19 resultados para Pearl farming

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Selostus: Alsike-, puna- ja valkoapilan vaikutus laitumen tuottoon luonnonmukaisessa tuotannossa


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Maatalouden perinteisen harjoittamismuodon, perheviljelmän, rinnalle on viime aikoina noussut yhtiömuotoista maataloutta. Syitä maatilan yhtiöittämiseen on useita, mutta yksi tärkeimmistä lienee osakeyhtiöön sovellettava erilainen verotus. Osakeyhtiömuotoinen maatalous asettaa uusia vaatimuksia erityisesti maatilayhtiön hallinnolle. Etukäteen on mm.selvitettävä viljelijän eläketurvaan liittyvät kysymykset, koska eläkelaki on sidoksissa tulevassa maatilaosakeyhtiössä noudatettavaan verolakiin. Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää osakeyhtiömuotoisen maatalouden eroja perinteiseen harjoittamismuotoon verrattuna sekä selvittää, miten tila voidaan toimintamuodon muutoksen kautta yhtiöittää ilman vero-vaikutuksia. Taulukkolaskentaohjelmaan on rakennettu verolaskentamalli ja sen tarkoituksena on toimia tilansa yhtiöittämistä pohtivan viljelijän työkaluna. Malli laskee tilan verorasituksen sekä ammatinharjoittajalle, että osakeyhtiömuotoiselle maataloudelle, ja lopuksi vertaa näitä keskenään. Tutkielmassa on rakennettu myös yksinkertainen malli osakeyhtiö-muotoisen maatalouden avaavasta taseesta, jonka tulee syntyä TVL 24 §:n tasejatkuvuutta ja identtisyyttä noudattaen. Tähän ei ole olemassa selvää ohjetta, vaan on jouduttu käyttämään perusteltuja tulkintoja ja käytäntöjä.


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Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma on vuosina 1936–1986 valmistuneiden 11 pitkän Disneypiirroselokuvan fiktiivisten hahmojen suomenkielisten nimien onomastinen tutkimus. Pyrin käsittelemään elokuvien hahmonnimien muodostusta, rakennetta ja merkitystä kognitiivisesta näkökulmasta. Aineistossani analysoimani elokuvien 112 hahmonnimeä ovat johdoksina, yhdyssanoina, kollokaatioina ja appellatiiveina esiintyviä henkilönnimiä. Korpukseeni keräämäni hahmonnimet esiintyvät eri nimityyppien kategorioissa joko varsinaisina niminä (esim. Kulkuri), titteleinä ja ammattia ilmaisevina niminä (esim. Suurherttua), sukulaisuutta ilmaisevina niminä (esim. Äiti Osteri), lempija kutsumaniminä (esim. Tipunen) tai kölliniminä (esim. Vanha Puskajussi). Otan historiallisen morfologian lähtökohdan ainestoni hahmonnimien sananmuodostukseen ja sovellan siihen kognitiivisia menetelmiä. Diakronisista diminutiivisista aineksista esimerkiksi ovat kehittyneet feminiinistävät tai affektiiviset johtimet, kuten -tAr tai -(i)nen. Esitän myös, että useat hahmonnimet kuvailevat tai luonnehtivat takoitettaan niiden sananmuodostustapojen tai appellatiivien perusteella. Johdinten, yhdys- tai kollokaatio-osien tai yksittäisten appellatiivien avulla voidaan nähdä, että nimenainekset kategorisoivat hahmonnimen kokonaan. Hahmonnimien rakenteesta osoitan, että johdosnimissä on sekä kategorisoiva että kategorisoitu nimenelementti. Funktionaalis-semanttisen luokittelumallin näkökulmasta osoitan, että kaikissa hahmonnimissä on joko luokitteleva tai yksilöivä nimenosa tai molemmat. Hahmonnimen kategoriointi perustuu sen nimenelementteihin ja -osiin. Hahmonnimien SUKUPUOLI-kategorioinnissa esimerkiksi naishahmon nimi (37 nimeä) on prototyyppisesti merkitty feminiiniksi joko johtimella (32 %) tai appellatiivilla (46 %), kun taas mieshahmon nimi (75 nimeä) on merkitty selvästi maskuliiniksi vain appellativeilla (44 %) tai on kokonaan merkitsemätön (46 %). Kategorioissa NAISPUOLINEN ja MIESPUOLINEN on myös sukupuolen todennäköisiä tunnusmerkitsijöitä. Tämän hahmonnimistön merkityssuhteet kognitiivisiin alueihin voivat olla joko suoria tai epäsuoria. Suora merkityssuhde koskee tarkoitteiden nimen nimenosiin heijastuvia transparentteja ominaispiirteitä (esim. Pahatar). Epäsuora merkityssuhde voi olla metaforinen, kuten ELÄIN ON IHMINEN (esim. Herttuatar), metonyyminen, kuten ÄÄNI EDUSTAA OLENTOA (esim. Helinä-keiju) tai symbolinen (esim. Tuhkimo). Esitän lisäksi yhden hahmonnimen merkityssuhteen, jossa on pakatun merkityssuhteen piirteitä.


