36 resultados para Labour productivity
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Diplomityön tarkoituksena oli selvittää uuden tuotannonsuunnitteluohjelman vaatimukset käyttäjien näkökulmasta sekä pyrkiä laatimaan ehdotus yhtenäisestä toimintatavasta eri tuotantoyksiköille. Aluksi esiteltiin tietojärjestelmien hankkimisessa huomioitavia seikkoja, jonka jälkeen kuvattiin uudelle tuotannonsuunnitteluohjelmalle asetettuja vaatimuksia. Vaatimukset oli selvitetty haastattelemalla yksiköiden henkilöstöä ja havainnoimalla heidän päivittäistä työskentelyään. Haastattelun ja havainnoinnin avulla tutustuttiin myös yksiköiden nykyisiin toimintatapoihin. Tämän jälkeen käsiteltiin työn tuottavuuden teoriaa ja mitattiin tuotantoyksiköiden eri henkilöstöryhmien työn tuottavuuksia. Mittaamisen tarkoituksena oli auttaa selvittämään yhdessä toimintatapojen vertailun kanssa parhaita tapoja toimia. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin selkeitä eroja työn tuottavuuksissa eri tuotantoyksiköiden välillä. Todettiin, että erojen syihin tulee kiinnittää huomiota ja pyrkiä pienentämään niitä esimerkiksi omaksumalla paremman työn tuottavuuden omaavan tuotantoyksikön toimintatavat. Todettiin myös, että uuden tuotannonsuunnitteluohjelman käyttöönotto on selkein keino yhtenäistää tuotantoyksiköiden toimintatapoja. Työn tuloksena laadittiin määrittely tuotannonsuunnitteluohjelmalle asetettavista vaatimuksista, joka tulee toimimaan jatkossa ohjelman kehittämisen pohjana. Työssä luotiin myös ehdotus yhtenäisestä tavasta toimia, jota tulee kuitenkin vielä työstää ja keskustella sen sisällöstä eri tuotantolaitosten edustajien kanssa
The fundamental question in the transitional economies of the former Eastern Europe and Soviet Union has been whether privatisation and market liberalisation have had an effect on the performance of former state-owned enterprises. This study examines the effect of privatisation, capital market discipline, price liberalisation and international price exposure on the restructuring of large Russian enterprises. The performance indicators are sales, profitability, labour productivity and stock market valuations. The results do not show performance differences between state-owned and privatised enterprises. On the other hand, the expansion of the de novo private sector has been strong. New enterprises have significantly higher sales growth, profitability and labour productivity. However, the results indicate a diminishing effect of ownership. The international stock market listing has a significant positive effect on profitability, while the effect of domestic stock market listing is insignificant. The international price exposure has a significant positive increasing effect on profitability and labour productivity. International enterprises have higher profitability only when operating on price liberalised markets, however. The main results of the study are strong evidence on the positive effects of international linkages on the enterprise restructuring and the higher than expected role of new enterprises in the Russian economy.
EPC 2006 kansainvälinen tuottavuuskonfrenssi
Productivity and profitability are important concepts and measures describing the performance and success of a firm. We know that increase in productivity decreases the costs per unit produced and leads to better profitability. This common knowledge is not, however, enough in the modern business environment. Productivity improvement is one means among others for increasing the profitability of actions. There are many means to increase productivity. The use of these means presupposes operative decisions and these decisions presuppose informationabout the effects of these means. Productivity improvement actions are in general made at floor level with machines, cells, activities and human beings. Profitability is most meaningful at the level of the whole firm. It has been very difficult or even impossible to analyze closely enough the economical aspects of thechanges at floor level with the traditional costing systems. New ideas in accounting have only recently brought in elements which make it possible to considerthese phenomena where they actually happen. The aim of this study is to supportthe selection of objects to productivity improvement, and to develop a method to analyze the effects of the productivity change in an activity on the profitability of a firm. A framework for systemizing the economical management of productivity improvement is developed in this study. This framework is a systematical way with two stages to analyze the effects of productivity improvement actions inan activity on the profitability of a firm. At the first stage of the framework, a simple selection method which is based on the worth, possibility and the necessity of the improvement actions in each activity is presented. This method is called Urgency Analysis. In the second stage it is analyzed how much a certain change of productivity in an activity affects the profitability of a firm. A theoretical calculation model with which it is possible to analyze the effects of a productivity improvement in monetary values is presented. On the basis of this theoretical model a tool is made for the analysis at the firm level. The usefulness of this framework was empirically tested with the data of the profit center of one medium size Finnish firm which operates in metal industry. It is expressedthat the framework provides valuable information about the economical effects of productivity improvement for supporting the management in their decision making.
