16 resultados para Library rules and regulations.
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Social media has become a part of many people’s everyday lives. In the library field the adoption of social media has been widespread and discussions of the development of “Library 2.0” began at an early stage. The aim with this thesis is to study the interface between public libraries, social media, and users, focusing on information activities. The main research question is: How is the interface between public libraries and social media perceived and acted upon by its main stakeholders (library professionals and users)? The background of Library 2.0 is strongly associated with the development of the Web and social media, as well as with the public libraries and their user-centered and information technological development. The theoretical framework builds on the research within the area of Library and Information Science concerning information behavior, information practice, and information activities. Earlier research on social media and public libraries is also highlighted in this thesis. The methods survey and content analysis were applied to map the interface between social media and public libraries. A questionnaire was handed out to the users and another questionnaire was sent out to the library professionals. The results were statistically analyzed. In the content analysis public library Facebook pages were studied. All the empirical investigations were conducted in the area of Finland Proper. An integrated analysis of the results deepens the understanding of the key elements of the social media and public library context. These elements are interactivity, information activities, perceptions, and stakeholders. In this context seven information activities were distinguished: reading, seeking, creating, communicating, informing, mediating, and contributing. This thesis contributes to develop the research concerning information activities and draws a realistic picture of the challenges and opportunities in the social media and public library context. It also contributes with knowledge on library professionals and library users, and the existing differences in their perceptions of the interface between libraries and social media.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksenaoli selvittää kansainvälistymistukien käyttöä eri Euroopan maissa. Tarkempaan tutkimukseen otettiin Saksan kaikki osavaltiot ja Ruotsi. Samalla selvitettiin myös niitä kansainvälisen kaupan sääntöjä ja määräyksiä, joita asetetaan, jotta tuet eivät vääristä kilpailua. Tällä tavalla oli tarkoitus löytää uusia 'hyviä käytäntöjä, Suomen seuraavan EU-ohjelmakauden ohjelmien kehittämiseksi. Tutkimuksessa kävi ilmi, että eri maat ja alueet painottavat yritystensä viennin- tai kansainvälistymisen tukemista eri lailla. Joillain alueille ei ole juuri minkäänlaista tukiohjelmaa, kun taas varsinkin Saksassa tukiohjelmatovat laajoja. Yhteistä kaikille ohjelmille on, että tukipäätökset ovat usein pienempiä kuin Suomessa. Toisaalta Suomessakin päätöksien koot ovat yleensä huomattavasti pienempiä kuin olisi mahdollista lain perusteella tehdä. Kokonaisuutena Suomen järjestelmä toimii hyvin ja sen avulla voidaan nytkin saavuttaa hyviä tuloksia. Jatkossa on kuitenkin kiinnitettävä huomiota siihen, että kehitämme ohjelmia erityisesti pienimpien yritysten kansainvälistymistä varten.
Tämän pro gradu- tutkielman tavoitteena on löytää keinoja Yleisradio Oy:n palveluiden hankintaprosessiin tehostamiseen. Tarkastelussa huomioitiin hankintojen nykytila ja sen sisältämät ongelmat. Isona osana analysointia oli julkisten hankintojen sääntöjen ja säännösten peilaaminen hankintaprosessiin. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään kvalitatiivista tutkimusmenetelmää sekä case – tutkimusta. Tutkielman teoriaosa luo pohjan empiirisen osan analysoinnille, jossa nostetaan esiin julkisen hankinnan sääntöjen noudattamisen haasteet hankintaprosessissa. Tutkimuksessa ilmeni, että palveluiden hankinnan tehostaminen vaatii kaikilta sidosryhmiltä panostusta jokaiseen prosessin vaiheeseen. Tulevaisuudessa menestyksekkääseen palveluiden hankintaan tarvitaan selkeät pelisäännöt, joiden toteutumisessa jokaisella on vastuu