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The purpose of this thesis was to define how product carbon footprint analysis and its results can be used in company's internal development as well as in customer and interest group guidance, and how these factors are related to corporate social responsibility. From-cradle-to-gate carbon footprint was calculated for three products; Torino Whole grain barley, Torino Pearl barley, and Elovena Barley grit & oat bran, all of them made of Finnish barley. The carbon footprint of the Elovena product was used to determine carbon footprints for industrial kitchen cooked porridge portions. The basic calculation data was collected from several sources. Most of the data originated from Raisio Group's contractual farmers and Raisio Group's cultivation, processing and packaging specialists. Data from national and European literature and database sources was also used. The electricity consumption for porridge portions' carbon footprint calculations was determined with practical measurements. The carbon footprint calculations were conducted according to the ISO 14044 standard, and the PAS 2050 guide was also applied. A consequential functional unit was applied in porridge portions' carbon footprint calculations. Most of the emissions from barley products' life cycle originate from primary production. The nitrous oxide emissions from cultivated soil and the use and production of nitrogenous fertilisers contribute over 50% of products' carbon footprint. Torino Pearl barley has the highest carbon footprint due to the lowest processing output. The reductions in products' carbon footprint can be achieved with developments in cultivation and grain processing. The carbon footprint of porridge portion can be reduced by using domestically produced plant-based ingredients and by making the best possible use of the kettle. Carbon footprint calculation can be used to determine possible improvement points related to corporate environmental responsibility. Several improvement actions are related to economical and social responsibility through better raw material utilization and expense reductions.


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The nutrient load to the Gulf of Finland has started to increase as a result of the strong economic recovery in agriculture and livestock farming in the Leningrad region. Also sludge produced from municipal wastewater treatment plant of the Leningrad region causes the great impact on the environment, but still the main options for its treatment is disposal on the sludge beds or Landfills. The aim of this study was to evaluate the implementation of possible joint treatment methods of manure form livestock and poultry enterprises and sewage sludge produced from municipal wastewater treatment plants in the Leningrad region. The study is based on published data. The most attention was put on the anaerobic digestion and incineration methods. The manure and sewage sludge generation for the whole Leningrad region and energy potential produced from their treatment were estimated. The calculations showed that total amount of sewage sludge generation is 1 348 000 t/a calculated on wet matter and manure generation is 3 445 000 t/a calculated on wet matter. The potential heat release from anaerobic digestion process and incineration process is 4 880 000 GJ/a and 5 950 000 GJ/a, respectively. Furthermore, the work gives the overview of the general Russian and Finnish legislation concerning manure and sewage sludge treatment. In the Gatchina district it was chosen the WWTP and livestock and poultry enterprises for evaluation of the centralized treatment plant implementation based on anaerobic digestion and incineration methods. The electricity and heat power of plant based on biogas combustion process is 4.3 MW and 7.8 MW, respectively. The electricity and heat power of plant based on manure and sewage sludge incineration process is 3.0 MW and 6.1 MW, respectively.


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Food systems in Sub-Saharan Africa have been rapidly transforming during the recent decades with diverse outcomes on human development and environment. This study explores the food system change in rural villages in eastern Tanzania where subsistence agriculture has traditionally been the main source of livelihood. The focus is on the salient changes in the spatial dimensions and structural composition of the food system in the context of economic liberalization that has taken place after the end of the socialist ujamaa era in the mid-1980s. In addition, the linkages of the changes are examined in relation to food security, socio-economic situation, livelihoods, and local environment. The approach of the study is geographical, but also involves various multi-disciplinary elements, particularly from development studies. The research methods included thematic and questionnaire interviews, participatory tools, and the analysis of land use/ cover data and official documents. Several earlier studies that were made in the area during the late 1970s and 1980s provided an important reference base. The study shows that subsistence farming has lost its dominant role in food provisioning due to the declining productivity of land, livestock losses, and the increasing shift of labour to non-farm sectors. Also rapid population growth has added to the pressure on land and other natural resources. Despite the increasing need for money for buying marketed foods and other necessities, the nutritional situation shows improvement and severe malnutrition has diminished. However, the long-term sustainability of this transformation raises concerns. Firstly, the food security situation continues to be fragile and prone to shocks such as adverse climatic conditions, crop failures and price hikes. Secondly, the commodification of the food system and livelihoods in general is linked to rapid environmental degradation in the area, particularly the loss of soil fertility and deforestation. The situation calls for efforts that take more determined and holistic approaches towards sustainable development of the rural food system with particular focus on the role and viability of small-scale farming.


