of Court Chant and their content, the specimens selected for closer analysis, the comparative materials from other repertories, and ends with a commentary on some chant sources that have been excluded. The comparative sources include a specimen from around the beginning of the 12th century, a few manuscripts from the 17th century, and printed and manuscript chant books from the early 18th to early 20th century, covering the geographical area that delimits to the western Ukraine, Astrakhan, Nizhny Novgorod, and the Solovetsky Monastery. Chapter 4 presents the approach and methods used in the subsequent analytical comparisons. After a survey of the pitch organization of Eastern Slavic chant, the customary harmonization strategy of traditional chant polyphony is examined, according to which a method for meaningful analysis of the harmony is proposed. The method is based on the observation that the harmonic framework of chant polyphony derives from the standard pitch collection of monodic chant known as the Church Gamut, specific pitches of which form eight harmonic regions that behave like the usual tonalities of major and harmonic minor. Because of the considerable quantity of comparative chant forms, computer-assisted statistical methods are applied to the analysis of chant melodies. The primary chant forms and their respective comparative forms have been pre-processed into reduced chant prototypes and divided into redactions. The analyses are carried out by measuring the formal dissimilarities of the primary chant forms of the Court Chant repertory against each comparative form, and also by measuring the reciprocal dissimilarities of all chant versions in a redaction, the results of which are subjected to agglomerative hierarchical clustering in order to find out how the chant forms relate to each other. The dissimilarities are determined by applying a metric dissimilarity function that is based on the Levenshtein Distance. Chapter 5 provides the melodic and harmonic analyses of generic chants (chants used for multiple texts of different lengths), i.e., chants for stichera samoglasny and troparia, Chapter 6 of pseudo-generic chants (chants that are used for multiple texts but with certain restrictions), i.e., chants for heirmoi, prokeimena, and three other hymns, and Chapter 7 of non-generic chants, covering nine chants that in the Court repertory are not shared by multiple texts. The results are summarized and evaluated in Chapter 8. Accordingly, it can be established that, contrary to previous conceptions, melodically, Court Chant is in effect a full part of the wider Eastern Slavic chant tradition. Even if it is somewhat detached from the chant versions of the Synodal square-note chant books and the local tradition of Moscow, it is particularly close to chant forms of East Ukraine and some vernacular repertories from Russia. Respectively, the harmonization strategies of Court Chant do not show significant individuality in comparison with those of the available polyphonic comparative sources, the main difference being the part-writing, which generally conforms to western common practice standard, whereas the deviations from this tend to be more significant in other analysed repertories of polyphonic chant. Thus, insofar as the subsequent prevalence of Court Chant is not based on its forceful dissemination by authorities (as suggested in previous literature but for which little tangible evidence could be found in Chapter 1), in the present author’s interpretation, Court Chant attained its dominance principally because musically it was considered sufficiently traditional, and as a chant body supported by the government, was conveniently available in print in serviceable harmonizations.
Since his inauguration, President Barack Obama has emphasized the need for a new cybersecurity policy, pledging to make it a "national security priority". This is a significant change in security discourse after an eight-year war on terror – a term Obama announced to be no longer in use. After several white papers, reports and the release of the so-called 60-day Cybersecurity Review, Obama announced the creation of a "cyber czar" position and a new military cyber command to coordinate American cyber defence and warfare. China, as an alleged cyber rival, has played an important role in the discourse that introduced the need for the new office and the proposals for changes in legislation. Research conducted before this study suggest the dominance of state-centric enemy descriptions paused briefly after 9/11, but returned soon into threat discourse. The focus on China's cyber activities fits this trend. The aim of this study is to analyze the type of modern threat scenarios through a linguistic case study on the reporting on Chinese hackers. The methodology of this threat analysis is based on the systemic functional language theory, and realizes as an analysis of action and being descriptions (verbs) used by the American authorities. The main sources of data include the Cybersecurity Act 2009, Securing Cyberspace for the 44th Presidency, and 2008 Report to Congress of the U.S. - China Economic and Security Review Commission. Contrary to the prevailing and popularized terrorism discourse, the results show the comeback of Cold War rhetoric as well as the establishment of a state-centric threat perception in cyber discourse. Cyber adversaries are referred to with descriptions of capacity, technological superiority and untrustworthiness, whereas the ‘self’ is described as vulnerable and weak. The threat of cyber attacks is compared to physical attacks on critical military and civilian infrastructure. The authorities and the media form a cycle, in which both sides quote each other and foster each other’s distrust and rhetoric. The white papers present China's cyber army as an existential threat. This leads to cyber discourse turning into a school-book example of a securitization process. The need for security demands action descriptions, which makes new rules and regulations acceptable. Cyber discourse has motives and agendas that are separate from real security discourse: the arms race of the 21st century is about unmanned war.
