158 resultados para Mobile platforms
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Paikannusta hydyntvien palvelujen on jo pitkn odotettu kasvavan merkittvksi liiketoiminta-alueeksi. Nin ei kuitenkaan ole tapahtunut. Paikannukseen perustuvista palveluista ja laitteista on tullut osa monen ihmisten arkipiv, mutta saatavilla olevien palvelujen mr on pysynyt alhaisena. Tss tyss tutkitaan mahdollisuuksia toteuttaa mobiileille ptelaitteille ohjelmallinen paikannuskomponentti, jonka avulla paikannustoiminnot saataisiin helposti sovellusten kyttn. Samalla paikannusta hydyntvien sovellusten ja palvelujen toteutus helpottuisi, jolloin niiden yleistyminen olisi entist paremmin mahdollista. Paikannuskomponentin toteutuksessa haasteena on oikean tekniikan valinta. Erilaisia laite- ja kyttjrjestelmalustoja tukevia tekniikoita on olemassa, mutta niiden todellinen yhteensopivuus ei aina ole mutkatonta. Tyn tuloksena saatiin kattava kuva markkinoilla olevista yleisimmist kyttjrjestelmalustoista sek niihin tarjolla olevista sovelluskehitystekniikoista. Lisksi erityist huomiota kiinnitettiin alustariippumattomiin tekniikoihin. Tyn tuloksena syntynyt demonstraatiosovellus osoittaa, ett tavoitteena ollut paikannuskomponentin toteutus on teknisesti mahdollinen.
Tss tyss luotiin suunnistussovelluksen demo Windows Phone 8:lle. Tyn tavoite oli tehd sovellus, jonka kanssa suunnistaminen tuntuisi mahdollisimman samalta, kuin oikeakin suunnistus. Tyss kiinnitettiin huomiota lhinn sovelluksen tekniseen toteutukseen sek paikannuksen riittvn tarkkuuteen. Tyss vertaillaan eri mobiilialustoja, selainten tietokantaratkaisuja, erilaisia selaimen ja serverin tietokantojen synkronointimenetelmi sek olemassaolevia suunnistussovelluksia. Tyss kytettiin indeksitietokantaa, jQuery mobilea ja Cordovaa sek JSON:ia tietokantojen synkronointiin. Tyss tehty demo on lupaava esitys siit, miten suunnistustaitojaan voisi harjoittaa tekniikkaa apuna kytten. Lopuksi tyss kydn viel lpi sit, mit tllaiseen palveluun voisi toteuttaa tyss toteutetun demon lisksi.
Tss kandidaatintyss esitelln mobiilimarkkoiden pirstaloitumisongelma, ja se millaisia haasteita kehittjt voivat kokea kehittessn sovelluksia, jotka tukevat useampia mobiilialustoja. Lisksi tyss esitelln erilaisia mobiilisovelluksissa kytettvi monetisaatiomalleja. Tyss tarkastellaan mys monialustakehitystykalujen ja HTML5-tekniikan soveltuvuutta mobiilialustojen kehityshaasteiden ratkaisemiseen. Tyn lopuksi toteutetaan ja julkaistaan kytnnn pelisovellus monialustatykalulla eri alustoja tukien. Tmn demosovelluksen avulla perehdytn julkaisuprosesseihin kytnnss, tuoden esille eri alustojen asettamia vaatimuksia kehittjlle.
Smart phones became part and parcel of our life, where mobility provides a freedom of not being bounded by time and space. In addition, number of smartphones produced each year is skyrocketing. However, this also created discrepancies or fragmentation among devices and OSes, which in turn made an exceeding hard for developers to deliver hundreds of similar featured applications with various versions for the market consumption. This thesis is an attempt to investigate whether cloud based mobile development platforms can mitigate and eventually eliminate fragmentation challenges. During this research, we have selected and analyzed the most popular cloud based development platforms and tested integrated cloud features. This research showed that cloud based mobile development platforms may able to reduce mobile fragmentation and enable to utilize single codebase to deliver a mobile application for different platforms.
Tmn tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvitt kuinka houkuttelevan liiketoimintamahdollisuuden mobiilipelit tarjoavat mainostusalustana. Tutkimus suoritettiin tapaustutkimuksena. Tutkimus aloitettiin mrittelemll liiketoimintamalli, jonka jlkeen suoritettiin yleinen katsaus Suomen mobiilipelimarkkinoille. Tmn jlkeen arvoketju-, arvoverkko- sek markkina-analyysin avulla selvitettiin liiketoimintamallin mahdollisuudet sek rajoitukset. Tutkimukseen kytettiinteorettista viitekehyst joka pohjautui Hamelin liiketoimintamalliin, Porterin arvoketjuun sek Alleenin arvoverkoon. Tutkimuksen tuloksena todettiin, ett mainostaminen mobiilipeleiss tarjoaa liiketoimintamahdollisuuden ilman esteit sentoteuttamiselle. Suomalaiset mobiilipelimarkkinat ovat kuitenkin pirstoutuneet,mink johdosta tutkittu 'mainosten hallinta-alusta'-liiketoimintamalli aiheuttaa liian suuret integraatiokustannukset. Mys suuri mr pelitoimittajia heikent mallin tehokkuutta.