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Tässä raportissa tarkastellaan Saaristomeren ja Ahvenmaan merialueen kuormitusta ja tilaa ja niissä viime vuosikymmeninä tapahtuneita muutoksia vuosiin 2008 ja 2009 saakka. Pääpaino on ravinnekuormituksessa ja veden laadussa, mutta mukana on taustatietoa ja muun muassa katsaus kalakannoista. Saaristomeren ja Ahvenanmaan merialueen tila on heikentynyt huomattavasti viimeisten vuosikymmenten aikana. Erityisesti fosforin ja a-klorofyllin määrät ovat kasvaneet ja näkösyvyys pienenentynyt. Viimeisen kymmenen vuoden aikana pintaveden fosforipitoisuuden kasvu on laantunut suurimmassa osassa aluetta, mutta pohjanläheisessä vesikerroksessa ja talvella fosforipitoisuus on jatkanut kasvuaan monin paikoin viime vuosiin asti. Myös a-klorofyllin määrä on lisääntynyt ulko- ja välisaaristossa 2000-luvullakin. Viime vuosina klorofyllipitoisuuden kasvu on kuitenkin laantunut tai pitoisuus laskenut varsinkin rannikonläheisissä vesissä. Merialueen suurin paikallinen ravinnekuormittaja on maatalous, mutta varsinkin typpeä tulee runsaasti myös ilmalaskeumana. Sisäinen kuormitus ja virtausten mukana Suomenlahdelta ja muualta Itämereltä tulevat ravinteet heikentävät niin ikään merialueen tilaa. Muita ravinnelähteitä ovat mm. haja-asutus, jätevedenpuhdistamot ja kalankasvatus. Ahvenanmaan merialueelle ravinteita tulee enemmän muualta kuin Ahvenanmaalta. Hajakuormituksessa on tapahtunut viime vuosikymmeninä selviä vuodenaikaisia muutoksia. Vuosina 1990 – 2009 jokien mereen tuoma ravinne- ja kiintoainekuormitus on ollut talvisin ja syksyisin selvästi suurempaa kuin vuosina 1970 – 1989. Talviaikaisen kuormituksen lisääntyminen johtuu aiempaa lauhemmista talvista, ja antaa viitteitä ilmastonmuutoksen mukanaan tuomista muutoksista. Vaikka Saaristomeren ja Ahvenanmaan merialueen tilassa on ollut viime aikoina nähtävissä myönteisiäkin merkkejä, on niiden tila edelleen huolestuttava. Ainoa keino merialueen tilan parantamiseksi on kuormituksen huomattava vähentäminen. Vähentäminen koskee niin paikallisia ravinnelähteitä, erityisesti maataloutta, kuin muualta Itämereltä virtausten mukana tulevia ravinteita ja ilmalaskeumaa.


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Finland’s rural landscape has gone through remarkable changes from the 1950’s, due to agricultural developments. Changed farming practices have influenced especially traditional landscape management, and modifications in the arable land structure and grasslands transitions are notable. The review of the previous studies reveal the importance of the rural landscape composition and structure to species and landscape diversity, whereas including the relevance in presence of the open ditches, size of the field and meadow patches, topology of the natural and agricultural landscape. This land-change study includes applying remote sensed data from two time series and empirical geospatial analysis in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The aims of this retrospective research is to detect agricultural landscape use and land cover change (LULCC) dynamics and discuss the consequences of agricultural intensification to landscape structure covering from the aspects of landscape ecology. Measurements of LULC are derived directly from pre-processed aerial images by a variety of analytical procedures, including statistical methods and image interpretation. The methodological challenges are confronted in the process of landscape classification and combining change detection approaches with landscape indices. Particular importance is paid on detecting agricultural landscape features at a small scale, demanding comprehensive understanding of such agroecosystems. Topological properties of the classified arable land and valley are determined in order to provide insight and emphasize the aspect the field edges in the agricultural landscape as important habitat. Change detection dynamics are presented with change matrix and additional calculations of gain, loss, swap, net change, change rate and tendencies are made. Transition’s possibility is computed following Markov’s probability model and presented with matrix, as well. Thesis’s spatial aspect is revealed with illustrative maps providing knowledge of location of the classified landscape categories and location of the dynamics of the changes occurred. It was assured that in Rekijoki valley’s landscape, remarkable changes in landscape has occurred. Landscape diversity has been strongly influenced by modern agricultural landscape change, as NP of open ditches has decreased and the MPS of the arable plot has decreased. Overall change in the diversity of the landscape is determined with the decrease of SHDI. Valley landscape considered as traditional land use area has experienced major transitional changes, as meadows class has lost almost one third of the area due to afforestation. Also, remarkable transitions have occurred from forest to meadow and arable land to built area. Boundaries measurement between modern and traditional landscape has indicated noticeable proportional increase in arable land-forest edge type and decrease in arable land-meadow edge type. Probability calculations predict higher future changes for traditional landscape, but also for arable land turning into built area.


