7 resultados para Negative emotional state

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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In the present study we explored whether and how the situational factors; emotional states, sexual arousal, and alcohol intoxication influenced the propensity in adults to engage in online sexual contact with children (13 or younger) and adolescents (14 – 17 year olds). The results were compared to a group of adults that had engaged in online sexual contact with adults only (18 or older). We also looked at the variation over time within these situational factors during the online sexual contact with a child, an adolescent, or an adult. The present study was an online self-report survey to the adult populations in Finland, Sweden, and Germany, with a final sample (N = 776) of women and men who were active on the Internet. The participants were asked to report whether, how, and with whom they had engaged in online sexual contact. The results showed that more men than women reported online sexual contact with persons of all age groups, and that the situational factors; emotional states and sexual arousal influenced the propensity in both women and men to engage in online sexual contact with children and adolescents. However, the effects of alcohol intoxication were small and significant only for men. These results indicate that higher levels of emotional state and sexual arousal might increase the propensity to go against social norms and contact children and adolescents online for sexual purposes, but it can also imply that that those who look for online sexual contact online with children and adolescents, are more emotionally and/or sexually aroused than the group that only seek adult company or that these are post-hoc explanations for such sexual activities.


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The goal of this study was to explore how do customers’ life-related negative emotions affect real estate business. This was divided into two research questions: 1. What life-related negative emotions can be recognised in real estate customer encounters? 2. How do the recognised emotions affect customer encounters and the realtor’s work? 3. How can the realtor take the emotions into account in customer service? The theoretical background consists of two main lines of study: emotions and customer encounters. A wide literary review on emotions research was conducted from a cognitive psychology point of view, focusing on negative emotions. Emotions research was then combined into the field of customer encounters. Qualitative study was chosen as the methodological basis of the study. Empirical material of this study was collected through in-depth interviews with 13 successful Finnish real estate agents. Narrative research was used as a method for the study. Four life-related emotion categories were recognized in real estate customer encounters: sadness, anger, anxiety and shame. These emotions rose from issues varying from death of a close one to divorce and from major changes in life stages to deep emotional attachment to an old home. The study also found that these incidental negative emotions do affect customer encounters and realtors’ work. The emotions affected the decision making of customers and sometimes overshadowed reason. Some emotions made the customer passive and slow to make any decisions, while others made their decision making fast and hasty. Even though the incidental emotions might not have had anything to do with the real estate deal, they could affect the outcome of the customer encounter and the whole real estate deal. Interestingly enough, the study found that not all successful real estate agents knowingly serve customers in an emotional level. The study does, however, suggest that in fact it may be an ethical decision of the customer server to take into account the emotional state of the customer. Attending to the emotional side of customers does not only increase pleasantness of the customer encounter, but may improve and balance customer decision making and prevent hasty decisions possibly leading to improved customer satisfaction. This study also gave practical managerial implications to customer service providers on how negative incidental emotions can be attended to in a customer encounter. This study could be useful not only to real estate agents, but also in other types of customer service, especially with vulnerable populations or other types of home-related business.


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The aim of this thesis was to examine emotions in a web-based learning environment (WBLE). Theoretically, the thesis was grounded on the dimensional model of emotions. Four empirical studies were conducted. Study I focused on students’ anxiety and their self-efficacy in computer-using situations. Studies II and III examined the influence of experienced emotions on students’ collaborative visible and non-collaborative invisible activities and lurking in a WBLE. Study II also focused on the antecedents of the emotions students experience in a web-based learning environment. Study IV concentrated on clarifying the differences between emotions experienced in face-to-face and web-based collaborative learning. The results of these studies are reported in four original research articles published in scientific journals. The present studies demonstrate that emotions are important determinants of student behaviour in a web-based learning, and justify the conclusion that interactions on the web can and do have an emotional content. Based on the results of these empirical studies, it can be concluded that the emotions students experience during the web-based learning result mostly from the social interactions rather than from the technological context. The studies indicate that the technology itself is not the only antecedent of students’ emotional reactions in the collaborative web-based learning situations. However, the technology itself also exerted an influence on students’ behaviour. It was found that students’ computer anxiety was associated with their negative expectations of the consequences of using technology-based learning environments in their studies. Moreover, the results also indicated that student behaviours in a WBLE can be divided into three partially overlapping classes: i) collaborative visible ii) non-collaborative invisible activities, and iii) lurking. What is more, students’ emotions experienced during the web-based learning affected how actively they participated in such activities in the environment. Especially lurkers, i.e. students who seldom participated in discussions but frequently visited the online environment, experienced more negatively valenced emotions during the courses than did the other students. This result indicates that such negatively toned emotional experiences can make the lurking individuals less eager to participate in other WBLE courses in the future. Therefore, future research should also focus more precisely on the reasons that cause individuals to lurk in online learning groups, and the development of learning tasks that do not encourage or permit lurking or inactivity. Finally, the results from the study comparing emotional reactions in web-based and face-to-face collaborative learning indicated that the learning by means of web-based communication resulted in more affective reactivity when compared to learning in a face-to-face situation. The results imply that the students in the web-based learning group experienced more intense emotions than the students in the face-to-face learning group.The interpretations of this result are that the lack of means for expressing emotional reactions and perceiving others’ emotions increased the affectivity in the web-based learning groups. Such increased affective reactivity could, for example, debilitate individual’s learning performance, especially in complex learning tasks. Therefore, it is recommended that in the future more studies should be focused on the possibilities to express emotions in a text-based web environment to ensure better means for communicating emotions, and subsequently, possibly decrease the high level of affectivity. However, we do not yet know whether the use of means for communicating emotional expressions via the web (for example, “smileys” or “emoticons”) would be beneficial or disadvantageous in formal learning situations. Therefore, future studies should also focus on assessing how the use of such symbols as a means for expressing emotions in a text-based web environment would affect students’ and teachers’ behaviour and emotional state in web-based learning environments.


