43 resultados para Power take-off optimization
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Gear rattle is a phenomenon that occurs when idling or lightly loaded gears collide due to engine’s torque fluctuations. This behaviour is related to vibration behaviour of the transmission system. Aim of this master’s thesis is to evaluate Adams and Adams/Machinery as a simulation tools for modelling the rattle e ect in a transmission system. A case study of tractor’s power take-o driveline, suspected to be prone to rattle, is performed in this work. Modelling methods used by Adams in this type of study are presented in the theory section while simulation model build with the software during this work is presented in the results. The Machinery toolbox is used to create gears and bearings while other model components are created with standard Adams tool set. Geometries and excitations are exported from other softwares. Results were obtained from multiple variations of a base model. These result sets and literature review suggest that Adams/Machinery may not be the most suitable tool for rattle analysis. While the system behaviour was partially captured, for accurate modelling user-written routines must be used which may be more easily performed with other tools. Further research about this topic is required.
Currently, a high penetration level of Distributed Generations (DGs) has been observed in the Danish distribution systems, and even more DGs are foreseen to be present in the upcoming years. How to utilize them for maintaining the security of the power supply under the emergency situations, has been of great interest for study. This master project is intended to develop a control architecture for studying purposes of distribution systems with large scale integration of solar power. As part of the EcoGrid EU Smart Grid project, it focuses on the system modelling and simulation of a Danish representative LV network located in Bornholm island. Regarding the control architecture, two types of reactive control techniques are implemented and compare. In addition, a network voltage control based on a tap changer transformer is tested. The optimized results after applying a genetic algorithm to five typical Danish domestic loads are lower power losses and voltage deviation using Q(U) control, specially with large consumptions. Finally, a communication and information exchange system is developed with the objective of regulating the reactive power and thereby, the network voltage remotely and real-time. Validation test of the simulated parameters are performed as well.
Several possible methods of increasing the efficiency and power of hydro power plants by improving the flow passages are investigated in this stydy. The theoretical background of diffuser design and its application to the optimisation of hydraulic turbine draft tubes is presented in the first part of this study. Several draft tube modernisation projects that have been carried out recently are discussed. Also, a method of increasing the efficiency of the draft tube by injecting a high velocity jet into the boundary layer is presented. Methods of increasing the head of a hydro power plant by using an ejector or a jet pump are discussed in the second part of this work. The theoretical principles of various ejector and jet pump types are presented and four different methods of calculating them are examined in more detail. A self-made computer code is used to calculate the gain in the head for two example power plants. Suitable ejector installations for the example plants are also discussed. The efficiency of the ejector power was found to be in the range 6 - 15 % for conventional head increasers, and 30 % for the jet pump at its optimum operating point. In practice, it is impossible to install an optimised jet pump with a 30 % efficiency into the draft tube as this would considerabely reduce the efficiency of the draft tube at normal operating conditions. This demonstrates, however, the potential for improvement which lies in conventional head increaser technology. This study is based on previous publications and on published test results. No actual laboratory measurements were made for this study. Certain aspects of modelling the flow in the draft tube using computational fluid dynamics are discussed in the final part of this work. The draft tube inlet velocity field is a vital boundary condition for such a calculation. Several previously measured velocity fields that have successfully been utilised in such flow calculations are presented herein.
Russian and Baltic electricity markets are in the process of reformation and development on the way for competitive and transparent market. Nordic market also undergoes some changes on the way to market integration. Old structure and practices have been expired whereas new laws and rules come into force. The master thesis describes structure and functioning of wholesale electricity markets, cross-border connections between different countries. Additionally methods of cross-border trading using different methods of capacity allocation are disclosed. The main goal of present thesis is to study current situation at different electricity markets and observe changes coming into force as well as the capacity and electricity balances forecast in order to optimize short term power trading between countries and estimate the possible profit for the company.