Viime aikoina matkapuhelimet ovat alkaneet tukea Javaa matkapuhelinsovellusten ohjelmointikielen. Javan perusajatus on, ett kerran knnetty sovellus voidaan suorittaa useilla laitealustoilla ilman uudelleenkntmisen tarvetta. Jotta sovellukset voisivat toimia uudella alustalla, niiden kyttmt kirjastot tulee siirt uudelle alustalle. Tm diplomity tutkii tmnkaltaiseen siirtoprojektiin liittyvi asioita. Diplomityn aikana kyttliittymkirjasto siirrettiin olemassa olleelta alustalta kahdelle uudelle alustalle. Toinen uusista alustoista oli vanhan alustan uusi versio, ja toinen oli kokonaan uusi alusta. Ohjelmiston siirtmist helpottaa jos alkuperinen ohjelmisto on suunniteltu siirrettvyytt silmllpiten. Varsinaiset ohjelmaan tehtvt muutokset ovat tllin helppoja tehd. Hyvlaatuisen lopputuloksen saaminen vaatii kuitenkin aina ett ohjelmisto mys testataan huolellisesti.
In the current economy situation companies try to reduce their expenses. One of the solutions is to improve the energy efficiency of the processes. It is known that the energy consumption of pumping applications range from 20 up to 50% of the energy usage in the certain industrial plants operations. Some studies have shown that 30% to 50% of energy consumed by pump systems could be saved by changing the pump or the flow control method. The aim of this thesis is to create a mobile measurement system that can calculate a working point position of a pump drive. This information can be used to determine the efficiency of the pump drive operation and to develop a solution to bring pumps efficiency to a maximum possible value. This can allow a great reduction in the pump drives life cycle cost. In the first part of the thesis, a brief introduction in the details of pump drive operation is given. Methods that can be used in the project are presented. Later, the review of available platforms for the project implementation is given. In the second part of the thesis, components of the project are presented. Detailed description for each created component is given. Finally, results of laboratory tests are presented. Acquired results are compared and analyzed. In addition, the operation of created system is analyzed and suggestions for the future development are given.
The Travel and Tourism field is undergoing changes due to the rapid development of information technology and digital services. Online travel has profoundly changed the way travel and tourism organizations interact with their customers. Mobile technology such as mobile services for pocket devices (e.g. mobile phones) has the potential to take this development even further. Nevertheless, many issues have been highlighted since the early days of mobile services development (e.g. the lack of relevance, ease of use of many services). However, the wide adoption of smartphones and the mobile Internet in many countries as well as the formation of so-called ecosystems between vendors of mobile technology indicate that many of these issues have been overcome. Also when looking at the numbers of downloaded applications related to travel in application stores like Google Play, it seems obvious that mobile travel and tourism services are adopted and used by many individuals. However, as business is expected to start booming in the mobile era, many issues have a tendency to be overlooked. Travelers are generally on the go and thus services that work effectively in mobile settings (e.g. during a trip) are essential. Hence, the individuals perceived drivers and barriers to use mobile travel and tourism services in on-site or during trip settings seem particularly valuable to understand; thus this is one primary aim of the thesis. We are, however, also interested in understanding different types of mobile travel service users. Individuals may indeed be very different in their propensity to adopt and use technology based innovations (services). Research is also switching more from investigating issues of mobile service development to understanding individuals usage patterns of mobile services. But designing new mobile services may be a complex matter from a service provider perspective. Hence, our secondary aim is to provide insights into drivers and barriers of mobile travel and tourism service development from a holistic business model perspective. To accomplish the research objectives seven different studies have been conducted over a time period from 2002 2013. The studies are founded on and contribute to theories within diffusion of innovations, technology acceptance, value creation, user experience and business model development. Several different research methods are utilized: surveys, field and laboratory experiments and action research. The findings suggest that a successful mobile travel and tourism service is a service which supports one or several mobile motives (needs) of individuals such as spontaneous needs, time-critical arrangements, efficiency ambitions, mobility related needs (location features) and entertainment needs. The service could be customized to support travelers style of traveling (e.g. organized travel or independent travel) and should be easy to use, especially easy to take into use (access, install and learn) during a trip, without causing security concerns and/or financial risks for the user. In fact, the findings suggest that the most prominent barrier to the use of mobile travel and tourism services during a trip is an individuals perceived financial cost (entry costs and usage costs). It should, however, be noted that regulations are put in place in the EU regarding data roaming prices between European countries and national telecom operators are