em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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The impact of a recycled mineral wool filler on the various properties of wood plastic composites was studied and the critical factors affecting the formation of the properties were determined. An estimation of the volume of mineral wool fiber waste generated in the European Union between the years 2010-2020 was presented. Furthermore, the effect of fiber pre-treatment on the properties of the wood plastic composites were studied, and the environmental performance of a wood plastic composite containing recycled mineral fibers was assessed. The results showed that the volumes of construction and demolition waste and new mineral wool produced in the European Union are growing annually, and therefore also the volumes of recycled mineral wool waste generated are increasing. The study showed that the addition of recycled mineral wool into composites can enhance some of the mechanical properties and increase the moisture resistance properties of the composites notably. Recycled mineral wool as a filler in wood plastic composites can also improve the fire resistance properties of composites, but it does not protect the polymer matrix from pyrolysis. Fiber pre-treatment with silane solution improved some of the mechanical properties, but generally the use of maleated polypropylene as the coupling agent led to better mechanical and moisture resistance properties. The environmental performance of recycled mineral wool as the filler in wood plastic composites was superior compared to glass fibers. According to the findings, recycled mineral wool fibers can provide a technically and environmentally viable alternative to the traditional inorganic filler materials used in wood plastic composites.


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The main aim of this thesis is to study the effect of mineral fillers on the properties of extruded wood-polypropylene composites (WPC). The studied minerals are Talc, Calcite (CaCO3), two quantities of Wollastonite and Soapstone, and the level of mineral addition is 20 w-%. The study shows that mineral fillers can be used to modify and improve the properties of woodplastic composites. Especially the moisture-related properties of WPCs were found to be improved significantly by mineral addition. As the WPCs of the studied type are commonly used in outdoor applications, this is of importance in terms of usability. In machining, the addition of two minerals retained the surface roughness at same level throughout the test, indicating a favorable effect on machinability. The use of hard minerals shortened the tool life in machining. In general, a modest increase in density was observed. In many of the studied properties, no apparent influence of mineral addition was found, indicating that the properties were not weakened. An overall result was that talc showed the best overall performance, indicating that it can be used as an active filler improving most of the studied properties, especially moisture resistance. Calcite was found to have nearly similar performance. According to the findings, mineral addition to wood-plastic composites appears to be beneficial; especially moisture resistance can be enhanced without diminishing the other properties or usability in general.