Since his inauguration, President Barack Obama has emphasized the need for a new cybersecurity policy, pledging to make it a "national security priority". This is a significant change in security discourse after an eight-year war on terror – a term Obama announced to be no longer in use. After several white papers, reports and the release of the so-called 60-day Cybersecurity Review, Obama announced the creation of a "cyber czar" position and a new military cyber command to coordinate American cyber defence and warfare. China, as an alleged cyber rival, has played an important role in the discourse that introduced the need for the new office and the proposals for changes in legislation. Research conducted before this study suggest the dominance of state-centric enemy descriptions paused briefly after 9/11, but returned soon into threat discourse. The focus on China's cyber activities fits this trend. The aim of this study is to analyze the type of modern threat scenarios through a linguistic case study on the reporting on Chinese hackers. The methodology of this threat analysis is based on the systemic functional language theory, and realizes as an analysis of action and being descriptions (verbs) used by the American authorities. The main sources of data include the Cybersecurity Act 2009, Securing Cyberspace for the 44th Presidency, and 2008 Report to Congress of the U.S. - China Economic and Security Review Commission. Contrary to the prevailing and popularized terrorism discourse, the results show the comeback of Cold War rhetoric as well as the establishment of a state-centric threat perception in cyber discourse. Cyber adversaries are referred to with descriptions of capacity, technological superiority and untrustworthiness, whereas the ‘self’ is described as vulnerable and weak. The threat of cyber attacks is compared to physical attacks on critical military and civilian infrastructure. The authorities and the media form a cycle, in which both sides quote each other and foster each other’s distrust and rhetoric. The white papers present China's cyber army as an existential threat. This leads to cyber discourse turning into a school-book example of a securitization process. The need for security demands action descriptions, which makes new rules and regulations acceptable. Cyber discourse has motives and agendas that are separate from real security discourse: the arms race of the 21st century is about unmanned war.
Tutkimus sijoittuu konstruktivismin ja kasvatuksen historian alueille. Tutkin diskurssianalyysin keinoin miten opettajiksi opiskelevien tyttö- ja naisoppilaiden poikkeavuuden tulkintoja on luotu, ylläpidetty ja uusinnettu 1860-1960 -lukujen Suomessa. Huomio on siinä miten opettajaseminaarien tyttö- ja naisoppilaiden käyttäytymistä on tulkittu poikkeavaksi opettajakokousten pöytäkirjojen teksteissä; miten poikkeavuutta on luotu diskursseilla - ja miten diskurssit ja niiden tulkinnat ovat olleet sukupuolitettuja. Tutkimusaiheeseen diskurssianalyysi soveltuu niin metodiksi kuin viitekehykseksikin, koska poikkeavuuden, normaalin ja epänormaalin rakentuminen tapahtuu kielenkäytön, vuorovaikutuksen ja sosiaalisen toiminnan keskinäisissä suhteissa. Pyrkimyksenä on tietoisuuden lisääminen niistä prosesseista, joissa näitä poikkeavuuden tulkintoja luotiin. Aineistoni koostuu rangaistustapauksista, jotka ovat kirjattu viiden opettajaseminaarin opettajakokousten pöytäkirjoihin vuosien 1863 - 1962 välisenä aikana. Rikkomustapauksia on yhteensä 1436, joista 194 tyttöoppilaiden tekemiä. Ajanjakso alkaa kansalaisyhteiskunnan ja kansanopetuksen synnystä ja päättyy peruskoulun alkuvaiheisiin. Vaikka seminaarien virallinen ja julkinen säännöstö oli kohdistettu yhtälailla nais- ja miesoppilaille, sisälsivät diskursseihin kätkeytyvät normistot seminaarien tyttö- ja naisoppilaille omat erilliset rajat, joiden ylittäminen teki heistä poikkeavia. Tyttö- ja naisoppilaiden poikkeavuus opettajaseminaareissa on ollut poikkeamista Jumalan säätämästä järjestyksestä, jossa naisella on määrätty paikkansa, asemansa ja tehtävänsä. Kun poika- ja miesoppilaiden normeista ja seminaarien säännöistä poikkeamisia on käsitelty opettajakokouksissa rikoksina, on tyttö- ja naisoppilaiden rikkeitä pyritty näkemään sairauden kaltaisina moraalia ja ymmärrystä heikentävinä tiloina. Ennen kaikkea ne ovat olleet rikkomuksia oikeanlaista naiseutta eli ”tosinaiseuden” mallia vastaan. Naisopettajuuden malli kansan äitinä ja mallikansalaisena sekä nöyrän, alistuvan, vaatimattoman ja säyseän ”tosinaisen” mallit olivat lähes yhdenmukaiset ja ne ovat luoneet ja ylläpitäneet tyttö- ja naisoppilaiden toiseutta. Diskurssit, joilla tätä toiseutta ylläpidettiin, elivät opettajaseminaarien pöytäkirjateksteissä liki sadan vuoden ajan vain painotuserojen muuttuessa hieman. Toivon työni herättävän pohdintaa siitä, mitä saattaisivat olla oman aikamme vastaavanlaiset itsestäänselvyydet, jotka otamme annettuina ja jotka kyseenalaistamattomina totuuksina rajoittavat niin kasvatettavien kuin kasvattajienkin omaksi itsekseen tulemista.
