32 resultados para Noise removal in images
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Monissasovelluksissa on hyvin tärkeää vähentää valolähteen vaikutusta kohteen oikean värin havainnoimiseksi. Tämä on tarpeen mm. virtuaalisissa museoissa, telelääketieteessä, verkkokaupassa ja verkkorahassa. Tässä tutkielmassa on kehitetty tekniikkaa kirkkaiden heijastusten poistoon spektrikuvista. Työ sisältää katsauksen yleisen värillisen kuvan ymmärtämiseen, mihin perustuen analysoitiin erilaisia kirkkaiden heijastusten poistO'tekniikoita. Työssä kehitettiin uusi kirkkaiden heijastusten poistO'menetelmä, joka perustuu dikromaattiseen heijastus-malliin, joka kuvaa spektrisen datan objektin omaan väriin ja valaisevan valon väriin perustuen. Ehdotettu kirkkaiden heijastusten poistO'menetelmä hyödyntää erilaisia olemassaolevia menetelmiä, kuten pääkomponenttimenetelmää ja tiedon luokittelu-menetelmää. Yritys kehittää nopeasti toimiva algoritmi, joka myös suoriutuu tehtävästä hyvin, on onnistunut. Kokeet toteutettiin ehdotetun menetelmän mukaisesti ja toimivalla algoritmilla saatiin halutut lopputulokset. Edelleentyö sisältää ehdotuksia esitetyn algoritmin parantamiseksi.
Diplomityön tarkoituksena oli parantaa Stora Enso Sachsenin siistausprosessissa tuotetun uusiomassan vaaleuden kehitystä ja tutkia siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Työn kirjallisessa osassa käsiteltiin uusiomassan kuidutusta ja vaahdotussiistausprosessia, sekä keräyspaperin ominaisuuksia ja käyttöä paperiteollisuuden raaka-aineena. Kokeellisessa osassa keskityttiin modifioidun natriumsilikaatin annostuksenoptimointiin ja vaikutuksiin laboratorio- ja prosessioloissa, sekä kesäefektin vaikutuksen tutkimiseen kuidutuksessa ja flotaation eri vaiheissa. Natriumsilikaatin laboratoriotutkimuksessa havaittiin, että korkein vaaleus suhteellisesti pienimmällä laboratorioflotaation häviöllä saavutettiin korkeimmalla tutkitulla natriumsilikaatin annostuksella, joka oli 1,1 %. Korkea natriumsilikaattiannostus yhdistettyinä korkeisiin vetyperoksidiannostukseen, 0,5 %, sekä korkeaan kokonaisalkaliteettiin, 0.33 %, johti korkeimpaan massan vaaleuteen ja pienimpiin häviöihin. Laboratoriotutkimuksen pohjalta modifioidulla natriumsilikaatilla suoritettiin koeajoja prosessissa. Noin 1 % natriumsilikaatin annostuksella havaittiin parempi pH:n bufferointikyky, pienempi kalsiumkarbonaatin määrä flotaation primäärivaiheissa, sekä lievästi parempi massan vaaleus verrattuna prosessissa aiemmin käytettyyn standardinatriumsilikaattiin. Kesäefektitutkimuksessa havaittiin, että kesäefektillä on suurin vaikutus esiflotaation primäärivaiheeseen, sillä primäärivaiheessa kuitujen osuus on huomattavasti suurempi kuin sekundäärivaiheissa. Esiflotaation primäärivaiheen uusiomassojen laboratorioflotaatioiden avulla saavutettujen maksimivaaleuksien ero kesän ja talven välillä oli noin 1,5 %ISO. Kesäefektin ei havaittu suuresti vaikuttavan flotaation sekundäärivaiheisiin.