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The driving forces for current research of flame retardants are increased fire safety in combination with flame retardant formulations that fulfill the criteria of sustainable production and products. In recent years, important questions about the environmental safety of antimony, and in particular, brominated flame retardants have been raised. As a consequence of this, the current doctoral thesis work describes efforts to develop new halogen-free flame retardants that are based on various radical generators and phosphorous compounds. The investigation was first focused on compounds that are capable of generating alkyl radicals in order to study their role on flame retardancy of polypropylene. The family of azoalkanes was selected as the cleanest and most convenient source of free alkyl radicals. Therefore, a number of symmetrical and unsymmetrical azoalkanes of the general formula R-N=N-R’ were prepared. The experimental results show that in the series of different sized azocycloalkanes the flame retardant efficacy decreased in the following order: R = R´= cyclohexyl > cyclopentyl > cyclobutyl > cyclooctanyl > cyclododecanyl. However, in the series of aliphatic azoalkanes compounds, the efficacy decreased as followed: R = R´= n-alkyl > tert-butyl > tert-octyl. The most striking difference in flame retardant efficacy was observed in thick polypropylene plaques of 1 mm, e.g. azocyclohexane (AZO) had a much better flame retardant performance than did the commercial reference FR (Flamestab® NOR116) in thick PP sections. In addition, some of the prepared azoalkane flame retardants e.g. 4’4- bis(cyclohexylazocyclohexyl) methane (BISAZO) exhibited non-burning dripping behavior. Extrusion coating experiments of flame retarded low density polyethylene (LDPE) onto a standard machine finished Kraft paper were carried out in order to investigate the potential of azoalkanes in multilayer facings. The results show that azocyclohexane (AZO) and 4’4-bis (cyclohexylazocyclohexyl) methane (BISAZO) can significantly improve the flame retardant properties of low density polyethylene coated paper already at 0.5 wt.% loadings, provided that the maximum extrusion temperature of 260 oC is not exceeded and coating weight is kept low at 13 g/m2. In addition, various triazene-based flame retardants (RN1=N2-N3R’R’’) were prepared. For example, polypropylene samples containing a very low concentration of only 0.5 wt.% of bis- 4’4’-(3’3’-dimethyltriazene) diphenyl ether and other triazenes passed the DIN 4102-1 test with B2 classification. It is noteworthy that no burning dripping could be detected and the average burning times were very short with exceptionally low weight losses. Therefore, triazene compounds constitute a new and interesting family of radical generators for flame retarding of polymeric materials. The high flame retardant potential of triazenes can be attributed to their ability to generate various types of radicals during their thermal decomposition. According to thermogravimetric analysis/Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy/MS analysis, triazene units are homolytically cleaved into various aminyl, resonance-stabilized aryl radicals, and different CH fragments with simultaneous evolution of elemental nitrogen. Furthermore, the potential of thirteen aliphatic, aromatic, thiuram and heterocyclic substituted organic disulfide derivatives of the general formula R-S-S-R’ as a new group of halogen-free flame retardants for polypropylene films have been investigated. According to the DIN 4102- 1 standard ignitibility test, for the first time it has been demonstrated that many of the disulfides alone can effectively provide flame retardancy and self-extinguishing properties to polypropylene films at already very low concentrations of 0.5 wt.%. For the disulfide family, the highest FR activity was recorded for 5’5’-dithiobis (2-nitrobenzoic acid). Very low values for burning length (53 mm) and burning time (10 s) reflect significantly increased fire retardant performance of this disulfide compared to other compounds in this series as well as to Flamestab® NOR116. Finally, two new, phosphorus-based flame retardants were synthesized: P’P-diphenyl phosphinic hydrazide (PAH) and melamine phenyl phosphonate (MPhP). The DIN 4102-1 test and the more stringent UL94 vertical burning test (UL94 V) were used to assess the formulations ability to extinguish a flame once ignited. A very strong synergistic effect with azoalkanes was found, i.e. in combination with these radical generators even UL94 V0 rate could be obtained.


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The main aim of this thesis is to study the effect of pigments on the weathering properties of wood-polypropylene composites (WPC). The studied properties are color change, water absorption, thickness swelling and Charpy impact strength. The impact of weathering and UV exposure on WPCs was studied by using pigments and minerals as protective agents. The study shows that the pigments and/or mineral fillers can be used to improve the weathering properties of WPCs. The effect of pigments was found to vary with the type of pigment and the method of weathering. The black pigment, an inorganic carbon black master-batch, was found to be the most effective one in reduction of the discoloration of WPCs. By preventing discoloration, and further reducing the degradation of the surface of the WPC, the pigments were found to reduce the decrease in the impact strength after weathering. As well as UV protection, the moisture resistance is a significant factor affecting the durability of WPCs. The addition of mineral fillers was found to improve the moisture-related properties, such as water absorption and thickness swelling, of WPC significantly. According to the findings, addition of pigments and mineral fillers to wood-polypropylene composites appears to be beneficial: color stability and moisture resistance can be enhanced especially in outdoor weathering. The combined effect of black pigment (carbon black master-batch) and wollastonite as a mineral filler was found to bring about the most effective properties against weathering.