Tutkielmani aiheena on Sarbanes-Oxley -lain vaikutukset suomalaisten pörssiyhtiöiden sisäiseen valvontaan. Tavoitteenani on tutkia, millaisia vaikutuksia Sarbanes-Oxley -lailla on ollut hyvään johtamis- ja hallintojärjestelmään Suomessa ja ennen kaikkea sisäiseen valvontaan. Päästäkseni tavoitteeseen olen tutkinut, mitkä lait, säädökset ja ohjeistukset säätelevät corporate governancea Suomessa ja millainen on näiden ohjeiden sisältö. Olen suorittanut tutkimuksen normatiivisena, eli tavoitteeni on selvittää, millainen hyvän johtamis- ja hallintojärjestelmän pitäisi Suomessa olla, ja miten Sarbanes-Oxley on vaikuttanut näihin vaatimuksiin. Tutkimus on puhtaasti teoreettinen eikä sisällä empiiristä osaa. Corporate governancea ohjaa Suomessa lainsäädäntö ja monet erilaiset lain-säädäntöä täydentävät säädökset. Tärkeimmiksi corporate governancea koskeviksi arvoiksi nousevat riippumattomuus, avoimuus, tiedon läpinäkyvyys ja ennen kaikkearehellisyys. Sarbanes-Oxley laki on tuonut paljon uusia vaatimuksia lain piirissä oleville yhtiöille. Se sisältää paljon ohjeistusta koskien riippumattomuutta.Sarbanes-Oxley - laki on lisännyt tarkastusvaliokunnan roolia yritysten toiminnassa. Yhtiön johdolta SOX vaatii muodollisia todistuksia osallisuudesta talousraportoinnin prosessissa. Sarbanes-Oxley -laki lisää myös yhtiön raportointivaatimuksia merkittävästi, ja tästä syystä tietoa yhtiöistä onkin saatavilla enemmän kuin koskaan. Sarbanes-Oxley -laki on vaikuttanut suuresti yhtiöiden sisäiseen valvontaan. SOX vaatii, että yhtiön on raportoitava sen sisäisessä valvonnassa havaituista heikkouksista. Yhtiön täytyy myös tutkia sen sisäisen valvontajärjestelmän tehokkuutta säännöllisesti. Johdon tai sisäisen tarkastuksen on tehtävä tästä valvonnasta oma raporttinsa. Corporate governancea koskeva lainsäädäntö ja muuohjeistus muuttuu jatkuvasti sekä Suomessa että muualla maailmalla. Kehitystä on seurattava sekä kotimaassa että ulkomailla ja ohjeistusta päivitettävä tarvittaessa.