The purpose of this thesis was to create design a guideline for an LCL-filter. This thesis reviews briefly the relevant harmonics standards, old filter designs and problems faced with the previous filters. This thesis proposes a modified design method based on the “Liserre’s method” presented in the literature. This modified method will take into account network parameters better. As input parameters, the method uses the nominal power, allowed ripple current in converter and network side and desired resonant frequency of the filter. Essential component selection issues for LCL-filter, such as heating, voltage strength, current rating etc. are also discussed. Furthermore, a simulation model used to verify the operation of the designed filter in nominal power use and in transient situations is included in this thesis.
The demand for electricity is constantly growing in contemporary world and, in the same time, quality and reliability requirements are becoming more rigid. In addition, renewable sources of energy have been widely introduced for power generation, and they create specific challenges for the network. Consequently, new solution for distribution system is required, and Low Voltage Direct Current (LVDC) system is the proposed one. This thesis focuses on the investigation of specific cable features for low voltage direct current (LVDC) distribution system. The LVDC system is public ±750 VDC distribution system, which is currently being developed at Lappeen-ranta University of Technology. The aspects, considered in the thesis, are reliable and economic power transmission in distribution networks and possible power line communication in the LVDC cable.
A company’s competence to manage its product portfolio complexity is becoming critically important in the rapidly changing business environment. The continuous evolvement of customer needs, the competitive market environment and internal product development lead to increasing complexity in product portfolios. The companies that manage the complexity in product development are more profitable in the long run. The complexity derives from product development and management processes where the new product variant development is not managed efficiently. Complexity is managed with modularization which is a method that divides the product structure into modules. In modularization, it is essential to take into account the trade-off between the perceived customer value and the module or component commonality across the products. Another goal is to enable the product configuration to be more flexible. The benefits are achieved through optimizing complexity in module offering and deriving the new product variants more flexibly and accurately. The developed modularization process includes the process steps for preparation, mapping the current situation, the creation of a modular strategy and implementing the strategy. Also the organization and support systems have to be adapted to follow-up targets and to execute modularization in practice.
The purpose of this study was to simulate and to optimize integrated gasification for combine cycle (IGCC) for power generation and hydrogen (H2) production by using low grade Thar lignite coal and cotton stalk. Lignite coal is abundant of moisture and ash content, the idea of addition of cotton stalk is to increase the mass of combustible material per mass of feed use for the process, to reduce the consumption of coal and to increase the cotton stalk efficiently for IGCC process. Aspen plus software is used to simulate the process with different mass ratios of coal to cotton stalk and for optimization: process efficiencies, net power generation and H2 production etc. are considered while environmental hazard emissions are optimized to acceptance level. With the addition of cotton stalk in feed, process efficiencies started to decline along with the net power production. But for H2 production, it gave positive result at start but after 40% cotton stalk addition, H2 production also started to decline. It also affects negatively on environmental hazard emissions and mass of emissions/ net power production increases linearly with the addition of cotton stalk in feed mixture. In summation with the addition of cotton stalk, overall affects seemed to negative. But the effect is more negative after 40% cotton stalk addition so it is concluded that to get maximum process efficiencies and high production less amount of cotton stalk addition in feed is preferable and the maximum level of addition is estimated to 40%. Gasification temperature should keep lower around 1140 °C and prefer technique for studied feed in IGCC is fluidized bed (ash in dry form) rather than ash slagging gasifier