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IIn electric drives, frequency converters are used to generatefor the electric motor the AC voltage with variable frequency and amplitude. When considering the annual sale of drives in values of money and units sold, the use of low-performance drives appears to be in predominant. These drives have tobe very cost effective to manufacture and use, while they are also expected to fulfill the harmonic distortion standards. One of the objectives has also been to extend the lifetime of the frequency converter. In a traditional frequency converter, a relatively large electrolytic DC-link capacitor is used. Electrolytic capacitors are large, heavy and rather expensive components. In many cases, the lifetime of the electrolytic capacitor is the main factor limiting the lifetime of the frequency converter. To overcome the problem, the electrolytic capacitor is replaced with a metallized polypropylene film capacitor (MPPF). The MPPF has improved properties when compared to the electrolytic capacitor. By replacing the electrolytic capacitor with a film capacitor the energy storage of the DC-linkwill be decreased. Thus, the instantaneous power supplied to the motor correlates with the instantaneous power taken from the network. This yields a continuousDC-link current fed by the diode rectifier bridge. As a consequence, the line current harmonics clearly decrease. Because of the decreased energy storage, the DC-link voltage fluctuates. This sets additional conditions to the controllers of the frequency converter to compensate the fluctuation from the supplied motor phase voltages. In this work three-phase and single-phase frequency converters with small DC-link capacitor are analyzed. The evaluation is obtained with simulations and laboratory measurements.


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Työn aiheena on siistausmassan saostuksessa käytettävä kiekkosuodatinväliaine ja tarkoituksena selvittää lankamateriaalien ja pinnoitusaineiden vaikutusta väliaineen likaantumisherkkyyteen ja suodatusteknisiin ominaisuuksiin. Siistauslaitosten ongelmana on suodatinväliaineen likaantuminen massassa olevien tahmo- ja painoväripartikkelien johdosta. Tällä hetkellä siistauslaitosten kiekkosuodatinpussien valmistuksessa käytetään pääasiassa polypropeeni- ja polyvinylideenifluoridimonofilamenttilankoja, joiden lianhylkivyys on osoittautunut huonoksi. Uusiksi lankamateriaaleiksi tutkimuksiin valittiin Easy Kleen I, Easy Kleen II, Hyflon, Halar ja Polyesteri. Tulosten perusteella Easy Kleen I ja II monofilamenttilangoista kudotun suodatinkankaan lianhylkivyys on polypropeeni- ja polyvinylideenifluoridimonofilamenttilangoista kudottua kangasta parempi. Suodatusteknisissä ominaisuuksissa ei materiaalien välillä havaittu merkittävää eroa. Easy Kleen monofilamenttilangat näyttävät soveltuvan myös keittokutistumiltaan ja mekaanisilta ominaisuuksiltaan kiekkosuodatinpussien materiaaleiksi. Polypropeeni- ja polyesterimonofilamenettilangoista kudottujen suodatinkankaiden pinnoittamisessa käytettiin hydrofiilisiä ja hydrofobisia pinnoitusaineita. Tulosten perusteella on mahdollista parantaa suodatinkankaan lianhylkivyyttä pinnoittamalla. Pinnoitettu kangas on myös suodatusteknisiltä ominaisuuksiltaan toimiva. Ongelmaksi suodatinkankaiden pinnoittamisessa saattaa kuitenkin muodostua pinnoituslämpötila, jossa kangas kutistuu asennuskelvottomaksi.


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Tässä työssä tutkittiin erilaisten sisäisten donorien vaikutusta polypropeenin ominaisuuksiin käytettäessä Ziegler-Natta-katalyyttiä, joka valmistettiin Borealiksen aiemmin kehittämällä kaksifaasimenetelmällä. Tällä uudella menetelmällä katalyytti voidaan valmistaa ilman lisättyä sisäistä donoria ja kantajaa. Katalyyttihiukkaset saadaan kaksifaasisysteemin ansiosta muodoltaan pyöreiksi. Työn kokeellisessa osassa valmistettiin erilaisia Mg-komplekseja, jossa sisäinen donori muodostuu in-situ alkoholin ja karboksyylihappokloridin reagoidessa keskenään. Katalyyttisynteesissä Mg-kompleksi reagoi TiCl4:n kanssa. Saatujen katalyyttien ominaisuuksia testattiin polymeroimalla niillä propeenia 70 °C:ssa tunnin ajan. Polymeerien ominaisuuksia tutkittiin useiden eri karakterisointimenetelmien avulla. Lisäksi tutkittiin mahdollisuutta valmistaa katalyytti, joka ei sisältäisi ftalaattia. Työssä havaittiin, että katalyytin valmistusmenetelmä on käyttökelpoinen myös muilla sisäisillä donoreilla kuin referenssinä käytetyllä DOP:lla. Kaksiliuosfaasi-systeemi saatiin aikaan myös kahdella muulla työssä tutkitulla sisäisellä donorilla. Lisäksi faasitasapainokokeissa kahden liuosfaasin systeemi saatiin aikaan sisäisellä donorilla, joka ei sisältänyt ftalaattia. Kyseisellä katalyytillä havaittiin olevan muista katalyyteistä poikkeavia ominaisuuksia. Esimerkiksi se antoi matalamman isotaktisuuden kuin referenssikatalyytti ja se saattaisikin soveltua matalan isotaktisuuden pehmeille tuotteille. Työssä kokeiltiin yhdellä uudella katalyytillä myös eteenin polymerointia, sillä katalyytin donoripitoisuus oli hyvin matala. Katalyytin aktiivisuus eteenipolymeroinnissa oli varsin hyvä.