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Tutkimuksen tavoite on kuvata ja ymmartaa, miten työtyytyväisyysmittausta voidaan käyttää johtamisessa. Työtyytyväisyys on tutkimusten mukaan tärkeä tekijä yrityksen tuottavuudelle. Työtyytyväisyys voidaan ymmärtää miellyttäväksi tai positiiviseksi tunnetilaksi, joka johtuu yksilon tyosta tai tyokokemuksista. Tutkimuksen keskeinen ilmiö on johtaminen. Johtaja tarvitsee tietoa siitä, miten saada menestystekijät yrityksen käyttöön ja miten poistaa mahdolliset työnteon esteet. Tutkimustulosten tulkinnan mukaan työtyytyväisyysmittaus on tehokas ja prosessinmuotoon saatettuna yksinkertainen tapa kerata työpaikalta tietoa johtamisen käyttöön. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena tapaustutkimuksena. Case yritys oli pk konepaja. Aineiston keräämiseksi käytettiin teemahaastatteluja.


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Stress is a phenomenon that on some level affects everyone’s lives on a daily basis. The autonomic nervous system controls the varying levels of stress at any given time. The responses of the autonomic nervous system adjust the body to cope with changing external and internal conditions. During high-stress situations the body is forced into a state of heightened alertness, which passes when the stressor is removed. The stressor can be any external or internal event that causes the body to respond. Stress is a very versatile phenomenon that can be both a cause and an indicator of other medical conditions, for example cardiovascular disease. Stress detection can therefore be helpful in identifying these conditions and monitoring the overall emotional state of a person. Electrodermal activity (EDA) is one of the most easily implemented ways to monitor the activity of the autonomic nervous system. EDA describes changes occurring in the various electrical properties of the skin, including skin conductivity and resistance. Increased emotional sweating has been proven to be one possible indication of stress. On the surface of the skin, increased sweating translates to increased skin conductivity, which can be observed through EDA measurements. This makes electrodermal activity a very useful tool in a wide range of applications where it is desirable to observe changes in a person’s stress level. EDA can be recorded by using specialized body sensors placed on specific locations on the body. Most commonly used recording sites are the palms of the hands due to the high sweat gland density on those areas. Measurement is done using at least two electrodes attached to the skin, and recording the electrical conductance between them. This thesis implements a prototype of a wireless EDA measurement system. The feasibility of the prototype is also verified with a small group of test subjects. EDA was recorded from the subjects while they were playing a game of Tetris. The goal was to observe variations in the measured EDA that would indicate changes in the subjects’ stress levels during the game. The analysis of the obtained measurement results confirmed the connection between stress and recorded EDA. During the game, random occurrences of lowered skin resistance were clearly observable, which indicates points in the game where the player felt more anxious. A wireless measurement system has the potential of offering more flexible and comfortable long-term measuring of EDA, and could be utilized in a wide range of applications.