The thesis discusses the regulation of foodstuffs and medicines, and particularly the regulation of functional foods. Legal systems investigated are the EU and China. Both are members of the WTO and Codex Alimentarius, which binds European and Chinese rules together. The study uses three Chinese berries as case examples of how product development faces regulation in practice. The berries have traditional uses as herbal medicines. Europe and China have similar nutrition problems to be resolved, such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. The three berries might be suitable raw materials for functional foods. Consumer products with health-enhancing functions, such as lowering blood pressure, might legally be classifi ed either as foodstuffs or medicines. The classifi cation will depend on functions and presentation of the product. In our opinion, food and medicine regulation should come closer together so the classifi cation issue would no longer be an issue. Safety of both foodstuffs and medicines is strictly regulated. With medicines, safety is a more relative concept, where benefi ts of the product are compared to side-effects in thorough scientifi c tests and trials. Foods, on the other hand, are not allowed to have side-effects. Hygiene rules and rules on the use of chemicals apply. In China, food safety is currently at focus as China has had several severe food scandals. Newly developed foods are called novel foods, and are specifi cally regulated. The current European novel food regulation from 1997 treats traditional third country products as novel. The Chinese regulation of 2007 also defi nes novel foods as something unfamiliar to a Chinese consumer. The concepts of novel food thus serve a protectionist purpose. As regards marketing, foods are allowed to bear health claims, whereas medicines bear medicinal claims. The separation is legally strict: foods are not to be presented as having medicinal functions. European nutrition and health claim regulation exists since 2006. China also has its regulation on health foods, listing the permitted claims and how to substantiate them. Health claims are allowed only on health foods. The European rules on medicines include separate categories for herbal medicines, traditional herbal medicines, and homeopathic medicines, where there are differing requirements for scientifi c substantiation. The scientifi c and political grounds for the separate categories provoke criticism. At surface, the Chinese legal system seems similar to the European one. To facilitate trade, China has enacted modern laws. Laws are needed as the country moves from planned economy to market economy: ‘rule of law’ needs to replace ‘rule of man’. Instead of being citizens, Chinese people long were subordinates to the Emperor. Confucius himself advised to avoid confl ict. Still, Chinese people do not and cannot always trust the legal system, as laws are enforced in an inconsistent manner, and courts are weak. In China, there have been problems with confl icting national and local laws. In Europe, the competence of the EU vs. the competence of the Member States is still not resolved, even though the European Commission often states that free trade requires harmonisation. Food and medicine regulation is created by international organisations, food and medicine control agencies, standards agencies, companies and their organisations. Regulation can be divided in ‘hard law’ and ‘soft law’. One might claim that hard law is in crisis, as soft law is gaining importance. If law is out of fashion, regulation certainly isn’t. In the future, ‘law’ might mean a process where rules and incentives are created by states, NGOs, companies, consumers, and other stakeholders. ‘Law’ might thus refer to a constant negotiation between public and private actors. Legal principles such as transparency, equal treatment, and the right to be heard would still be important.
The aim of the present dissertation is to investigate the marketing culture of research libraries in Finland and to understand the awareness of the knowledge base of library management concerning modern marketing theories and practices. The study was based onthe notion that a leader in an organisation can have large impact on its culture. Therefore, it was considered important to learn about the market orientation that initiates at the top management and flows throughout the whole organisationthus resulting in a particular kind of library culture. The study attempts to examine the marketing culture of libraries by analysing the marketing attitudes, knowledge (underlying beliefs, values and assumptions), behaviour (market orientation), operational policies and activities, and their service performance (customer satisfaction). The research was based on the assumption that if the top management of libraries has market oriented behaviour, then their marketing attitudes, knowledge, operational policies and activities and service performance should also be in accordance. The dissertation attempts to connect all these theoretical threads of marketing culture. It investigates thirty three academic and special libraries in the south of Finland. The library director and three to ten customers from each library participated as respondents in this study. An integrated methodological approach of qualitative as well as quantitative methods was used to gain knowledge on the pertinent issues lying behind the marketing culture of research libraries. The analysis of the whole dissertation reveals that the concept of marketing has very varied status in the Finnish research libraries. Based on the entire findings, three kinds of marketing cultures were emerged: the strong- the high fliers; the medium- the brisk runners; and the weak- the slow walkers. The high fliers appeared to be modern marketing believers as their marketing approach was customer oriented and found to be closer to the emerging notions of contemporary relational marketing. The brisk runners were found to be traditional marketing advocates as their marketing approach is more `library centred¿than customer defined and thus is in line of `product orientation¿ i.e. traditional marketing. `Let the interested customers come to the library¿ was appeared to be the hallmark of the slow walkers. Application of conscious market orientation is not reflected in the library activities of the slow walkers. Instead their values, ideology and approach to serving the library customers is more in tuneof `usual service oriented Finnish way¿. The implication of the research is that it pays to be market oriented which results in higher customer satisfaction oflibraries. Moreover, it is emphasised that the traditional user based service philosophy of Finnish research libraries should not be abandoned but it needs to be further developed by building a relational based marketing system which will help the libraries to become more efficient and effective from the customers¿ viewpoint. The contribution of the dissertation lies in the framework showing the linkages between the critical components of the marketing culture of a library: antecedents, market orientation, facilitators and consequences. The dissertationdelineates the significant underlying dimensions of market-oriented behaviour of libraries which are namely customer philosophy, inter-functional coordination,strategic orientation, responsiveness, pricing orientation and competition orientation. The dissertation also showed the extent to which marketing attitudes, behaviour, knowledge were related and impact of market orientation on the serviceperformance of libraries. A strong positive association was found to exist between market orientation and marketing attitudes and knowledge. Moreover, it also shows that a higher market orientation is positively connected with the service performance of libraries, the ultimate result being higher customer satisfaction. The analysis shows that a genuine marketing culture represents a synthesis of certain marketing attitudes, knowledge and of selective practices. This finding is particularly significant in the sense that it manifests that marketing culture consists of a certain sets of beliefs and knowledge (which form a specific attitude towards marketing) and implementation of a certain set of activities that actually materialize the attitude of marketing into practice (market orientation) leading to superior service performance of libraries.