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In the theoretical part, the different polymerisation catalysts are introduced and the phenomena related to mixing in the stirred tank reactor are presented. Also the advantages and challenges related to scale-up are discussed. The aim of the applied part was to design and implement an intermediate-sized reactor useful for scale-up studies. The reactor setting was tested making one batch of Ziegler–Natta polypropylene catalyst. The catalyst preparation with a designed equipment setting succeeded and the catalyst was analysed. The analyses of the catalyst were done, because the properties of the catalyst were compared to the normal properties of Ziegler–Natta polypropylene catalyst. The total titanium content of the catalyst was slightly higher than in normal Ziegler–Natta polypropylene catalyst, but the magnesium and aluminium content of the catalyst were in the normal level. By adjusting the siphonation tube and adding one washing step the titanium content of the catalyst could be decreased. The particle size of the catalyst was small, but the activity was in a normal range. The size of the catalyst particles could be increased by decreasing the stirring speed. During the test run, it was noticed that some improvements for the designed equipment setting could be done. For example more valves for the chemical feed line need to be added to ensure inert conditions during the catalyst preparation. Also nitrogen for the reactor needs to separate from other nitrogen line. With this change the pressure in the reactor can be kept as desired during the catalyst preparation. The proposals for improvements are presented in the applied part. After these improvements are done, the equipment setting is ready for start-up. The computational fluid dynamics model for the designed reactor was provided by cooperation with Lappeenranta University of Technology. The experiments showed that for adequate mixing with one impeller, stirring speed of 600 rpm is needed. The computational fluid dynamics model with two impellers showed that there was no difference in the mixing efficiency if the upper impeller were pumping downwards or upwards.


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The environmental challenges of plastic packaging industry have increased remarkably along with climate change debate. The interest to study carbon footprints of packaging has increased in packaging industry to find out the real climate change impacts of packaging. In this thesis the greenhouse gas discharges of plastic packaging during their life cycle is examined. The carbon footprint is calculated for food packaging manufactured from plastic laminate. The structure of the laminate is low density polyethylene (PE-LD) and oriented polypropylene (OPP), which have been joined together with laminating adhesive. The purpose is to find out the possibilities to create a carbon footprint calculating tool for plastic packaging and its usability in a plastic packaging manufacturing company. As a carbon footprint calculating method PAS 2050 standard has been used. In the calculations direct and indirect greenhouse gas discharges as well as avoided discharges are considered. Avoided discharges are born for example in packaging waste utilization as energy. The results of the calculations have been used to create a simple calculating tool to be used for similar laminate structures. Although the utilization of the calculating tool is limited to one manufacturing plant because the primary activity data is dependent of geographical location and for example the discharges of used energy in the plant. The results give an approximation of the climate change potential caused by the laminate. It is although noticed that calculations do not include all environmental impacts of plastic packaging´s life cycle.