Tietokoneiden vuosi vuodelta kasvanut prosessointikyky mahdollistaa spektrikuvien hyö- dyntämisen harmaasävy- ja RGB-värikuvien sijaan yhä useampien ongelmien ratkaisemi- sessa. Valitettavasti häiriöiden suodatuksen tutkimus on jäänyt jälkeen tästä kehityksestä. Useimmat menetelmät on testattu vain harmaasävy- tai RGB-värikuvien yhteydessä, mut- ta niiden toimivuutta ei ole testattu spektrikuvien suhteen. Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan erilaisia menetelmiä bittivirheiden poistamisessa spektrikuvista. Uutena menetelmänä työssä käytetään kuutiomediaanisuodatinta ja monivaiheista kuutio- mediaanisuodatinta. Muita tutkittuja menetelmiä olivat vektorimediaanisuodatus, moni- vaiheinen vektorimediaanisuodatus, sekä rajattu keskiarvosuodatus. Kuutiosuodattimilla pyrittiin hyödyntämään spektrikuvien kaistojen välillä olevaa korrelaatiota ja niillä pääs- tiinkin kokonaisuuden kannalta parhaisiin tuloksiin. Kaikkien suodattimien toimintaa tutkittiin kahdella eri 224 komponenttisella spektriku- valla lisäämällä kuviin satunnaisia bittivirheitä.
Dioxins and furans, PCDD/Fs, are highly toxic substances formed in post combustion zones in furnaces. PCDD/F emissions are regulated by a waste incineration directive which relates also to co-incineration plants. Several observations of dioxin and furan enhancements in wet scrub- bers have been reported previously. This is thought to be due to the so-called "memory effect" which occurs when dioxins and furans absorb into plastic material in scrubbers and desorb when ambient circumstances alter significantly. At the co-incineration plant involved, dioxins and furans are controlled with a wet scrubber, the tower packing of which is made of plastic in which activated carbon particles are dispersed. This should avoid the memory effect and act as a dioxin and furan sink since dioxins and furans are absorbed irreversibly into the packing ma- terial. In this case, the tower packing in the scrubber is covered with a white layer that has been found to be mainly aluminium. The aim of this thesis was to determine the aluminium balance and the dioxin and furan behaviour in the scrubber and, thus, the impacts that the foul- ing has on dioxin and furan removal. The source of aluminium, reasons for fouling and further actions to minimize its impacts on dioxin and furan removal were also to be discovered. Measurements in various media around the scrubber and in fuels were made and a profile analysis of PCDD/F and mass balance calculations were carried out. PCDD/F content de- creased in the scrubber. The reduced PCDD/F was not discharged into scrubbing water. The removal mechanism seems to work in spite of the fouling, at least with low PCDD/F loads. Most of the PCDD/F in excess water originates from the Kymijoki River which is used as feeding water in the scrubber. Fouling turned out to consist mainly of aluminium hydroxides. Sludge combusted in the furnace was found to be a significant source of aluminium. Ways to minimize the fouling would be adjustment of pH to a proper lever, installation of a mechanical filter to catch the loose material from the scrubbing water and affecting the aluminium content of the sludge.
The effectiveness of water removal on press section is very important for a paper and board machine’s functioning, efficiency and economy. Today, the most effective method for wet pressing is shoe press technology. Metso has carried out a number of studies concerning anew type of water removal method for a press section, which has also been patented. These studies include rough sketches and some test runs. These issues form the basis of this thesis. The objective of this work was to gather together information for a new and enhanced waterremoval method for a press section by studying the functioning of the device andcarrying out test runs. This method is referred to here as Hydronip. The main goal was tobuild a functional test site which fulfills all the necessary requirements and has all thenecessary information gathering devices. The design process was carried out by emphasizing the safety aspects. The goal was also to gather together information about the nip structure in running conditions, the seal function, and to carry out the nip tests with paper or board wads. This thesis consists of a theory part, the design and construction of the test site, and carrying out test runs through information gathering. The theory part consists of the principals of water removal from a press section, Hydronip construction, and the requirements for the test place. The safety aspects were taken into account especially in test runs, but also in the assembly stages. The design and construction of the test site includes the selection of equipment and surroundings that are needed for managing the test runs in the best possible way at certain premises. The test site included the equipment that was already on the premises. Some equipment could be used as it was but some equipment had to be manufactured or modified from existing equipment. A functional test site with information gathering devices was accomplished as a result of thethesis. Test runs demonstrated that the Hydronip concept is, at least on a small scale,functional. Short-term tests for seal functioning showed that the seal can be lubricatedsufficiently under different kinds of nip load situations. Wad tests demonstrated that the metal belt is durable against different sizes of external particles. The seal also endured wad tests even though the pressure impacts impaired the lubrication. MTS tests showing dry content increases, combined with a rough cost calculation and the basic function of the machine in test runs, show that with some further study Hydronip could be a promising new product for water removal from a paper or board machine’s press section.