Japan has been a major actor in the field of development cooperation for five decades, even holding the title of largest donor of Official Development Assistance (ODA) during the 1990s. Financial flows, however, are subject to pre-existing paradigms that dictate both donor and recipient behaviour. In this respect Japan has been left wanting for more recognition. The dominance of the so called ‘Washington Consensus’ embodied in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank has long circumvented any indigenous approaches to development problems. The Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) is a development cooperation conference that Japan has hosted since 1993 every five years. As the main organizer of the conference Japan has opted for the leading position of African development. This has come in the wake of success in the Asian region where Japan has called attention to its role in the so called ‘Asian Miracle’ of fast growing economies. These aspirations have enabled Japan to try asserting itself as a major player in directing the course of global development discourse using historical narratives from both Asia and Africa. Over the years TICAD has evolved into a continuous process with ministerial and follow-up meetings in between conferences. Each conference has produced a declaration that stipulates the way the participants approach the question of African development. Although a multilateral framework, Japan has over the years made its presence more and more felt within the process. This research examines the way Japan approaches the paradigms of international development cooperation and tries to direct them in the context of the TICAD process. Supplementing these questions are inquiries concerning Japan’s foreign policy aspirations. The research shows that Japan has utilized the conference platform to contest other development actors and especially the dominant forces of the IMF and the World Bank in development discourse debate. Japan’s dominance of the process is evident in the narratives found in the conference documents. Relative success has come about by remaining consistent as shown by the acceptance of items from the TICAD agenda in other forums, such as the G8. But the emergence of new players such as China has changed the playing field, as they are engaging other developing countries from a more equal level.
Bullying can be viewed as goal-oriented behavior in the strive for dominance and prestige in the peer group (Salmivalli, 2010). To ensure the effectiveness of their power demonstrations, bullies often choose targets from among their vulnerable peers (Salmivalli, 2010; Veenstra et al., 2007). A large number of studies have also shown that victimization has severe consequences for the victims’ psychosocial adjustment (Reijntjes, Kamphuis, Prinzie, & Telch, 2010; Ttofi, Farrington, Lösel, & Loeber, 2011). In this thesis I investigate – based on three empirical studies – whether similar dynamics on the risk factors and consequences apply to same- and other-sex victimization. In the empirical studies, we used the data from the randomized control trial of the KiVa antibullying program for the elementary school grades 4–6 (2007–2008), and for the middle school grades 7–9 (2008–2009). We measured same- and other-sex victimization, and victims’ defending relationships by dyadic questions: “By which classmates are you victimized?” and “By which classmates are you supported, comforted, or defended?” In addition, we used self-reports and peer reports to measure adjustment and social status. The findings imply that other-sex victimization may be challenging for antibullying work. First, although targets of bullying seemed to be selected from among vulnerable peers for the most part, perceived popularity increased the risks of other-sex victimization. Popularity of these victims may falsely lead to an impression that the victims are doing well. Second, the consequences considering victims’ later psychosocial adjustment were alarming concerning girls bullied by boys. Thus, despite the fact that the targets may be perceived as popular, other-sex victimization can have even more severe consequences than same-sex victimization. Third, we found that defending relationships were mostly same-sex relationships, and consequently, we may ask whether defending is effective against other-sex bullies. Finally, the KiVa antibullying program was less effective against other-sex victimization in the adolescent sample. The findings altogether emphasize the importance of taking into account the sex composition of the bully-victim dyad, both considering future research on bullying and in the antibullying work with children and adolescents.