Työn tavoitteena on kehittää ABB:lle palvelutuote, jota voidaan tarjota voimalaitosasiakkaille. Uuden palvelutuotteen tulee vastata ABB:n uuden strategian linjauksiin. Palvelulla tarjotaan asiakkaille 1.1.2015 voimaan tulleen energiatehokkuuslain määrittelemien pakollisten toimenpiteiden suoritusta. Työssä kerätään, käsitellään ja analysoidaan tietoa voimalaitosasiakkaille suunnatun palvelun tuotteistamisprosessin päätöksenteon tueksi. Palvelutuotteen kehittämistä varten tutkitaan ABB:n nykyisiä palvelutuotteita, osaamista ja referenssi projekteja, energiatehokkuuslakia, voimalaitosten energiatehokkuus-potentiaalia ja erilaisia energiakatselmusmalleja. Päätöksenteon tueksi tehdään referenssiprojektina energia-analyysi voimalaitokselle, jossa voimalaitoksesta tehdään ipsePRO simulointiohjelmalla mallinnus. Mallinnuksen ja koeajojen avulla tutkitaan voimalaitoksen minimikuorman optimointia. Markkinatutkimuksessa selvitetään lainsäädännön vaikutusta, nykyistä markkinatilannetta, potentiaalisia asiakkaita, kilpailijoita ja ABB:n mahdollisuuksia toimia alalla SWOT–analyysin avulla. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella tehdään päätös tuotteistaa voimalaitoksille palvelutuote, joka sisältää kaikki toimet energiatehokkuuslain asettamien vaatimusten täyttämiseen yrityksen energiakatselmuksen vastuuhenkilön, energiakatselmuksen ja kohdekatselmuksien teon osalta. Lisäksi työn aikana Energiavirasto myönsi ABB:lle pätevyyden toimia yrityksen energiakatselmuksen vastuuhenkilönä, mikä on edellytyksenä palvelun tarjoamiselle.
The purpose of this Thesis is to find the most optimal heat recovery solution for Wärtsilä’s dynamic district heating power plant considering Germany energy markets as in Germany government pays subsidies for CHP plants in order to increase its share of domestic power production to 25 % by 2020. Different heat recovery connections have been simulated dozens to be able to determine the most efficient heat recovery connections. The purpose is also to study feasibility of different heat recovery connections in the dynamic district heating power plant in the Germany markets thus taking into consideration the day ahead electricity prices, district heating network temperatures and CHP subsidies accordingly. The auxiliary cooling, dynamical operation and cost efficiency of the power plant is also investigated.
Focus of this thesisis made on development of electricity sector of Russian North-West. The objective was to determine the most likely scenarios for development of the most critical (western) part of Interregional Power System of North-West, from where the most part of Russian electricity exports to the countries of European Union take place. For this purpose all the involved sides were analyzed: generation, transmission system and electricity consumption in different regions of Russian North-West. The analysis was performed through investigation of existing generation andtransmission capacities and plans for their development to be performed by the generation and transmission companies operating in the region. Principles of Russian electricity sector restructuring and electricity market design are also discussed as well as factors that may influence on future electricity price in the region.
Pumppauksessa arvioidaan olevan niin teknisesti kuin taloudellisestikin huomattavia mahdollisuuksia säästää energiaa. Maailmanlaajuisesti pumppaus kuluttaa lähes 22 % sähkö-moottorien energiantarpeesta. Tietyillä teollisuudenaloilla jopa yli 50 % moottorien käyttämästä sähköenergiasta voi kulua pumppaukseen. Jäteveden pumppauksessa pumppujen toiminta perustuu tyypillisesti on-off käyntiin, jolloin pumpun ollessa päällä se käy täydellä teholla. Monissa tapauksissa pumput ovat myös ylimitoitettuja. Yhdessä nämä seikat johtavat kasvaneeseen energian kulutukseen. Työn teoriaosassa esitellään perusteet jätevesihuollosta ja jäteveden käsittelystä sekä pumppaussysteemin pääkomponentit: pumppu, putkisto, moottori ja taajuusmuuttaja. Työn empiirisessä osassa esitellään työn aikana kehitetty laskuri, jonka avulla voidaan arvioida energiansäästöpotentiaalia jäteveden pumppaussysteemeissä. Laskurilla on mandollista laskea energiansäästöpotentiaali käytettäessä pumpun tuoton ohjaustapana pyörimisnopeuden säätöä taajuusmuuttajalla on-off säädön sijasta. Laskuri ilmoittaa optimaalisimmanpumpun pyörimisnopeuden sekä ominaisenergiankulutuksen. Perustuen laskuriin, kolme kunnallista jätevedenpumppaamoa tutkittiin. Myös laboratorio-testitsuoritettiin laskurin simuloimiseksi sekä energiansäästöpotentiaalin arvioimiseksi. Tutkimukset osoittavat, että jätevedenpumppauksessa on huomattavia mandollisuuksia säästää energiaa pumpun pyörimisnopeutta pienentämällä. Geodeettisen nostokorkeuden ollessa pieni, voidaan energiaa säästää jopa 50 % ja pitkällä aikavälillä säästö voi olla merkittävä. Tulokset vahvistavat myös tarpeen jätevedenpumppaussysteemien toiminnan optimoimiseksi.