starting to see international data subscriptions as a sales advantage (e.g. Finnish Sonera provides a data subscription in the Baltic and Nordic region at the same price as in Finland), which will enhance the adoption of mobile travel and tourism services also in international contexts. In order to speed up the adoption rate travel service providers could consider e.g. more local initiatives of free Wi-Fi networks, development of services that can be used, at least to some extent, in an offline mode (do not require costly network access during a trip) and cooperation with telecom operators (e.g. lower usage costs for travelers who use specific mobile services or travel with specific vendors). Furthermore, based on a developed framework for user experience of mobile trip arrangements, the results show that a well-designed mobile site and/or native application, which preferably supports integration with other mobile services, is a must for true mobile presence. In fact, travel service providers who want to build a relationship with their customers need to consider a downloadable native application, but in order to be found through the mobile channel and make contact with potential new customers, a mobile website should be available. Moreover, we have made a first attempt with cluster analysis to identify user categories of mobile services in a travel and tourism context. The following four categories were identified: info-seekers, checkers, bookers and all-rounders. For example all-rounders, represented primarily by individuals who use their pocket device for almost any of the investigated mobile travel services, constituted primarily of 23 to 50 year old males with high travel frequency and great online experience. The results also indicate that travel service providers will increasingly become multi-channel providers. To manage multiple online channels, closely integrated and hybrid online platforms for different devices, supporting all steps in a traveler process should be considered. It could be useful for travel service providers to focus more on developing browser-based mobile services (HTML5-solutions) than native applications that work only with specific operating systems and for specific devices. Based on an action research study and utilizing a holistic business model framework called STOF we found that HTML5 as an emerging platform, at least for now, has some limitations regarding the development of the user experience and monetizing the application. In fact, a native application store (e.g. Google Play) may be a key mediator in the adoption of mobile travel and tourism services both from a traveler and a service provider perspective. Moreover, it must be remembered that many device and mobile operating system developers want service providers to specifically create services for their platforms and see native applications as a strategic advantage to sell more devices of a certain kind. The mobile telecom industry has moved into a battle of ecosystems where device makers, developers of operating systems and service developers are to some extent forced to choose their development platforms.
Ty tehtiin Nokia Technology Platforms S60 Mobile Runtime-yksiklle. Tyn tavoitteena oli evaluoida ATS3-testausjrjestelm. ATS3-jrjestelmll voidaan automatisoida ohjelmistotestausta. Evaluoinnilla pyrittiin selvittmn voidaanko tuotekehitysvaiheessa oleva jrjestelm ottaa jo kyttn vai vaatiiko se viel liskehityst. Tyss kerrotaan aluksi yleisesti ohjelmistotestauksesta. Siin kydn lpi mys testausprosessin vaiheet sek kerrotaan lyhyesti avuksi kehitetyist tykaluista. Tyss kerrotaan mys ATS3-jrjestelmn edeltjien ominaisuuksista, sek miten ne eroavat tarkastelun kohteena olevasta jrjestelmst. Varsinainen evaluointi alkoi tutustumalla ja asentamalla jrjestelm. Tmn jlkeen suoritettiin samat testit sek ATS2.x-jrjestelmss ett ATS3-jrjestelmss. Testauksen jlkeen analysoitiin testitulosten yhdenmukaisuuden perusteella, voidaanko siirty kyttmn ATS3-jrjestelm. Testitulokset olivat kytnnss yhdenmukaiset suoritettaessa testej matkapuhelimessa, mutta emulaattoritestaus tytyi jtt vliin. Lukuisista yrityksist sek jrjestelmn kehittjn avusta huolimatta testej ei onnistuttu suorittamaan ATS3-jrjestelmn emulaattoriympristss. Nin ollen pdyttiin tulokseen, ettei jrjestelm voida ottaa viel kytn emulaattoritestauksessa, vaan se vaatii listutkimusta sek perehtymist jrjestelmn.
Selostus: Hkin koon ja hkiss olevien nkesteiden vaikutus tarhattujen hopeakettujen makuuhyllyn kyttn
Selostus: Nkesteen vaikutus sinikettujen hyllynkyttn
Localization, which is the ability of a mobile robot to estimate its position within its environment, is a key capability for autonomous operation of any mobile robot. This thesis presents a system for indoor coarse and global localization of a mobile robot based on visual information. The system is based on image matching and uses SIFT features as natural landmarks. Features extracted from training images arestored in a database for use in localization later. During localization an image of the scene is captured using the on-board camera of the robot, features are extracted from the image and the best match is searched from the database. Feature matching is done using the k-d tree algorithm. Experimental results showed that localization accuracy increases with the number of training features used in the training database, while, on the other hand, increasing number of features tended to have a negative impact on the computational time. For some parts of the environment the error rate was relatively high due to a strong correlation of features taken from those places across the environment.