The main objective of this research is to estimate and characterize heterogeneous mass transfer coefficients in bench- and pilot-scale fluidized bed processes by the means of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). A further objective is to benchmark the heterogeneous mass transfer coefficients predicted by fine-grid Eulerian CFD simulations against empirical data presented in the scientific literature. First, a fine-grid two-dimensional Eulerian CFD model with a solid and gas phase has been designed. The model is applied for transient two-dimensional simulations of char combustion in small-scale bubbling and turbulent fluidized beds. The same approach is used to simulate a novel fluidized bed energy conversion process developed for the carbon capture, chemical looping combustion operated with a gaseous fuel. In order to analyze the results of the CFD simulations, two one-dimensional fluidized bed models have been formulated. The single-phase and bubble-emulsion models were applied to derive the average gas-bed and interphase mass transfer coefficients, respectively. In the analysis, the effects of various fluidized bed operation parameters, such as fluidization, velocity, particle and bubble diameter, reactor size, and chemical kinetics, on the heterogeneous mass transfer coefficients in the lower fluidized bed are evaluated extensively. The analysis shows that the fine-grid Eulerian CFD model can predict the heterogeneous mass transfer coefficients quantitatively with acceptable accuracy. Qualitatively, the CFD-based research of fluidized bed process revealed several new scientific results, such as parametrical relationships. The huge variance of seven orders of magnitude within the bed Sherwood numbers presented in the literature could be explained by the change of controlling mechanisms in the overall heterogeneous mass transfer process with the varied process conditions. The research opens new process-specific insights into the reactive fluidized bed processes, such as a strong mass transfer control over heterogeneous reaction rate, a dominance of interphase mass transfer in the fine-particle fluidized beds and a strong chemical kinetic dependence of the average gas-bed mass transfer. The obtained mass transfer coefficients can be applied in fluidized bed models used for various engineering design, reactor scale-up and process research tasks, and they consequently provide an enhanced prediction accuracy of the performance of fluidized bed processes.
Nowadays, the re-refining of the used lube oils has gained worldwide a lot of attention due to the necessity for added environmental protection and increasingly stringent environmental legislation. One of the parameters determining the quality of the produced base oils is the composition of feedstock. Estimation of the chemical composition of the used oil collected from several European locations showed that the hydrocarbon structure of the motor oil is changed insignificantly during its operation and the major part of the changes is accounted for with depleted oil additives. In the lube oil re-refining industry silicon, coming mainly from antifoaming agents, is recognized to be a contaminant generating undesired solid deposits in various locations in the re-refining units. In this thesis, a particular attention was paid to the mechanism of solid product formation during the alkali treatment process of silicon-containing used lube oils. The transformations of a model siloxane, tetramethyldisiloxane (TMDS), were studied in a batch reactor at industrially relevant alkali treatment conditions (low temperature, short reaction time) using different alkali agents. The reaction mechanism involving solid alkali metal silanolates was proposed. The experimental data obtained demonstrated that the solids were dominant products at low temperature and short reaction time. The liquid products in the low temperature reactions were represented mainly by linear siloxanes. The prolongation of reaction time resulted in reduction of solids, whereas both temperature and time increase led to dominance of cyclic products in the reaction mixture. Experiments with the varied reaction time demonstrated that the concentration of cyclic trimer being the dominant in the beginning of the reaction diminished with time, whereas the cyclic tetramer tended to increase. Experiments with lower sodium hydroxide concentration showed the same effect. In addition, a decrease of alkali agent concentration in the initial reaction mixture accelerated TMDS transformation reactions resulting in solely liquid cyclic siloxanes yields. Comparison of sodium and potassium hydroxides applied as an alkali agent demonstrated that potassium hydroxide was more efficient, since the activation energy in KOH presence was almost 2-fold lower than that for sodium hydroxide containing reaction mixture. Application of potassium hydroxide for TMDS transformation at 100° C with 3 hours reaction time resulted in 20 % decrease of solid yields compared to NaOH-containing mixture. Moreover, TMDS transformations in the presence of sodium silanolate applied as an alkali agent led to formation of only liquid products without formation of the undesired solids. On the basis of experimental data and the proposed reaction mechanism, a kinetic model was developed, which provided a satisfactory description of the experimental results. Suitability of the selected siloxane as a relevant model of industrial silicon-containing compounds was verified by investigation of the commercially available antifoam agent in base-catalyzed conditions.