Small centrifugal compressors are more and more widely used in many industrialsystems because of their higher efficiency and better off-design performance comparing to piston and scroll compressors as while as higher work coefficient perstage than in axial compressors. Higher efficiency is always the aim of the designer of compressors. In the present work, the influence of four partsof a small centrifugal compressor that compresses heavy molecular weight real gas has been investigated in order to achieve higher efficiency. Two parts concern the impeller: tip clearance and the circumferential position of the splitter blade. The other two parts concern the diffuser: the pinch shape and vane shape. Computational fluid dynamics is applied in this study. The Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes flow solver Finflo is used. The quasi-steady approach is utilized. Chien's k-e turbulence model is used to model the turbulence. A new practical real gas model is presented in this study. The real gas model is easily generated, accuracy controllable and fairly fast. The numerical results and measurements show good agreement. The influence of tip clearance on the performance of a small compressor is obvious. The pressure ratio and efficiency are decreased as the size of tip clearance is increased, while the total enthalpy rise keeps almost constant. The decrement of the pressure ratio and efficiency is larger at higher mass flow rates and smaller at lower mass flow rates. The flow angles at the inlet and outlet of the impeller are increased as the size of tip clearance is increased. The results of the detailed flow field show that leakingflow is the main reason for the performance drop. The secondary flow region becomes larger as the size of tip clearance is increased and the area of the main flow is compressed. The flow uniformity is then decreased. A detailed study shows that the leaking flow rate is higher near the exit of the impeller than that near the inlet of the impeller. Based on this phenomenon, a new partiallyshrouded impeller is used. The impeller is shrouded near the exit of the impeller. The results show that the flow field near the exit of the impeller is greatly changed by the partially shrouded impeller, and better performance is achievedthan with the unshrouded impeller. The loading distribution on the impeller blade and the flow fields in the impeller is changed by moving the splitter of the impeller in circumferential direction. Moving the splitter slightly to the suction side of the long blade can improve the performance of the compressor. The total enthalpy rise is reduced if only the leading edge of the splitter ismoved to the suction side of the long blade. The performance of the compressor is decreased if the blade is bended from the radius direction at the leading edge of the splitter. The total pressure rise and the enthalpy rise of thecompressor are increased if pinch is used at the diffuser inlet. Among the fivedifferent pinch shape configurations, at design and lower mass flow rates the efficiency of a straight line pinch is the highest, while at higher mass flow rate, the efficiency of a concave pinch is the highest. The sharp corner of the pinch is the main reason for the decrease of efficiency and should be avoided. The variation of the flow angles entering the diffuser in spanwise direction is decreased if pinch is applied. A three-dimensional low solidity twisted vaned diffuser is designed to match the flow angles entering the diffuser. The numerical results show that the pressure recovery in the twisted diffuser is higher than in a conventional low solidity vaned diffuser, which also leads to higher efficiency of the twisted diffuser. Investigation of the detailed flow fields shows that the separation at lower mass flow rate in the twisted diffuser is later than in the conventional low solidity vaned diffuser, which leads to a possible wider flow range of the twisted diffuser.