The objective of the thesis was to create a framework that can be used to define a manufacturing strategy taking advantage of the product life cycle method, which enables PQP enhancements. The starting point was to study synkron implementation of cost leadership and differentiation strategies in different stages of the life cycles. It was soon observed that Porter’s strategies were too generic for the complex and dynamic environment where customer needs deviate market and product specifically. Therefore, the strategy formulation process is based on the Terry Hill’s order-winner and qualifier concepts. The manufacturing strategy formulation is initiated with the definition of order-winning and qualifying criteria. From these criteria there can be shaped product specific proposals for action and production site specific key manufacturing tasks that they need to answer in order to meet customers and markets needs. As a future research it is suggested that the process of capturing order-winners and qualifiers should be developed so that the process would be simple and streamlined at Wallac Oy. In addition, defined strategy process should be integrated to the PerkinElmer’s SGS process. SGS (Strategic Goal Setting) is one of the PerkinElmer’s core management processes. Full Text: Null
The topic of this study is the language of the educational policies of the British Labour party in the General Election manifestos between the years 1983-2005. The twenty-year period studied has been a period of significant changes in world politics, and in British politics, especially for the Labour party. The emergence educational policy as a vote-winner of the manifestos of the nineties has been noteworthy. The aim of the thesis is two-fold: to look at the structure of the political manifesto as an example of genre writing and to analyze the content utilizing the approach of critical discourse analysis. Furthermore, the aim of this study is not to pinpoint policy positions but to look at what is the image that the Labour Party creates of itself through these manifestos. The analysis of the content is done by a method of close-reading. Based on the findings, the methodology for the analysis of the content was created. This study utilized methodological triangulation which means that the material is analyzed from several methodological aspects. The aspects used in this study are ones of lexical features (collocation, coordination, euphemisms, metaphors and naming), grammatical features (thematic roles, tense, aspect, voice and modal auxiliaries) and rhetoric (Burke, Toulmin and Perelman). From the analysis of the content a generic description is built. By looking at the lexical, grammatical and rhetorical features a clear change in language of the Labour Party can be detected. This change is foreshadowed already in the 1992 manifesto but culminates in the 1997 manifesto which would lead Labour to a landslide victory in the General Election. During this twenty-year period Labour has moved away from the old commitments and into the new sphere of “something for everybody”. The pervasiveness of promotional language and market inspired vocabulary into the sphere of manifesto writing is clear. The use of the metaphors seemed to be the tool for the creation of the image of the party represented through the manifestos. A limited generic description can be constructed from the findings based on the content and structure of the manifestos: especially more generic findings such as the use of the exclusive we, the lack of certain anatomical parts of argument structure, the use of the future tense and the present progressive aspect can shed light to the description of the genre of manifesto writing. While this study is only the beginning, it proves that the combination of looking at the lexical, grammatical and rhetorical features in the study of manifestos is a promising one.
Tämän diplomityön tavoite on tuottaa Päijät-Hämeen kuntien tekniselle toimelle ajatuksia ja ehdotuksia, joilla voidaan vastata lähestyvän työvoimapulan mukana tuleviin ongelmiin. Työn taustalla on neljä teoriaa, joiden avulla asiaa lähestytään. Pääteoria on New Public Management johtamisteoria, jota on käytetty julkisen sektorin tuottavuuden ja tehokkuuden kehittämisessä ympäri maailmaa jo yli kah denkymmenen vuoden ajan. Muut työssä käytetyt teoriat liittyvät innovatiivisuu teen, verkostoitumiseen ja henkilöstön rekrytointiin. Tämän työn teoriaosuus lin kitetään käytäntöön haastattelututkimuksen ja Paras - hankkeen raporttien avulla. Tämän tutkimuksen empiirisessä osassa asioita käsitellään puhtaasti kuntien teknisen sektorin kuuden päätoimialan mukaisesti. Päätoimialat ovat kaavoitus, mit taus, liikennealueet, ympäristönsuojelu, rakennusvalvonta ja toimitilat. Tutkimus tuloksista selviää, että tulevaisuuden kehittämismandollisuudet liittyvät pääosin yhteistyön lisäämiseen ja verkottumiseen. Käytetty teoria tukee johtopäätöksiä, joita tutkimuksen perusteella on tehty. Tutkimuksen lopuksi on annettu suosituksia ja ehdotuksia Päijät-Hämeen kuntien teknisen toimen kehittämistä varten.
Statistics show that the expanding service sector accounts already for three quarters of GDP in the developed economies. Moreover, there is abundant evidence on high variation in productive performance across the service industries. This suggests divergent technological and institutional trajectories within the tertiary sector. While conceptual knowledge on services and their performance has accumulated substantially, the overall landscape on productivity and competitiveness is still inconclusive. As noted by number of authors the research on service productivity is still in its infancy. The purpose of this paper is to develop further the analytical framework of service productivity. The approach is based on the notion that service definitions, classifications and performance measurement are strongly interdependent. Given the ongoing restructuring of businesses activities with higher information content, it is argued that the dichotomy between manufacturing and services should not be taken too far. Industrial evolution also suggests that the official industry classifications are increasingly outdated and new taxonomies for empirical research are therefore needed. Based on the previous analyses and new insights the paper clarifies the debated concept of service productivity and identifies the critical dimensions by which the service industries cluster. It is also demonstrated that the dimensions enable to construct new service taxonomies which bear essentially on productivity opportunities at the business level. Needles to say the key determinant explaining the development and potential of productivity growth is innovation activity. As an extensive topic of research, however, service innovation is tackled here only in a cursory way. The paper is constructed as follows: the first section focuses on the conceptual issues and evolving nature of service activities. A workable definition of service should capture the diversity of service activities, as well as the aspects of service processes, comprehensively. The distinctions and similarities between services and manufacturing are discussed, too. Section 2 deals with the service productivity, a persistent and controversial issue in academic literature and policy. With the assessments of strengths and weaknesses of the main schools new insights based on value creation will be brought in. Industry classifications and taxonomies are discussed in Section 3. It begins with a short analysis of the official classifications and their evaluation from the perspective of empirical research. Using well-known examples it is shown that the taxonomies on the manufacturing industries have a clear analogy with the business services. As there is a growing interest to regroup services too, the work to date, has been less systematic and inherently qualitative. Based on the earlier contributions threedimensional service taxonomy is constructed which highlight the key dimensions of productive performance. The main findings and implications are summed up in Section 4.