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Tutkimus tarkastelee luovutetusta Karjalasta lähtöisin olevien evakkolasten tunnemuistoja ja niiden yhteyttä myöhempään hyvinvointiin. Keskiössä ovat koti- ja koulukasvatusta muistelevien ikäihmisten kokemukset. Tutkimus on kasvatushistoriallinen ja tieteidenvälinen. Se liikkuu historian sekä yhteiskunta- ja käyttäytymistieteiden rajapinnoilla. Aineiston 631 kyselyvastausta ja 11 haastattelua on analysoitu monimetodisesti tilastollisen ja sisällön analyysin avulla. Tulosten mukaan ikääntyvät evakkolapset voivat pääsääntöisesti hyvin. He ovat kotikasvatuksessaan omaksuneet vahvat selviytymis- ja sopeutumistaidot sekä sisukkuuden. Kodin kasvatusilmapiiri on menetyksistä huolimatta koettu turvalliseksi. Kasvatuksessa omaksutuissa sananlaskuissa korostuu vahvimmin tulevaisuuden toivosta kiinni pitäminen. Kasvatusmetodit myötäilevät suomalaista kasvatustraditiota, jossa lapsia on enimmäkseen palkittu hyvästä työstä sanallisesti ja rangaistu tottelemattomuudesta ruumiillisesti. Surua ja menetyksiä on käsitelty vaikenemalla. Yhdeksi elämää kannattelevaksi voimaksi ovat osoittautuneet laulut, joista suosituin oli Maan korvessa kulkevi lapsosen tie. Kasvatusperintönä evakkolapset haluavat jättää mallin työteliäästä, rehellisestä, toiset huomioivasta ja juuristaan tietoisesta kansalaisesta. Koulukokemusten osalta tutkimus osoittaa kantaväestöstä poikkeavan uskonnollisen ja kielellisen taustan olleen merkittävin syrjityksi tulemisen syy. Ortodoksitaustaisilla lapsilla oli muita evakkolapsia enemmän kiusaamiskokemuksia. Metaforien avulla kuvatuista tunnemuistoista löytyi kuusi erilaista selviytyjätyyppiä: selviytyjäsankarit, identiteetin etsijät, optimistiset toimijat, trauman työstäjät, kohtalonsa hyväksyjät ja menetysten kantajat. Valtaosa evakkolapsista kuuluu positiivista tunnemuistoa kantavien ryhmään. Kielteisillä tunnemuistoilla on tilastollisesti merkitsevä negatiivinen yhteys ikääntyvän hyvinvointiin. Tutkimus lisää ymmärrystä evakkolasten kasvukokemuksista ja tarjoaa uutta tietoa heidän selviytymisestään ja hyvinvoinnistaan. Tutkimus osoittaa evakkolasten tasapainoisen kotikasvatuksen, vastavuoroisten vertaissuhteiden ja suositun oppilaan aseman vahvistavan yhteisöön kuulumista ja sosiaalista pystyvyyttä sekä olevan hyvinvoinnin positiivisia tekijöitä. Kodin melankolisuudella, eristyneisyydellä ja koulukiusaamisella on negatiivinen yhteys hyvinvointiin. Tuloksia voidaan soveltaa nykypäivän pakolaislasten kotouttamiseen, jossa ensiarvoisen tärkeää on perheiden osallisuuden ja integroitumisen tukeminen uudessa ympäristössä. Tämän onnistumiseksi on tärkeää huomioida lasten yksilölliset selviytymisstrategiat ja käsitellä kodin menetystraumaa.


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The information technology (IT) industry has recently witnessed the proliferation of cloud services, which have allowed IT service providers to deliver on-demand resources to customers over the Internet. This frees both service providers and consumers from traditional IT-related burdens such as capital and operating expenses and allows them to respond rapidly to new opportunities in the market. Due to the popularity and growth of cloud services, numerous researchers have conducted studies on various aspects of cloud services, both positive and negative. However, none of those studies have connected all relevant information to provide a holistic picture of the current state of cloud service research. This study aims to investigate that current situation and propose the most promising future directions. In order to determine achieve these goals, a systematic literature review was conducted on studies with a primary focus on cloud services. Based on carefully crafted inclusion criteria, 52 articles from highly credible online sources were selected for the review. To define the main focus of the review and facilitate the analysis of literature, a conceptual framework with five main factors was proposed. The selected articles were organized under the factors of the proposed framework and then synthesized using a narrative technique. The results of this systematic review indicate that the impacts of cloud services on enterprises were the factor best covered by contemporary research. Researchers were able to present valuable findings about how cloud services impact various aspects of enterprises such as governance, performance, and security. By contrast, the role of service provider sub-contractors in the cloud service market remains largely uninvestigated, as do cloud-based enterprise software and cloud-based office systems for consumers. Moreover, the results also show that researchers should pay more attention to the integration of cloud services into legacy IT systems to facilitate the adoption of cloud services by enterprise users. After the literature synthesis, the present study proposed several promising directions for cloud service research by outlining research questions for the underexplored areas of cloud services, in order to facilitate the development of cloud service markets in the future.