Pyrolysis is a process for turning biomass into liquid fuel. The process consists of heating the biomass in inert conditions and quenching the resulting vapors into oil. The oil has many potential uses, such as heating fuel in peak heating plants. In order to broaden the application base and improve the quality of the oil, solids removal has to be addressed. The solids may also increase the probability of plugging in downstream equipment. The purpose of this research was to gain an understanding of the formation of solids in the pyrolysis process and to assess options for reducing the solid content of the oil. From literature it is known that the solids can be removed either by hot vapor filtration, liquid treatment or multiple cyclones. Hot vapor filtration decreases yield, but improves the stability of the oil while simultaneously removing solids and ash. Liquid treatment techniques are good for removing large particles but involve losses of pyrolysis liquid. Cyclones are a traditional robust technique used regularly in pyrolysis. In the experimental part of this thesis, a 2 MWfuel pyrolysis setup with 2 cyclones in series was operated and monitored. Solid and liquid samples were collected from various parts of the process for further examination. Sampling and sample treatment techniques were developed. The chemical properties of the pyrolysis char were also analyzed and assessed as a function of reactor temperature and fluidizing velocity. By measuring the particle size distributions it was noticed that there were much smaller particles collected from the second cyclone than fed into pyrolysis. The solids in the pyrolysis oil were even smaller. This was most likely caused by attrition and shrinkage. Due to better separation efficiency of the cyclones in large particles, excess attrition should be avoided.
Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy is rapidly developing into a unique microscopic tool in biophysics, biology and the material sciences. The nonlinear nature of CARS spectroscopy complicates the analysis of the received spectra. There were developed mathematical methods for signal processing and for calculations spectra. Fourier self-deconvolution is a special high pass FFT filter which synthetically narrows the effective trace bandwidth features. As Fourier self-deconvolution can effectively reduce the noise, which may be at a higher spatial frequency than the peaks, without losing peak resolution. The idea of the work is to experiment the possibility of using wavelet decomposition in spectroscopic for background and noise removal, and Fourier transformation for linenarrowing.