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In the theory part the membrane emulsification was studied. Emulsions are used in many industrial areas. Traditionally emulsions are prepared by using high shear in rotor-stator systems or in high pressure homogenizer systems. In membrane emulsification two immiscible liquids are mixed by pressuring one liquid through the membrane into the other liquid. With this technique energy could be saved, more homogeneous droplets could be formed and the amount of surfactant could be decreased. Ziegler-Natta and single-site catalysts are used in olefin polymerization processes. Nowadays, these catalysts are prepared according to traditional mixing emulsification. More homogeneous catalyst particles that have narrower particle size distribution might be prepared with membrane emulsification. The aim of the experimental part was to examine the possibility to prepare single site polypropylene catalyst using membrane emulsification technique. Different membrane materials and solidification techniques of the emulsion were examined. Also the toluene-PFC phase diagram was successfully measured during this thesis work. This phase diagram was used for process optimization. The polytetrafluoroethylene membranes had the largest contact angles with toluene and also the biggest difference between the contact angles measured with PFC and toluene. Despite of the contact angle measurement results no significant difference was noticed between particles prepared using PTFE membrane or metal sinter. The particle size distributions of catalyst prepared in these tests were quite wide. This would probably be fixed by using a membrane with a more homogeneous pore size distribution. It is also possible that the solidification rate has an effect on the particle sizes and particle morphology. When polymeric membranes are compared PTFE is probably still the best material for the process as it had the best chemical durability.


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The theory part of the Master’s thesis introduces fibres with high tensile strength and elongation used in the production of paper or board. Strong speciality papers are made of bleached softwood long fibre pulp. The aim of the thesis is to find new fibres suitable for paper making to increase either tensile strength, elongation or both properties. The study introduces how fibres bond and what kind of fibres give the strongest bonds into fibre matrix. The fibres that are used the in manufacturing of non-wovens are long and elastic. They are longer than softwood cellulose fibres. The end applications of non-wovens and speciality papers are often the same, for instance, wet napkins or filter media. The study finds out which fibres are used in non-wovens and whether the same fibres could be added to cellulose pulp as armature fibres, what it would require for these fibres to be blended in cellulose, how they would bind with cellulose and whether some binding agents or thermal bonding, such as hot calendaring would be necessary. The following fibres are presented: viscose, polyester, nylon, polyethylene, polypropylene and bicomponent fibres. In the empiric part of the study the most suitable new fibres are selected for making hand sheets in laboratory. Test fibres are blended with long fibre cellulose. The test fibres are viscose (Tencel), polypropylene and polyethylene. Based on the technical values measured in the sheets, the study proposes how to continue trials on paper machine with viscose, polyester, bicomponent and polypropylene fibres.


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The objective of this Master´s Thesis was to conduct a wide scale preliminary survey regarding the package requirements of a cultured dairy package, and to compare the currently used material polystyrene to other suitable packaging materials. Polystyrene has a long history of use in dairy cups, but in recent years its price has increased significantly compared to other common packaging materials. The overall environmental effects of a package and a package material are today a part of designing a sustainable product life cycle. In addition, in certain contexts there has been discussion of the risks posed by styrene polymer for the environment and for humans. These risks are also discussed in this thesis. Polystyrene (PS) is still the most widely used material in dairy cups. In recent years, polypropylene (PP) cups have appeared in increasing numbers on market shelves. This study focuses on the differences of the suitable polymers and examines the suitability of alternative “suitable” polymers with regards to dairy packaging. Aside from focusing on the cup manufacturer, this thesis also examines its subject matter from the viewpoint of the dairy customer, as well as observing the concrete implications of material changes in the overall value chain. It was known in advance that material permeability would be one of the determining factors and that gas transmission testing would be a significant part of the thesis. Mechanical tests were the second part of the testing process, providing information regarding package strength and protectiveness during the package’s life cycle. Production efficiency, along with uninterrupted stable production, was another important factor that was taken into consideration. These two issues are sometimes neglected in similar contexts due to their self-evident nature. In addition, materials used in production may have a surprising significance to the production and efficiency. Consistent high quality is also partly based on material selection. All of the aforementioned factors have been documented and the results have been analyzed by the development team at Coveris Rigid Finland. Coveris is now calculating the total finance effects and capacities should the material changes be implemented in practice. There are many factors in favor of switching to polypropylene at the moment. The overall production costs, as well as the environmental effects of resin production are the primary influences for said switch from the converters’ perspective.