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In this work, superconducting YBa2 Cu3O6+x (YBCO) thin films have been studied with the experimental focus on the anisotropy of BaZrO3 (BZO) doped YBCOthin films and the theoretical focus on modelling flux pinning by numerically solving Ginzburg- Landau equations. Also, the structural properties of undoped YBCO thin films grown on NdGaO3 (NGO) and MgO substrates were investigated. The thin film samples were made by pulsed laser ablation on single crystal substrates. The structural properties of the thin films were characterized by X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscope measurements. The superconducting properties were investigated with a magnetometer and also with transport measurements in pulsed magnetic field up to 30 T. Flux pinning was modelled by restricting the value of the order parameter inside the columnar pinning sites and then solving the Ginzburg-Landau equations numerically with the restrictions in place. The computations were done with a parallel code on a supercomputer. The YBCO thin films were seen to develop microcracks when grown on NGO or MgO substrates. The microcrack formation was connected to the structure of the YBCO thin films in both cases. Additionally, the microcracks can be avoided by careful optimization of the deposition parameters and the film thickness. The BZO doping of the YBCO thin films was seen to decrease the effective electron mass anisotropy, which was seen by fitting the Blatter scaling to the angle dependence of the upper critical field. The Ginzburg-Landau simulations were able to reproduce the measured magnetic field dependence of the critical current density for BZO doped and undoped YBCO. The simulations showed that in addition to the large density also the large size of the BZO nanorods is a key factor behind the change in the power law behaviour between BZO doped and undoped YBCO. Additionally, the Ginzburg-Landau equations were solved for type I thin films where giant vortices were seen to appear depending on the film thickness. The simulations predicted that singly quantized vortices are stable in type I films up to quite large thicknesses and that the size of the vortices increases with decreasing film thickness, in a way that is similar to the behaviour of the interaction length of Pearl vortices.


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The sustainable management of municipal solid waste in the Kathmandu Valley has always been a challenging task. Solid waste generation has gone rapidly high in the Kathmandu Valley over the last decade due to booming population and rapid urbaniza-tion. Finding appropriate landfill sites for the disposal of solid wastes generated from the households of the Kathmandu Valley has always been a major problem for Nepalese government. 65 % of total generated wastes from the households of Nepal consist of organic materials. As large fractions of generated household wastes are organic in na-ture, composting can be considered as one of the best sustainable ways to recycle organ-ic wastes generated from the households of Nepal. Model Community Society Development (MCDS), a non-governmental organization of Nepal carried out its small-scale project in five households of the Kathmandu Valley by installing composting reactors. This thesis is based on this small-scale project and has used secondary data provided by MCDS Nepal for carrying out the study. Proper man-agement of organic wastes can be done at household levels through the use of compost-ing reactors. The end product compost can be used as soil conditioners for agricultural purposes such as organic farming, roof-top farming and gardening. The overall average organic waste generation in the Kathmandu Valley is found to be 0,23 kg/person/day and the total amount of organic household wastes generated in the Kathmandu Valley is around 210 Gg/yr. Produced composts from five composting reac-tors contain high amount of moistures but have sufficient amount of nutrients required for the fertility of land and plant growth. Installation of five composting reactors in five households have prevented 2,74 Mg of organic wastes going into the landfills, thus re-ducing 107 kg of methane emissions which is equivalent to 2,7 Mg of carbondioxide.


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Organic farming is perceived to be an environmental friendly method of food production, thus assumed to be an alternative means of minimizing food-based environmental footprints. However, lower yield and unproductive years in organic crop rotation raise questions of whether it is really an environmentally friendly farming practice. Thus, the aim of this thesis was to examine the carbon footprint and energy demands of organic carrots cultivated and sold in South-Savo, Finland and compare them with those of local and imported conventional carrots using lifecycle assessment (LCA) as a method. From the investigation, it was found that organic carrots produced in South-Savo have the lowest GHG emissions and energy demand. The GHG emissions of local organic, local conventional and imported conventional carrots were found to be 4g CO2 eq. kgcarrots-1, 142g CO2 eq. kgcarrots-1 and 280 g CO2 eq. kgcarrots-1, respectively. On the other hand, energy demand for those carrots was found to be 1,33 MJ, 1,88 MJ and 3,68 MJ kgcarrots-1. Furthermore, it was also found that local organic carrots would have approximately similar GHG emissions as conventional counterpart if soil carbon stock change was excluded from the study.