Ydinvoimalaitokset on suunniteltu ja rakennettu niin, että niillä on kyky selviytyä erilaisista käyttöhäiriöistä ja onnettomuuksista ilman laitoksen vahingoittumista sekä väestön ja ympäristön vaarantumista. On erittäin epätodennäköistä, että ydinvoimalaitosonnettomuus etenee reaktorisydämen vaurioitumiseen asti, minkä seurauksena sydänmateriaalien hapettuminen voi tuottaa vetyä. Jäädytyspiirin rikkoutumisen myötä vety saattaa kulkeutua ydinvoimalaitoksen suojarakennukseen, jossa se voi muodostaa palavan seoksen ilman hapen kanssa ja palaa tai jopa räjähtää. Vetypalosta aiheutuvat lämpötila- ja painekuormitukset vaarantavat suojarakennuksen eheyden ja suojarakennuksen sisällä olevien turvajärjestelmien toimivuuden, joten tehokas ja luotettava vedynhallintajärjestelmä on tarpeellinen. Passiivisia autokatalyyttisiä vetyrekombinaattoreita käytetäänyhä useammissa Euroopan ydinvoimaitoksissa vedynhallintaan. Nämä rekombinaattorit poistavat vetyä katalyyttisellä reaktiolla vedyn reagoidessa katalyytin pinnalla hapen kanssa muodostaen vesihöyryä. Rekombinaattorit ovat täysin passiivisiaeivätkä tarvitse ulkoista energiaa tai operaattoritoimintaa käynnistyäkseen taitoimiakseen. Rekombinaattoreiden käyttäytymisen tutkimisellatähdätään niiden toimivuuden selvittämiseen kaikissa mahdollisissa onnettomuustilanteissa, niiden suunnittelun optimoimiseen sekä niiden optimaalisen lukumäärän ja sijainnin määrittämiseen suojarakennuksessa. Suojarakennuksen mallintamiseen käytetään joko keskiarvoistavia ohjelmia (Lumped parameter (LP) code), moniulotteisia virtausmalliohjelmia (Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD) tai näiden yhdistelmiä. Rekombinaattoreiden mallintaminen on toteutettu näissä ohjelmissa joko kokeellisella, teoreettisella tai yleisellä (eng. Global Approach) mallilla. Tämä diplomityö sisältää tulokset TONUS OD-ohjelman sisältämän Siemens FR90/1-150 rekombinaattorin mallin vedynkulutuksen tarkistuslaskuista ja TONUS OD-ohjelmalla suoritettujen laskujen tulokset Siemens rekombinaattoreiden vuorovaikutuksista. TONUS on CEA:n (Commissariat à 1'En¬ergie Atomique) kehittämä LP (OD) ja CFD -vetyanalyysiohjelma, jota käytetään vedyn jakautumisen, palamisenja detonaation mallintamiseen. TONUS:sta käytetään myös vedynpoiston mallintamiseen passiivisilla autokatalyyttisillä rekombinaattoreilla. Vedynkulutukseen vaikuttavat tekijät eroteltiin ja tutkittiin yksi kerrallaan. Rekombinaattoreiden vuorovaikutuksia tutkittaessa samaan tilavuuteen sijoitettiin eri kokoisia ja eri lukumäärä rekombinaattoreita. Siemens rekombinaattorimalli TONUS OD-ohjelmassa laskee vedynkulutuksen kuten oletettiin ja tulokset vahvistavat TONUS OD-ohjelman fysikaalisen laskennan luotettavuuden. Mahdollisia paikallisia jakautumia tutkitussa tilavuudessa ei voitu havaita LP-ohjelmalla, koska se käyttäälaskennassa suureiden tilavuuskeskiarvoja. Paikallisten jakautumien tutkintaan tarvitaan CFD -laskentaohjelma.
Multispectral images contain information from several spectral wavelengths and currently multispectral images are widely used in remote sensing and they are becoming more common in the field of computer vision and in industrial applications. Typically, one multispectral image in remote sensing may occupy hundreds of megabytes of disk space and several this kind of images may be received from a single measurement. This study considers the compression of multispectral images. The lossy compression is based on the wavelet transform and we compare the suitability of different waveletfilters for the compression. A method for selecting a wavelet filter for the compression and reconstruction of multispectral images is developed. The performance of the multidimensional wavelet transform based compression is compared to other compression methods like PCA, ICA, SPIHT, and DCT/JPEG. The quality of the compression and reconstruction is measured by quantitative measures like signal-to-noise ratio. In addition, we have developed a qualitative measure, which combines the information from the spatial and spectral dimensions of a multispectral image and which also accounts for the visual quality of the bands from the multispectral images.