Paper presented at the 40th Annual Conference of LIBER (Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche - Association of European Research Libraries) on July 1st, 2011; with the slides used at the presentation.
Over the recent years, development in mobile working machines has concentrated on reducing emissions owing to the tightening rules and needs to improve energy utilization and reduce power losses. This study focuses on energy utilization and regeneration in an electro-hydraulic forklift, which is a lifting equipment application. The study starts from the modelling and simulation of a hydraulic forklift. The energy regeneration from the potential energy of the load was studied. Also a flow-based electric motor speed control was suggested in this thesis instead of the throttle control method or the variable displacement pump control. Topics related to further development in the future are discussed. Finally, a summary and conclusions are presented.
There are vast changes in the work environment, and the traditional rules and management methods might not be suitable for today’s employees anymore. The meaning of work is also changing due to the younger and higher educated generations entering the markets. Old customs need to be re-validated and new approaches should be taken into use. This paper strongly emphasizes the importance of happiness research and happiness at work. The values towards the meaning of work are changing; people demand happiness and quality from all aspects of their lives. The aim of this study is to define happiness - especially at work - and to explain how it can be measured and what kind of results achieved. I also want to find out how the contents of work and the working environment might enhance happiness. The correlation between education and happiness is discussed and examined. I am aware that the findings and theories are concentrating mainly on Western Countries and highlighting the values and work-environments of those societies. The main aim of the empirical study is to find out if there are connections between happiness and work in data collected by World Value Survey in 2005, and if the profession has effects on happiness. Other factors such as the correlation of age, sex, education and income are examined too. I also want to find out what kind of values people have towards work and how these affect the happiness levels. The focus is on two nations: Finland (N=1014) and Italy (N=1012). I have also taken the global comparison within, that is all 54 countries (N=66,566) included in the 5th wave (during the years 2005 -2008) of the World Value Survey. The results suggest that people are generally happy around the world; happiness decreasing with the age, the educated being happier than the uneducated and the employed happier than the unemployed. People working in neat “white collar” jobs are more likely happier than those working in factories or outdoors. Money makes us happier, until certain level is reached. Work is important to people and the importance of work adds happiness. Work is also highly appreciated, but there are more happy people among those who do not appreciate work that highly. Safety matters the most when looking for a job, and there are more happy people among those who have selected the importance of work as the first choice when looking for a job, than among those to whom an income is the most important aspect. People are more likely happy when the quality of work is high, that is when their job consists of creative and cognitive tasks and when they have a feeling of independence.
Tutkielman tavoitteena oli tutkia, millaista on tilintarkastajan kurinpidollinen vastuu ja kuinka tällainen vastuu voi realisoitua käytännössä. Alkuosa käsittelee tilintarkastusjärjestelmää teoreettiselta kannalta, vastaavasti jälkimmäisessä osassa on tutkittu tilintarkastajille langetettuja sanktioita ja niiden määriä. Näiden perusteella on pyritty tekemään johtopäätöksiä rangaistuskäytännöistä ja niiden mahdollisista muutoksista. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että tilintarkastusjärjestelmä on juuri nyt voimakkaan muutoksen alaisena. Vuoden 2007 lakiuudistuksen jälkeen kansainvälistyminen ja EU:n tasoiset säännökset tullevat muokkaamaan tilintarkastusjärjestelmää entisestään. Kaiken kaikkiaan säännökset ovat tilintarkastajilla kuitenkin melko hyvin hallinnassa, sillä keskimäärin 5-10 tapauksessa vuosittain tutkitaan tilintarkastajan toimintaa, mutta vain muutama johtaa kurinpidollisiin toimenpiteisiin.
Soitinnus: jazzyhtye, jousiorkesteri.
Soitinnus: trumpetti, bassoklarinetti, piano, kontrabasso, rummut.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014