Environmentally harmful consequences of fossil fuel utilisation andthe landfilling of wastes have increased the interest among the energy producers to consider the use of alternative fuels like wood fuels and Refuse-Derived Fuels, RDFs. The fluidised bed technology that allows the flexible use of a variety of different fuels is commonly used at small- and medium-sized power plants ofmunicipalities and industry in Finland. Since there is only one mass-burn plantcurrently in operation in the country and no intention to build new ones, the co-firing of pre-processed wastes in fluidised bed boilers has become the most generally applied waste-to-energy concept in Finland. The recently validated EU Directive on Incineration of Wastes aims to mitigate environmentally harmful pollutants of waste incineration and co-incineration of wastes with conventional fuels. Apart from gaseous flue gas pollutants and dust, the emissions of toxic tracemetals are limited. The implementation of the Directive's restrictions in the Finnish legislation is assumed to limit the co-firing of waste fuels, due to the insufficient reduction of the regulated air pollutants in the existing flue gas cleaning devices. Trace metals emission formation and reduction in the ESP, the condensing wet scrubber, the fabric filter, and the humidification reactor were studied, experimentally, in full- and pilot-scale combustors utilising the bubbling fluidised bed technology, and, theoretically, by means of reactor model calculations. The core of the model is a thermodynamic equilibrium analysis. The experiments were carried out with wood chips, sawdust, and peat, and their refuse-derived fuel, RDF, blends. In all, ten different fuels or fuel blends were tested. Relatively high concentrations of trace metals in RDFs compared to the concentrations of these metals in wood fuels increased the trace metal concentrations in the flue gas after the boiler ten- to hundred-folds, when RDF was co-fired with sawdust in a full-scale BFB boiler. In the case of peat, lesser increase in trace metal concentrations was observed, due to the higher initial trace metal concentrations of peat compared to sawdust. Despite the high removal rate of most of the trace metals in the ESP, the Directive emission limits for trace metals were exceeded in each of the RDF co-firing tests. The dominat trace metals in fluegas after the ESP were Cu, Pb and Mn. In the condensing wet scrubber, the flue gas trace metal emissions were reduced below the Directive emission limits, whenRDF pellet was used as a co-firing fuel together with sawdust and peat. High chlorine content of the RDFs enhanced the mercuric chloride formation and hence the mercury removal in the ESP and scrubber. Mercury emissions were lower than theDirective emission limit for total Hg, 0.05 mg/Nm3, in all full-scale co-firingtests already in the flue gas after the ESP. The pilot-scale experiments with aBFB combustor equipped with a fabric filter revealed that the fabric filter alone is able to reduce the trace metal concentrations, including mercury, in the flue gas during the RDF co-firing approximately to the same level as they are during the wood chip firing. Lower trace metal emissions than the Directive limits were easily reached even with a 40% thermal share of RDF co-firing with sawdust.Enrichment of trace metals in the submicron fly ash particle fraction because of RDF co-firing was not observed in the test runs where sawdust was used as the main fuel. The combustion of RDF pellets with peat caused an enrichment of As, Cd, Co, Pb, Sb, and V in the submicron particle mode. Accumulation and release oftrace metals in the bed material was examined by means of a bed material analysis, mass balance calculations and a reactor model. Lead, zinc and copper were found to have a tendency to be accumulated in the bed material but also to have a tendency to be released from the bed material into the combustion gases, if the combustion conditions were changed. The concentration of the trace metal in the combustion gases of the bubbling fluidised bed boiler was found to be a summary of trace metal fluxes from three main sources. They were (1) the trace metal flux from the burning fuel particle (2) the trace metal flux from the ash in the bed, and (3) the trace metal flux from the active alkali metal layer on the sand (and ash) particles in the bed. The amount of chlorine in the system, the combustion temperature, the fuel ash composition and the saturation state of the bed material in regard to trace metals were discovered to be key factors affecting therelease process. During the co-firing of waste fuels with variable amounts of e.g. ash and chlorine, it is extremely important to consider the possible ongoingaccumulation and/or release of the trace metals in the bed, when determining the flue gas trace metal emissions. If the state of the combustion process in regard to trace metals accumulation and/or release in the bed material is not known,it may happen that emissions from the bed material rather than the combustion of the fuel in question are measured and reported.
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli tutkia kohinan poistoa spektrikuvista käyttäen pehmeitä morfologisia suodattimia. Työssä painotettiin impulssimaisen kohinan suodattamista. Suodattimien toimintaa arvioitiin numeerisesti keskimääräisen itseisarvovirheen, neliövirheen sekä signaali-kohinasuhteen avulla ja visuaalisesti tarkastelemalla suodatettuja kuvia sekä niiden yksittäisiä spektritasoja. Käytettyjä suodatusmenetelmiä olivat suodatus kuvapisteittäin spektrin suunnassa, suodatus koko spektrissä sekä kuutiomenetelmä ja komponenteittainen suodatus. Suodatettavat kuvat sisälsivät joko suola ja pippuri- tai bittivirhekohinaa. Parhaimmat suodatustulokset sekä numeeristen virhekriteerien että visuaalisen tarkastelun perusteella saatiin komponenteittaisella sekä kuvapisteittäisellä menetelmällä. Työssä käytetyt menetelmät on esitetty algoritmimuodossa. Suodatinalgoritmien toteutukset ja suodatuskokeet tehtiin Matlab-ohjelmistolla.
The objective of the thesis is to study cerium oxide thin films grown by the atomic layer deposition (ALD) for soot removal. Cerium oxide is one of the most important heterogeneous catalysts and can be used in particulate filters and sensors in a diesel exhaust pipe. Its redox/oxidation properties are a key factor in soot oxidation. Thus, the cerium oxide coating can help to keep particulate filters and sensors clean permanently. The literature part of the thesis focuses on the soot removal, introducing the origin and structure of soot, reviewing emissions standards for diesel particulate matter, and presenting methods and catalysts for soot removal. In the experimental part the optimal ALD conditions for cerium oxide were found, the structural properties of cerium oxide thin films were analyzed, and the catalytic activity of the cerium oxide for soot oxidation was investigated. Studying ALD growth conditions of cerium oxide films and determining their critical thickness range are important to maximize the catalytic performance operating at comparatively low temperature. It was found that the cerium oxide film deposited at 300 °C with 2000 ALD cycles had the highest catalytic activity. Although the activity was still moderate and did not decrease the soot oxidation temperature enough for a real-life application. The cerium oxide thin film deposited at 300 °C has a different crystal structure, surface morphology and elemental composition with a higher Ce3+ concentration compared to the films deposited at lower temperatures. The different properties of the cerium oxide thin film deposited at 300 °C increase the catalytic activity most likely due to higher surface area and addition of the oxygen vacancies.
Different nitrogen oxide removal technologies for rotary lime kiln are studied in this thesis, the main focus being in commercial technologies. Post-combustion methods are investigated in more detail as potential possible NOx removal with combustion methods in rotary lime kiln is more limited or primary methods are already in use. However, secondary methods as NOx scrubber, SNCR or SCR technologies are not listed as the Best Available Technologies defined by European Union. BAT technologies for NOx removal in lime kiln are (1) Optimised combustion and combustion control, (2) Good mixing of fuel and air, (3) Low-NOx burner and (4) Fuel selection/low-N fuel. SNCR method is the most suitable technique for NOx removal in lime kiln when NOx removal from 50 % to 70 % is required in case primary methods are already in use or cannot be applied. In higher removal cases ammonia slip is an issue in SNCR. By using SCR better NOx reduction can be achieved but issues with catalyst materials are expected to arise because of the dust and sulphur dioxide which leads to catalyst poison formation in lower flue gas temperatures. NOx scrubbing has potential when simultaneous NOx and SO2 removal is required. The challenge is that NO cannot be scrubbed directly, but once it is oxidized to NO2 or further scrubbing can be performed as the solubility of NO2 is higher. Commercial installations have not been made regarding SNCR, SCR or NOx scrubbing regarding rotary lime kiln. For SNCR and SCR the closest references come from cement industry.